Monday, September 30, 2024

Welcome to Gravacity!

Welcome to Gravacity!

I have been anticipating my C#-Part 2 NWTC course in the second term of the Fall Semester and within it, a game I must develop as a team. I have been reading Entity Framework 2.x, watching different youtube channels on project management and expectations of roles to fulfill or maneuver around on a professional level, and really paying attention to my ASP.NET material to carry over. I know this isn't enough but even thinking in story modes, challenges, point of the game is proving to be a time cruncher! I have been sketching multiple different game scenarios and I still am not satisfied! I think its good but sit on it for a day and turn around to tossing everything out to be left with the bare bones. 
I also find this interesting for the game creation dilemma of using IGT SDK (Software Developer Kits) to do this in my future career in the gaming industry for casino engineering (which, technically, there is none at this point). I began with this intention and I do want to fulfill it. I firstly want to do this and then create a testing facility for other software developers in the gaming industry to create one. I think its commendable, rejuvenating, fun, and can pivot a developer into a career they want with experience in networking, revenue creation, bug fixes, project management, preventative maintenance code, and more!

Idea 1:
Welcome to Gravacity! is the name I wanted to use for a scenario of using storage techniques in the form of a game. I wanted to see how relative database structures with connecting based on the file system archiving could be handled within range. So, once the storage size couldn't be reached any further, how did the system auto-correct itself without needing to be defragmented by initially installing connections with a different imagery involved. The platform we are working with is unknown (fingers crossed for Entity Framework) so I generally have an idea of what I am working with since I know its going to take me longer than other active programmers. But, the world coordinates and basic C# structures shouldn't be too much of an issue - however, in ASP.NET I seem to be recursing a navigation mishap! 

Anyways, the sketches are trying to: add, add, add, values, add, add, add, values, and add to the first values again without breaking the pattern. Gravity + C# or Gravity + Storage/Memory spaces in a city like idea of laying down the foundation and trying to modify it afterwards as the impossible in explaining the name and concept of game. 

Idea 2:
I had another sketch of tic-tac-toe, using a current model for curriculum I'm working on with binary neutralities and how a perfect binary combination could be disrupted - by understanding and configuring the start/end series as how the flipping switch occurs. This might be more difficult in a series binary sequence to interpret so I began working with a tic-tac-toe grid in a game. 
It's decent but still not working as I would like it to. 
Logic concept lacks quality, connection to educational goals is missing, and putting in a slot reel video game is not really ideal either. 

Did you know in a tic-tac-toe grid, the only non-fluid boxes are in tac (tic and toe are corners where they contain both positive and negative if all directions are inclusive - counter and clockwise). 

Idea 3: 
Just stick to random number generators in a game.

That's as far as I got. Still working on it. Enjoying this process thoroughly! I wish I could talk to my son about this, he would definately have more insight as a qualified specialist on the subject. He is who inspires this genre within programming with me and why I would love to create a game with him someday. We started with story boards - a character named Conekli. It might have been too little too late for that relationship and it faltered. Hopefully we can pick it up later, for his offspring might want something entertaining from us to step forward with in their own expertise. You never know. I'm just glad to be preparing for those days now!


Saturday, September 14, 2024

Little to No Experience - Personal Statement

 Little to No Experience..


What qualifies you in 2024 going into 2025 as a mentorship advocate is a role that you take on for reasons only you know. I am preparing to take the next step with the community group I started last year (2023) during my peer-to-peer ratio calculations and realized I have been outside of my Indigenous community and out of touch with many factors that create belonging, duty, and dependability traits that reflect onto generational reputations that we rely on for multiple stronghold character notations. I began the group right away, setting up a location, showing up, starting the blog, writing another one alongside this one. I didn't want to seem over-indulged by promoting myself and this gem of a keepsake during this journey so I began an entirely new group to help others shine in their own personal interests and self-taught technological bearings. 

It's been difficult getting feedback, participants, and response overall. There isn't interest in IT Field topics and I'm not sure if its responded well if it involves reading. I have attended and hosted different events relevant to new subjects that involve outside world catastrophe's in job security, costs, and availability as a limited feature of free platforms to use without any response from the community. I wrote about it... but did they read it?

Underrepresented Population - Native America

1. Native Americans are at the highest poverty level rate of any demographic in the U.S. (AI Response - Native America in IT Field)
2.Roughly 1% of Native American/Alaskan Native students receive associate's degrees in computer science. Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander students are at 0.4%. ( 
3. In 2021, the opioid related overdose mortality rate for Native Americans was 38.7 deaths out of 100,000 in the population nationwide. Higher than the national average. (

Unavailable Data

1. How many people attend pow-wows. This is not found online because it is not taken seriously to keep data reports or intake at healthy functions to curb reputational statistics. 

2. The American Indian Religious Freedom Act of 1978 (AIRFA) protects the rights of Native Americans to exercise their traditional religions by ensuring access to sites, use and possession of sacred objects, and the freedom to worship through ceremonials and traditional rites. (42 U.S.C. 1996) - They have been working on preserving their culture, language, and customs in a modern setting with regenerational impacts of mainstream luxuries that include lifestyle changes, services, political agendas, and continue to strive for health in the community. This history is unavailable in written texts with the Native American scope due to oral translation and living memory customs that are no longer active or deceased. 

3. The 2020 Census revealed that approximately 9.7 million people registered as Native American or Alaskan Native alone or in combination with another race - which raised the indicator to 2.9% in total population. With 3.7 million identifying as AI/AN alone, making up 1.1% of the population; most (87%) of those identifying as AI/AN live outside of tribal statistical areas, with only 13% residing on reservations or trust lands. 
Based on federal regulations in blood quantum, the extra blended inclusions that raised population numbers may not be effective pro-activity but a barrier that is beginning to build an encasement around the people of who belongs. Further identity crises and trauma of acceptance and rights in services, ceremonies, and policies of concern. 
There is no legal verbiage or traditional resolution on blended people and its data.

Solutions is an inter-tribal religious entity to solve the traditional preservation in peace. Allowing inter-tribal and blended ascendants to begin religious curriculum in lieu of the Great American Eclipse (2017 - 2024). It is an acceptance of a full identity that aims for all of America amongst the multi-blended people without religion, direction, purpose. Purpose is believed to be a type of happiness that mankind aspires to and when without can depress production within that citizen. is an IT Group based in Northeast Wisconsin that is expanding into Wisconsin Technology Resource Group (WTRG) to include all tribal affairs in IT as a resource, mentorship, and membership knowledge hub overall with IT Topics.


There are other local solutions within each respective area and it is always a transition, not just for us, but for all people in the world. Technology is vastly improving and at a very fast speed. Those agendas are beginning to separate another learned lifestyle of work, paycheck, spend into a technical sense of type of work, salary, save with AI assisted tools, applications, and modern luxuries that we need to survive. Culture has to survive Luxury now and it is creating high-risk in youth with drug, alcohol, and other dependency drug issues with Murdered & Missing Indigenous campaigns. 
This is the world I represent in my Software Developer journey as a teen mother (he is now an adult, doing just fine by the way - I am very proud of him in so many subjects). I am preparing for grandchildren at some point and concerned about the demographics, statistics, and learning environments they will be stepping into. Can we keep doing this or do we run and hide in America for fear of being dragged down to our wits end?

I gotta keep trying. 


Sunday, August 25, 2024

Writing with acrylic fingernail clicks on the keyboard...

 Technical Writing 101: A Real World Guide to Planning and Writing Technical Content

3rd Edition covers Web 2.0 and DITA
by Alan S. Pringle and Sarah S. O'Keefe
Copyright 2000-2009 Scriptorium Publishing Services, Inc.

I intend to reference this for technical writing later but found some of these snippets interesting, informative, or otherwise useful knowledge. These are snippets from the above mentioned reference and within the text, it provides obsolete information or writing processes that is explained on the website from the publisher. This is such a good read (so difficult to make relatable/daily conversational vocabulary work in a technological document), I highly recommend for the budding IT enthusiast!

Technical Writing Snippet by Scriptorium Publishing, Inc.

Snippet from Technical Writing by Scriptorium Publishing, Inc.

Snippet3 from scriptorium publishing, inc.

What I found in the pdf:

Snippet from


This last tidbit of advice has me at an advantageous point if this practice isn't configured into a programming style of doing documentation now. With placeholders, HTML, ASP.NET, and other tools for web developers, why can't this be programmed? We have the same data but need to update/maintain its integrity... can this not be planned?

Or is this a new type of IT Documentation in the future?

Note: Hence the title, there was much cut and paste action in this post!


Saturday, August 24, 2024

Happiness and the Human Ecology

 This is a review after reading the Green Bay Press-Gazette's headliner from the August 18, 2024 Sunday newspaper: America has a happiness problem by Natalie Eilbert from the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel.

Happiness and the Human Ecology

I had some questions arise about the data collected in the studies for enacting prompt response entrusting the common definitions we declare in happiness. 

Firstly, the data, what is it based from?

Socioeconomic factors were considered along with surveys that were written as a foundation for basing the research collected by health organizations (on youth, mental issues, suicide rates) along with the Healthy Minds program at UW-Madison application used to collect data to analyze the overall healthy state of its users. Alongside local efforts, a global "Happiness Report" is conducted with International data to compare with the continuous research of the well-being of its citizens. 

Secondly, the time period, was it considered?

The technology, time period, and age were big factors of this article. The age group that was determined unhappy fell within the range of teenager to middle-aged groups. Seniors were considered their happiest at the present time in comparison. 
I read this and immediately gravitated to the technological gap and luxury relaxing and aiding in their lifetimes. More time, less damage to health, expense reduction, consumer promoted societal standards, and better health distributions in food, inspection, and agriculture practices overall. Their happiness definitions would include these factors. 
However, the younger generations who seem to have base lined through the last couple of decades since their birth may not have felt drastic change like the previous generations. The first global catastrophe drastically altered life paths of many in their generation. If we could compare this to other global impacts, they were the least in danger and yet have suffered severe withdrawal habits that have altered their sense of reality and reaction. Not all were damaged during this time but the tremendous amount of loss (death) from Covid-19, loss of income, loss of a sense of footing in what was definitive to prosperity had changed their outlook on life after. They did not have back-up plans, they did not have savings, they did not have money for death arrangements, they did not have a plan on this alternative route. Everyone suffered a little bit and if they were not accustomed to it, felt the damage of it emotionally. 

Thirdly,  what does happiness attribute best with before Covid-19 and after?

Before Covid-19, happiness was a future projection of the American dream. College, Career, Marriage, Home, Family, Retirement. This was an undisturbed foundation that we based our happiness from. If you did not have it in this order, you would not be able to attain respectable accomodations inclusive to leadership qualities. Those that continued without this order, were adept to recover from Covid-19 and coped well in my opinion. With so much time on our hands, in my community, drug issues rose very drastically. Revenue became unstable and unsupportive which threatened the resources created from it which sparked panic (later an eye-opener for present state and future states we did not know we were unprepared for that happened sooner for us to adjust). Another issue in the happiness factor was realizing our living standards had receded into larger groups and bigger family spaces to support each other in a traditional sense. It does give the insightful recoil of pressure to violate the law to remain masculine in some mentalities rather than resort to parental adobes as well. 
After Covid-19, there is much repair. It has cost recovery, healing, and maintaining health to another degree for those affected by drug use. There's no change in the revenue but the time off had sped up technological advances that are cost ensuing to the gaming industry (and other online services, languages, platform performance and preferred services to integrate for security, features, new standards). Some thrived in the virtual office and work place around the world which began an exclusive competitive gain in the down-time that is being revealed to us slowly now that the offices have opened up and are regularly staffed. Happiness now is with those that overcame and persisted. 

Lastly, is happiness defined within us properly?

Happiness has been a huge beneficial factor in my personal life. To ignite a passionate love and let happiness in personal endeavors flicker its colors while its created light burst achevements to continue and celebrate have helped in dissolving a relationship. To want happiness for each other and support each other's strive for it was key. It wasn't reciprocated but the idea of it was enough. Happiness is a contentful stage of civility to uppend life luxury to be a productive citizen of no concern to changing it. If we understand our place as what creates our happiness by our actions we will value it. If we understand the comparison of others we see them as taking advantage of their own opportunities. That lifts the comparison beyond a doubt into an inactive state to prolong the life of happiness. 
When we measure emotions with questions and evaluate this data, the influences of our life affect our definitive responses and we are accetable to range to qualify our responses. If we could program happiness based on our technological profiles, profession, events, charitable contributions, services, programs of health, and profiles on social media - we would be more self-conscious in those decision-makings. Voila! Happy as we see fit. 
The age group affected in this study require more attention to define their self (also part of the article in defining the types of happiness they were looking for - purposeful being the lack of needed in life declarations). It's the American identity that is beginning to form in the happiness studies in comparison to the world. We are slowly dropping our satisfaction in life and our traditional identities are maintaining as usual. What are we doing wrong? What do they want that have no words or idea for? What are we missing in our eclectic public of good manners and customer serviceship? 

I think the scope from which we learn (mainly European descendency) is beginning to see the first steps of monoculturalism and want to reinforce a life support in happiness to shape a new culture of the future. But, what is it? 

I just want to recommend Tsha Tewahsana for inter-tribal lineages and future blended ascendants of Indigenous perspectives to trust in individualism by working towards these goals as a professional in your career field. It is an option, evaluate your intake, and perform for yourself until you discover your higher attained purpose (usually the mid-life crises). It's something in us that begins to die, preparing our belief, strengthening them, and reinforcing old wounds by addressing our personal dominance throughout our life. 


Sunday, August 18, 2024

Intro to Python with

 Intro to Python - Who is this best for?

So far, I love it. I understand it, terminology is perfect. Explanation, very easy. The code editor works just like a web browser console with fast response and it has worked into multiple error handles to easily explain what happened with the debugger. However, I am a programming student, and I recall doing this in my courses and getting frustrated about what I was creating errors on and how to correct it. 

The debugger still reads like a coded document, explaining to you what the error is, where to find it, and sometimes in generalization concepts since it could not find your quirky idea of what the answer was. 
I also noticed that the program doesn't give you exact instructions and ends up having solutions with things that it has not touched on yet. Certain keywords, organization, logical maneuvering for fast results not specified results for answers. You have to go through the process to understand each error you throw. If you're learning how to code, expect to encounter every error possible, and pay attention to how it is corrected! Very important for future languages you will embark on later.

Some of Python I don't like - it feels very open ended when coding, I like the conversion portions (unlike C# where it is strict and dragged out that now seems perhaps a little bit daunting and overtly done), and is exactly as designed to do - read easily for non-academic programmers who want to know the core concepts and basic terminology.

The dashboard is simple, the price is affordable, and you can do it at your own convenience. I don't have to close my window and re sign-in (love)! I enjoy how they organize their lessons and learning from it. I have been busy during the off-season from my course work and doing this before my classes start up is such a big eye-opener on what did not stick but how fast I was able to catch on again. I was worried when I couldn't remember how to nest an if-statement and felt very slow on the logic concepts of results that I remembered its about the speed of the program and what I am programming to close with I/O control. It was embarrassing but comforting. I just kept repeating the program until I could talk my way through and pour the code out without looking at the correct answer. Enjoyable review time. 

Doing this I feel more confident to go into a regular python course for the certification but also just want to list it with this website since I will have goals on obtaining my degree. Is this something that will be accredited for time well spent online and worthy of mentioning on my resume? How did I learn Python - I'm sure there are certificates made from the website...

The one thing I am worried about is the community I want to serve with Python Intro Courses to gain an interest with it. Will they understand? What speed they will be first going will not be zooming through the lessons but at a slower pace - will they retain that knowledge? If these lessons could stagger and create joint lesson reviews to integrate what they are learning with a past request - the variety of it, to be inclusive to memory in repetitive forms so they can build the speed of getting through a program with what is being asked. I think this builds confidence and esteem to categorize the syntax on a priority list of how its structured. 

Images below are a couple of snippets from in the lessons I covered and found enlightening in my review time: snippet

This was interesting because I tried declaring a number first and then throwing it in the if-else statement. Obviously not working. I enjoyed this because the program uses the if expression to go straight at it with what the user provided as being divisible by what creates an even number - else it was odd outside of that parameter. The modulus operator is not division! It returns the remainder of dividing user_number by 2 or half, where this would ultimately occur to be 0 or something else. snippet2
I totally got this wrong first attempt because I forgot to deduct the hours already calculated as base pay and THEN add overtime rate with remaining hours. I don't like the mathematical expression written out in line 5 but it works. I prefer variableNames in these as well to declare and use for the whole program (good habits to have) modifications. snippet3
Alright, so we have all been through this countless times in the grading program example, except this one was a little bit different. The elif statement is inclusive to the if statement. I did this obviously with all if statements and got it wrong since python uses inclusive to a continuous range with elif that is much easier to use. It is like a switch case statement except the else rounds-up all other answers whereas the switch case statement creates that default outro. 

That's all I got for now - if you haven't already subscribed to my blog - click the '_Mischief' signature at the bottom of this blog or input your email with the handle at the top right of this webpage. It will prompt you when I write new posts to check out what I write next! 


Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Time Management & Schedule of Events

 Single? Cooking, Cleaning, & Coding...

Time Management - _Mischief
Peel-Mask while cleaning. _Mischief. Adobe Express. 2024

24 hours in a day - that's all you have to sleep, eat, stretch/exercise, clean home, decide outfit, maintain hygiene issues, shop, cook, pay bills, privy time, and traveling time (plus fueling up). 
Out of these main essentials in life you also have to work. 
After all of that, you can do what you need, like study a programming language or read the newspaper. 

Effective Time Management is planning ahead and double-tasking to clear up time restraints so you can lazily proceed with the same amount of tasks you plan on achieving in that one day. 

  • I like to soak my feet while reading.
  • Wear a peel mask while sweeping and mopping.
  • Doing the dishes while cooking and adding meal prep and budgeting easy meals for future consideration. I have an erasable marker I jot notes on my fridge with for reminders like this!
  • Sign up for events/find spare time at work and do more important reading.
  • I asked on my personal social media for a sponsor family for dinners to include me while I budget $100 for a 3X a week eat-in to help save time with cooking/cleaning/shopping for home-cooked meals.
  • I save my drinking water that I don't consume and give to my one house plant (tap water isn't the best option sometimes). Also, I encourage others to turn off the shower water - I have a bad habit of not doing it because I don't have 10 kids plus their children to consume our water supply - so I splurge most times (not all the time - your welcome.)
  • Scrolling is the devil. Stay away!!
Aside from coursework, work, and more work - I will be attending these events! Some are weather pending. Hopefully you engage yourself in community events and support causes that you find appropriate to your America!

Schedule of Events for _Mischief

August 17, 2024 (Saturday)
7th Annual Chad Miller Memorial Ride

7th Memorial Ride - CM
I will be at this event to help support the family of Chad Miller who was lost too soon to a motorcycle accident. Funds raised go to his children from his friends and support network from the community during their tragic loss. 

**Good turn-out even with the weather having sporadic rainshowers!

August 17, 2024
8p - 9p
Hot Air igNight Market Downtown Green Bay

Huge hot air balloons will be docked downtown Green Bay to highlight the igNight Market they host as a special event. There will be opportunity to take pictures of hot air balloons docked along the Fox River!

**Did not attend but it was still open to the public - I was already rained out from the first event this day!

August 29, 2024
Kunhi:yo Event (Overdose Awareness) 
Oneida Hotel - Green Bay, Wisconsin
9am to ~2pm

This event I will be serving as a community group advocate for Northeast Wisconsin - Technical Resource Group (NEW-TRG) as an alternative option for time and money. The community social service scenery will be full and plenty while NEW-TRG is hoping to recruit interested people in the IT Field, IT Topics, and personal projects they want to learn. These are approachable goals and in occupations we need a community in. Definately hope to see a good turn out to find interested people wanting to change their lives for the better!

**Itinerary for this event is catapulting Overdose Awareness resources for the National recognition. Oneida Nation Resources are available and open for public awareness for groups, treatment facilities, therapies of all kinds and other interests in the community to grasp attention to live healthy. Having the resource available and researching into topics to progress in tribal gaming is one of the main stressors I tried to create. The more knowledge and input we can have at a knowledgeable pace will benefit us all (employee base, networking, and customer along with memberships altogether). 

Running Strong for American Indian Youth 30 Day Challenge
September 2024

This event is a monthlong fundraising opportunity I have linked with my Facebook profile. Sorry to those who try to add, I maintain this as a personal account for personal community contact. I will be fundraising for this event while doing 30 miles within the month of September dedicated to supporting Native American Youth!

I failed this challenge! My body couldn't finish my miles, I believe I had 12.5 miles to go with 4 days to complete. My time management during this month was a huge factor (grades are perfect so far along with bills paid) and priorities came into the forefront. As for the cause, it helped me to stop spiritually - I felt a release and my feet, legs, mind instantly felt better. Congraulations to those who made it and were able to raise funds for the cause! You are greatly deserved and appreciated! Thank you for such a wonderful challenge!

Community First Fox Cities Marathon presented by Miron Construction
1478 Midway Drive   Menasha, WI 54952
September 21, 2024

I will be at this event doing the small 5K RUN/WALK Event for Cancer. I would have liked to sign up for the 10K event but I have lost my mother to Cancer and wanted to support the cause and check out the community for the marathon in this category. I know there are awesome support networks and I will be keeping my eye out for other events like this one! 

I did this event alone! It was well put together, and I was running late but got to the start line with literally 3 minutes before we began crossing into the race itself. I finished at about an hour and 4 minutes doing this 5K. Not my typical conditioning leading into this event but I did manage to enjoy it. I encourage anyone to try for this marathon (the full and half marathons were cancelled due to weather, I guess its the second year in a row!) and know that you can use service dogs, push strollers, and for local driving to watch out for the participants because they are priority in road crossings/intersections! They hooked us up with goodie bags with coupons, gifts, and a finisher medallion with a wisconsin emblem (very nice!) upon finishing. Very good time!


Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Traffic Safety Council - August 2024

Outagamie County TSC

Traffic Safety Council Meeting
August 11, 2024
Outagamie County Highway Commissioner's Office
1313 Holland Rd. Little Chute, WI 54140 USA

Photo by Davis Sánchez:
                                                                                                                                    Photo by Davis Sánchez

Main Content

  • Finishing projects in Seymour and WIS-76/School Road were opened on Saturday (August 21, 2024). 
  • The Highway State Patrol is pulling in extra shifts for I-41 to reduce crash numbers. 
  • Year-to-date fatality reports is at 310 with 267 crashes for Outagamie County (this is an improvement).
  • Data collected focusing on "crash aggressive" icons of speed, impact, cause, etc. to safeguard future public safety precautions. 
  • 305 Roundabout Intersections constructed in 2024 where there is a projection of 68% less crashes to occur at these intersections thus far. 
  • Teen Driver Impact Workshops are available for those that are teaching new motorist skills - check the pdf link for information here
  • Swing Gate installations on long-stretches of highways. Small gates that swing open in planned locations in the central positions of highways for emergency purposes/responder time reduction.

New Business

  • A question was raised if motorcyclists have any issues with the rumble strips on highway roads (they are found in central roadways for attention upon lane deviation). 
  • The cut grass alongside the roadways has a one-pass policy for cutting grass and this does not include checking for animals prior to cutting it to clear them out in their safety. 
  • There is no database current for any new upturned soils with old seeds or revived plants afterwards being documented. There was a volunteer group called "Wild Ones" but it fell through and there is no other data to be used from their expeditions in the ditches. 
  • Suggestive to curb the appetite and sleeping flora/fauna in the ditches to begin a preventative maintenance plan with biodiversity suggestions to protect animal and other budgetary expenses - cutting grass, saving any culverts being shredded in cutting grass, other equipment damages, fuel intake, risk to employee alongside highway, etc. I did mention the 100-year old plant found near a site after construction in personal searches for a wild dandelion and if there were any seeds that were found/maintained. How often this occured and documented was new information. 
Next Meeting is November 12 at 10:30AM, same venue. 

Welcome to Gravacity!

Welcome to Gravacity! I have been anticipating my C#-Part 2 NWTC course in the second term of the Fall Semester and within it, a game I must...