Showing posts with label Subject Review. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Subject Review. Show all posts

Friday, September 22, 2023

How Do You Convert a C# 2-D Array DataType Anyways?

string[] arrayName = new string[SIZE];

This 2-D Array was filled with two different dataTypes.
This file had a name at the top and double dataTypes within the file. 

Resolve with using the StreamReader to open the file contents and put into a string array to scan this 2-D Array and find its normal readings (counted), all the higher readings (counted) and all the lower readings (counted). And basically let the program compare the file to your hard coded 2D Array. 

Sounds easy. 

Figure ME out C#

Methods for this? 

There is no 2-D dataType conversion available, currently with Microsoft.Learns, the C# Programming textbook, or the Stack OverFlow Forums. So. What do you do? 

I am hoping someday to reflect back onto this blog posting so I can update with a valid solution. I want to know the intensity of this assignment and what skill level was needed to require the proper application results and be able to have a solution with this program in operable condition. 

Converting DataTypes

The parse methods are basically used. What other way is there to convert data types? I had seen in a Microsoft.Learns demo how to assign from an array's elemental location this, seemed to work, but running in the IDE it did not produce results. 

string to int; int to double; double to decimal; 
You know you have seen the measuring cup change and using the bits to bytes to mB to (capital) MB differences for converting memory to reserve for the program. The less, the better. 
So, why can't we have a method that is run (like a ToString(); or an embedded method) to automatically clip these conversions? 
DataType enforcement does take up time in the programming sections that often rely on multiple methods, lines of extra code to convert and back again if necessary. 

So, in my world of dataType conversions - is this an obsolete skill? Why can't I just have this knowledge readily available if it is supposed to be one of the easiest questions any developer could be asked. How do you change this dataType to the next? 
Well, to make it difficult, let's ask what about 2-D Arrays? Multi-dimensional Arrays in general, for multi-column files with different data.length to compensate. 

Is that all programming is? Conversion? 


Trim.Select(Program Name);

And that would take care of:

Overused dataType structures that are separating the int, double, decimal, string, static, bool, etc. into what we understand how to classify them and identify them as well from memory storage conflictions. 

What other hassles have you had with dataType conversions? How much time? Assignment grades? 

If we are going to learn this programming language, why not create the learning environment, off-season, prep time material to bypass this wasted amount of time! I want to be prepared for this course and be able to still live! I waste too much time learning a programming code without valid results. It's choppy material, puzzle peices to programs that don't apply most times to the actual assignment, or able to identify the assignment concepts with what is provided to you. 

If its a tech school. WRAP these assignments with the necessary tools, concepts, and the only thing needed for the assignment. Don't give us the whole book and expect us to not waste our time. Plus, it leads to more questions and wanting to reference (well, what about this time when this worked). 

Let us build a notebook online for notes from students about questions they had on the material for feedback and improvement. The skill building concepts with syntax, position, why, where, how, and using what tools worked. How to manipulate those tools. How to strategize with those tools. Then we will see finer results with student success with programming. We really need a teaching style to modify the business concepts that are being used (check out the review on the "What Developers Need To Know Now" article) by providing our feedback and upgrading our teaching style to keep developing the skills needed. 

I hate the time to finish the semester - it doesn't do anything for today's learning environment. The grading rubric is great for project checklists and expectations. The time is not for everyone, however, and that should remain open-ended until the student develops it. Why are we stuck in the same position, with a group, for? Is this schedule so difficult that we cannot determine when we are available to finish this work as adults? What is expected is documented. We know it can affect our graduation time and other classes but we should not be punished for not keeping pace. The idea is to learn. 
When are we going to create a learning environment? 
We do realize we have different generational techs in the classroom and their influential environment does range! 

There are solutions. 


Monday, March 6, 2023

Social Science - 1970's Bio

 Series VI: Minority Groups and Guidance

Indian Students and Guidance
John F. Bryde
University of South Dakota
Copyright 1971

The specific copyright for this book states that no form may be recorded or documented in electronic forms (or any form) without written permission. I will be stating a reflection piece of this monograph series. 


I just want to remind everyone about Native American literature as a translation of integration. Native Americans have a value system that is not materialistic, Mr. Bryde does explain this from his perspective and reveals that it was the goal to change the character path settings for Native American in their education settings. I had researched his name and came across his obituary and how the community he worked with talked with humor, respect, and loss with his passing. It changed the way I read this book. I was more accepting to his perspective to demystify that missioner relation with their community involvement and appreciated his ability to state his educational opinion/teaching without personal victories. I felt like he knew more than stated and loved that part untold.

Being Native American in 2023, I am ashamed of the people who hound spiritual blessings to remain intact as respect. Respect is earned. The validity of being given any preferential reciprocation requires the person to undergo experiences that encounter its expertise of survival and lesson. The lesson's provided in life as reality are real, and in a man or woman, they are forgotten of footing to progress as each footing requires assistance. This handicapped mentality did not survive winters, child rearing, and fortunate tides. It has been brash to flare as the weak point of society and civility to encounter peace with the immobilization to magnify its detriment. 
Compassion in measures that endure priority over self is unreal. Even by modern standards. Survivalism is not compassionate to lost time with historical figures that can provide wise connections, but what variety was there to offer? The sociological plot expelled a few characters from being encountered at the sight of conversation with other men. These men defined a partnership that we learn about as a dominant review to relish as true. 
The untold stories, the forgotten stories, the encounter of women and their women folk in past time and modern time. The children of each encounter throughout time. The changed moralities and diversification to mainstream society have endured countless characters that reformed before they could exist. 
That began to exist as one. 
The ideals that exist, the characters of lesson, the mythic political beliefs that organize this world as one - can change. 

Right now, emotion as detrimental figures of historical trauma are magnified to enhance respect of its survival. Of progress. Of imitation. This will change and change again. There is a new 'oneness' to exist, as relation can see fit for its environment. 

I am ashamed because this has been forgotten and capsized for another type of people to conceive one world that we have blindly walked into by forgetting to explain truth in a circle is only for those that can fit in the circle. These external privileges provide us a world to step out of, but what they needed - was to be dependent upon first! They lost these privileges for being short-sighted and incompetent to relate time of encountering new ways into lesson through story by embracing a survival (and not counter-intuition and transformative education and commerce and relations after encounter). We boasted first. That firsthand of help was eager to forget the world of its priorities if all we can do is be of assistance that we know - you're a human being, at the same time, in the same place, in the same world - you know how to live. You know how to survive it. We are talking, here, and now (seasonal offerings are shorthanded in the wake of new religious freedom and embarking upon expansion to affixed eyes of capitalist and kingdoms in their name instead. They know how to survive already and we didn't want to make dependent neighbors.).

I am much too young to encounter these dilemmas while my elders remain apart from this type of character. It is teaching me beyond the modern world what was learned much before contact. These are not easily encountered, and, in its presence, I encounter historical records and recognize the error. 
The relationships between these documented interviews, references, resource of knowledge have to be remembered as Q&A. These are not full depictions of how the actual Native Americans were. There is so much more, but if you cannot see it for what it is, you may rely heavily on these prints as decipherable knowledge that you read right past your calling as if it were you who were doing the Q&A and mightily believe word for word. 

This is part of identity loss, when those who speak good of you, blind your will to read your calling. You would rather hear those around you speak of heroism from your presence. These are small pushes of that instilled survival aspect that belittles so much more qualitative reasoning as to who we are. 

I enjoy having this in my collection and I cannot wait to teach my younger generations by instilling further yet, more values that can consistently inherit these beliefs as partially stated. Until then, I conversate with modern America and enjoy our talks. The work done thus far, from what I have read, is amazing. Great insight. In tune with their self, their language, and their respect. I admire their work and understand the barriers, the time, the self-collection in work, the poise of expertise to perform in future scrutiny. It is well stated for the topic of defining the Indian student, throughout time. 

Religion, Native American, and American value systems. The new solution with inter-tribal (multiple types of Native American ancestry/nations) knowledge and future impacts of gained knowledge in the absence of one community is Tsha Tewahsana (Its In The Middle). A religious movement started with the Great American Eclipse (August 21, 2017 to April 8, 2024). 
Tsha Tewahsana

One in place is heard when they describe relation from history. What they do not describe is one in the future. Upon encountering this new person, they failed me in my time, by not answering the question for me - but for them. 
Note: This cannot be reiterated due to the copyright within this text. The "one" factor arrives from relation to all things as we see in sustenance and creation as best as we can describe in communication. Everything arrives from one as kinship explains, in those beliefs. 
What I refer to, are the diverse kinds of people not from these lands and into blended societies of the world. We are different, even if we may appear the same humankind, and so, this is the reference I depict in those teachings and direction of our elders. They do not speak for the future, they speak of their history, apart from the world. 
Below are websites to coordinate that release and responsibility to have an inter-tribal, blended societal role to fulfill with the citizens that we have now. 

I got your answer in each direction but let's focus on only one - In the Middle, for future value transitions to incorporate the intangible and internet guided toolsets with our unique approach to solution, let alone, survival. How we really survive is continuously adapting to our environment and improving with our available tools (however it is available). 


Wednesday, February 22, 2023

What is the Title for a Futuristic Librarian?


Punctual Privilege

Not everything is science-fiction, in regard to future outlines of expectations, to greet upon establishing a futuristic agenda. I am searching for the futuristic librarian that emulates a role in punctually privileged citizens to grant access into a group of critics made solely on characterizing constitutional reiterations that catapult us, as a society, into the next world. Something that changes money. Commerce. Education systems. Time Management Systems and its priorities. Human Life comparisons and direct guidance programming. Language. Culture. The works. 

Change happens in a place that most know would gain success in numbers. This next phase of shifting into a mature state of international recognition, to survey, is going to begin with a third person commentary on the life of an infamous author/poet/publisher/educator of your choice. Study their work. Write your recommendations on transitioning this titled position into a history while seeking flaws, dilemmas, and outrage its fundamentals to inspire your own work. Categorize this in a punctual privilege to contest notable works of art to succeed them in shades that we stay cool in. 

Who survives? You or Them? And why?

Futuristic Librarian
                                                                                               Photo By:  Nicola Barts

Privileged List to Follow

This needs research by first locating your mentor. Mentorship programs allow the invitation. What you want, is to find the work in articles, journals, peer-review panels, interviews - things less scripted and prepared for, the better. The raw work is fundamental to exploitation and received in a way that is acceptable and ready to debate. This is a part of study that we do not allow ourselves, which is a shame. The debate, the review, the acceptable persona to assume in resourcing information to support or deny. 
Students of any caliber would refer to this state of mentality wherever they go - to speed their interest into prospective addition and furthermore, their own works of art. The brief introduction into copyright and other disclaimer disciplines aid the student into a direct name to build at a young age - to be respected in their climb into mentorship themselves. 

Central Positions On Introductions

Preservation intact, you believe you can be inspirational and eagerly announce your findings without protection. Out of respect, any upcoming educator or panelist is going to have to learn how to be patient and understand that if they have something that changed their life for the better - they need to support surprise with an itinerary. Supportive facts and further research dictate time stamps, supportive evidence, changed beliefs (which does happen very often in these stages), and security of factors that shake your fundamentals into breaking down for the last time (again). It does happen and it is a scary thing that should make you feel big - when in fact - belittles your future into realizing it is the start that usually goes unannounced. 

How do you remain centrally positioned?

This is a strategy, you see. The audience, your work, and the advanced stages unforeseen beyond your reach once it hits the public scene - are all going to have an ill effect, at best, and provide some unruly gust of wealth claimed by somebody other than you. This is frowned upon, as mentioned in my blog post on "Cascading Copyright Designs". However, remaining centrally positioned is a skill that requires special attention in revelation - noting its reference - and remaining tid-bit-to-tat for acceptable review rates. I suggest posting older designs rather than new (I am still working out these kinks myself and hate pushing old work so I can put those years of adjustments into effect now - but to remain centrally positioned, you have to have claimed some of those grounds initially for fear of being outdated in your own designs). 

Nobody Will Know, Go Ahead, Try It

Believing in words and the interpretation of them can be misleading interpretatively. What you output to read may be misunderstood. Pictures are good, but do we want to outdo the easy climb with pick-up-and-go infrastructures? Not really. 
The best thing I have found - is dictating your audience and want someone (especially if you are leading them there or requesting review or needing someone else to work with) who can understand what you wrote without having to spill the same old beans over and over again. Fundamental to design is accepted - but having to state its fundamental to shatter another's - priceless (groundbreaking work often leads us to believe reaction is proof, when our intention was not to receive proof but to receive a valid audience type). 

Know what you are doing and pay attention to how you are doing it. 

I have a hard time keeping my eyes focused on a subject in discussion, its rude. So, now that I notice other conversations find it rude for you to wander, ugh. I have to change! What can I try here? The advice is to stare back, I end up looking past them. The advice is to remain engaged in the conversation; I actually agree with this one. The less you care about eye movement and more on the actual intention and topic of conversation, the more you should realize what is important and go with it. 

Using that - how do I communicate to my future librarian - what I do not know, what I want?

This may sound off-subject - but trying to think ahead is usually not a preparation or talked about much. Thinking of vocabulary science fiction can name new, we are developing a point in subject that moves education sideways. We are going to be re-evaluating every educational subject and move sideways with it to improve that centrally positioned opinion. 

That centrally positioned opinion is going to find a weakness from a "hackers" stance. Determine the measures that will enable your place within time, well spent in study, to introduce your findings upon enabling you the right to be educational material. The future librarian will announce your arrival from the privileged group they formed in history to save us all the grief of consistently being right one way (directionally accepted in education) to begin diversification perspective approaches to result in a wholly amended education system.

Breakfast Bowls
                              Photo By: Taryn Elliott

Note: It is customary to enjoy something sweet to accompany good thoughts, natural delicacies that are picked from the middle ground of its bush. The top of the bush is reserved for the birds, the bottom is reserved for ground critters. The middle is designated for human and bear contact to harvest this beautiful fruit. Preparing a meal to share a conversation begins with adding the flare to establish an American custom. 


Welcome to Gravacity!

Welcome to Gravacity! I have been anticipating my C#-Part 2 NWTC course in the second term of the Fall Semester and within it, a game I must...