Showing posts with label Business Campaign. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Business Campaign. Show all posts

Thursday, September 14, 2023

2023 Is Only Almost Over... Update On NABM!

 NABM (Native American Binary Mathematics)

This is the ground-up attempt of relational environment realities influencing interpretive binary configurations for a truly virtual experience that can separate the robotic/artificial intelligence and humanity/natural reality. This is a learned inclusion of creating a language that is not over-powered by one side or the other (machine and user/programmer) and involves passages of binary signatures with their own domain to cause its programming etiquette to relay within these mapping systems how the machine will understand its reality is binary. 
This can be multi-dimensional signatures that create an ability of how that domain is connected - without maintaining one-dimensional (x,y) grids to compare with arcs and fish-lensing where distance cannot explain its current existence in time known. The time we have in virtual spaces is not defined properly, at this time. This is cause for concern when we consider AI able to self-teach amongst the human hours of database designs and creating something that can do what a human programmer can do - which is create a tool within cyber library data banks, heirloom it, and build without clearance - as undetected communication systems go unchallenged due to the tool-making in open source code. [Which is still being learned and not fast enough by my standards.]

If I could critique, it would be too soon, the connection with NABM and current programming models creates the sense of complete upon another techno-tool in a onesie. I can't take these things apart anymore, I cannot break it and expect myself to fix it, I cannot replace with what I have in my own keeping. Not even duct tape? How are basic machine operations and purchase histories not mandatory consumer knowledge on repairing by now? How is this not important to America as consumers? I think we want to become dependent on our purchasing powers rather than our solving dilemma. We would be a different country and thinking of our technological components differently as well. 

NABM as the internal parts of explaining directional shapes in space with conditions as spatial combatants to present our experience with a new time, new tools, and new results of recognizing new domains. These signatures will be how we explain the expansion of zero, one, and the artifiicial mind who clings to its existence. If human reveals these interface binary signatures before the artificial intelligence, we can continue to reclaim the space, the ability, the tool as naturally attuned to become something we harness. But does this leave room for the machine to become our competition? Perhaps, it is taboo to write of whence the scan of these writings provokes machine hallucinations to benefit on AI artwork as profitable. What is it, if it cannot find these avenues - and what do we do when it can? How do we prove that it cannot? 

This is the necessity with NABM. To monitor the tangible presence of mathematical reality by basing it from binary alone. NABM would suggest the inclusion of space - as Artifical Intelligence currently renders this as null, undefined, or as a location central to a quadrilateral grid; zero is empty value currently. 

Comparing Zero Principles to Zero Theories

Principles: A comprehensive and fundamental law, doctrine, or assumption. (Oxford Dictionary)

Theory: A supposition or a system of ideas intended to explain something, especially one based on general principles independent of the thing to be explained. (Oxford Dictionary)

Math Base Image
                                                          "What Base Is Our Mathematical Reasoning Explaining?" 

"Where did you learn how to count?" 
"My hands, toes, I suppose." 
"When did you do this, were you taught it?"
...thinking back to a memory....
"I felt it first before I could control it."
"If you could not control it, what use was it to you if you could not do it?"
...more thinking...
"Identifying variations is anomolous until we can count each blessing in our lives."

-The importance of counting (something)

The Base From Which You Arrive Logic - Is This Reasonable?

It is not. Going through logical thinking, critical thinking, and analytical courses in writing with core educational curriculums will not prepare you for the mathematical reasoning in a global feat. The history of mathematical concepts is astounding and shunned indirectly until commerced with value from tangible assets that develop a sense of time in use. These weights and measurements provide solutions from different concepts that have been studied, very thoroughly, if you have been able to notice. 

Honestly, they were searching for a comparison and evaluating the intelligence within a people for their integration to save humanity another compound fractured resemblance of speeding through innovation. What did our elders say? The base from which their relational reasoning provided interest to pursue the metaphysical components within spirituality arrived through language that described phrases of objects within vital dialects that connected through water, what we believe to be are roots with transfunctional usage to be broken down into the "compound fractured resemblance(s)" we peice together today. 

Why is this relevant? 
To arrive with historical figures of where it arrived conveniently (concepts of zero philosophies in the forms of principles and theories) with fragments of history of where we were and where we should be today are not far from clues that are provided in human history. The principles of NABM are natural and often primitive to believe that pictographs could inspire a transitional theory as zero philsophies (NABM) to be echoed within our time - is what all cultures globally have been doing in the modern era. "How was Zero part of our Culture and Teachings Then and Now?" 

I did not have an interpreter with me, as I panged at the zero concepts in my adult life, to explain algebra to my son - and so, I began searching for ways to explain mathematical concepts that related to him on a personal, cultural, prideful parental duty to assist with future concepts and a programming career. I was never told the history of mathematics, the concepts, or where they were explained to have existed prior to contact in America. 

I genuinely believe that America mathematical concepts were beyond this world in time, speed, and space. The abilities of fundamental principles established with relational concepts, direction (above and below), with the tools they did have (but not evidential for time of contact and inventory since). I say this because they claim that America did not have the wheel, but large stones - carved smooth have been evidential throughout all elevations in North and South America - and the Mayan Calendar - the canoe (birch bark and dugout style's parabolic shape, for example) and other tool aids could not be found that made them "less" than in their evolutionary stance in the world. This is important. This is going to be historical, credible, and the momentum for each culture's survival on the line - who do we emulate in the world and why? 

It's not to stop us, to gloat, but to continue improving. The transition of "understanding" has cost us generations of transitioning, conditioning, and improving in both lifestyles, customs, and mainstream activities that our mathematical reasoning has us feeling ill-placed without the correct forms to recover rapidly. 


The future is important. NABM deserves a fighting chance to explain the zero principles as the ability to expand increases its time to persist through perspective in value that belong to its foundational reasoning. This is explained as a sequence to a signature to a larger picture that includes multiple variations to explain zero - and relating each concept by the expansion rate as flexible enough to contain its domain in a living context that holds values in ability for operator(s). These are not always a pattern detectable. We see irregular objects and classify them as a zero word - null, object, something described as a similar word to observation, zero. This is capable due to the expansion style of what contained its axial connections to support a natural system that can harness zero. 

Miniscule respects to those granular counting cultures (India - as the main contributor I have recently learned of) and the commerce of their world history in diversity for providing peace to barter and uphold each other's systems. It truly is an old friend in your world. 


Friday, March 3, 2023

Online Reputation Management (ORM)

                                                          Photo By: Mart Production

The idea of this article is to provoke the Employee ORM at an entry level position or in local business positions that feel stuck in their careers called jobs. You have to treat your career like a celebrity builds their portfolio in every appearance, recommendation, and project. Listing everything to endure your personal branding the opportunity to improve the establishment you work for in ORM provides the opportunity we all can achieve. 

 Social Media Profiles

Customer Support Site

Cause Microsites

Corporate ORM websites, social media sites, and their Causes to donate and raise awareness to affiliate their corporate responsibility to the community, are the real meat of ORM. Something that has not made the list is the Employee-based ORM for reviews and supporting the employee ORM while employed with a corporation or local business. 

Employee Reference Networking

There are many examples of what Americans feel like while eating at restaurants and not wanting to feel judged based on their relations with customer and business interactions on a personal level. At times, we feel lucky to be alive while others struggle with the will to live and serve in their hostess positions, cooking duties, and education level. The world may be equal opportunity and we feel like everyone should be happy in their career to tend on what they feel is priority (children, hobbies, family, etc.) however, we often times are forced into places we have no idea how we got there and wind up resentful for not being able to achieve higher potential. 

A couple of solutions ORM can do for an employee reference network to establish within any business or corporate setting: Having the ability to remodel the interior customer waiting lobby with digital marketing campaigns, pinpointing in-house challenges, and taking down reviews from customers to customize their location experience. Going beyond measures to ensure that they understand how important it is for the customers to feel validated in their diet, their products, their service and goods so the company will remain in high quality for the atmosphere that is created in ORM solutions.

Scheduling Diets & Budgets

In the history of mankind, diet choices maintain health and physical features enhanced by what we eat. This was a determining factor for our ancestral bone's regional climate zones, customs, and interpretations of the world and universal observations to regulate history as a pastime of accrued knowledge from provisions in those eras. Now that we are in the future, how do we proceed to interpret, explain, and define history with our import - export agricultural products? It is something that regulated digestion heuristics may not be enough to secure global pandemic outbreaks and irritable bowel syndromes.   

In My America we follow who we want to model based on approved selections to improve daily. We check social media and want to improve but have no idea how to do it. The construction of motivation on a custom level is pinpointing multiple social behavior and personal dilemmas to exercise what we feel America is capable of. We often times fail by comparison to those that have different interactions and flexible limitations to what can be supported for further advancement for being born in a wealthy start. 

A challenger app that models regular behavior and then searches for tastes, interests, habit changes and circulates your progress with other Americans to show improvement scores. It will arrange your daily budget and calculate everything you need to be shown directly what to choose and what you have the ability to afford so its time management with budget give you the options you need without overdoing it or abusing that potential to achieve more. This aims to provide that facade in wealthy starts for being in America, where these are not critical to improvement indicators, that truly matter. 

(What does matter to you and your citizenship then?)

(Do you understand what to work on now?)

(Being American is the privilege and start you want. Now do something to improve the quality of life in America. What is it?)


Once the employee can feel supported in their daily habits to want to improve, and able to prove it, the next thing is to input hobby interests that can exemplify their talent, skills, and expertise by keeping them actively involved with customer relations. This is an entry Public Relations position. 
Another skill that can enhance is internal and external reviews. A lot of restaurants and local businesses offer reviews and are connected with printed materials that help coordinate their business-to-business relations. What anyone can do is input a review sheet with receipt transactions that will prompt feedback or just ask specific questions for the customer attention on experience. They will be more attentive next time, if not this time. Believe it or not, local businesses still need these reviews even if you don't get a freebie for putting in that awesome effort for your purchase. Think of the tourism dollars. 
A waitress is recognized, a chef's neat card placed on the dish served to leave a review, a hostess is invited to conversation, a clerk is commented on knowledgeable recommendations, a janitorial duty is commended by internal staff, and the consistency remains alive. The accountability is at a higher rate. The output is evident and appreciated for the interaction of consumerism. 
We all love working in a place that looks clean, organized, and communicative of teamwork capabilities. What more can we do that isn't already being done?

Having Employees Love Working

What is the more difficult if not enjoy working so much it is the reason you wake up in the morning? We encounter negative impacts in our lives, apart from customer relations, and the next employee we encounter has the ability to change the attitude on great service alone. These are the perfect occasions to strive for. But we want it to continue - so how do we support these interactions? 

Organizational Skills. 

Interior Decorating Skills. 

Customer Relations/ Public Relations.

Review Panelist.

Sanitation Guidelines Enforced. 


The company you work for, in your interview, raise request, update for company performance - is this possible to input on your resume and to provide opportunity to achieve these titles? What do you need to do, that can be supported, to enhance these skills? How have you shown them thus far? What can be approved and noted for future positions to otherwise be referenced or shared throughout all locations (if more than one) and how you are a valued employee with future potential. 

Create A Campaign

  • ORM Reviews conducted by: EMPLOYEE NAME on the company. Information on products, manufacturing, efficiency ratings (if any), environment, and at the reprimand of good conduct in performance to allow that trust to continue of their actual experience, what they endure, and how to remain professional in their review format. This provides experience in effective communication skills.

  • Off The Menu
  •    A location is selected to produce an "Off The Menu" Item with ingredients that are already within store with the assumption of an approved product (to promote purchase by demand) created by kitchen staff. 
       Your task is to have your item demanded onto menu for sale. 
       It is advised to copyright your recipe, including particular ingredients and how to prepare and cook this item. 

  • Specialty In-House Treatments. The open environment to see how your food is prepared should be over. We want to see more adults in positions with food handling, especially the mother roles. The interaction in-house should be revamped for a soothing and calm environment to enjoy their in-house experience (if any). This gives more improvement opportunity to the decor, interior design, and digital marketing campaigns that can be conducted with personal interactions. 

  • Remodeling with Natural Disaster Themes. The interior design is changing, window being replaced, or is under construction? Use a natural disaster theme to raise funds for the cause, provide information with QR codes, recruit for services in actual disaster zones (portfolio, resume, community service), or you just need more time to coordinate the repair and know that it is going to take some time to repair the noisy furnace, broken feature, etc. Being creative to keen eyes with embedded marketing habitual recollection to be remembered for picking what we last enjoyed - may work in your credited efforts. 

                                                                                Photo By: Cup of Couple


    Employee based ORM is not a subject yet. The equal opportunity clause has yet to reach these avenues and we assume that it is fulfilled upon entry position. The availability of opportunity requires a standard level of interaction that allows the main job to be done as task. What improvements are made can occur within but at the cost of time and the rejection of other opportunities. Perhaps we are not deft to climb the corporate ladder, but we can build skill for the portfolio and resume, while wearing these ORM hats, as useful research and attempts to improve the customer relations both in-house and in service while claiming its work during our time with the company. 


    Saturday, February 11, 2023

    Campaign Marketing - Digital & In-Store

    Campaign with In-Store Availabilities

    The idea of how to change the Digital In-Store experience, expectations, and environmental impact. What are we looking for in technology to assist new recyclable methods with solutions that change small parts of our day to improve another. 

    Think of the landing page of every advertisement and clickable image to demonstrate invitation to purchase, satisfying enticement - CONVERT! Taking this emphasis and theme to the in-store experience to motivate character of employee to website attraction by remaining in selling action. The lemon law can be refutable damage to quality, and we do not want to endorse top quality for our purchase for time's sake and type of product at times, but it would develop trust to experience and validate advertisement - depending on the business and product.


    Save The Earth
                                                                        Photo by Artem Podrez

    We don't want to endorse top quality for our money?

    If you didn't catch that in the last - we are promoting the save a dollar for more dollar programs by investing in products that may not be full potential in longevity for environmental impact. Is there a system to purchase one thing and remain with that one thing to afford another big spending item that will remain with the grant programs and conservative watch solutions/incentives? That ideal has not been brought forth as we now purchase marketing, advertisement, trend, celebrity endorsements, and the product quality is diminished to withstand the seasons of re-use. What are we purchasing?  Why be confused?

     This system can be restructured. The value system of America is not goal oriented, it projects business prompts as necessary. One of the main headlines I push in daily conversation revolve around space travel and preparing for generational occupations with space travel. This is a recent discovery with literature, news, and personal goal achievements during the post-parenting restrictions of child supporting. The self reflections after revolve around what could have been better or done differently - revolve into reality and making realistic impacts with consumer habits and career priorities. 

    Too often, I encounter the contest of career and sabotage effects of witholding information or services. That is fair, considering tribal resources have improved over the decades. Now, its about educating ourselves to sustain a mutual goal that is going to benefit the country by staying in the exemplary human being category. So, in all of this modern world, what do Native Americans suggest to improve and how do we persist regardless of who is here and how many?

    So, what do we want as a customer now?

    I want to trust the business to provide me what I paid for and hide how they do it. Let's take fast food for example. The work they perform is open, people watch them make the food, and monitor the work and effort they put into it. Employee based, this is a show, a production to perform work in the American eye and they are asking themselves - is this difficult, can I do it? The reaction dilutes their occupation and performance can lower, even be short-term. I trust adults in these establishments for quality and maturity but at best - for the care and comfort that goes into making food. There is real energy to provide in positive atmospheres and I want the pure enjoyment of it to be respected. I don't want them to need to prove it, they are adults, and adults are preferred!

     Another is to provide products that are purchased for longevity and remodeling potential that can sustain weathering, provide repair, and would be consistent as a school uniform policy required to wear in public. Something that I know is going to establish proper consumerism and be a visual start for change in America. Less advertisement until we can arrange our measurements of appeal to reveal quality, research of product guarantees, and environmental impacts. Consider a valid critique of product to be expected from these types as the advertisement to validate purchase. This saves money that could ultimately be rewarded to that customer. 

                                                                                                        Photo by Artem Podrez

    Timeframe For Campaign

  • Seasonal
  • Sale
  • Theme
  • Environmentally Friendly
  • Local
  • Internal (budget, supply, cleaning schedule, recipe, etc.)
  • These factors to create schedules for running a top priority in reducing our carbon emissions, corporate responsibility, community involvement, and factoring in actual sales per area. The devotion to continual societal support is having the products affordable. If they become affordable based on environmental impact and demand is high for appetite - sales increase for storage and marketing becomes effective to its packaging, storage, supply, etc.

    Sounds redundant - this pertains to purchase agents and product research, trials, and consistent bulk purchases. If your product is going through faster than its container can be recycled, is there something wrong with this schedule of re-stocking that can be modified for environmental impact? We rely heavily on that label as meaning - yes, it is possible - but the time of it might be misleading. Not to mention the conditions upon which it is recycled in order to be labeled properly (dirty, other dirty products, length of time before it actually is recycled and ready for new products). 

    *This is a career that can be managed with Digital In-Store product campaigning by creating bulk schedules to have products delivered or picked up while creating the recycle program for its employee base to handle properly and faster. That is reducing the time and creating a "matching" product recycle concept by keeping the digital quality of inventory and SKU prepared products together. Compost can be more effective if recycle material can now consist of "Compost Material" instead of "Recyclable" alongside Trash (which is determined to be zero waste goal oriented).  

    Advertisement Standout

    That advertisement color coordination should be illegal. The logos we adorn with recyclable products at home need the fashionista approval before mass producing its products. Make the logos small, consistent with website or barcode to minimalize its annoyance and increase appeal for reuse. Would customers appreciate this? What about creating paths for the product to be reused on their website. Create discount drop-offs using the serial number on the product to receive a customer base profile. It does take effort in establishing these systems - but prepare not for the natural environment revitalization, prepare for space travel, prepare for an enclosed space and limited resources, a small community of diets that require generational impacts for long-term effects (because we do change with each new diverse dish we consume) and then see the effects on the natural environment because of our goals.


    Internship - Career - Dreams

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