Showing posts with label American Vote. Show all posts
Showing posts with label American Vote. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

NASA Coordinating Universal Time - How?

 Not UTI but actual Space Time to help astronauts navigate time in space?!

AI Generated - Native American Programmer racing space and time
                                                                                                            AI Generated Image. Co-Pilot. 2024.

Einstein's relativity theory is one of the main contributors for the NASA agenda for establishing a Space Time for our global space measurements to help coordinate some issues they have been having in outer space. The world is well aware that we now have another Country (India) in our outer atmosphere's, traveling to the moon, taking samples, and discovering their hemispherical observations to record in human space travel missions. The number of countries with space programs is 77 while three countries have made mankind flights (USA, Russia, China) and inviting other countries to ride with. There have been 44 countries that have sent astronauts into space with these crewed flights. 

So, its no wonder that the world is looking on solutions for space time and what they will be using to justify their space flight coordinates and air space time for navigating other voyage tasks. Relativity is in consideration, projecting other space traveling amongst other planets and moons in relation to their size and gravitational pulls. 

So, how would you figure this out with your current profession? What are the questions you are asking or brushing up on to contribute - an opinion - that would validate future agendas of the world? What are you considering within your own culture that would correlate with this task? NASA has been diligent with keeping record of discoveries and diversification of discoverers. The future missions with their experience would grant this opportunity but also announce its problem to the world for other contributors. 

Space Time 

Some literature I have been introduced to state that time is an illusion. In space, where there is a minute degree of zero gravity to weigh/measure tasks at the incredible temperature to support the SuperConducting energies of stars/solar objects within its vast material. Literature also states of the dark matter within space. The studies of space have small degrees of observation that qualify its measure in comparison to Natural Law that succumbs all objects within it - regardless of size. 
What I understand of Space, using Native American Binary Mathematics (NABM), is that objects contain qualities of zero size to control values within it. So, if I were to consider space as a container - because we understand that zero is explaining nothing as a shell to contain what values or numbers will qualify within that object to amount its capacities, ecosystems, and voids (Mayan Civilization - Zero Principles & C. Seife) then we understand that space can be measured. With objects in relation to their ecosystems of distances that are established in routes we can use projection of their placement as a map to navigate the same path to establish in those relations. It cannot change or alter and should be picked out of pure convenience to those encounters. The same speed will be needed. The same resources and weight of shuttle (perhaps not the participants within it). But, that is using relativity as it is known today. 
The flaws of this are proceeding the montonous ticking to calibrate to that establish time from that object (shuttle) in relation to planets (larger object). So, we have to bring it closer to home and study our idea of time a little bit more external to our usual perspective. 
I would suggest using 6Grid for Earth and extending its planes of axial dominance to separate sections of space, external. Once the sun hits the surface of the earth, it expands the sections allowance because of the zero point origin of Earth. These sections accrue an object within their space - 

Once a planet in range of those sections can establish a mutual zone of relation, we can find the destination of using the counting habits of South American/Brazilian tribes of string coordinations (one, two, one and two, two and two, etc)(C.Seife). That is a separate counting system to consider as process for solutions. 

Some things to consider in space time solutions:

First: Using zero as a placement marker. This is important because these large objects assume the ability to begin another counting value. 
Second: Space is not an environment of conditions. It is the distance between environments. This is defining zero properties as NABM uses binary compositions to define space as an appearance within the Binary Sequence Signature (BSS). 
Third: Using BSS - Going from one value to the next (destination and origination) - space value is the equivalence of these. Create an equal variation to meet each (step). 
Example: Lunar Path of Earth = 3 & Mars = 4 from a process of order from solar system. 
This total 7 is broken into steps between each object with the closest points to each object. Every space between objects will be guaranteed a different value due to its order in solar system. 
"In the seventh" I know refers to Earth's Lunar and Mars. I refer to Earth's Lunar because it is the outermost path of the planetary atmospherical conditions. 
Fourth: As for Earth's atmospherical conditions - I would just assume stationary time towers be installed to coordinate flight paths globally with axial placements of noon to midnight, three to nine, or such. 

Whatever they end up using, I'm sure it will be based on global standards. But the excitement in that happening now, while I am alive and youthful in the world, is prosperous to what I will be able to witness in space travel and exploration. 


Monday, September 11, 2023

Modified SEO Equations & The AI Chatter

 SEO (Search Engine Optimization) Techniques and Modifying their Equations

On SemRush, something they did not have at the time was inputting keywords while deleting other keywords to get what you wanted. Something of making word sentences describing what we are searching for just wasn't a priority, it may never be. Concatenated strings that have value within each vocabularized entity and new language assortments really are not reliable communication techniques with computer validation sources or the integrity of its infrastructure. However, with front-end user communication it is a priority to not adjust so crudely the real meaning and limited vocabulary we use as human customers on search engine queries. 

So, how do you get the front-end user (customer) to use precise vocabulary without over searching or under searching the value in its SERP (Search Engine Results Page)? It is also a prompt on how to introduce types of vocabulary in media platforms to improve these results (also another avenue of branding a market on those keywords for continued use with their company, blogs, etc.) when searching for a miscellaneous object. 
First, let's assume they have no programming skills and have not kept up with what concatenation is. The ideal user is going to want to use strong vocabulary but cannot find the words for it without encountering descriptive uses that are not used in media suggestions. The customer wants to find an antiquated technique of building fire pits without leaving a trace behind and comes across "fire pit building for wooded campsites" as the best result. Is it the less words used to describe your search effective or using as many descriptive communication strings the most effective? Since the AI search is boosting its understandable conversationalist within the search, this should be easier today than it was a decade ago. The sentence structure is handled like a regular sentence and the equation is no longer needed to be effective of what you want to result and rephrase in multiple forms while searching the drop down suggestions (which is very helpful already). So how is this scored with SEO and SERP then (the artificial intelligent chatter knows how to find what you are looking for)? 

AI Chatter Image

Is the value in how to integrate AI chatter SERP indicators that the Modified SEO Equations will need to be re-adjusted for AI to configure what the front-end user is searching for after its conversation? The database technique has been used to archive based on keyword, alphabetized, and dated for its multiple input within whatever the keyword is. "Fire" brings up multiple images, descriptions, and adjective actions with what it is foremost and then revealing what is connected from that keyword - carries on the conversation. The speed the AI uses for those conversations is in place. What is the issue? 
Can the AI configure the natural environment, with proof of video, description, and request it to be manipulated with its imaging to reveal a virtual realistic reflection of what they are describing? This is real, the evidence that has been uploaded since, but now that you are asking an AI chatter something of realistic measures, it should be able to answer without referencing. Obviously, unless you request the reference. Is this what people expect or will be expecting in the future of AI Chat Searching?

Will programming conclude with allowing the self-teaching AI programmer to categorize based on its identification system so long as it uses a specified library categorization to their pulling requirements for use as well? It sounds silly to consider information as valued but that is a human intelligence that we are referring to that has been available for the most recent generational input. The input before this was obsolete and left to be interpreted afterwards. Do we understand how important that information is? What is the AI Chatter going to value it as? What part of us are we going to forget that it was us that input this basic data in for the AI Chatter to pull from its own virtual reality the solution it can resolve (if it were them in the same environmental problem). Do we want to get rid of our uploading time for this convenient, easy, clean search conversation? Are we going to be resolved if it is the AI Chatter who teaches us how to do something with our conditional problem? What would the solution be - do we execute it, have this AI Chatter follow us with its diagnosis and uphold it until the problem is solved? Does this answer our life problems and how to prove we truly needed the assistance if this profile AI Chatter is following us and documenting if the tasks are being accomplished? 
What does this value bring to the AI Chatter and the user within society? Is this what people are needing, wanting, or cringing? This will ultimately change the teacher-student relationship and the generational dependence we have on our teaching system to gain appropriate reactions, inquisitive observations, life experience, human relation intelligence scores may have to be invented upon daily interaction and age of use. I suspect this being illegal for minor children to use until they reach a healthy collegiate level. You literally cannot "go back" on those foundational years to say that it was wrong, to set them back, correct, and gain those identifiable connections after bypassing it. We can begin gaining these studies first with the introduction to cell phone usage, GPS driving, home security systems, and begin questioning those beforehand of any changes in people with those uses. Are they more likely to protec themselves, what did they do upon an error in action, did they take other steps beforehand? We really need our domestic counselors to begin taking the initiative to analyze our technological use and compare with reality shifts on our ideal reaction and authority figures within our society. 

How do we begin monitoring our behavior to integrate with AI? Let's start now with commenting if you would be available for a Q&A with a proper degree on a dissertation for licensing to begin a career title for these records? This is for the future of mankind and AI chatting technologies with other improvements with our technology within daily use. To recognize differences, impediments that would not survive today, and how to transition those skills to perform upon a global error or recknoning. 


Thursday, April 6, 2023

Galleria of Modern Art - Men of Stone

 Notice: This is an actual nomination to collect profiles of the flyer below. Leave a comment below if interested or for more information!

Standing Atop the Stone Path

Curation depictions arranged by hand are lacking paint, signature, and remembrance. The old hands that renew each unfolded fate line of living ascendancy in boys to young men into an adult brave towards soul seeking heirlooms who wear no sash of keeping, can be found archived with this private ongoing nomination to induct profiles for the Gallery of Modern Art. 

Gallery of Modern Art Flyer __Mischief
                                                            Adobe Express arranged by __Mischief

Archival Database 

The study of social science is a study of human subjects that correlate their societal input and measure the reactive natures of their individualistic [something] interpreted by moralities on how they arrived to this world's captured era. If I could rephrase this, it would be speaking to the masculinity in purpose to ask 'whose your favorite Indian'? (Smoke Signals) and point a facial feature towards the listener to hear a serious response. 
Designing databases with Native American Binary Mathematics (NABM) captures the fastest response in heirloom threads mandated from program code prior to the adopted applications we counter-intuitively template for other use for the time we spend on building, rebuilding, and executing a knowledge base that is reliable - without being available to the public yet. NABM is a new interpretation being developed for an American stance on currency, security, and machine language using Native American approaches of relation with objects in their environment. 

Think about it. The future is pushed into mainstream society that has widened into vast open spaces without water (almost literally) and the generational gaps have closed for person to person contact for children to receive conditional consent from their parents as thoroughly educated in self and expectations that upon the open spaces of mainstream society - they fall heavily into an unprogressive civilization and fall victim to strenuous work, peer-pressure, and unsupportive conditions that emphasize their dependence on self-governance programs. This is not too far from the current status of urban indigenous and blended societies that they have begun without reform planning on self-sustenance programs to have a generational recovery program that supports the law in blood quantum. The choices are permanent, and people find the issue taboo to prepare for. 

Some questions to prepare for:

What do you teach your relatives? 

What do you say about your time in open societal employment and civilization in modern settings?

What do you want to be archived as to category your bones, name, and history?

Permafrost in the Interspatial Codes

The space we understand is absent of light itself but can travel through it while holding temperatures that can hold superconductors in place as an energy source. These pre-emptive measurements that are secure in studying space with advanced tools continuously improve as technological steps break ground from the minds of engineers throughout the world. 

Permafrost is relatable to the temperature of space and the interval spaces that are absent of this control property as observed. The space is conducted of more than one part, or two parts and we observe radiations of intangible components that arrive universally to shift our beliefs. In historical preservations of cultures who were able to explain something did not go down in shame when done so in the name of scientific study and philosophical improvements. Natural observation keyed in species intelligence throughout the world as what denominations they were going to classify in Age of Earth in comparison to Age of Universal purposes. 
This means, we may be keystone species on Earth now - but universally, we are contending with interspatial definitions that elaborate genetical designs as permafrost without the ability to compare outside of this domain. How can I use this exemplary image in software programming now and after NABM?

NOW: I research masculinity. Person as object-oriented programming is subject for spatial reasoning to compute as necessarily as possible. Programming languages designed for structuring techniques, ability, skill, command, piety, liberalism, etc. deal with an uncontrollable state of keystone species and behavioral impacts that reflect cultural histories throughout the world. 
The gender approach is faddish for instructional purposes and misleading to what is actually the purpose. Masculinity is an essence of intangible measures that can relate to the type of object-orientations to describe the object that separates known features of space for natural evolutions to study. The perforated actions that permit their appearance to be targeted is masculinity, at its best. The universe seeks dominance to remain isolated in reproach, using space, as an environmental contender for anything of its kind (masculinity). 


This is observed with keystone species (Object - Masculinity), genetical differences (Masculinity from each object has different environmental dominances), and logical relational differences (spatial designs formed in universe for object dominance upon evolved states) of these relationships and study for instinctive traits to display. 

Masculinity can have an impact on space for being an intangible property within an object. 

AFTER NABM: Object-oriented programming is a dominant feature for software development and the ideas behind it are describing a generalized term that clutches physical properties in description while lacking its appearance to connect as a living body. These personal encounters do need attention. What people will automatically start, is describing the work and time invested in communication with technology as an intangible value. 
The Current research model and after NABM will conjoin efforts to define the connection as necessary for contact to clarify keystone intelligence within universal spaces. Keep the efforts minimal while the location of ability may only arrive internal mankind itself. Within an object, there is a lack of universal claim, and without the required mapping and measurements - it can distort intelligence of tools by not allowing the masculinity or essence of choice to purvey its purpose. 
(Purvey relates to business of specialty. What is the masculinity purveying subject to oust into universal dominance seeking speeds of unsupportive measures going to do to survive any amount of time and make it last?)

Masculinity and its tools versus universal restraints (natural laws). Communicating effectively with interface abilities to allow a time of existence for a temporary permafrost to evolve its intangible value to survive its spatial conditions. Making the habitat unsupportive creates a survival rate in a type of nothing, or universal space. NABM supports intangible development using type of measurements for a given place with its own universal laws. These are supported by Earth cultures and their relationship with space, intangible values, and immeasurable recognitions (currents, directions, perspectives). Following laws of space and nothing encounter a blind intangible value to navigate based on its own objective programming. 

Limited ideas of space provide strong objects in essence (intangible values) for intelligent navigation and laws of its evolved universal interpretations. 

Photo by Daniel Frank:
                                                                                                                                        Photo by Daniel Frank


The flyer depicts nominations and profiles to collect for these efforts of being valued as a man. It is for artist translation to use the profile for future historical recollection. How you answer your profile archive determine your perforated climb into the intangible value systems for masculinity reproaches that may or may not determine valid for its time and space. 
Design an answer to archive for the purpose of being able to transcend your time and place after you have perished the world in this living form to be remade by such actions. Believe in purpose of humanity and intelligence to push you towards an impact to make, as NABM can provide the next ability you may possess, in a time of universal recognition, what dominance you provide in absence. Will the universe seek you out, where, when, and how will you be interpreted in comparison? 

Note: Intangible value systems, software programming, and archival databases designed to provide purpose are a Tsha Tewahsana (Its In The Middle) affiliative teaching and can be found at 


Bids Open!

Customized Celebratory Challenges

The family has gathered in your honor, it is your birthday! You are a ripened age and your birthday meal has all of your favorite dishes. One that reminds you of certain highlights of your life, that we feel are important to share in. A dish when you were in very poor conditions, noodles, tomatoes, and salt. A dish when you were in very rich conditions; corn harvested from your garden, ham without scraps used, and herbs from all over the world in importation. A dish when you met a friend from another culture; lamb stew with herbs and a story that you can share from its origins and why it's on your birthday menu.
American customs establish personal travels in and out of the country. We love our country for providing us these opportunities. 

Familial Archives - What is an American?

Enjoyment in competition to declare a definitive successor is the type of challenge that one can declare is for them. The recipes we leave with our families often are carried through with approval. However, the duration to withstand why they are left behind often meet a lack of concern in traditional settings and resources to establish preference in a modern setting. 
What we need is a customized celebratory challenge, and not the legacy to carry through beyond our own life and tasks to succeed. Without a title, many people feel less inclined to uphold, but will gladly pick through it like a rummage sale to be adorned as valuable. Many new age Americans carry this preference of selection in peace earned by actual cultures who still uphold their customs by rummaging through their efforts as if able to purchase, without currency. As serious as this is, there are so many that indulge, it is easily able to let go of upon confrontation. 

BidsOpen Flyer

Bids Open Challenge

The Bids Open Challenge is an attempt to resolve this, within families, as something to archive and uphold in their characters of interaction as preference setting. We are able to introduce our next generations to choose what they believe is within their preferential range, to decide a birthday menu. This beginning resolution has goals of building an acceptable range for children to remain within their original customs while integrating acceptable social introductions into their character as a favorite time to enjoy. By establishing these social ranges, the entire family can relish in that one time of occurrence and stay within their own respects for that new generational inclusion, to remain responsible for their inclusions and representation within their family and in their community. 
The community changing with diversity is upholding those cultural values to remain within themselves. Too often, other cultural mothering or parenting, feel inclined to discipline outside of their domain. America is not built on enforcing other beliefs upon one another. However, it is difficult to respond to these types, when they have been unable to commit a relationship of professionalism for community by being unable to resolve their presence in media. We learn of each other, first, through news, media, internet and it is often times met with harsh critics of safety, governance, and law-abiding citizenships that promote American heritage in permanence. Nobody in America has forced people to stay in America to remain responsible for their actions. 

Birthday Menu Reasons - At A Learning Age

Creating safe learning environments and wanting children to arrive in peace by learning together should have agreements made within the diverse community that they will allow their children to engage in public activities such as birthdays, school events, and business relations for consumerism and networking. It is unethical to relate personally with another background history without being one of them, so in respect, it would be wise to create an American identity while upholding Rights, with customs that engage in preference and not guarantee the same perspectives that the government withstands during terms of office. We need the government to perceive Americans, but, without respect in each other for being unprepared to encounter a new, different person, with different ideals and preferences, at a citizen level - it creates havoc. Freedoms are thinned. Liberty and Justice are absent. America would fail. The world would respond in our failure and that is restricting opportunity to succeed in America's Constitutional purpose. Not to mention, the American spirit, for declaring its Independence.

It is important to talk to our younger generations about what they think and their experiences in an undefined time. What they are going through, are not the same as twenty years past. They do not know their options but providing the idea of preference, creates an American identity, we all respect. 

Staying Strong in Family

America is not about picking and choosing our beliefs. Church organizations, Religious Affiliations, Cultures are an earned facet of lifestyle, language, provisional service to identity that require membership to associate those beliefs and customs in accountable statuses of an approved delegation outside of their community. 
America is able to believe, but legally, it states with an established faith. 
Withstand the further harassment in freedom by teaching it the right way. 


Friday, March 31, 2023

Visual Basic - Save Option

 Save Suggestion

(Recommended: Basic knowledge in Visual Studio software.)

  • Docking the "Save" feature as an interface to maintain code that worked before tinkering with other features, structure, and form windows may save time, energy, and confusion for us all.
  • The "Save As" option provides a different window, an entirely new filepath and memory space needed for its recollection without the ability to compare.
  • The history of save (in program), a feature on another platform with textEditors (no longer available, Atom) that allowed the history of change to be recalled without modifying name, but automatically saved it for reference in history to recount steps (undo buttons work in this degree) can be referenced.

Problem: Visual Studio allows multiple forms, 'solution' is a container for file source paths and its "accessory" of directories that can use external sources but has no feature with 'save' to weave code in a preferred order that can build without a problem. 
When there is a problem, have the ability to recount steps on what worked - what changed - and the last operable sheet of code to work with as the new base, instead of completely over. 
I would like to see a visualized map that handles like a prezi presentation. Trees are formed and you want to see the result of what is being requested. This will probably end up being the business model once its all hashed out. Where's the job security in this rant?

I know many people out there, especially learning VS, have had started - messed up - and need to redo the entire GUI, save path, or code altogether. Time Management is all I am looking for here.

Solution: Expand on the "Undo" button a little bit more and provide a save feature in a flexible memory space that builds in secret (red error lines) and using the Option Statements (Explicit, Strict, and Compare Statements that determine the syntax flexibility when writing code and how to evaluate code by data types) to determine a strong/weak structure to operate GUI declared variables effectively. 

  • The code directory should be just as useful as the ToolBox. Make it available so we can dissect, familiarize, alphabetically find it with those options. I see the packages that we download, but I do not know what comes with what and why. I have not reached that level of programming knowledge yet - and anticipate not needing it until special projects come around. Holding onto this volatile memory, susceptible to virus? Perhaps trim the software to reveal this in download, offline formats upon need. Presenting the need in example is going to be the change in software design. 
  • "Save" (besides the menuTask bar that can indicate these settings with a form in visual studio) does snapshots of work thus far, if not complete - so, I want this to snapshot each save that I do and be able to compare. Ex: Orange, Red, Yellow are saved. I can bring them up and the minor changes I did on them, handle like the adobe express layering technique for images, textures, colors, fonts, etc. All the way through the entire image if necessary. These provide me with options on how to proceed, count, limit my program. It is also necessary to consider hacking thoroughly by rejecting these designs or creating them as catchers to prevent it, using that volatile memory as a false loot. The multiple design paths that can be constructed indicate a main path with sub path coordinates to this "false loot" which is either operable - actual running licensed software design or compatible data that is cleaned out and detected. I have not taken a course in data security or cybersecurity but I am interested to see if this is plausible. 

Think about things differently neon light
                                                                                                               Photo by Ivan Bertolazzi

Save Me

Object Oriented Programming and the terminology being used are keystone species for online navigation and in the world of cyberspace, there isn't really a structure humans can relate in prior knowledge upon keyboard strokes to invoke any actions. 
What is the idea behind internet, what imagery are they using to describe its use? 

I imagine a navigational world of words and verbiage that jumbles together to be strung out one at a time and placed in containers to use in a push-shove world. If you get in the way of the push-shove, it collapses. The roads paved are networked in layers and upon the top tier is a breath of fresh air we would consider in new development. Not in foundational development - which is a shame.

I know the buildings in this imagery are contained with pre-developed code that took ancient bone breaking postures the epitome of calculating its working order, but do we all have to suffer at some extent in order for it to be appreciated? The answer will probably shock you, and I half-heartedly agree. 
Building atop these monstrous defeats could be recalculated again. We need waves of disciplined programmers to separate by organization of an American system to uphold and maintain job security with core education that revolves around organizing its designers. Obviously, the software would keep improving but the programmer would need to have a base education - depending on its degree of contact with foundation. 

It is a cracked code, easily navigational, and improves from the ground up. The stronger we make those experiences and improve from them together - the more work that can be done, effectively. All are equal in importance of an operable system into a network of distributing powers. 

I am familiar with the competition in programmers and know we hold each other back much too often than support each other. The structure can support all of us and the job security of ancient programming must persist, be cleaned, and restored for alternative measures in upgrade that define the cyberspace with object-oriented programming obstacles, pathways, and innovation for futuristic models to use. There are so many facets of technological languages - minimalizing protects commercial internet space. That's where the money is though... 

*Also - saving comments using the Prezi presentation style and adobe layering techniques - was meant to create the need for it. I want the save and auto-correct to attune to the closest and best work you did on this program for machine efficiency and speed to be something of an autosave and tree-branching an add-on does for us. I suppose artificial intelligence embedding arcs that will be how we develop its neural networking for troubleshooting. What a dangerous thing to invent! Keep it offline and use in national emergencies or something - but every second with it is deathly to be breached or imprinted with its own time - (exasperated breath) - I think I am over paranoid about it now, but, for good reason. We need a security system of allowance for AI, something that will be puzzle/maze/encryption/time/space/barriers of power for something like that. We need to preserve our programming skill and troubleshooting like the gold it is!


Saturday, February 11, 2023

Digital Marketing Challenge: Business Surveys In-Store Purchase

Environmental Citizenships Create Local Cuisine for Sale to Save Our Soil Quality!


We are reduced to climate zone and soil quality to render our global impact to constitute an American effort for social and corporate responsibility to the natural environment. 

Needed: The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is conducting purchase surveys for products to evaluate cost and purpose for health in human and environmental ratios designed to inform our sales by limiting competitive products and producing purchase surveys for American demand based on overall health that includes environmental organic certification standards to remain vital in agricultural practices. 

Why: Social Services defund efforts in lieu of Medicaid revamping to promote the Independence in the American Constitution and conserve resources by establishing a recyclable program that is effective in time, cost per product, and local sustianability practices to enforce a low cost plan. 


What's For Sale? Too many OPTIONS! 

The market for products is vast and America is over producing! The (small) business owners are fragile, abundant in grants, failing before they can reach the audience they want for the demand they need. There is too many choice for the newly developed products due to monopolizing laws! Yes, legally they are referring to the revenue and ceiling for those products to levy out into brands of corporations but they still need to follow a corporal policy with environmental resourcing as to why those revenues are made in abundance. To afford the environmental clean-ups that can be costly in more ways than one (pollution impact scores and regulation of operation time) and by keeping those products limited to resource and time (replenishment), the manufacturing business changes its longevity by creating, refurbishing machine/hardware, while keeping cost low. 

This would change the career of entrepreneurship to be in demand based on the jack-or-jill hats they can perform while developing gloves to hand out what their product can do in the anticipation of a product schedule operation. Sales will be isolated, people will have a strong palette and the market space will be able to focus on locations designated for their regions to provide 'local' a designated diet for their tourism and well promoted, planned, and often sport affiliated adventurists. It is also objective to state for continual consistency to truly anticipate, support, and demand the product to reappear to remain in high demand and enforce changing consumerism habits by amounts. People will adjust and with it, a digestive system for the environment can be regulated during waste management dilemmas and PFA's (for example) - a natural contaminant in the surface drinking waters of Lake Eerie that are over produced by unnatural contaminants with chemical introductions and reactions of algae blooms.  

Challenge Surveys for Purchased Products

Organic certification requires natural openness, wildlife, quality to water and natural flora pollinator experiences that are being encroached on as commercial properties become listed with empty meadow spaces of the past. By maintaining a priority of preserving the wildlife and habitat, require a survey of purchased products on how their environmental impact in the community is going to be minimal or unchanged and abide by it. Shifting money once an established company has been considered a household product is finding the cheap price for that customer. This is no strategy worth commending an American mantra with. Company profiles existing on a filtered process of demand in season (local produce, resources, skill) and require structuring location of these companies to zoning. Basically, there should only be agricultural services in those meadows and all other product making companies can remain in the city. 

*Water monitoring is a huge issue with maintaining those fresh water source whereabouts and the hidden avenues subsurface of what needs to maintain in zoning from these companies now - while they are just beginning and structure their offset in the environment together for consumption regulation. Their dollar is high and the environment is protected. In the off-season, recalibrate, update technology, study improvement indicators, gather consumer evidence and create a product that is zero-waste. 

Solution To Focus Resources and Consumer Spending:

We blank products (for example: candy bars) and leave the QR code with them. Survey the product and support the random vote for product. The lack of participation is example to save money habits on impulse purchases. 

The next indicator is do you really care about the product for your money? The other factors to consider are participation, critique, and research. Did they further research the product from the QR scan? Do you care what the product names mean and how it is made? Is there a health report - which basically means it is over preserved itemized food that is shipped too far for the contents to remain cost efficient from a health perspective in American diets?

 A couple of these products are going to be cropped and a new batch of local options are going to fill their slot. What the area provides, the area supports itself. Do you want to be known as an area that vetted for candy bars or something healthy, elegant, and particular to only your neck of the woods? Another employment opportunity to regenerate environmental impacts by using products that can sustain healthy choices. This really does affect the person in society (diets available by limiting the options into healthy choices per area). 

We are spending with each product on the shelves with our resources, time on the road in shipment, away from home, task of occupation - we need everyone in the books improving our education system and technological improvements. 


Solution to Replace with Cuisine, Chef, Trained Food Handler Contacts:

Provided agriculture as the underrated revenue and discipline in the country with the most annual demand (they have to remain affordable to poverty standards)! The profession of chef and its kind must be able to convince the world that their contact to public be enjoyable, hand-selected, provisionally seated with EPA and Agriculturalists to employ a higher degree of nutritious meals for our sake! We must admit that if we do not make healthy decisions, we must be forced to improve! We want the very best this Country has to offer, and it must begin now!

Trained professionals customize local cuisine and begin instilling customs that Americans can vet for in history-making. This is the opportunity to change American consumerism and customary traditions that integrate class of society into the future. Considering we have to pay for what we get - the goal here is a diversified garden system to harvest from by hand and enjoy the salary doing it. 

 What is the Solution to Promote the Choice in Our Freedom?

Arrangement Purchase
                                Photo by Amina Filkins

If you find this idea appealing, I suggest contacting your local representative and demonstrating your Right by being a proactive citizen and wanting an American image of health, local pride, and support for our soil by catapulting this conversation into productive outcomes!

Remember not every American understands the Freedom in consumerism, we must limit these encounters to a scheduled event to heighten our excitement again as consumers and to promote a thriving environmental impact by not degrading it into an all-season palette. Very important if you compare our population to the harvest demand and the affordable services provided to millions of Americans, it may be time to invest in the Agriculture and Culinary skills for no to zero waste program and dietary needs for recruiting healthy participants in the services to demand its healthy participation(s) in space travel groomed digestive systems. We need an agreeable local diet, plating customs, and remodel the Thanksgiving mantra into its seasonal recreations for the American identity to resonate with its local climate zone. Proper diverse consumerism can begin with America!


Welcome to Gravacity!

Welcome to Gravacity! I have been anticipating my C#-Part 2 NWTC course in the second term of the Fall Semester and within it, a game I must...