Showing posts with label Governmental Concern. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Governmental Concern. Show all posts

Monday, July 31, 2023

US Constitution and FCC - Which one regulates the internet?

 Federal Communications Commission (FCC) 

FCC seal
                                             Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Official Seal, Wikipedia.

Communication is regulated by the FCC within the United States of America that include: wire, radio, television, satellite, and cable. FCC Jurisdiction over broadband access, fair competition, radio frequency use, media responsibility, public safety, and homeland security are also within this federally recognized independent agency of the USA. (FCC Source)

The most recent induction of representation within this agency is the Space Bureau (SB) who leads with space-based communications, satellite, policies and licensing activities since April of 2023. This is a repercussive action from the division of the International Bureau forming also the Office of International Affairs. 

FCC Seal Before 2020
FCC Seal before 2020, Wikipedia.

U.S. Constitution and the FCC

The internet was originally intended for scholar articles, journals, and scientists to communicate via network with computers that contained databases of FTP protocols and early designs of telecommunications that held actual information (while wire services typically transmitted signals to be received in passing messages or with radio waves and frequencies to deliver messages via audio productions). The Telecommunications Act of 1996 enacted before the mass distribution of personal computers, website engineers for business, education, and eventually social sites and the start of a new economy within America. It is still a developing governance of jurisdiction, law, and federal control - which most internet service providers and engineers would prefer to stay out of federal domain. There is a pull to the jurisdiction, especially during the free access literature for communications using internet and the advancement of it. The push is providing a competition ground without establishing its currency, domain regulation for all to agree and abide with, and for it to circumvent into the American economy productively and without environmental burden. The priorities of internet have swept through the country without recognition to the natural environment, human study of virtual realities (frequency, wifi signals, satellite monitoring, and access through hack), and leadership. To catch a thief in these domains takes ciritical action, expertise, resources, and dedicated service in time which ultimately leads to major violations of homeland security. 

The Internet & Neutrality
                                                                                   The Internet & Neutrality, Adobe.

Internet Neutrality (I highly recommend hitting this link to see what your working with via "Internet!")

The identifying name was changed to enact a connection for a "net neutrality" position to regulate the Internet Service Provider (ISP), its fair access policies (not blocking their customers from certain material online), transparency (agreements must be known between user and ISP), and no unreasonable discrimination. 

The Communications Act of 1934 is the first enactment that is referenced for who regulates the Internet as a communication field with the actual recognition of 'Internet' in the Telecommunications Act of 1996.

Communications Act of 1934 Wiki Snippet
                                                    Communications Act of 1934, Wikipedia.

Communications Act of 1934, Telecommunications Act of 1996 and Net Neutrality

Making internet available, equally, between user and networking company that provides the service allocates the right to freedom of speech online. What it does not do, however, is regulate with the Environmental Protection Agency on its environmental impact. Signal pollution is a study that has not effectively been capable of measuring the strength of its service to the reprimands of migrational impacts, species instinction listings, and insectual increase since the 1990's. The temperature increase, global pandemics, and budget restraints due to increasing population with medical alleviated death tolls have dramatically altered the landscape of resources. At this rate, most can agree that it is not looking ideal to produce equal neutrality resources to anyone if it cannot be sustained. Regardless of sustenance and necessity resources, internet would also be impacted from the ability to serve its area if it becomes dependent upon its infrastructures. 

America needs to be ideal in who these services benefit and that out of protection of resource and land - it is best to not indulge in information that increases movement within people, speculation of rioting, and other sensitive information that promotes acts of hacking or embezzlement by using internet irregulated avenues at this time. Coercion of crowd containment and distractions of media involved speculations that involve social shifts in information release and developmental infrastructures increase the acts of identity fraud and manipulation to credit what is unforeseen for those that cannot learn the material fast enough. 

They did not poll for this service. They did not request an EPA standard. They do not post the results to public for signal pollution and remediation for migrational repair. They do not become responsible for being out of the element of its domain (Communications). How are these being interconnected today in 2023? The strength of leadership may be unaware to most of this development, considering their platforms or otherwise distractions. 


People need to know it is still in development and that we need to think of future impacts before releasing its impact on our society. Games, Signal Pollutions, anything technology does have tremendous intake from the American public - and they are growing up in a developing virtual reality of social withdrawl, isolated extremist groups, and a guppy crowd of younger Americans that know nothing of technology and don't want to know. How do we lead for repair when the entire country has priorities that have not been consistent in types of information we manage the country with? We trust our leadership. (*>>>erkks... the same leadership who is too busy with their platform and distractions??)

It is still a choice. A freedom. 

Start putting technologist repetoires in our leadership with environmental priorities for damage control and begin resourcing people with blatantly announcing the choice to conserve genetic traits out of suppressing the fear of future without water, land, animals, and begin to repair our time with studying a necessary task for the health of the Country! 

** Can you believe that there isn't a law about internet, but about its communication service cost, availability, and type? People still don't know what internet is! It is the computer, that I send messages, and credit card information... but its the services that you conduct business with that those are governed and trusted. Data governance is a huge issue alongside the unmentionable - regulation and checking of monetary/fiduciary currencies being trafficked online. Where are the accountability reports for this? The compact agreements? The standards of operating a cash flow? The legitimate documentation for not creating your own currency to be rendered through a financial institution to pay out! 

Stay informed. Be active. Research. 


Saturday, February 11, 2023

Digital Marketing Challenge: Business Surveys In-Store Purchase

Environmental Citizenships Create Local Cuisine for Sale to Save Our Soil Quality!


We are reduced to climate zone and soil quality to render our global impact to constitute an American effort for social and corporate responsibility to the natural environment. 

Needed: The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is conducting purchase surveys for products to evaluate cost and purpose for health in human and environmental ratios designed to inform our sales by limiting competitive products and producing purchase surveys for American demand based on overall health that includes environmental organic certification standards to remain vital in agricultural practices. 

Why: Social Services defund efforts in lieu of Medicaid revamping to promote the Independence in the American Constitution and conserve resources by establishing a recyclable program that is effective in time, cost per product, and local sustianability practices to enforce a low cost plan. 


What's For Sale? Too many OPTIONS! 

The market for products is vast and America is over producing! The (small) business owners are fragile, abundant in grants, failing before they can reach the audience they want for the demand they need. There is too many choice for the newly developed products due to monopolizing laws! Yes, legally they are referring to the revenue and ceiling for those products to levy out into brands of corporations but they still need to follow a corporal policy with environmental resourcing as to why those revenues are made in abundance. To afford the environmental clean-ups that can be costly in more ways than one (pollution impact scores and regulation of operation time) and by keeping those products limited to resource and time (replenishment), the manufacturing business changes its longevity by creating, refurbishing machine/hardware, while keeping cost low. 

This would change the career of entrepreneurship to be in demand based on the jack-or-jill hats they can perform while developing gloves to hand out what their product can do in the anticipation of a product schedule operation. Sales will be isolated, people will have a strong palette and the market space will be able to focus on locations designated for their regions to provide 'local' a designated diet for their tourism and well promoted, planned, and often sport affiliated adventurists. It is also objective to state for continual consistency to truly anticipate, support, and demand the product to reappear to remain in high demand and enforce changing consumerism habits by amounts. People will adjust and with it, a digestive system for the environment can be regulated during waste management dilemmas and PFA's (for example) - a natural contaminant in the surface drinking waters of Lake Eerie that are over produced by unnatural contaminants with chemical introductions and reactions of algae blooms.  

Challenge Surveys for Purchased Products

Organic certification requires natural openness, wildlife, quality to water and natural flora pollinator experiences that are being encroached on as commercial properties become listed with empty meadow spaces of the past. By maintaining a priority of preserving the wildlife and habitat, require a survey of purchased products on how their environmental impact in the community is going to be minimal or unchanged and abide by it. Shifting money once an established company has been considered a household product is finding the cheap price for that customer. This is no strategy worth commending an American mantra with. Company profiles existing on a filtered process of demand in season (local produce, resources, skill) and require structuring location of these companies to zoning. Basically, there should only be agricultural services in those meadows and all other product making companies can remain in the city. 

*Water monitoring is a huge issue with maintaining those fresh water source whereabouts and the hidden avenues subsurface of what needs to maintain in zoning from these companies now - while they are just beginning and structure their offset in the environment together for consumption regulation. Their dollar is high and the environment is protected. In the off-season, recalibrate, update technology, study improvement indicators, gather consumer evidence and create a product that is zero-waste. 

Solution To Focus Resources and Consumer Spending:

We blank products (for example: candy bars) and leave the QR code with them. Survey the product and support the random vote for product. The lack of participation is example to save money habits on impulse purchases. 

The next indicator is do you really care about the product for your money? The other factors to consider are participation, critique, and research. Did they further research the product from the QR scan? Do you care what the product names mean and how it is made? Is there a health report - which basically means it is over preserved itemized food that is shipped too far for the contents to remain cost efficient from a health perspective in American diets?

 A couple of these products are going to be cropped and a new batch of local options are going to fill their slot. What the area provides, the area supports itself. Do you want to be known as an area that vetted for candy bars or something healthy, elegant, and particular to only your neck of the woods? Another employment opportunity to regenerate environmental impacts by using products that can sustain healthy choices. This really does affect the person in society (diets available by limiting the options into healthy choices per area). 

We are spending with each product on the shelves with our resources, time on the road in shipment, away from home, task of occupation - we need everyone in the books improving our education system and technological improvements. 


Solution to Replace with Cuisine, Chef, Trained Food Handler Contacts:

Provided agriculture as the underrated revenue and discipline in the country with the most annual demand (they have to remain affordable to poverty standards)! The profession of chef and its kind must be able to convince the world that their contact to public be enjoyable, hand-selected, provisionally seated with EPA and Agriculturalists to employ a higher degree of nutritious meals for our sake! We must admit that if we do not make healthy decisions, we must be forced to improve! We want the very best this Country has to offer, and it must begin now!

Trained professionals customize local cuisine and begin instilling customs that Americans can vet for in history-making. This is the opportunity to change American consumerism and customary traditions that integrate class of society into the future. Considering we have to pay for what we get - the goal here is a diversified garden system to harvest from by hand and enjoy the salary doing it. 

 What is the Solution to Promote the Choice in Our Freedom?

Arrangement Purchase
                                Photo by Amina Filkins

If you find this idea appealing, I suggest contacting your local representative and demonstrating your Right by being a proactive citizen and wanting an American image of health, local pride, and support for our soil by catapulting this conversation into productive outcomes!

Remember not every American understands the Freedom in consumerism, we must limit these encounters to a scheduled event to heighten our excitement again as consumers and to promote a thriving environmental impact by not degrading it into an all-season palette. Very important if you compare our population to the harvest demand and the affordable services provided to millions of Americans, it may be time to invest in the Agriculture and Culinary skills for no to zero waste program and dietary needs for recruiting healthy participants in the services to demand its healthy participation(s) in space travel groomed digestive systems. We need an agreeable local diet, plating customs, and remodel the Thanksgiving mantra into its seasonal recreations for the American identity to resonate with its local climate zone. Proper diverse consumerism can begin with America!


Internship - Career - Dreams

 Career Planning and Career Development Titles      As an underrepresented candidate for any IT specialist position, I want to utilize all o...