Showing posts with label Development. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Development. Show all posts

Saturday, June 22, 2024

Career Path Planning

 Career Specialties, Mastering, and Certifications

How do you know what to pick without any experience? Shooting in the blind for a career path to invest in is not typically guaranteed for a successful adventure. Here is a list of some things I have learned along the way for a Software Developer Program associates degree with NWTC that you might find useful if you have no expectations or experience:

AI Created Image. Co-Pilot. 2024
                                                                                                                              Co-Pilot Image. 2024.

1. Make sure you decide to stick with a program within one institution/university setting. They have curriculum that is customized based on your instructors ability to teach the material. It is a difficult thing to do, this program keeps changing and they have to maintain job security principles with your education. 

2. Invest in a hobby related to building your IT interest and skills. This could be reading documents of types of software platforms (architecture/networking), software programming (software developer/front-end and back-end or fullstack), linux books for ethical hacking (cybersecurity), or the history of programming (engineering fundamentals). 

3. Before you start, prepare a space that you plan on filling with your personalized notes and programs made with each course by developing your own templates and guide to become a tutor. It's a great way to reiterate the course and learn how to talk tech with other peers. 

4. Coinciding with the tutor approach in organizing books, programs, and notes - also develop a discipline in your file system. Every instructor does do it differently, it does give you a variety of filing types and ways to think in organizing modularly. Start with a basic structure and delve in within each course in their requirements. Note it. 

5. Never take more course load than you can handle. Dropping your cumulative GPA can extinguish your dreams of graduating in the program if you fall below the median. It is possible to re-take your courses for higher grades, however, so not all is lost!

6. If you are an adult learner, prepare for a young crowd. They are very equipped and trendy. They are patient and feel out of place when they have to correct an older programmer, but are capable of awesome work and guidance. It is a maturing learning environment and not to unlist them as a source for potential help. 

7. If you have work experience with an outdated degree, that experience is very useful in the educational setting. Use it wisely and pick your moments to shine. Don't sink in when you realize your work experience is outdated, your work experience is still useful. It is a good idea to share with your instructor/professor to see their experience and compare. They will have a basic path to adjust easily with the new technology you're learning now. 

8. When learning about specialty fields within your program, adjust and research other successful candidates. What types of programming languages they prefer to work with and why. What really helps are looking at the job postings of a desired position and look at the requirements. 

9. I had a hard time envisioning what the internet was (lame and old, I know) but was it an empty vast space we sent numbers in? How was everything connected? (After some extra time in other courses learning digital logic...) The questions began over again about why serial and parallel wiring was necessary in digital logic (duh, because binary is a compiler for machines since they don't work with regular English, Spanish, etc.). I still don't have a clear image in my mind, which is good for what I need it for, but that's why - keeping the possibilities open as a developer creates the framework/architecture you need and may have an investment in. Constantly looking for new solutions is key. 

10. If you can create a website to portfolio throughout the process that would be the best option to transform with your digital marketing in freelance jobs and designs. This is a constant project but worth it. Learn about servers, FTP services (FileZilla), digital marketing, website design (html5/css/javascript) in the beginning stages of your learning experience to get that going and maintain throughout. 

One thing I understand (unknowingly learned) is that technology is still new and developing. Your thinking is valuable in the sense that it solves what it can based on your own calculations. Consider the keywords they use, what is being asked to consider in regards to space and time (asynchronous), and realize we are going to be able to create any environment we want to work in with programming. It has not been configured yet, so if you work on extra hobbies of explaining how the internet (at the very least) is in your main tool base - you might want to be able to explain in your own understanding how it fits in yours. The more you remain in control the higher your level of position can become (at an early stage this is crucial to the attitudes needed for developing managerial staff).  


Thursday, December 28, 2023

Anticipating IaC with binary

 Vectorization Techniques and IaC

While learning with NWTC Software Developer Program, I want to know where I fit in the IT industry. Where will I be at my best and most suitable for my personal work. The big companies that are running uptime costs and plans for their developers are setting standards in security and business for future programming to arrive. The lack of an online virtual currency is also beginning to shape with these business tactics and strategies of how they get paid for programming and maintaining website functionality. The reports for this data are provided freely to encourage budding programmers to improve. As Americans, this is a must! We are competing for an intangible field of unifying global markets with software designs that can not only speak to all of us but also keep us separated. 

In my brief understanding, I am intimidated by the IaC (Infrastructure as Code) platform in software designing because it is a fragile and easily succeptible (making it most flexible) entity. I believe terraforming is an advanced programmer's hustle which means the maintenance crew will also be just as aged in the team. I'm not sure how likely that is, but, with the offerings of stepping upon that last step to get the headstart in the industry, they will be capable of surpassing the freights with untouched levels that took decades to clear. If I learn this now, what will I be missing? If I truly wanted to aid in changing these designs and ideas - wouldn't I have to go through these hardships while I could have a mentor? How do they handle the unknown and define what is told to them if they cannot provide input in atleast one major project to supercede right into those levels? 
As an American Data Governance, there isn't much for grappling how developers rank. It is on your etiquette of code, organization, and now - your intergenerational input and living experience with a relative professional. Great experiences and mentorship that provide those learning environments. We need an American project to solve, and input, what is software development and the open source conflictions of what can change but adapt many other respects to software developers since. 
Let's not do the outdated versions of creating something that is inconsistent with what was, and instead, create something that includes to create more professionals in those fields of technological breakthroughs that are reliable in those eras. Why can't we store data in those levels? Is this a flattening hierarchy? Perhaps, it could use fine-tuning. 

Quantum Mechanical Designs and NABM

I honestly do not have experience in Quantum Mechanical Designs, however, with vectorization techniques and F# with the new direction of using Trigonometry Mathematics and the looming IaC platforms, I believe that it is going to get more complex in shifting those mathematics degrees for what is a versatile field of professionals to be included in all facets of this society. Psychologically, I disagree. 
Instead of more grandeur, I suggest using NABM curriculum and changing the type of mathematics used in computer programming to digital logic and binary computations that include NABM for terraforming cyberspace and time. This includes designs that work with 1D to 3D techniques while providing the time to optimize within the grid downtime. I suggest using purchase time and recovery time after (when not using it, the satisfaction of purchasing to let down those moments into optimizing accounts) for Amazon and other big online purchase economies that are paying for uptime. Going from 3D (structure, platform, network) to 1D (purchasing avenue) requires its own lock and key. Afterwards, changing the entire infrastructure for any worked in hackers, malware, and identifying these corridors to weed out bugs and other computer errors. Using NABM, is projected to work on the binary for the machine to maneuver and create its grids to an acceptable level that provides its own dimensional qualities that do not need quantum mechanics or trigonometry to explain to it. That isn't a machine language nor will it ever be one. It is literally forcing cyberspace to comprehend what the world feels is an acceptable level of intelligence. 

It sounds too easy, too good to be true, too surreal at this time. NABM has these projected works in order to comply with the requests for faster data manipulations and adaptations for code that requires less optimization and micro-management. The American public may not know these battles are happening, during their use of technology, but we are not as developed as we would like to believe. Error does happen and the open source availability of powering up our devices requires extra knowledge in the security of them. We are vulnerable. 

I am excited for the terraforming transformations we will be seeing in the future and I hope that I can remain in the approach to shift what is there with something that can be easily integrated. The idea of technology is to remain within what has already started to create the sense of community as strengthening, and not so competitive, where we are beginning to see preference for computer language, titles, and experience. 


Monday, July 31, 2023

US Constitution and FCC - Which one regulates the internet?

 Federal Communications Commission (FCC) 

FCC seal
                                             Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Official Seal, Wikipedia.

Communication is regulated by the FCC within the United States of America that include: wire, radio, television, satellite, and cable. FCC Jurisdiction over broadband access, fair competition, radio frequency use, media responsibility, public safety, and homeland security are also within this federally recognized independent agency of the USA. (FCC Source)

The most recent induction of representation within this agency is the Space Bureau (SB) who leads with space-based communications, satellite, policies and licensing activities since April of 2023. This is a repercussive action from the division of the International Bureau forming also the Office of International Affairs. 

FCC Seal Before 2020
FCC Seal before 2020, Wikipedia.

U.S. Constitution and the FCC

The internet was originally intended for scholar articles, journals, and scientists to communicate via network with computers that contained databases of FTP protocols and early designs of telecommunications that held actual information (while wire services typically transmitted signals to be received in passing messages or with radio waves and frequencies to deliver messages via audio productions). The Telecommunications Act of 1996 enacted before the mass distribution of personal computers, website engineers for business, education, and eventually social sites and the start of a new economy within America. It is still a developing governance of jurisdiction, law, and federal control - which most internet service providers and engineers would prefer to stay out of federal domain. There is a pull to the jurisdiction, especially during the free access literature for communications using internet and the advancement of it. The push is providing a competition ground without establishing its currency, domain regulation for all to agree and abide with, and for it to circumvent into the American economy productively and without environmental burden. The priorities of internet have swept through the country without recognition to the natural environment, human study of virtual realities (frequency, wifi signals, satellite monitoring, and access through hack), and leadership. To catch a thief in these domains takes ciritical action, expertise, resources, and dedicated service in time which ultimately leads to major violations of homeland security. 

The Internet & Neutrality
                                                                                   The Internet & Neutrality, Adobe.

Internet Neutrality (I highly recommend hitting this link to see what your working with via "Internet!")

The identifying name was changed to enact a connection for a "net neutrality" position to regulate the Internet Service Provider (ISP), its fair access policies (not blocking their customers from certain material online), transparency (agreements must be known between user and ISP), and no unreasonable discrimination. 

The Communications Act of 1934 is the first enactment that is referenced for who regulates the Internet as a communication field with the actual recognition of 'Internet' in the Telecommunications Act of 1996.

Communications Act of 1934 Wiki Snippet
                                                    Communications Act of 1934, Wikipedia.

Communications Act of 1934, Telecommunications Act of 1996 and Net Neutrality

Making internet available, equally, between user and networking company that provides the service allocates the right to freedom of speech online. What it does not do, however, is regulate with the Environmental Protection Agency on its environmental impact. Signal pollution is a study that has not effectively been capable of measuring the strength of its service to the reprimands of migrational impacts, species instinction listings, and insectual increase since the 1990's. The temperature increase, global pandemics, and budget restraints due to increasing population with medical alleviated death tolls have dramatically altered the landscape of resources. At this rate, most can agree that it is not looking ideal to produce equal neutrality resources to anyone if it cannot be sustained. Regardless of sustenance and necessity resources, internet would also be impacted from the ability to serve its area if it becomes dependent upon its infrastructures. 

America needs to be ideal in who these services benefit and that out of protection of resource and land - it is best to not indulge in information that increases movement within people, speculation of rioting, and other sensitive information that promotes acts of hacking or embezzlement by using internet irregulated avenues at this time. Coercion of crowd containment and distractions of media involved speculations that involve social shifts in information release and developmental infrastructures increase the acts of identity fraud and manipulation to credit what is unforeseen for those that cannot learn the material fast enough. 

They did not poll for this service. They did not request an EPA standard. They do not post the results to public for signal pollution and remediation for migrational repair. They do not become responsible for being out of the element of its domain (Communications). How are these being interconnected today in 2023? The strength of leadership may be unaware to most of this development, considering their platforms or otherwise distractions. 


People need to know it is still in development and that we need to think of future impacts before releasing its impact on our society. Games, Signal Pollutions, anything technology does have tremendous intake from the American public - and they are growing up in a developing virtual reality of social withdrawl, isolated extremist groups, and a guppy crowd of younger Americans that know nothing of technology and don't want to know. How do we lead for repair when the entire country has priorities that have not been consistent in types of information we manage the country with? We trust our leadership. (*>>>erkks... the same leadership who is too busy with their platform and distractions??)

It is still a choice. A freedom. 

Start putting technologist repetoires in our leadership with environmental priorities for damage control and begin resourcing people with blatantly announcing the choice to conserve genetic traits out of suppressing the fear of future without water, land, animals, and begin to repair our time with studying a necessary task for the health of the Country! 

** Can you believe that there isn't a law about internet, but about its communication service cost, availability, and type? People still don't know what internet is! It is the computer, that I send messages, and credit card information... but its the services that you conduct business with that those are governed and trusted. Data governance is a huge issue alongside the unmentionable - regulation and checking of monetary/fiduciary currencies being trafficked online. Where are the accountability reports for this? The compact agreements? The standards of operating a cash flow? The legitimate documentation for not creating your own currency to be rendered through a financial institution to pay out! 

Stay informed. Be active. Research. 


Saturday, April 8, 2023

Asynchronous Programming Terminology


Any language broken down to communicate effectively uses English for Lamens base to use as an agreeable understanding. This is not everywhere, but for this example, it is. The idea of prefix, suffix, roots, phrase groups for event, verbs, identifiers, objects, and the ever mentioned before "Indian Name" for one noun, are language structures I am familiar with. As I am learning new terminology with Software Programming and its languages, I often times find myself imagining something totally different than described. 

Something that should be pre-learned, not available currently in the 'common knowledge' is the string theory being used. I am in a lack of knowledge for string theory and have not believed in it, ever. I had a parent that grew up in that knowledge with public school and she turned out to be an American custom, strong-willed, good woman. But we could never see eye-to-eye on certain things, and it reflected our mentalities and decision making in dramatic differences. 

What were the programmers thinking and why it takes me longer to learn software programming langauges...

Asynchronous Blog number 7

I assume that the software programmers are influenced by their tradition, culture, separate language systems and histories. It is unknown to me, mostly. So, when they describe a syntax term, I hesitate and have to separate my instilled knowledge and revert to American history and have just come to the conclusion that this is a world history, I may be learning, in language choices. 


This term is used with the Asynchronous Programming with Async and Await subject with with Visual Basic. This isn't color coded either, so it can be difficult to switch from term, action, phrase for purpose, and descriptions that correlate system input/output and the interactions with the system. The tooltip doesn't always describe it the best either. It is hard for images to be used, because it's a software programming language. It can show you the result, but that isn't what you want to see when learning this as a bilingualist and separate culture based in an evolved context from a rare inclusive modern perspective. 
People that learn these languages are basically detached from social interactions and focused on dissecting language of syntax, development, and connecting system functions from machine to user from their perspective is missing the poetic sense of something that is not described. 
These developers went through something called a religious attainment, without a church that would reveal an amazing feature - nobody in the world had. However, I see things missing in the occasion, and understand why they retreated to their homeland and cultural or religious advisers. Something happened, and they cannot describe it. 

So, when they use the term "Asynchronous" the facet is revealing to us, that this tool began to evolve an image within this developer to describe an aeronautical height here on earth (this is on earth too, but those are already observed and described in that missing image). The erroneous descriptions we use for signals and pathways must admit that they are working with something not as unpredictable as lightning formations. (How this is stated, refers to negative context - usually wrong. Not to assume the opposite. People would fix this statement to read positive. This is a double context of phrase being used to describe one statement. The implied versions created the asynchronized context of "wrong descriptions for signals and pathways" - electrical... "something not as unpredictable" - electrical is man-made... lightning formations - unpredictable pathways, relate signals to electrical current in control while natural conditions contain lightning to thunderstorms.) They mean to say, within their domain. Asynchronous within one domain is not the same within another domain that the programming object can transfer by way of interpretation for using methods as suggested. 

In the image above, GetStringAsync is a method with an object of time to conduct action. It refers to a return call with the object changed from domain value and programming that is of a data type "string" to use. I had so many issues describing and understanding this, I literally had to laugh about it, in a serious way - and go slower so I could imagine it. 


Image above, last explanation: "Instead, the string result is stored in the task that represents the completion of the method, GetStringTask. The assignment statement assigns the retrieved result to urlContents."

So, after describing the method GetStringAsync - I understood it perfectly. However, I had to put my background away and imagine it as they did. 

I would have translated with mine to imagine the domain space separated by task that became the compiler to decide what it is shaping. There is no invisible barrier, or distance, but you see directly as evident as any original method can be used like the GetStringTask method. It is copying the method and using it in storage within another domain space to use, new term, GetStringAsync. 

When this is going to be used - it will be described later: GetStringAsync. 

I read the term and imagine the try catch statements. I also don't believe the establishment of time on internet, offline and online services or cyberspace to be explained yet. Time in natural observations is celestial. Within the cyber domains, it hasn't been established to my knowledge yet - if it has, I do not know. Don't ruin it. Progressive thinking is being capable to contend with unknown facets and can distribute those terminologies to thin further into definitive measurements. 

I read this like an "Indian Name" and found the answer within it. Containers of space as range or domain provided the method action purpose. However, I did not like how the connection of these actions are explained. They have to be called from storage, and are using a raw source in method ability with new labels - I want to make sure that they are going through barriers and upholding those barriers within to contain storage capabilities. This part was unexplained. 

The GetStringAsync also provided the implied context to not be indicated. It describes a constant unknowing direction upon interaction within any program. It being used from GetStringTask to GetStringAsync does not suffice. 

Solutions within the given parameters: Examine the binary and coordinate effective practices to utilize NABM (Native American Binary Mathematics) designs to specify operators and the appropriate abilities to them for variables to remain variables, objects to remain objects, and storage to have size. 

Reprogramming these keywords to puzzle together is not enough security or integrity to design of structure - its thin, hard to detect errors, and can be corrupted. It is also easily recoverable data to infect with these known methods and tasks within its moving data streams of communication. 

With the solution, a binary interface design keeps the ability of operators, objects, value, and can organize an image of what is happening and shaping while using other facets of asynchronous functions to shape what they are programming. The designs so far with NABM, can map arithmetic functions and explain mathematical premise of binary to limited transitions, which do not change in sequence for integrity of these domains. There is no loophole to circumvent. It is not assigned the value - which does not create more memory space for it - since those are contained within the designated domain of the interface design using binary. It is being able to program the design while the binary supports those commands. 

This can also help imagine what they are trying to design, build, and otherwise program by having a base binary interface to manipulate. There are borders, designated mathematical approaches to secure how something is happening, and is replaceable upon corruption - very effectively.

A peer-review blog on the subject that is in development. The religious curriculum and story behind NABM are separate. The peer-review is to recruit developers, Native American inter-tribal people to put forth efforts in mathematical designs, stories, and histories to translate. Learning to integrate how interpretation can affect technological establishments is necessary. Every culture has input and can, in America. One of the weaker standpoints in Native American culture has been mathematically explaining measurements for standardized recollection for tool purposes and reference. They were natural. This did not change, we just had to translate so others could relate, and now that we have modern Native Americans who can transcribe old text - they must be capable of natural observation and use.

Learn by the Hand Sized Bowl

Asynchronous does not state a starting point, or end point, just the context of filepath. Objects or events are the detection of change that are being recognized in the same location, as having separate uncoordinated time. They grow at different rates! The term itself, is observing (possibly the same kind of object or event) separation internally as opposed to external conditions. 
With that said, the image of this phenomenon - may not be describing what is actually happening, yet. 

You want something to happen but need to retrieve an ability in storage to use outside with a similar name. You want the source to call to you, to use, and never send back without it knowing. You are going to change the name and build a new storage, to call later. This is a string expansion? 
It is also not its name. Electrical currents, signals, and events are separated to move from one point to the next in filepath designations. 

Does this not create error in delay of time, stopped time, and create a vulnerable source code? 

Delay is pending a return - it can also render this inoperable or valueless since its ultimate pending time cannot fully complete its purpose. 
Stopped time is contradiction of process for giving and taking equal amounts in storage used. 
What does this do to the source code in the system for running optimizations? Is this why we need to constantly update? 


Tell me now so I can focus more on developing NABM than learn multiple manipulative coding techniques on delaying time, time again, and re-using the source codes by secondary and tertiary formats to delay time further. Jump starting systems to life because we are missing the point. 

The hand sized bowl had something hot poured in it, handled from hand to hand until cool enough to eat. I showed up unprepared, that was what a woman told me to do, in a place of gathering community people. I opened my hands, toggled, and left satisfied in belly, heart, mind, spirit. I am hoping that further development can be made - so that more encounters like this can happen. I learned how to use what I got and in its most primal form - I felt, happy. 

That's why we learn from each other - people. Within time - asynchronously speaking - you delay the inevitable from happening until you forget what you were delaying, and it becomes a habit, job, title. Structures are made from it and that is when we have a real problem to clean up. 


Thursday, April 6, 2023

Galleria of Modern Art - Men of Stone

 Notice: This is an actual nomination to collect profiles of the flyer below. Leave a comment below if interested or for more information!

Standing Atop the Stone Path

Curation depictions arranged by hand are lacking paint, signature, and remembrance. The old hands that renew each unfolded fate line of living ascendancy in boys to young men into an adult brave towards soul seeking heirlooms who wear no sash of keeping, can be found archived with this private ongoing nomination to induct profiles for the Gallery of Modern Art. 

Gallery of Modern Art Flyer __Mischief
                                                            Adobe Express arranged by __Mischief

Archival Database 

The study of social science is a study of human subjects that correlate their societal input and measure the reactive natures of their individualistic [something] interpreted by moralities on how they arrived to this world's captured era. If I could rephrase this, it would be speaking to the masculinity in purpose to ask 'whose your favorite Indian'? (Smoke Signals) and point a facial feature towards the listener to hear a serious response. 
Designing databases with Native American Binary Mathematics (NABM) captures the fastest response in heirloom threads mandated from program code prior to the adopted applications we counter-intuitively template for other use for the time we spend on building, rebuilding, and executing a knowledge base that is reliable - without being available to the public yet. NABM is a new interpretation being developed for an American stance on currency, security, and machine language using Native American approaches of relation with objects in their environment. 

Think about it. The future is pushed into mainstream society that has widened into vast open spaces without water (almost literally) and the generational gaps have closed for person to person contact for children to receive conditional consent from their parents as thoroughly educated in self and expectations that upon the open spaces of mainstream society - they fall heavily into an unprogressive civilization and fall victim to strenuous work, peer-pressure, and unsupportive conditions that emphasize their dependence on self-governance programs. This is not too far from the current status of urban indigenous and blended societies that they have begun without reform planning on self-sustenance programs to have a generational recovery program that supports the law in blood quantum. The choices are permanent, and people find the issue taboo to prepare for. 

Some questions to prepare for:

What do you teach your relatives? 

What do you say about your time in open societal employment and civilization in modern settings?

What do you want to be archived as to category your bones, name, and history?

Permafrost in the Interspatial Codes

The space we understand is absent of light itself but can travel through it while holding temperatures that can hold superconductors in place as an energy source. These pre-emptive measurements that are secure in studying space with advanced tools continuously improve as technological steps break ground from the minds of engineers throughout the world. 

Permafrost is relatable to the temperature of space and the interval spaces that are absent of this control property as observed. The space is conducted of more than one part, or two parts and we observe radiations of intangible components that arrive universally to shift our beliefs. In historical preservations of cultures who were able to explain something did not go down in shame when done so in the name of scientific study and philosophical improvements. Natural observation keyed in species intelligence throughout the world as what denominations they were going to classify in Age of Earth in comparison to Age of Universal purposes. 
This means, we may be keystone species on Earth now - but universally, we are contending with interspatial definitions that elaborate genetical designs as permafrost without the ability to compare outside of this domain. How can I use this exemplary image in software programming now and after NABM?

NOW: I research masculinity. Person as object-oriented programming is subject for spatial reasoning to compute as necessarily as possible. Programming languages designed for structuring techniques, ability, skill, command, piety, liberalism, etc. deal with an uncontrollable state of keystone species and behavioral impacts that reflect cultural histories throughout the world. 
The gender approach is faddish for instructional purposes and misleading to what is actually the purpose. Masculinity is an essence of intangible measures that can relate to the type of object-orientations to describe the object that separates known features of space for natural evolutions to study. The perforated actions that permit their appearance to be targeted is masculinity, at its best. The universe seeks dominance to remain isolated in reproach, using space, as an environmental contender for anything of its kind (masculinity). 


This is observed with keystone species (Object - Masculinity), genetical differences (Masculinity from each object has different environmental dominances), and logical relational differences (spatial designs formed in universe for object dominance upon evolved states) of these relationships and study for instinctive traits to display. 

Masculinity can have an impact on space for being an intangible property within an object. 

AFTER NABM: Object-oriented programming is a dominant feature for software development and the ideas behind it are describing a generalized term that clutches physical properties in description while lacking its appearance to connect as a living body. These personal encounters do need attention. What people will automatically start, is describing the work and time invested in communication with technology as an intangible value. 
The Current research model and after NABM will conjoin efforts to define the connection as necessary for contact to clarify keystone intelligence within universal spaces. Keep the efforts minimal while the location of ability may only arrive internal mankind itself. Within an object, there is a lack of universal claim, and without the required mapping and measurements - it can distort intelligence of tools by not allowing the masculinity or essence of choice to purvey its purpose. 
(Purvey relates to business of specialty. What is the masculinity purveying subject to oust into universal dominance seeking speeds of unsupportive measures going to do to survive any amount of time and make it last?)

Masculinity and its tools versus universal restraints (natural laws). Communicating effectively with interface abilities to allow a time of existence for a temporary permafrost to evolve its intangible value to survive its spatial conditions. Making the habitat unsupportive creates a survival rate in a type of nothing, or universal space. NABM supports intangible development using type of measurements for a given place with its own universal laws. These are supported by Earth cultures and their relationship with space, intangible values, and immeasurable recognitions (currents, directions, perspectives). Following laws of space and nothing encounter a blind intangible value to navigate based on its own objective programming. 

Limited ideas of space provide strong objects in essence (intangible values) for intelligent navigation and laws of its evolved universal interpretations. 

Photo by Daniel Frank:
                                                                                                                                        Photo by Daniel Frank


The flyer depicts nominations and profiles to collect for these efforts of being valued as a man. It is for artist translation to use the profile for future historical recollection. How you answer your profile archive determine your perforated climb into the intangible value systems for masculinity reproaches that may or may not determine valid for its time and space. 
Design an answer to archive for the purpose of being able to transcend your time and place after you have perished the world in this living form to be remade by such actions. Believe in purpose of humanity and intelligence to push you towards an impact to make, as NABM can provide the next ability you may possess, in a time of universal recognition, what dominance you provide in absence. Will the universe seek you out, where, when, and how will you be interpreted in comparison? 

Note: Intangible value systems, software programming, and archival databases designed to provide purpose are a Tsha Tewahsana (Its In The Middle) affiliative teaching and can be found at 


Wednesday, February 22, 2023

What is the Title for a Futuristic Librarian?


Punctual Privilege

Not everything is science-fiction, in regard to future outlines of expectations, to greet upon establishing a futuristic agenda. I am searching for the futuristic librarian that emulates a role in punctually privileged citizens to grant access into a group of critics made solely on characterizing constitutional reiterations that catapult us, as a society, into the next world. Something that changes money. Commerce. Education systems. Time Management Systems and its priorities. Human Life comparisons and direct guidance programming. Language. Culture. The works. 

Change happens in a place that most know would gain success in numbers. This next phase of shifting into a mature state of international recognition, to survey, is going to begin with a third person commentary on the life of an infamous author/poet/publisher/educator of your choice. Study their work. Write your recommendations on transitioning this titled position into a history while seeking flaws, dilemmas, and outrage its fundamentals to inspire your own work. Categorize this in a punctual privilege to contest notable works of art to succeed them in shades that we stay cool in. 

Who survives? You or Them? And why?

Futuristic Librarian
                                                                                               Photo By:  Nicola Barts

Privileged List to Follow

This needs research by first locating your mentor. Mentorship programs allow the invitation. What you want, is to find the work in articles, journals, peer-review panels, interviews - things less scripted and prepared for, the better. The raw work is fundamental to exploitation and received in a way that is acceptable and ready to debate. This is a part of study that we do not allow ourselves, which is a shame. The debate, the review, the acceptable persona to assume in resourcing information to support or deny. 
Students of any caliber would refer to this state of mentality wherever they go - to speed their interest into prospective addition and furthermore, their own works of art. The brief introduction into copyright and other disclaimer disciplines aid the student into a direct name to build at a young age - to be respected in their climb into mentorship themselves. 

Central Positions On Introductions

Preservation intact, you believe you can be inspirational and eagerly announce your findings without protection. Out of respect, any upcoming educator or panelist is going to have to learn how to be patient and understand that if they have something that changed their life for the better - they need to support surprise with an itinerary. Supportive facts and further research dictate time stamps, supportive evidence, changed beliefs (which does happen very often in these stages), and security of factors that shake your fundamentals into breaking down for the last time (again). It does happen and it is a scary thing that should make you feel big - when in fact - belittles your future into realizing it is the start that usually goes unannounced. 

How do you remain centrally positioned?

This is a strategy, you see. The audience, your work, and the advanced stages unforeseen beyond your reach once it hits the public scene - are all going to have an ill effect, at best, and provide some unruly gust of wealth claimed by somebody other than you. This is frowned upon, as mentioned in my blog post on "Cascading Copyright Designs". However, remaining centrally positioned is a skill that requires special attention in revelation - noting its reference - and remaining tid-bit-to-tat for acceptable review rates. I suggest posting older designs rather than new (I am still working out these kinks myself and hate pushing old work so I can put those years of adjustments into effect now - but to remain centrally positioned, you have to have claimed some of those grounds initially for fear of being outdated in your own designs). 

Nobody Will Know, Go Ahead, Try It

Believing in words and the interpretation of them can be misleading interpretatively. What you output to read may be misunderstood. Pictures are good, but do we want to outdo the easy climb with pick-up-and-go infrastructures? Not really. 
The best thing I have found - is dictating your audience and want someone (especially if you are leading them there or requesting review or needing someone else to work with) who can understand what you wrote without having to spill the same old beans over and over again. Fundamental to design is accepted - but having to state its fundamental to shatter another's - priceless (groundbreaking work often leads us to believe reaction is proof, when our intention was not to receive proof but to receive a valid audience type). 

Know what you are doing and pay attention to how you are doing it. 

I have a hard time keeping my eyes focused on a subject in discussion, its rude. So, now that I notice other conversations find it rude for you to wander, ugh. I have to change! What can I try here? The advice is to stare back, I end up looking past them. The advice is to remain engaged in the conversation; I actually agree with this one. The less you care about eye movement and more on the actual intention and topic of conversation, the more you should realize what is important and go with it. 

Using that - how do I communicate to my future librarian - what I do not know, what I want?

This may sound off-subject - but trying to think ahead is usually not a preparation or talked about much. Thinking of vocabulary science fiction can name new, we are developing a point in subject that moves education sideways. We are going to be re-evaluating every educational subject and move sideways with it to improve that centrally positioned opinion. 

That centrally positioned opinion is going to find a weakness from a "hackers" stance. Determine the measures that will enable your place within time, well spent in study, to introduce your findings upon enabling you the right to be educational material. The future librarian will announce your arrival from the privileged group they formed in history to save us all the grief of consistently being right one way (directionally accepted in education) to begin diversification perspective approaches to result in a wholly amended education system.

Breakfast Bowls
                              Photo By: Taryn Elliott

Note: It is customary to enjoy something sweet to accompany good thoughts, natural delicacies that are picked from the middle ground of its bush. The top of the bush is reserved for the birds, the bottom is reserved for ground critters. The middle is designated for human and bear contact to harvest this beautiful fruit. Preparing a meal to share a conversation begins with adding the flare to establish an American custom. 


Internship - Career - Dreams

 Career Planning and Career Development Titles      As an underrepresented candidate for any IT specialist position, I want to utilize all o...