Showing posts with label Data Types. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Data Types. Show all posts

Friday, September 22, 2023

How Do You Convert a C# 2-D Array DataType Anyways?

string[] arrayName = new string[SIZE];

This 2-D Array was filled with two different dataTypes.
This file had a name at the top and double dataTypes within the file. 

Resolve with using the StreamReader to open the file contents and put into a string array to scan this 2-D Array and find its normal readings (counted), all the higher readings (counted) and all the lower readings (counted). And basically let the program compare the file to your hard coded 2D Array. 

Sounds easy. 

Figure ME out C#

Methods for this? 

There is no 2-D dataType conversion available, currently with Microsoft.Learns, the C# Programming textbook, or the Stack OverFlow Forums. So. What do you do? 

I am hoping someday to reflect back onto this blog posting so I can update with a valid solution. I want to know the intensity of this assignment and what skill level was needed to require the proper application results and be able to have a solution with this program in operable condition. 

Converting DataTypes

The parse methods are basically used. What other way is there to convert data types? I had seen in a Microsoft.Learns demo how to assign from an array's elemental location this, seemed to work, but running in the IDE it did not produce results. 

string to int; int to double; double to decimal; 
You know you have seen the measuring cup change and using the bits to bytes to mB to (capital) MB differences for converting memory to reserve for the program. The less, the better. 
So, why can't we have a method that is run (like a ToString(); or an embedded method) to automatically clip these conversions? 
DataType enforcement does take up time in the programming sections that often rely on multiple methods, lines of extra code to convert and back again if necessary. 

So, in my world of dataType conversions - is this an obsolete skill? Why can't I just have this knowledge readily available if it is supposed to be one of the easiest questions any developer could be asked. How do you change this dataType to the next? 
Well, to make it difficult, let's ask what about 2-D Arrays? Multi-dimensional Arrays in general, for multi-column files with different data.length to compensate. 

Is that all programming is? Conversion? 


Trim.Select(Program Name);

And that would take care of:

Overused dataType structures that are separating the int, double, decimal, string, static, bool, etc. into what we understand how to classify them and identify them as well from memory storage conflictions. 

What other hassles have you had with dataType conversions? How much time? Assignment grades? 

If we are going to learn this programming language, why not create the learning environment, off-season, prep time material to bypass this wasted amount of time! I want to be prepared for this course and be able to still live! I waste too much time learning a programming code without valid results. It's choppy material, puzzle peices to programs that don't apply most times to the actual assignment, or able to identify the assignment concepts with what is provided to you. 

If its a tech school. WRAP these assignments with the necessary tools, concepts, and the only thing needed for the assignment. Don't give us the whole book and expect us to not waste our time. Plus, it leads to more questions and wanting to reference (well, what about this time when this worked). 

Let us build a notebook online for notes from students about questions they had on the material for feedback and improvement. The skill building concepts with syntax, position, why, where, how, and using what tools worked. How to manipulate those tools. How to strategize with those tools. Then we will see finer results with student success with programming. We really need a teaching style to modify the business concepts that are being used (check out the review on the "What Developers Need To Know Now" article) by providing our feedback and upgrading our teaching style to keep developing the skills needed. 

I hate the time to finish the semester - it doesn't do anything for today's learning environment. The grading rubric is great for project checklists and expectations. The time is not for everyone, however, and that should remain open-ended until the student develops it. Why are we stuck in the same position, with a group, for? Is this schedule so difficult that we cannot determine when we are available to finish this work as adults? What is expected is documented. We know it can affect our graduation time and other classes but we should not be punished for not keeping pace. The idea is to learn. 
When are we going to create a learning environment? 
We do realize we have different generational techs in the classroom and their influential environment does range! 

There are solutions. 


Thursday, June 1, 2023

C# Static As A Data Type

Static Blog Image


First of all, static to me - is a fuzzy screen of squares that buzz over a screen in an erratic display for abstraction to render difficulty due to the compositional speed of its display. 

In C#, static is explained in static modifier - C# Reference | Microsoft Learn as an ability for Classes, Interfaces, Structures by adding a "static" modifier to fields, methods, properties, operators, events, and constructors. (Not with indexers or finalizers.) 

So - in the revised version (for my understanding) - I wrestle with this as something that is not an object but can define itself for inclusion of the entire class upon appearance and need. The example in the link provided definition for static used as a counter. I think the parameters set with static include when it can and when it cannot be used. Not sure why yet - and it doesn't state why it cannot be used just anywhere either. The code that is used with the link, also uses it in a down-casting to return after each section has been run. As I continue to learn C# anticipating my next C# course - I am glad I am taking extra measures to pass my courses for career fulfillment for these very particular questions I do not know the answers to yet. (I enjoy documenting these learning flubs to familiarize myself with teaching or interpreting these programming keyword tools and future tool making I may do in my software designs.)

Static being used - I imagine the fuzzy channels that used to be the "in-between" from one channel to the next when that static would appear like a bridging from one to the next. So, using this (TIME) as a means to explain the bigger picture - which is, that all channels are on static, its just, the ones that come in with picture have been produced on specified channels to output where, all channels are technically made of - static. 

Is this supposed to be the internet static - where it is also hiding secret data type values as "static" to explain a side-by-side approach to interfacing the space of code here? It is creating a place that can exist with certain rules, that use the space from one element to the next not in size, distance, or any other data type for that matter - and putting static as an explanation for data being written on another unexplainable internet/signal. I like it - but am worried about it also. 

Static C# Image

If internet in signals (plus all of the code and gadgets and system networks with bells and whistles) cannot be explained as a space of static itself and isolated to channels of code as a modifier for fields, methods, properties, operators, events, and constructors - then it should remain consistent in what this space is called. 

Why is there no explanation of code layers and weaving methods that are occurring of content quality to define space as what data types go to what space and have a course on explaining why this computationally is correct because the binary and character data types must match to correlate its boolean match? Decimal to Binary ASCII approved - Where is the course on mapping these abilities of code and why that is needed at that point? (I use weaving here because I envision the ground/soil of interface designs with binary to be what we are mutually in agreement with. What 'weaves' could also mean, what can bring connection by process or function without needing to make a synpasis match - like an actual two of the same thing uniting as one (smh, I don't want this but I know you understood it more than the weaving concept). This is actually pretty dangerous to do, I can't believe computers are still doing - by the way, just straight up connecting to each other.)

One of the difficult parts on learning programming is what to envision. What is internet? What are they writing it on? What is understanding it? This might be ridiculous of me to suggest, but, we're not cutting corners - are we? How do we know for sure?

Using static as a data type, not an object data type, but of itself - requires further explanation for me. I am intrigued at the idea of using this as a canvas approach to use access modifiers as adjectives from a structure there (but not always talked about or used). It's almost like trying to render an image of what internet and programming is by the developer's point of view - by syntax. 

Currently seeking an imagery of what I am creating as a Software Developer. Code, creates the language I describe what is being able to move an image into production and the syntax creates the machine language necessary to operate more than image if necessary. What I want from any programming language is the ability to create my [internet] space...

And this goes into something deep. 

First generation programmers and presently learning programmers to the future of signal processing in the environment. 

And be able to explain what I am creating and where I am creating it. 

An idealistic approach to anything we introduce to the world should have the seventh-generation perspective (we do not decide until we understand the impact of the seventh generation with our decision-making, for it is us that are borrowing the future's world) and technological input and its output are not short of that. 

Welcome to Gravacity!

Welcome to Gravacity! I have been anticipating my C#-Part 2 NWTC course in the second term of the Fall Semester and within it, a game I must...