Showing posts with label Abstaining Reproduction. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Abstaining Reproduction. Show all posts

Friday, March 31, 2023

Visual Basic - Save Option

 Save Suggestion

(Recommended: Basic knowledge in Visual Studio software.)

  • Docking the "Save" feature as an interface to maintain code that worked before tinkering with other features, structure, and form windows may save time, energy, and confusion for us all.
  • The "Save As" option provides a different window, an entirely new filepath and memory space needed for its recollection without the ability to compare.
  • The history of save (in program), a feature on another platform with textEditors (no longer available, Atom) that allowed the history of change to be recalled without modifying name, but automatically saved it for reference in history to recount steps (undo buttons work in this degree) can be referenced.

Problem: Visual Studio allows multiple forms, 'solution' is a container for file source paths and its "accessory" of directories that can use external sources but has no feature with 'save' to weave code in a preferred order that can build without a problem. 
When there is a problem, have the ability to recount steps on what worked - what changed - and the last operable sheet of code to work with as the new base, instead of completely over. 
I would like to see a visualized map that handles like a prezi presentation. Trees are formed and you want to see the result of what is being requested. This will probably end up being the business model once its all hashed out. Where's the job security in this rant?

I know many people out there, especially learning VS, have had started - messed up - and need to redo the entire GUI, save path, or code altogether. Time Management is all I am looking for here.

Solution: Expand on the "Undo" button a little bit more and provide a save feature in a flexible memory space that builds in secret (red error lines) and using the Option Statements (Explicit, Strict, and Compare Statements that determine the syntax flexibility when writing code and how to evaluate code by data types) to determine a strong/weak structure to operate GUI declared variables effectively. 

  • The code directory should be just as useful as the ToolBox. Make it available so we can dissect, familiarize, alphabetically find it with those options. I see the packages that we download, but I do not know what comes with what and why. I have not reached that level of programming knowledge yet - and anticipate not needing it until special projects come around. Holding onto this volatile memory, susceptible to virus? Perhaps trim the software to reveal this in download, offline formats upon need. Presenting the need in example is going to be the change in software design. 
  • "Save" (besides the menuTask bar that can indicate these settings with a form in visual studio) does snapshots of work thus far, if not complete - so, I want this to snapshot each save that I do and be able to compare. Ex: Orange, Red, Yellow are saved. I can bring them up and the minor changes I did on them, handle like the adobe express layering technique for images, textures, colors, fonts, etc. All the way through the entire image if necessary. These provide me with options on how to proceed, count, limit my program. It is also necessary to consider hacking thoroughly by rejecting these designs or creating them as catchers to prevent it, using that volatile memory as a false loot. The multiple design paths that can be constructed indicate a main path with sub path coordinates to this "false loot" which is either operable - actual running licensed software design or compatible data that is cleaned out and detected. I have not taken a course in data security or cybersecurity but I am interested to see if this is plausible. 

Think about things differently neon light
                                                                                                               Photo by Ivan Bertolazzi

Save Me

Object Oriented Programming and the terminology being used are keystone species for online navigation and in the world of cyberspace, there isn't really a structure humans can relate in prior knowledge upon keyboard strokes to invoke any actions. 
What is the idea behind internet, what imagery are they using to describe its use? 

I imagine a navigational world of words and verbiage that jumbles together to be strung out one at a time and placed in containers to use in a push-shove world. If you get in the way of the push-shove, it collapses. The roads paved are networked in layers and upon the top tier is a breath of fresh air we would consider in new development. Not in foundational development - which is a shame.

I know the buildings in this imagery are contained with pre-developed code that took ancient bone breaking postures the epitome of calculating its working order, but do we all have to suffer at some extent in order for it to be appreciated? The answer will probably shock you, and I half-heartedly agree. 
Building atop these monstrous defeats could be recalculated again. We need waves of disciplined programmers to separate by organization of an American system to uphold and maintain job security with core education that revolves around organizing its designers. Obviously, the software would keep improving but the programmer would need to have a base education - depending on its degree of contact with foundation. 

It is a cracked code, easily navigational, and improves from the ground up. The stronger we make those experiences and improve from them together - the more work that can be done, effectively. All are equal in importance of an operable system into a network of distributing powers. 

I am familiar with the competition in programmers and know we hold each other back much too often than support each other. The structure can support all of us and the job security of ancient programming must persist, be cleaned, and restored for alternative measures in upgrade that define the cyberspace with object-oriented programming obstacles, pathways, and innovation for futuristic models to use. There are so many facets of technological languages - minimalizing protects commercial internet space. That's where the money is though... 

*Also - saving comments using the Prezi presentation style and adobe layering techniques - was meant to create the need for it. I want the save and auto-correct to attune to the closest and best work you did on this program for machine efficiency and speed to be something of an autosave and tree-branching an add-on does for us. I suppose artificial intelligence embedding arcs that will be how we develop its neural networking for troubleshooting. What a dangerous thing to invent! Keep it offline and use in national emergencies or something - but every second with it is deathly to be breached or imprinted with its own time - (exasperated breath) - I think I am over paranoid about it now, but, for good reason. We need a security system of allowance for AI, something that will be puzzle/maze/encryption/time/space/barriers of power for something like that. We need to preserve our programming skill and troubleshooting like the gold it is!


Monday, February 27, 2023

Nomadic Real Estate

Nomadic Lifestyle:

During the relocation and seasonal homes that were necessary, a tradition has crept out of nomadic living into rental permanence. The idea of nomadic real estate specifies an answer for the over-populated cities, suburbia communities, and hardships of maintaining natural pristine forestland to live in natural settings that spark historical favors of survival. Nomadic Real Estate
                                                   Photo By: Eberhard Grossgasteiger

The ability to regain circuit movement in a particular job, education, resource, and home space. The adventure of discovery is missing in America and the abandoned homes unable to sell, the unexpected crime rate, the love interest that beckons settling down into a home to raise a child. People who understand what is necessary in valuing a future of luxury, as we see natural resources needing replenishment, should become necessary to involve nomadic living in reforestation efforts.

The idea of pushing settlement beyond a prepared life creates movement in life to invite introduction to people that welcome nomadic living. It should keep people separated from involving themselves into crime, support non-reproductive habits, isolate the environmental push towards ecological involvement, and they remain able to move freely as necessary, at a much more affordable and useful rate. 

It is a hard thing to do, keep auspicious movement clear of harm or danger. The pressure on local churches and homeless shelters with business foreclosures mocked at available space are unable to provide the selling sphere it needs. Further degrading the economy and the appeal of being an American lapses freedom to undermine its Rights and Constitution by being unable to sustain living arrangements. What opportunistic equivalence should we categorize our abilities when homeless, self-righteous individuals cantankerous to Liberty of Peace, expel indifference? How do we approach with solution?

The circuitry of nomadic lifestyles provides an isolated movement, a time and emotional connection to self-discovery and redefinitions for patience. This typically moves by season, annually at most.

Ecological skills can be learned and certified into clear cutting, planting, construction, carpentry, sewing, online education courses, farm hands, and maintaining houses on the circuitry for nomadic living. Being able to provide these features enable the preparedness another type of education can accrue. 
We need more options outside of collegiate institutions, incarcerated institutions, parental provisional sustenance, and begin employing for natural resource departments to uphold treaty rights that sustain our natural resources for future stakeholders in generational replenishment organizations to be upheld in their valor. We need to recognize these efforts and help. 

In all seriousness, read the reports of global climate effects, population control, pollution studies, the melting polar ice caps, the degradation of species near extinction, and think about it - how are you going to solve this crisis? What are your actual crises as of right now? (e.g., Personal, Global, Transition, Urbanization, Relatable Indifferences?) One thing that affects all of them is the health state of the natural environment. 

Nomadic Real Estate
                                                                                                 Photo By: Altered Snaps

Living On Fumes:

Attention to check-by-check (e.g., wage) lifestyles, the adjustments and emergency situations that arrive require maintenance to continue the check-by-check living arrangements. There is no room for error. However these types of Americans occur, is not the issue. The real issue is providing Americans equally by supporting lifestyles that support saving money to invest in a resting home. We want all Americans to invest in their retirement and choose the lifestyle that supports their freedom for options in their own categories that best supply their lifestyle by paying attention to citizen services of an environmental impact. 

There is no camping, no sleeping in the car, no pit stops that can guarantee safety (although, they are still safe, it is a targeted area), no trespassing! You have to pay for every time you park your vehicle or want to put up a tent, as it should be, but, when the world begins to see drought, water is scarce - we realize that time is of the essence. We need to act now to save our wilderness and forestlands! This means putting citizens in action to recount their affinity to the country by reforestation efforts so they can earn their belonging and remain prideful in country as they should (by now). 

While backpacking in other countries is a tourism hit for their economy, it can be devastating on their environment. To establish trails for them to follow would be an ideal set up to occur and break down into living arrangements that are encouraged. Options, yes, there are apps in South America that allow people to stay and do chores, small jobs and tasks to stay there free of charge or with free meal arrangements. Supporting the tourism with home space that is affordable. 
Safety requirements are at best in any situation. If we truly believe in our humanity today and the access to these nomadic living arrangements to prove their validity on neighborly acquiescence to bid ourselves into fortunate tides - then it should be promoted. I would hate to see this get tarnished in the near future over self-embellishments in novelty that exclude the next good person that exercises peaceful encounters. 

Why Choose Nomadic Lifestyle?

This is not for everyone. We know this. Until it can be made for these occasions, how else are we going to clean the streets up and remind constantly on the freedom of America in comparison to the rest of the world if it isn't embedded somehow? Mainstream is providing a facade that is illicitly not complying with social responsibility. People need to be reported on abstaining from reproduction out of fear that their children are going to live during a time without water. How devastating! How can we not have this type of opinion to curb those consistent provisions to act now. You want to supply assistance for free - do it with advice to remain unreproductive to save the future of those child's lives!
The loss of nomadism would be depressed upon required living knowledge if it were to cease existence as humans adapt and lose function in survival. The incompetent roles that provide room for development through creative strategy and the relation with environment (how many people actually felt less than a person if they had to live this and would seek out invention for remedy?) to identify original bliss.


I see plenty of entitled families who are loving, protecting, and deserve all that there can be offered to establish its foundation into a valor future to continue its tradition of being an American. Are we America or a sub-country to role model after?

I ask kindly to stop reproducing and begin caretaker duties for the environment by enlisting in reforestation programs and conservation efforts to keep the natural wildlife species alive. If there is not a program, we need to make one happen with nomadic living arrangements. 
Majority populations have another homeland of the same type of people - enough is enough, I state this for the response of every human life is important campaigns. We need to keep the forests alive, and we need a nomadic lifestyle to resurface again to re-seed and re-establish its domain for thriving flora and fauna. At the production level currently, we will not be able to label organically, sustain consumption rates effectively, and it will begin to affect jobs to afford those homes for those loving Americans. 



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