Tuesday, January 30, 2024

Northeast Wisconsin - Technical Resource Group: An IT Atmosphere for the Indigenous Community


On Wednesdays starting February 14, 2024 - from 10AM to 1PM - NEW-TRG will presume meeting at the Oneida Career Education Center located on Packerland Drive in Green Bay, Wisconsin. Check in with staff upon entrance and find your way to the "Big Classroom" in the back. If you go to www.NativeTRG.blogspot.com -- there is a video showing where to go if you are new!

Reading the blog, there have been some interesting topics to catch interest. So far, none. But I cannot stop. One of the issues in the community is changing the attitude of future interest groups and how to be of value to the community without being invested in cultural activities or youth groups. I began this group to locate more coders, programmers, developers, or just people interested in IT topics in my community. I wanted a place to gather as friends, to eat and chill and talk about the latest dev news or to help each other on projects. Having a community like this takes time to develop in mutual understanding and levels of education. If we had side projects to help maintain working relationships that could also impact the community like digital marketing, software licensing, or writing our own programs - we would be improving overall morale for future working partnerships. 

It is the start of a beautiful plan and one I intend to persist with. I have looked into the possibility of research grants to develop new programming potential studies and constantly thinking of what to invest with in the community that will not affect my personal work. I have a copyright that I want to pursue in curriculum with NABM (www.nabm.info) but do not want to "share" those rights from development after. It is not a topic that is open or talked about in development. Most of any development is open-source because everybody wants their platforms, software, programs, hardware, licenses to be used and honored online. Especially since the virtual currency is still being developed. Who is going to create that solid ground online and capitalize into a prepared future of business strategies that may mislead from the initial intentions... har har har (old ways stay young at heart in the root of all evil... which is unfair to development and the speed of it that we falter into reworked patterns to see us never change). 

What is the Native American perspective? 

What do you want to know about the IT Field and do you understand where we are in competitive revenues, Rights, and access? It is constantly changing and with our discipline, very slowly. We are in competition with world leaders in technological innovations and for an American perspective - we need to see something new and progressive with our endeavors. 

This is a big thing happening and most of it is new. Realizing this, I feel like we can invest in ourselves and help our country to support our stance as we always have in what we believe can be done. We just have to figure out what that is! 

So, please, stay informed. Ask questions. Be interested. Talk to your children, relatives of all ages, and yourself on an IT Topic with an Indigenous perspective on how to solve it. How to have an opinion on it. 

One thing I would advise is begin grooming leaders as early as possible. They have to know many vantage points in almost every component of business, communication, education, technology, marketing, and health. All core services we provide as a Nation, we need the leadership role to continue with. The mainstream effects, crime (defensive or not), income (neighborhood violence), mate (emotional health), and knowing how other people are developing in these conditions create a crowd to follow, believe, and push their support systems further for political gains. These aren't always successful agendas, but because they are in need and can gather, create an impact. When we have so many that are unable to thrive in an IT environment because they struggle with conditional interference on personal choices, it is a sign of failure in our teachings as a community. We have to change something within our public interest groups to create more progress. I love the healing circles and support groups for our people but it's also detrimental to their time, energy, and own well-being. Let's let them move on and invest in something besides healing others from their own personal experiences of failure. We need more success stories and healthy choices in those pre-mentioned conditions (mainstream, crime, poverty, etc.).

We could very well lose a leader in those pre-mentioned conditions! We groom them now, we are gearing our tribal perspective to persist a societal shift to thrive in future projections that others may want to emulate. We have to have a plan for health. The data is there - now we have to use it by changing our policies to reflect our people's best interests and force a standard for the betterment of all. 

Give us the option. Sign up for the intervention in life coaching, mentorship programs, extra-curricular check-ins and career driven opportunities to form the leadership groups as soon as possible. Create the standard and expect great things from them in all conditions. They can't be secluded and expect to thrive in a competitive environment with diverse interactions. Expect the worst.


Welcome to Gravacity!

Welcome to Gravacity! I have been anticipating my C#-Part 2 NWTC course in the second term of the Fall Semester and within it, a game I must...