In My America...

 In My America...

Blue eyes and red streaked cheekbones, flowing white hair,

frigid melting ice, 

ears piercing with speed; diamonds of time,

space of infinity warms the clutch,

(Made of) revealing heart of bravery

speak on behalf, of the part, that enables attention in youth,


 "What is an American?"


                                       Photo by Frank Cone

These topics will range from: 

1. Scholar Reviews

2. Portfolio Building
3. Digital Marketing

4. Audience & Writing Submissions

5. Strategical Content with the theme of Software Developer or the IT Field in general

I include references in heavy topics of research that require certain action to perform, or may already be in performance, with society today. Most topics cover environmental impacts and resourcing time with online presence by equipping ourselves with the steadfast reactions to change now. I am also a big fan of businesses that listen to their audience when it comes to impacting the world with their platform - allowing marketing to reinvent impressionable impacts on customs we need to pay attention to in every part of its messaging.

I discourage the time effort to delay development for fear of career advancement with innovative ideas that could better serve mankind now. I believe in referencing and posting these ideas until a highly encouraged reputation is suited for a position that validates its foundation. Please reference accordingly and leave a comment if you enjoy the content!

In My America...

...Is a theme I am currently working with on many levels into a profession that is currently undefined. The American affiliations to Country and its affinity of identity. There is none. Currently speaking, the world we live in is modern, communication in connections with internet/satellite services, tourism prone, and traveling with budget savvy adventurists, globally. Peace reigns. It is not expected or encouraged to define America as an identity - much too many options and not enough reasons to decide on what may be considered unequivocally politically disdainful. 

I expect new ideas, conclusions, and paths to arrive revelations of self by starving the self an identity to coincide with ethnicity. Starve yourself the invention of perspective and preference. Starve yourself out of fear of being alone to find your place. Starve your wits to break free and be an American of Independence. 

The identity of America is not of an old country. America is an undefined place intended for governmental support and to believe we are prosperous for our own decisions. I encourage the opportunity now amidst Native America, in peace, to consider the inter-tribally independent leaders to start the blended American push for an established Constitutional rendition of "In My America..."

Who Are Americans Today?

What we see, currently, are business and customer relations in our customs of American backgrounds. We are consumers. We are employees. We are family business. We are employee-owned businesses. We are equal opportunists. 

What we need to see are strategies of effective resourcing into environmental impact scores and schedules that require seasonal harvests to focus on American diet arrangements and demand for agricultural crops that maintain its soil health. 
What we need are strategies of marketing with packaging, waste management, whole-sale (fair trade) and score ourselves to determine our household impact and regulate it by enforcing its impact to make a change now. 
What we need is to have reminders that living in Freedom requires us to choose healthy, educative trusts of 'time well served' with support in citizenship that is not racially required. We need to be realists when explaining our ethical models of real results. This usually requires origination in America, at this point, to be upheld. The population and demographics with the budget constraints allow us to have discussions about how to remain vital to the Country besides economical concerns. We need ecological concerns to remain priority. The leadership steering for decisive gains, in regard to population and equal opportunity, can be specifically groomed for leadership positions. That would be a clear identifier that the entire Country needs to be American, and only American, to qualify for those leadership positions.


We really have to uphold the Constitution so we can advance beyond its stark history that devalues its current descendants into false personas of each kind. I have noticed the impression we are making on the world with our stance that is unreal to the history of those lineages by craving peace - we want something we can control in peace and not be determined valid in our code of honor by placing it to be entrusted in another Countries hands for valid appeal. That is totally out of our control and degrades our idea of Peace to fail in the world history at a young age - very hard to recover from! We are a budding governmental system that needs more time to withstand a valid reputation and vital characteristics to withstand, past arrogancy and pompous inclusions of what (we think) makes the world better. Mind you, we have our own dilemmas to encounter within American public space and until all are content with socioeconomic differences, we have to remain vigilant in solution seeking.

What my America needs are dedicated citizens that cause us to perform outstanding measures of service to the only country that matters (USA) with our documents and governmental powers. Outside of America, we are visitors, tourists, and at business tables. You already have a home, now maintain.


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