Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Freelance Review: AI Template to Customized Website

 Freelance Hours: 10

Project: First Nations Construction, LLC. Website Review
Project Protocol: Scrum Guidebook
Platform: GoDaddy.com

When I first started this review, the company had used an AI Template, free stock photos, and AI Generated text, something that GoDaddy.com uses in their pre-built website templates for start-up businesses. It was a good start but not what the company wanted in the long-run. A personalized touch and beginner strides on SEO Optimization with etiquette working with a web dev by providing a log and notes to pass with the next developer in a business rules template made the experience note-worthy.

This was not a customized website at first (and the company invested in a platform to use - which made it convenient for me as a developer to use more digital marketing skills and not raw website coding) since they wanted to be able to manage on a smaller budget, knowing website maintenance and design can be costly, I volunteered 10 hours to this project with NEW-TRG for free. We were able to find cost-reduction interactions for both them and myself. Time management is crucial and to go through this process I learned a couple of standards to abide by:

1. Discuss Business Rules first. Set the company requirements, desired outcome, and follow the scrum guidebook with professionalism in the corner of the developer. Maintaining that direct assertion of being in control of skills used in the project while being organized is highly recommended - no matter the size of the project. 
2. Limit image editing and request same lighting, quality shots you have already approved of and dire to the image of the company and what they want to showcase as a priority - limit this to as minimal as possible to consider the user load time. 
3. Build a file structure that the company approves of and can follow. 
4. Write an incident log/journal to leave with the company on developing good habits and regiments on work produced to maintain professionalism and what the company is used to seeing in the developer role. Maintain the seat just as any other developer would in that role of expectations by leaving contact information.
5. Set a schedule and stick to it. Maintain communication and be effective with every conversation. We were both so busy that our words and time spent were clearly stated made everything operate smoothly and fast.
6. Use Professional headers from the dev to signify a start and end. Have a personal process you customize as a dev to know that the job is done, the customer is satisfied, and the next dev will be able to continue that experience. This was the fun part and projected towards a personal file system to maintain. 

I used Business Rule criteria from SQL courses, the only database type of material we had were about 100 images, a logo redesign for URL purposes, and a couple of AI Generated commercialized appeal to use that GoDaddy frameworks wouldn't have. The scrum guidebook was used for communication and dev guidance on role in the company as a freelancer. The log was created due to freelance position. 

I look forward to more opportunities like this in the freelancer position as a student so I can continue to build more experience to list. It does create more opportunity to hone in on and advance with, thinking of user-friendly platforms for new users and the SEO rankings for companies. I want to embark on a project that could change pow-wow dancing, pow-wow drum competitions by using QR Codes for the crowd and judges to scan for use in pow-wow committee planning to consider in their own personalized websites. I think getting their reputation with community and showcasing their personalities will help their unique portfolios to be upheld in a professional sense. In their roles as a positive influence, they can develop their leadership positions and be a constant guide on their schedules and develop a fan-base. It is in the works but it might be useful in the modern days of technology and communication efforts for Indigenous people to remain connected. 
MCCutcheon - Pexels


Monday, August 5, 2024

Kunhi-Yo Event at Oneida Hotel in Green Bay, Wisconsin

 Kunhi:yo (I'm Healthy) Overdose Awareness Event 2024

On August 29, 2024, Oneida Social Services and Resources will be hosting an event to bring awareness and resources to the community for those struggling with substance abuse and the relatives affected by loss in substance abuse. Different resources will be made available and will enlighten how much the tribe cares for the health of their people. 

NEW-TRG will be there to provide recruitment, interest, and to be present as an option of making different paths in their lives. We often do not know what can be made available to us, sometimes we do not know how to ask for help, and we may need someone to provide us a way first. That is the idea behind community involvement and participating in the betterment of each of our memberships, respectively, within each Nation. This does include descendents and ascendants of all kinds. 

Kunhiyo Event 2024 Banner

If you are interested in going its August 29, 2024 and starting at 9AM at the Oneida Hotel in Green Bay, Wisconsin at 2040 Airport Drive. 
Hope to see you there!


Making an Impact with NEW-TRG

NEW-TRG Header

How did NEW-TRG start?

Northeast Wisconsin - Technical Resource Group (NEW-TRG) is a community involvement project I have been working on to help with the IT presence in the Indigenous community within the Northeast Wisconsin region. The main capital of casino revenue stems from Gaming operations where Software Developer titles do not directly employ Indigenous or sought for Indigenous recommendations. These are Las Vegas standards, machines, and programming at hand. The in-house banks for progressive jackpots align with designated network systems that can be in-house lead with their departmental staff. However, the main concept was to develop a community base of idealists who could recruit, mentor, and ask questions for the community to follow-up at GTC meetings to their leadership any solutions, projects, etc. towards revenue or occupational roles to fill (basically, what program to go into higher educational institutions for).

Professionally, this means, my tribe does not employ my career currently. It is out-sourced. We do have an IT Department and Help Desk with other networking credentials where Cisco and other advanced essentials in their portal, website, and voting occasions. However, the Software Developer role does not currently have an advanced title or departmental resource to compete for. 

NEW-TRG as a citizen support system for their leadership. 

NEW-TRG is definately going to be needed in our leadership artilery in today's political scene. We need research, lobbyists, and grants to fund IT development. This does include the Data Governance and the undefined laws online. Online Gaming, Online purchases with tax exempt, and sensitivity towards cultural places and items and information are main subjects to resolve. This begins with a tribal lobbyist group seeking technological advancement by requesting funds to propel the education, study, research, and effectively have a profitable plan to repay or refund the efforts towards that advancement to remain a self-sustaining governmental system. Something not many minority groups in the USA are privileged to accomodate their people with today. 

What is NEW-TRG doing currently?

The first thing that is in the works presently is setting a business plan and proposal with NEW-TRG to also align with by-laws enacted for the conduction of a lobbyist group. This can be done less dramatically to enhance participation and fulfill at its own leisure upon the event. Exercising sovereignty in this matter is being effective with conditioning the citizen. We can have the strongest leader in the bunch at the lead but they cannot move everyone if they do not understand what is happening. The education, the crowd they engage with, and their own personal interests may not be the same as the people and this creates a distance that the people end up contending with. More complaints. Less results. Yet everyone is happy. It will be a constant battle field unless we learn to resolve our own faults and create bigger solutions when we can lift others around us with our efforts. 

Main Point and Summary of inclusion within community.

Having a Lobbyist Agenda in tribal affairs will help separate us from the US political structures and create a direction that can be established within a smaller community. Did it resolve, where they able to become functioning followers, did they advance in education, did it help resolve drug issues on their reservation and people? There is much data to collect and convene with guiding our time as human beings and create positive learning environments for future children. 

NEW-TRG and the Coupling Scene

In America, where heritage and genetics of adapting to our learning environments, are creating our separations now. If we understand our surroundings and pride to remain strong in our ingenuitive and creative aspects within our cultural teachings that reflect on us as a person, then we understand the importance of evolving with our environments. Currently, the technological scene is one any Indigenous stepping into has to realize was made from other ancestors from other parts of the world. We have to recognize where we are within it and make a home. Right now, that is a very small corner and we have much work that needs to be done. It is difficult striving for more when the current culture is in need of preservation. This is why we need to organize our multi-lineage people and gather them into productive fields of technologists who want to qualify their time and influences from the strongly encouraged cultural types to gather within their own diversity settings to influence each other peacefully. This is a projected control to maintain unity within the United States. We will have full-blood citizens and descendency citizens who will never be on the same page unless it is cultivated as such. They are capable of remaining within the people and keeping each other genetically healthy - which should be considered since genetics needs time to adapt. These types of fundamental grooming and organizations reach as far back as the construction of the clan systems. This is not a new concept. It just needs to shift into what we have now and having a bigger plan on being capable of following-through with it. 

They're called occupational couples. Homes that provide a career setting with their children who will aspire for their occupational roles or ones that support them. The conversation settings, extra curricular projects, research, and dinner talk will revolve around technology. This is an opportunity to create generational profit by creating those standards and guides for success in our methods and customs. Most times they are shunned, especially from old ways, due to the materialistic grasp and possessive gains that occur which is not the traditional value system. This must be intact. By creating occupational couples, the value system is dutiful and remains valued for community and personal attainment. Our community does not compete with materialistic perspectives, we should remain together in our belongings. 


Transparency in politics wants to know what people it represents. The people respond with NEW-TRG and want to know how they can be of service. There is less need from its government system. 

That is the goal.


Welcome to Gravacity!

Welcome to Gravacity! I have been anticipating my C#-Part 2 NWTC course in the second term of the Fall Semester and within it, a game I must...