Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Project Terminology: Scrum GuideBook

 Project Guides for Developers using Scrum Guidebook by J. Sutherland & J. McKenna

A link to the actual documentation (brief reading time, approx. 25 minutes) is here

I stumbled upon this information going over Youtube videos with developer advice for project management and what makes a senior developer versus a junior developer in their work alone. As a software developer student, and 8-week courses, with other life hassles to pay on time - I am getting doubtful of a prosperous career in IT because I lack the confidence in my skills as a developer. The terminology without a community to converse daily becomes absent in my return to class structures and it is difficult to maintain interest when I feel over-stressed by it. I enjoyed the learning - so I focus on that part. And get back to it. 

So, in this video by subscribing to the "Thriving Technologist" - I am learning how experienced programmers are establishing programmer habits to enact for future project and career security. One thing I picked up - without direct intent - was the leadership role to be foundational and established within the developer role in any project and to remain in that seat at all times. Do not let anyone dictate the developer or its duties. This is a job role to secure the salary/wage for each project and the vital attitude we all must exhibit as a developer to create the unity in our work and the ability to follow each other and consistently work regardless of personal projects. Don't let the personal project style/patterns/work flow seep into the career projects!
I also found it interesting to use the scrum guide for projects that use inter-departmental feedback to maintain throughout its term in development. Which means, the developer does have an establish role to fulfill and to let the other departments handle theirs. The goal incrementing and completely done by standard finish lines create the micro-management for diverse work groups to collectively be assertive in deadlines by standard and to assist if needed much more available and readily than by reading from the top philosophy. 
I did not know Scrum Guidebook before this youtuber explained in his knowledge as a developer how project spaces that use it - should follow it to the tee. It does explain that in it as well. I enjoyed the documentation - which is also something that the youtube video explains. 
Here is a sample of who I am talking about: 

This is a separate video but he does a great job at explaining Developer Advice, Tips, and very straightforward on the subject he presents. I would definately enjoy working with him - even at my inexperienced stage - I would be more interested in how to improve and him being able to provide that to me (in the form of youtube is even better - saves me the embarrassment!)

Scrum Guidebook Review

The history of the Scrum Guidebook is a basic step for group projects of any kind, technically. This is pertaining to accountable dollar for time, resources, and micro-managing at its best. The idea of being provided a task and doing it - was an older programmer technique that was heavily reliant on integrating program code and modifying based on the time spent writing it. But nowadays, programmers don't want to waste time by redoing the entire architecture so it has been mutually agreed upon to write based on easy to read code, easily transferrable code, and code that operates with tools effectively. 
One of the habits he stresses was documentation in his videos. I am going to be taking a Documentation Writing course in the Fall of 2024 and as plainly as it sounds - excited about it. I think if I'm going to be good at anything, hopefully its writing! But also reading it. I want the user to imagine what they are reading and be effective throughout the documentation so we can post it without running into multiple variations of how they interpreted it, what their thoughts on it were, and what helped them use it in which part of code the best. These should be habits by the developer regardless - especially in new programs, projects, developments to pass to the company for the next programmer to easily read and adjust for other improvements or modifications to insert other tools or features. 

I'm glad to have encountered this. I guess its been in most active use since 2020 - so, I'm not too far behind. I've never been involved in a project and am happy to have found his advice most useful to an inexperienced programmer as myself. I have much to work on and create those good developer habits within my time of study!

NASA Coordinating Universal Time - How?

 Not UTI but actual Space Time to help astronauts navigate time in space?!

AI Generated - Native American Programmer racing space and time
                                                                                                            AI Generated Image. Co-Pilot. 2024.

Einstein's relativity theory is one of the main contributors for the NASA agenda for establishing a Space Time for our global space measurements to help coordinate some issues they have been having in outer space. The world is well aware that we now have another Country (India) in our outer atmosphere's, traveling to the moon, taking samples, and discovering their hemispherical observations to record in human space travel missions. The number of countries with space programs is 77 while three countries have made mankind flights (USA, Russia, China) and inviting other countries to ride with. There have been 44 countries that have sent astronauts into space with these crewed flights. 

So, its no wonder that the world is looking on solutions for space time and what they will be using to justify their space flight coordinates and air space time for navigating other voyage tasks. Relativity is in consideration, projecting other space traveling amongst other planets and moons in relation to their size and gravitational pulls. 

So, how would you figure this out with your current profession? What are the questions you are asking or brushing up on to contribute - an opinion - that would validate future agendas of the world? What are you considering within your own culture that would correlate with this task? NASA has been diligent with keeping record of discoveries and diversification of discoverers. The future missions with their experience would grant this opportunity but also announce its problem to the world for other contributors. 

Space Time 

Some literature I have been introduced to state that time is an illusion. In space, where there is a minute degree of zero gravity to weigh/measure tasks at the incredible temperature to support the SuperConducting energies of stars/solar objects within its vast material. Literature also states of the dark matter within space. The studies of space have small degrees of observation that qualify its measure in comparison to Natural Law that succumbs all objects within it - regardless of size. 
What I understand of Space, using Native American Binary Mathematics (NABM), is that objects contain qualities of zero size to control values within it. So, if I were to consider space as a container - because we understand that zero is explaining nothing as a shell to contain what values or numbers will qualify within that object to amount its capacities, ecosystems, and voids (Mayan Civilization - Zero Principles & C. Seife) then we understand that space can be measured. With objects in relation to their ecosystems of distances that are established in routes we can use projection of their placement as a map to navigate the same path to establish in those relations. It cannot change or alter and should be picked out of pure convenience to those encounters. The same speed will be needed. The same resources and weight of shuttle (perhaps not the participants within it). But, that is using relativity as it is known today. 
The flaws of this are proceeding the montonous ticking to calibrate to that establish time from that object (shuttle) in relation to planets (larger object). So, we have to bring it closer to home and study our idea of time a little bit more external to our usual perspective. 
I would suggest using 6Grid for Earth and extending its planes of axial dominance to separate sections of space, external. Once the sun hits the surface of the earth, it expands the sections allowance because of the zero point origin of Earth. These sections accrue an object within their space - 

Once a planet in range of those sections can establish a mutual zone of relation, we can find the destination of using the counting habits of South American/Brazilian tribes of string coordinations (one, two, one and two, two and two, etc)(C.Seife). That is a separate counting system to consider as process for solutions. 

Some things to consider in space time solutions:

First: Using zero as a placement marker. This is important because these large objects assume the ability to begin another counting value. 
Second: Space is not an environment of conditions. It is the distance between environments. This is defining zero properties as NABM uses binary compositions to define space as an appearance within the Binary Sequence Signature (BSS). 
Third: Using BSS - Going from one value to the next (destination and origination) - space value is the equivalence of these. Create an equal variation to meet each (step). 
Example: Lunar Path of Earth = 3 & Mars = 4 from a process of order from solar system. 
This total 7 is broken into steps between each object with the closest points to each object. Every space between objects will be guaranteed a different value due to its order in solar system. 
"In the seventh" I know refers to Earth's Lunar and Mars. I refer to Earth's Lunar because it is the outermost path of the planetary atmospherical conditions. 
Fourth: As for Earth's atmospherical conditions - I would just assume stationary time towers be installed to coordinate flight paths globally with axial placements of noon to midnight, three to nine, or such. 

Whatever they end up using, I'm sure it will be based on global standards. But the excitement in that happening now, while I am alive and youthful in the world, is prosperous to what I will be able to witness in space travel and exploration. 


Welcome to Gravacity!

Welcome to Gravacity! I have been anticipating my C#-Part 2 NWTC course in the second term of the Fall Semester and within it, a game I must...