Sunday, February 25, 2024

Learning Backups before Recovery

 What is your personal backup policy?

Currently, I have none! I haven't really done the etiquette of backing up data to disk, flash, or url but have endured the automatic reliability of surprise, which is nice. I learn about organizational policies in my Advanced SQL course with NWTC now and realize that I have not made a personal policy to register with myself. I save to flash, but the data I output now isn't what I would have thought would be important. 
1. Think of the time invested in creating data. Writing blog, learning from it, adjusting for future use in curriculum or teaching material in mentorship. 
2. Creating artwork in literature. 
3. Valuing data like a future bank note, whatever it may be, to pass down into generational information. The first generation with technology such as this, what happened? 
4. Value it. I did not value technology with the original teachings I had and spent my early years in development for building a home skill set. I believed technology was great but never had the inquisitive sense to ponder how it was made or to be part of that occupational dream. 

The only key in the city and the city applauded the only key made

During a time of information buzz and personal branding, keys are scarce where people know not of valuable data. It absorbs time and investment is made with connection (social media, blog) in networking - however, I believe we are not doing it the correct way to truly be successful. Most do not start at wanting to be successful, in content, in platform presentation, and in history-making. If we changed our mentality for these values to persist, we would be investing in a changed lifestyle to provide example that can be relied upon for many years after. 
The resources online are abundant, how-to, instructional videos are the next guarantee for fame. The option to also invest monetarily. I have done it and enjoyed the feeling knowing that I invested in the service for it to continue. What I believe to be the best recruitment for creativity and personal relations officers of 'dumbing it down for us since you just now understood that concept as well' types. People put it online and hit or miss, end up enjoying being able to do such a thing. Possibly the first and only in its category!

Backups are required knowledge in technology.

Co-Pilot Generated Image. 2024.

"Huh?" said the Robot.                                                                             Co-Pilot Generated Image. 2024.

Recovery are required knowledge in technology. 

Anything you do after, you will have personal policy with your own equipment, the knowledge for conversating on how you save data and what else you learned in a bigger scope, and what you plan on doing for creating more data in the future to maintain. Is it worth it? Everything online costs money, investment, partnership, and will include how to bypass or work with data governance, bot crawls, and supported server compliance to name a few. 

Personal Policy Making

When I have time, I own an EIN currently with a Religious entity and I want to create data logs on different aspects for future collections. I am going to develop a traveling marathon (which is so difficult, needing to work with county, tribal, municipalities of all sizes and each having their own process, paperwork, contacts, jurisdictions) to generate revenue. This requires a business plan, license, insurance, and the budget to contract services for the event. Paying taxes and the write-offs for it need to be documented and that means keeping those records for atleast 7 years. Everything this religious organization is involved with needs to be backed up with a recovery plan. 
This is the start of knowing and valuing data to maintain. I can put this down in my resume as a Director for Tsha Tewahsana to relish in the times when project management was learned on the fly. I believe that nobody really expects this type of work to need an IT degree and when you possess the beginning credentials to merit future opportunity and potential with the organization, great things can happen. 

Check out the website at!


Welcome to Gravacity!

Welcome to Gravacity! I have been anticipating my C#-Part 2 NWTC course in the second term of the Fall Semester and within it, a game I must...