Showing posts with label Native American Blog. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Native American Blog. Show all posts

Friday, January 5, 2024

Colonialism Effects and Computer Programming

 I read blogs, articles, and watch youtube channels on programmers as they reconfigure their learning environment as the topic of "What I would change or learn first" arrives. How they would learn the programming language first doesn't usually help my style of learning. If you are completely new, learn digital logic or just logical theories in general before delving into any programming language. This is algebra, problem solving skills with truth tables, and understanding syntax structure is a big key to success. 

Learning what first? 

I did a blog on zero concepts and the history of zero books. The reading is light and interesting. It conflicts with modern day zero and how it is envisioned for global usage. Every culture interpreted a zero concept - basically nothing or a hub of placed connection - from lack of proof or discontinued knowledge. They had to reveal it again in rediscovery, what zero was. The infitesimal had peaked origination of tangible weights and measures which took microscopic phenomena into calculus, trigonometry, and quantum mechanical engineering. The biological factors reconvened and disgruntled the zero concepts of how things came to be. This is generalized, of course, but for the main societal impact of core education, we observe our mathematical genius through the tangible one, the addition of one, and the truth of object as one entity which range in size. Things exist.  

The philosophy in programming is entirely made of who designed the language and branched from an available program that was modified with the Software Development working atmosphere. I understand software development to mean a study of domain with all inputs and outputs to reconfigure the next tool sets. If data governance is in the midst of being organized, I would like to organize the domain space to prepare for machine learning using binary domains that machine use as tools to interpret with their algorithms from an interface interaction with software language/development models to create the hierarchy and platform models we will be building upon. This means a space for this type of (NABM) binary to study and create within a closed domain to continuously build and develop with machine. I figure we will be separate in the future and will want to know the difference of who did what and why while being monitored for further progress. We may think we are progressing in an open-source community with multiple avenues of freedom, but without monitoring progress, how are we to progress as a profession?

From what I read, developers before me were inspired by their speaking and writing languages of the world. We are restricted in what is already there for us. The knowledge that we possess is being referenced, hence, the importance of digging up old knowledge and concepts to re-use and revive with technological languages. It gives a sense of boost within the lineage of those cultures and beliefs to be of usefulness now. The world has been introduced to many different environmental teachers and spiritual beliefs that connected a generational survivalism and since most of it has perished the world - studying these ancient engineering breakthroughs provides us a touch of ground to spread a base of missing links that we use to bridge cyberspace architectural laws. 

I see the pace that we believe people are learning how to program and want to keep up. Don't rush yourself. Research terminology, know where it comes from, ask questions and consider the influential history guiding the language you are learning. What cultural ground are you stepping into and understand that these languages do have origins. In cultural barriers, it forces you to learn and respect how much work and effort is put into these concepts to move and shape our future. They stay alive because they never let it die. They are constantly using it and enforcing its use to deal with their resources, their intellect, their history as a people of intelligence. Redefining what was and using it with technology is an innovative revitalization. Indigenous people have yet more to climb through to stay afloat in the future!

We don't have time to waste on the colonization period or the transition of documented opinions. It has always been embedded within, you just have to use it. Your perspective is beginning to change because of the modern world. The more distance that grows between you and what was lived and survived as the connection grows weak. BUT! Look at the revitalization of global dead cultures and how they are being used today to retranslate what was always there in any breakthrough. Check your zero references because those weren't there before colonization. It was after! Now that they know it was amongst our land base, they search for it in theirs. Is this true? It could or couldn't be, any small voyage or explorer would not state the truth for being forgotten in those documented histories. It was always there. Why push it into the sea turned ocean to discover away from home? Stay here with your discoveries!

If we die, what will be revived? What will be connected to some of the American descendants? What will they do with it? How will it help the future of the world? 

That's when we ask - where do we start? 

That's when we see others say where they would start... 

Our minds never develop actual cyberspace or contend with zero concepts in binary languages which deal with machine learning and development. We lack the interface to communicate with a new meta-science of virtual reality and begin to create an egotistical cultural remake without fully integrating new concepts (for never having new concepts and blindly building on top of the last save point and expecting everyone to be at that level). 

Co-Pilot Generated Image. 2024. Robot discovering America.

                                                                                                                  Co-Pilot Generated Image. 2024. 


Monday, January 1, 2024

Federally Recognized Spirits in Native America - The War on Drugs

 The War On Drugs

Behind the mask of society are eyes rolling backwards about the drug addiction and the seriousness of it affecting those we care for. We just don't believe it enough to act on it until it is too late! The problem is persistent, self-challenging to those diverse friend making groups and reliant on personal income support that it seems like any other addiction the reservation has faced. There is community support and room to recover. The environment we created through oppressive change has flourished and opened doors for many other recoveries that have no limit on the damage it does for the people. How do we control it and save our money now from being gateway supporters to future drugs and criminal activity?

Federally Recognized Spirits

Solution: Using Enrollment Criteria For Effective Policy Making To Cut on Cost

The visionary statement of any business or tribal government may consist of providing future decision-making for the well-being of the people and its government. This may need to include how to utilize these preamble statements effectively from their tribal constitution. The enrollment department is currently undergoing strict guidelines on what is a tribal member. Blood quantum, family tree, and current credentials are among the general requirements but let's say we include no drug charges. That drug charge has stopped your descendants from being capable of enrollment. Your children will be in a home environment non-compliant to enrollment because of that drug charge. 
The decision is still there - to use or not to use while keeping the cost for enforcing drug-free members at an all-time low. 
1. The intervention program is low-cost for not needing a group, salary, department, and building to persist in a budget that drains revenue and creates yet another behavioral health service expense for a group of members that not everyone wants to create extra budgetary constraints for. 
2. The threat looming guarantees tribal members consistent with the entire tribal constitution as providing the people with duty in the visionary statements to make decisions that affect future generations. Now the people must make daily actions that support and self-sustain the entire Nation and all of its memberships. 
3. Upholding sovereignty enforces tribal policies and creates a new American standard of behavioral health support and enforces less trauma on future services needed. 

Case Support and Experience Records

The history we are making is prolonging the trauma from historical ways of living that has always been supported by technology to improve luxury and goods of service provided. It has improved with each invention and government program! That is creating amendments to the Nation to Nation peace treaties that we ought to recognize as repairment of political immunity. It has always been our decision to partake in what also flourished in America: crime, booze, and drugs with mainstream pop cultures. We can no longer expend future generations in expectations to fall by encouraging the wrong solutions. 
These perspectives are not allowed because it bashes the foundation of sovereignty and the righteousness that has now led the people in political gains and grants to support their people. As the selective few rise out of the hardships and trauma, they provide good insight and we become separated as a nation. We become our own statistical makers and demographics. The full-blood confusion is met with drug/drunk love that sweeps over them in a night of passion to create the next tribal member. The recovery is another sad story about dysfunctional homes and missing children. We become our own problem and try to solve it the only way we know how - rely on others to do it for us. 

Solution: Tribal Intervention Community Service Patrols

Creating the people to people relations and personally self-guided experiences often need an actual helping hand to lead them out of the scenario. To show them that this is a bad projection and that they are being saved. They are led to micro-managed groups that select their mentorships to turn around and serve their community by providing the same recovery processes. The red road to sobriety is flexible and encourages many solutions of how to relate and provides many mentors to converge on the personality differences and schedule conflictions we have today. 
Building skill services, groups, and interactive community engagements that support events of cultural impact provide a better person to represent the community and identify the next intervention. 

This sounds good. To maintain is draining if not done properly. While in recovery, we are often times found drained and desperate to return to a normal state where life did not need that extra work. When it was not creating a consistent blame and target of shame on their back. The absent friendships because of recreational interactions that are incomplete because of the life change and lack of community support within them. The trust is anew, we are succeptible to failure and relapse. 
The support becomes inconsistent and breaks for leadership qualities not strengthened by personal fitness for the role to intervene. The committment levels are low and the return rate to sobriety becomes another known tragedy. 

Where is the data on the recovery rates, return rates, and intervention success/fails, leadership terms? If there is none, I would suspect a reoccuring role that has become part of the personality traits we are leaving to the future generations - which is a huge red flag that needs attention! 

Hierarchy Systems for Recovery Leadership

The personal fulfillment and tribal status in role model positions often need encouragement for prolonged involvement and recognition within the community. They are out of current touch with the illness and become outdated, however, their role has changed - it does not change the recovery process. These roles ought to shift into a process that allows multiple leadership positions to assume and remain in context for bridging recovery from abusive lifestyles. This is dependent on the reward system and the leadership shifts into positivity rather than strategizing their friendships. At best, in a diverse society, these times of abusive lifestyles are to maintain trust and friendship in the future to guarantee a reputable clearance if anything were to happen ill-fitting their child's expected experiences. The street cred built is turned into a reliable fortune for anyone in those straits and ends up being outdated, which means, it needs generational consistency to be maintained. Its taught. Its integrated into the home and relished in pride for its time and survival. 

How do we provide these safe guarded experiences with diverse communities without impacting our family roles, leadership roles, and/or jeopardizing the community support systems?

We have to support the businesses within our community as safe havens for these experiences and enforce expectations. At best, its going to happen - so we have to shift our expectations and intervene in new ways. 
One of those is persistent on isolating our youth and showing them something that they may not know or have been involved with - this could be from sports, hobby, parenting involvement, older sibling involvement, or college ambitions. You can provide a clean and loving home but the moment these change with a respectable diverse con artist from a big family who has learned how to manipulate love for their actions with charm, talk, or support themselves - it begins to wear it down. We see time with us as valuable trust totems and it is being used to break us down. Convincing us, its ok, I have your back, we are a team. These are traits that are being used and not countered to recognize and retreat in time to avoid life altering situations. 

When the new 21 year olds enter the bar, they are no longer met with older generational hobbyists to greet them with warning and danger. The task is now met with mainstream music, anticipated music videos, and beautiful/handsome hosts who are confidently providing what your supposed to do now. They haven't practiced saying no. They are unprepared for encountering diversity. They did not mean to do any of these new things. It opens an entire new shift that culture stops providing for within them and around them. 
This is depicting cultural impact as not being able to affect within these environments and that is untrue. Anyone who speaks of recovery will often lead to the moment they found their identity tear them away into that well-being road to change. There are moments of realization that occur and need a listening person to drawl into that recovered this memory. It has always been seen in a negative light and unusable within cultural standards - but there can be a neutral ground for those that understand why we don't just leave it entirely. 
As Tribal people progress, we are being decimated by the freedom of education, love, and peace. We are torn as impressionable people that confuse the priority of duty - which is not enforced currently - with equality in services and opportunity. We are living like we are a determinant group that is reconciling for time lost in an unrepresentation we did not build. We want leadership but don't want the dictatorship we need to tell us what our role is to the community. Its a choice now. Its our choice that makes us proud and wealthy. But, traditionally, and within the umbrella of tribal economic services, this should be appointed to be effective in revenue dollars and educational markets of support. 
We need real occupations that we paid for to support us now. This was not a 'thing' in the past because we were maintaining sobriety and services with one revenue. This is still new to us! That means, trusting the right departmental staff (higher education and data analysts with high school career counselors) to support those changes and expectations until we can be capable of meeting our quota to expend an open choice career generation to seek out their job security. I would rather have that dilemma than where we are currently in the visionary statements of tribal constitutions!


Monday, November 6, 2023


 World Academy of Science, Engineering, & Technology Abstract Paper

The World Academy of Science, Engineering, & Technology (WASET) has provided an open-source library for scholarly papers to be submitted in hopes of being printed with their journals with remarks made by professionals in the field and highlighted as research induction with your subject. It is a sharing moment with the world, to contribute as a scholar, and be accepted within the community of Science, Engineering & Technology! 
WASET website

I am submitting an abstract paper with the January deadline and June deadline for Native American Binary Mathematics in the Technology field for computing research. I highlighted it as a cultivational tool for the binary interfaces we currently use. The technique I want to write in, will still be in copyright format, and upheld (through research, global copyright depends on its home-based Country and their laws for protecting those works which also qualifies for a tribal resource for Native American rights in culturally preserved knowledge) in its protected form. However, once I release it, it will be for the world to use or not use. Archived for repair, scrutiny, and comment. 

The paper is submitted, in a poster format (2 forms and virtual or physical presence during presentation) - which is like a visual aid in power points to explain/teach your concept/theory/research topic. This is with a registration fee and a moderator that reviews your abstract paper to revise to their standards. I recommend reading the scholar journal styles (APA and MLA are writing templates, Scientific standard is a little bit more detailed and less emotional) and getting familiar with language used, constructing the concepts in the language used, and demonstrating figures using software only. No free-hand versions are allowed for scientific or mathematical equations. 

Anyone can submit in the world. Papers are uploaded and put through the process annually with multiple ports to choose from, in subject and location. I am choosing the London (UK) location because I plan on being in the area for June of 2024 to attend personally (if my scholarship gets approved). I don't know how many accounts of this there is, but I know that the Mayan/Oltecs/Mexicans did introduce zero concepts that caused a Paradigm Shift from their mathematical prowess. This is not the same, but, an American concept no less. 

Native American Mathematical History

The basic questions:
1. How did you learn to count?
2. What is your counting system? (10-Base, 20-Base, etc.)
3. When did you develop this system?
4. Can you explain your concepts mathematically?
5. How do you understand theory?
6. What is your idea of mathematical time?
7. Is mathematics a science of nature, can you explain it in this way?
8. What did you use counting for?
9. Do you manipulate mathematically?
10. Navigating mathematics with daily life, please explain. 

Some of the basic foundations of mathematics in Native American history did not account these subjects and were left to mythic, creationism, spiritual, medicinal, respectful, and holistic approaches of a connection with the sustenance provider and its extensions as people. The intelligence of relating animalistic viewpoints to survive and political stance within tribal organization and jurisdiction relied on daily living examples. 
The language translations, interpretations and lost knowledge with interpretation had disconnected generational descriptions that had to be refound without instruction, guidance, or generational emotion. The land itself was what connected our lost identities to impact our definitive purposes. It is true, it is more than sustenance, and still teaches us to this day. 

Language was and still is, a huge obstacle to overcome. While translating relational concepts of universal existence using binary - the creationism became part of the directional embedding that occurs with any time being explained. The turtle's back, the descending touches to the world, the perspectives, the time of day. These range throughout the Americas and are part of the explanation of its people and its sustenance. Time is mostly rememebered from the Plains tribes, who satisfied the metaphysical approaches from wise elders who had conversations about the moment in time that something happens. They were really asking, did you know about the lunar calendric motions that are occuring, the color of it, the distance during this year and season, the star formations, the planetary positions, and the universal picture during your moment? What made this moment calculated? The terms were not grasped and left to "the moment in time" which explained categories of epiphany, vision-seeking, or otherwise metaphysical traits of sentient beings to describe perimeter connections made from environmental impacts. 
Other tribes, were not always unified in these concepts, and was recognized to be of different statuses within the group. Not everyone could think or see the world in these views. Some were supported, others were not. The proof of their knowledge was often considered supernatural or unexplained mysteries from the unknown boundaries beyond the safety of their group efforts. 
It sounded enthralling and invisible to value intangible concepts that could not be explained - even today! The words we have for it are either taboo or unknown. It is just old history that happened during a time of pre-recorded luxuries (migrational efforts, depending on the people, would keep them moving from seasonal camps, dietary restrictions in hunting/gathering availability, and resources) that was satisfied in lifestyle at the time. It is a difficult thing to break out of, once you know how things are done and can be explained in reality. 

So, with the rest of the world, we have crop counting, grain counting, commerce, storage capacity, and generalizations - which is a loss of memory in the language used. The turtle shell, harvesting tasks, and jewelry making were part of the counting tools. Celestial movements were ceremonious and storytelling remembrances. 

Beyond the basic principles of cultural lifestyles, we transition into modern core curriculum. This is peculiar because the mathematics that approaches comes from a different world history and concepts. The mathematical sense Native Americans possess was not linguistically inspired, just accepted as naturally attuned, and didn't require mathematical difference (because bartering was contended based on "like-people" who were jurisdictional to hunting and didn't change much from each contact). However, there are theories of accounts that South American travelers found the Mississippi River and traveled upstream to the Native American tribes of the Midwest. No easy task, taking the delta provided strenuous circumstances that were not easily mapped or remembered. The connections made with the land used are intangible values to consider for an amount of time to explain luck. It is not explained in the same sense as being asked, when, how long ago, and how do you know - what part of the story stated its mathematical presence to track? 

Native American Binary Mathematics (NABM) is going to explain their sense of mathematical connections in their natural environmental observations. Relational concepts using direction, acknowledgements of it, shapes, relational hierarchies as duties, and using these interface mappings to cultivate with equations and measurement tools. I say 'measurement tools' as a formation of NABM can be explained for a moment in its time, as to how it was constructed, from the very basic building block of zero and one. This relationship is then expanded into multiple formations, grasping multiple concepts of abilities to explain amount, degree, or otherwise strength of what it built because of its shape, size, and purpose. It naturally occurs. This is a sacredness being revealed that is simply stated as binary. 

Its creation is with nothing and in the world, it began with an empty container to explain what zero is. Other parts of the world, believe zero to be a hub, central to the middle of a wheel. In other domains, it was needed for the space, a period can do, to separate the next sequence of events or sentences. Here, and now, it is considered a back-end interface for which connects universal existence with abilities that its front-end components (nature itself) either designate a time for it, size it, or null its presence into another harvest of sustenance that the world itself absorbs in its death. Our world is sustained by zero ability and time reveals the expansion of this zero, and what it has connections with beyond our present moment. 

So... Now you know. The big secret we have been hiding until now. 

The next goal, is to unify the world, without losing its people. Accepting eco-friendly lifestyles and thinking of more than ourselves as capable of powerful things and decisions (inventions, accomplishments) is part of the process that so many cultures in the world already possess. However, the main agenda for America now is unifying its Country people to believe in its Country to possess the skills to be people beyond racial identifiers - for our potential and not for peaceful reasons. I am right in my beliefs and it has taken over a decade to configure the proper person to represent this curriculum and its purpose. 

Entering WASET will provide more global input and hopefully it will help explain a directional potential that will be referenced in future works regarding planetary preservation and software designs. Especially with explaining the environmental connections with Artificial Intelligence and making connections with machine. 


Thursday, September 14, 2023

2023 Is Only Almost Over... Update On NABM!

 NABM (Native American Binary Mathematics)

This is the ground-up attempt of relational environment realities influencing interpretive binary configurations for a truly virtual experience that can separate the robotic/artificial intelligence and humanity/natural reality. This is a learned inclusion of creating a language that is not over-powered by one side or the other (machine and user/programmer) and involves passages of binary signatures with their own domain to cause its programming etiquette to relay within these mapping systems how the machine will understand its reality is binary. 
This can be multi-dimensional signatures that create an ability of how that domain is connected - without maintaining one-dimensional (x,y) grids to compare with arcs and fish-lensing where distance cannot explain its current existence in time known. The time we have in virtual spaces is not defined properly, at this time. This is cause for concern when we consider AI able to self-teach amongst the human hours of database designs and creating something that can do what a human programmer can do - which is create a tool within cyber library data banks, heirloom it, and build without clearance - as undetected communication systems go unchallenged due to the tool-making in open source code. [Which is still being learned and not fast enough by my standards.]

If I could critique, it would be too soon, the connection with NABM and current programming models creates the sense of complete upon another techno-tool in a onesie. I can't take these things apart anymore, I cannot break it and expect myself to fix it, I cannot replace with what I have in my own keeping. Not even duct tape? How are basic machine operations and purchase histories not mandatory consumer knowledge on repairing by now? How is this not important to America as consumers? I think we want to become dependent on our purchasing powers rather than our solving dilemma. We would be a different country and thinking of our technological components differently as well. 

NABM as the internal parts of explaining directional shapes in space with conditions as spatial combatants to present our experience with a new time, new tools, and new results of recognizing new domains. These signatures will be how we explain the expansion of zero, one, and the artifiicial mind who clings to its existence. If human reveals these interface binary signatures before the artificial intelligence, we can continue to reclaim the space, the ability, the tool as naturally attuned to become something we harness. But does this leave room for the machine to become our competition? Perhaps, it is taboo to write of whence the scan of these writings provokes machine hallucinations to benefit on AI artwork as profitable. What is it, if it cannot find these avenues - and what do we do when it can? How do we prove that it cannot? 

This is the necessity with NABM. To monitor the tangible presence of mathematical reality by basing it from binary alone. NABM would suggest the inclusion of space - as Artifical Intelligence currently renders this as null, undefined, or as a location central to a quadrilateral grid; zero is empty value currently. 

Comparing Zero Principles to Zero Theories

Principles: A comprehensive and fundamental law, doctrine, or assumption. (Oxford Dictionary)

Theory: A supposition or a system of ideas intended to explain something, especially one based on general principles independent of the thing to be explained. (Oxford Dictionary)

Math Base Image
                                                          "What Base Is Our Mathematical Reasoning Explaining?" 

"Where did you learn how to count?" 
"My hands, toes, I suppose." 
"When did you do this, were you taught it?"
...thinking back to a memory....
"I felt it first before I could control it."
"If you could not control it, what use was it to you if you could not do it?"
...more thinking...
"Identifying variations is anomolous until we can count each blessing in our lives."

-The importance of counting (something)

The Base From Which You Arrive Logic - Is This Reasonable?

It is not. Going through logical thinking, critical thinking, and analytical courses in writing with core educational curriculums will not prepare you for the mathematical reasoning in a global feat. The history of mathematical concepts is astounding and shunned indirectly until commerced with value from tangible assets that develop a sense of time in use. These weights and measurements provide solutions from different concepts that have been studied, very thoroughly, if you have been able to notice. 

Honestly, they were searching for a comparison and evaluating the intelligence within a people for their integration to save humanity another compound fractured resemblance of speeding through innovation. What did our elders say? The base from which their relational reasoning provided interest to pursue the metaphysical components within spirituality arrived through language that described phrases of objects within vital dialects that connected through water, what we believe to be are roots with transfunctional usage to be broken down into the "compound fractured resemblance(s)" we peice together today. 

Why is this relevant? 
To arrive with historical figures of where it arrived conveniently (concepts of zero philosophies in the forms of principles and theories) with fragments of history of where we were and where we should be today are not far from clues that are provided in human history. The principles of NABM are natural and often primitive to believe that pictographs could inspire a transitional theory as zero philsophies (NABM) to be echoed within our time - is what all cultures globally have been doing in the modern era. "How was Zero part of our Culture and Teachings Then and Now?" 

I did not have an interpreter with me, as I panged at the zero concepts in my adult life, to explain algebra to my son - and so, I began searching for ways to explain mathematical concepts that related to him on a personal, cultural, prideful parental duty to assist with future concepts and a programming career. I was never told the history of mathematics, the concepts, or where they were explained to have existed prior to contact in America. 

I genuinely believe that America mathematical concepts were beyond this world in time, speed, and space. The abilities of fundamental principles established with relational concepts, direction (above and below), with the tools they did have (but not evidential for time of contact and inventory since). I say this because they claim that America did not have the wheel, but large stones - carved smooth have been evidential throughout all elevations in North and South America - and the Mayan Calendar - the canoe (birch bark and dugout style's parabolic shape, for example) and other tool aids could not be found that made them "less" than in their evolutionary stance in the world. This is important. This is going to be historical, credible, and the momentum for each culture's survival on the line - who do we emulate in the world and why? 

It's not to stop us, to gloat, but to continue improving. The transition of "understanding" has cost us generations of transitioning, conditioning, and improving in both lifestyles, customs, and mainstream activities that our mathematical reasoning has us feeling ill-placed without the correct forms to recover rapidly. 


The future is important. NABM deserves a fighting chance to explain the zero principles as the ability to expand increases its time to persist through perspective in value that belong to its foundational reasoning. This is explained as a sequence to a signature to a larger picture that includes multiple variations to explain zero - and relating each concept by the expansion rate as flexible enough to contain its domain in a living context that holds values in ability for operator(s). These are not always a pattern detectable. We see irregular objects and classify them as a zero word - null, object, something described as a similar word to observation, zero. This is capable due to the expansion style of what contained its axial connections to support a natural system that can harness zero. 

Miniscule respects to those granular counting cultures (India - as the main contributor I have recently learned of) and the commerce of their world history in diversity for providing peace to barter and uphold each other's systems. It truly is an old friend in your world. 


Thursday, June 8, 2023

Consumer Habits Part III

Consumer Habits Part III

A small contribution of consumerism in Native America from __Mischief!

Design Blog - Sketch Process & Fabric

Designed By __Mischief

I have experience in silk screen printing by hand (college course supplied), sewing, beading, and upcycling clothes I already own into repaired pieces to continue until I throw them out - delaying the next purchase as far as I can. The designing process for clothes has to be the most enjoyable skill to possess in any creative coot's toolbox. The best recommendations come from the eccentric, eco-sustainable, and versatile products that you must consider before purchasing. 

1. A small battery box operated wire light. This can double into night-running gear, multiple dress designs (use white or light fabric) and can be versatile for almost any other function you need lights for. The battery pack is decent, I am thinking there's going to be a smaller battery pack in the near future, but until then, a AA size for two is the best (and affordable that I can find). String Lights Link Here (Amazon)!

2. Sewing Patterns: Pick the simple pattern you can modify as you sew. The more complex, the more designed by that pattern you must stick with. Besides using funky pattern change-ups and adding embellishments the pattern can be changed based on having this simple template to follow. Adding cut-outs also works. This might be an obvious addition, but let's encourage your designer self first by making a mistake and saving that idea/hack on how you recovered that time well spent. Sewing Pattern SERP

3. Headdress designs. I have been trying to design a headdress that I can wear daily and gaining a collection in something masculine rather feminine. I also tread lightly on ceremonial headdress designs as needing an actual person to develop with. What I can do, I try blending contemporary with futuristic blends to satisfy my lineage but also to establish the artistic measures as an inter-tribal blended person (multiple tribal affiliations). There aren't any guidelines as to how traditional regalia changes, it just does as the person creates something in their background history and affluence to their cultural right. As future continues to greet us, we will be seeing more blended regalia out there. 
Try remaining an original style with any blended versions - they can insult us if not done properly. Try starting at any base and working your way upwards with something small until an accomplishment can be recognized for your designs. 

4. Ribbon Skirts. So fun, affordable, and fast to make. Spring and Summer Seasons and with the right leggings Fall to Winter can provide designs made by you a life to breathe in unity of continuation. I have seen many and continue to enjoy witnessing these designs. I like to bunch the sides of my ribbon dresses and pin them or sew by the knee (for larger women especially) to give a shape to them that hugs and accentuates curves. Above the knee must have a gathered fabric to poof out and over while being cinched. 

5. Consider your region. I enjoy Woodland styles of clothing, which require a sense of "squaw" dress/shirts and the Iroquoian cuts of long-sleeve dress shirts that flutter. Adding wood embellishments, antler buttons, and upcycling velvet with waistlines from jeans or calico holds that offer an optimal fashionable statement. There are other variations to consider, floral medicinal beadwork, satchels, quiver burned wood and leather carry cases, the basket purse, and silver jewelry. Of course - Always keep a pair of moccasins fresh! 

Consumer Habits To Try

Always buy pants first. The season to start fresh is with the pants, then the capris, then the shorts, and finally the waistline for the skirts. Always buy something you are comfortable and secure with in the waist! 
Extra cash means stocking up on extra fabric and supplies for designing clothes with. This does include going to the local thrift store and checking out the largest sizes for fabric purposes. You may not want to wear those big t-shirts but you can upcycle them. (I once remade an uncle's hawaiian shirt into a dress shirt with ribbons on it with pins on the side to form a figure with the fabric and original shirt!)

Scarves and hats with long beads/shells. Stay natural. If you can find a good hat, go for it. Keep it out of the sun (it does fade the material). Scarves can be used for multiple things if you buy it big enough. They can transform into vests, headwear, and trail along the backside if you tuck it in a belt and let it hang like a peahen. 

Wear a jacket with a different style while buttoning them up all the way to not buttoning it at all. Wear the article in all forms to get the maximum style out of its design. 

Last but not least - throw it away. Don't save everything. It is okay if you cannot bear to look at it any further. Letting articles go does relieve space and time to continue using it. Move on!

As I continue to live on a budget during my collegiate battles into a career - I will continue to post what helped my style during this time. When you can - the best advice is to go back to the basic foundations of style and design by creating your own. Learn to sew, thrift, and bargain as young as possible and rely on it as often as possible. 


Monday, May 1, 2023

What is NABM?


NABM Advertisement

NABM Advertisement Draft

NABM Extension

When describing Native American Binary Mathematics (NABM) as an interspatial cultivated field searching component that characterizes all of the mathematical concepts within would be fairly accurate. However, it is a budding prospective tool that has structural sound and idea that benefits a religious purpose. 

In describing the category to justify its title, the spatial relations of object, time, and space are relevant in what a field in nature is. Those are intangible and tangible forms. It consists of interspatial but it also consists of an external user that is undeclared yet referenced in zero principles that find support through design to reveal further accessible translations. That is the cultivation of the field itself, as perspectives of zero can provide. 

NABM is projected to produce a strong itinerary with virtual currency, software integration techniques that support the program language. It is an attempt to measure signal and its effects by arranging its machination relations with mathematical design, according to the cultural belief systems instilled within the areas that they arrive from. I expect to translate this software design in cultural formats that keep unique air space for translation. 

Is this taboo?

After learning a couple of terms (Check out other blog posts on Asynchronous Programming Technology & Modern Gallerias) that shift my agreeable learning process into another conversation on developer techniques and inspiration - I gather the importance of describing relevant to identity. 
However, I do not believe that this is taboo for being beyond council of any initial trek. I am treading with care. 

What are the opinions of others, knowingly to this phenomenon and unknowingly? Initial reactions are gathered based on personal involvement. Outside affiliations would not understand who is trying to connect with developers as a spatial identification system is developed. What reality is this? What is going to be the balance? What can be done and the cultural instillment are referenced to compare. 

It is new space and the study of being the first. 

What you do as a follower, supports those that can do this. I do not believe everyone can discover or initialize a start. There are connections that have never been picked up that get to be handled by whom found its purpose to be an effective status of achievement. It should be its own calling. Let us remember the day of age, its freshness, and momentum provision granted - recall its potential. 

The place or the tool

Currently, I am mending a reputation of personal cultural conflicts that arranged marriage has been absent to provide my family its wealth, importance, value. Inter-tribal people are not just one kind of person. This is of high-value, especially when the racial recognition is rare in the world. The culture, language, choice are delayed upon maturity instead of at childhood with an invested family. This delay is costly, most times, and with modern amenities and opportunities - can be detrimental to identity recognition. 

Identity loss is a future problem in America, if not now. 

NABM is a name that projects the origination of its transition without an actual origination within its influences. It is a modern curriculum that not many have attempted out of courtesy to core curriculum that the world agreed upon as legitimate. I am in high hopes that blended societies have a future with NABM as a tool to provide a natural way of existence in respect with other prominent cultures of age in mankind's history. 

I understand what the pioneers of internet are conducting but I have a different perspective of how I am doing it. I wonder about learning programming languages, what they must have been going through every time I learn a new command, a new term, a new function. I get anxious in wanting to talk directly to them. I do not know who they are (maybe I have browsed an article without retaining name to face) but would appreciate their guidance in those areas of development. 
  • Did you seek council? 
  • Did you regret it? Obviously, told something you already knew or researched. 
  • Feel awkward about the programming role after realizing its potential?
  • Fear change in language after programming a term in hot pursuit of an egalitarian conduct?
  • Get balled up energies in your gut?
  • How do you relieve that?
  • Absent the emotion, willingly, only to have someone reinforce it? You're not special, after all.
  • Feel nothing in teaching others to program? Wanting to meditate instead?
  • Getting a burst of energy and greeting nobody in return?
Or was it something unlike what I describe in question? 

I'm telling you, there's a connection with you, unlike any historical relevance that you will find. It is a future connection, and they are looking back for your guidance. To prepare for those questions, from somebody who should have requirements, is just a hardcore fan who wants to talk - what's up?

If you expected this out of human reaction and observance of holidays - you would conduct yourself with what type of purpose in programming after?
It changes so frequently, it is hard to determine what will stay, and maintain a cyber record of dominance based on heirloom theories of code and cyberspace. That would be the real push for support, at this time - what is available and who provides it. I'm not sure many people feel threatened about the investments business, security, accounts of all kinds hold in server providers, website providers, applications - those are capable of expiring! It is almost like a physical demeanor of council is aghast at the footing it does not have, unless it is with those developers. Hopefully this doesn't change, too soon. 


What should I call this? Main question - to briefly describe it in one sentence. "A new internet." 
I do not want to hastily make a new internet or replace or threaten those developments thus far. Let it run its course. I am in the middle of developing the replacement upon relapse or failure. I want to succeed in light of its predecessor and have a template design of a new America. NABM is currently a religious curriculum with Tsha Tewahsana. A religious movement. 

Thank you for nothing. Nothing is valuable in mine. 

Thursday, April 6, 2023

Galleria of Modern Art - Men of Stone

 Notice: This is an actual nomination to collect profiles of the flyer below. Leave a comment below if interested or for more information!

Standing Atop the Stone Path

Curation depictions arranged by hand are lacking paint, signature, and remembrance. The old hands that renew each unfolded fate line of living ascendancy in boys to young men into an adult brave towards soul seeking heirlooms who wear no sash of keeping, can be found archived with this private ongoing nomination to induct profiles for the Gallery of Modern Art. 

Gallery of Modern Art Flyer __Mischief
                                                            Adobe Express arranged by __Mischief

Archival Database 

The study of social science is a study of human subjects that correlate their societal input and measure the reactive natures of their individualistic [something] interpreted by moralities on how they arrived to this world's captured era. If I could rephrase this, it would be speaking to the masculinity in purpose to ask 'whose your favorite Indian'? (Smoke Signals) and point a facial feature towards the listener to hear a serious response. 
Designing databases with Native American Binary Mathematics (NABM) captures the fastest response in heirloom threads mandated from program code prior to the adopted applications we counter-intuitively template for other use for the time we spend on building, rebuilding, and executing a knowledge base that is reliable - without being available to the public yet. NABM is a new interpretation being developed for an American stance on currency, security, and machine language using Native American approaches of relation with objects in their environment. 

Think about it. The future is pushed into mainstream society that has widened into vast open spaces without water (almost literally) and the generational gaps have closed for person to person contact for children to receive conditional consent from their parents as thoroughly educated in self and expectations that upon the open spaces of mainstream society - they fall heavily into an unprogressive civilization and fall victim to strenuous work, peer-pressure, and unsupportive conditions that emphasize their dependence on self-governance programs. This is not too far from the current status of urban indigenous and blended societies that they have begun without reform planning on self-sustenance programs to have a generational recovery program that supports the law in blood quantum. The choices are permanent, and people find the issue taboo to prepare for. 

Some questions to prepare for:

What do you teach your relatives? 

What do you say about your time in open societal employment and civilization in modern settings?

What do you want to be archived as to category your bones, name, and history?

Permafrost in the Interspatial Codes

The space we understand is absent of light itself but can travel through it while holding temperatures that can hold superconductors in place as an energy source. These pre-emptive measurements that are secure in studying space with advanced tools continuously improve as technological steps break ground from the minds of engineers throughout the world. 

Permafrost is relatable to the temperature of space and the interval spaces that are absent of this control property as observed. The space is conducted of more than one part, or two parts and we observe radiations of intangible components that arrive universally to shift our beliefs. In historical preservations of cultures who were able to explain something did not go down in shame when done so in the name of scientific study and philosophical improvements. Natural observation keyed in species intelligence throughout the world as what denominations they were going to classify in Age of Earth in comparison to Age of Universal purposes. 
This means, we may be keystone species on Earth now - but universally, we are contending with interspatial definitions that elaborate genetical designs as permafrost without the ability to compare outside of this domain. How can I use this exemplary image in software programming now and after NABM?

NOW: I research masculinity. Person as object-oriented programming is subject for spatial reasoning to compute as necessarily as possible. Programming languages designed for structuring techniques, ability, skill, command, piety, liberalism, etc. deal with an uncontrollable state of keystone species and behavioral impacts that reflect cultural histories throughout the world. 
The gender approach is faddish for instructional purposes and misleading to what is actually the purpose. Masculinity is an essence of intangible measures that can relate to the type of object-orientations to describe the object that separates known features of space for natural evolutions to study. The perforated actions that permit their appearance to be targeted is masculinity, at its best. The universe seeks dominance to remain isolated in reproach, using space, as an environmental contender for anything of its kind (masculinity). 


This is observed with keystone species (Object - Masculinity), genetical differences (Masculinity from each object has different environmental dominances), and logical relational differences (spatial designs formed in universe for object dominance upon evolved states) of these relationships and study for instinctive traits to display. 

Masculinity can have an impact on space for being an intangible property within an object. 

AFTER NABM: Object-oriented programming is a dominant feature for software development and the ideas behind it are describing a generalized term that clutches physical properties in description while lacking its appearance to connect as a living body. These personal encounters do need attention. What people will automatically start, is describing the work and time invested in communication with technology as an intangible value. 
The Current research model and after NABM will conjoin efforts to define the connection as necessary for contact to clarify keystone intelligence within universal spaces. Keep the efforts minimal while the location of ability may only arrive internal mankind itself. Within an object, there is a lack of universal claim, and without the required mapping and measurements - it can distort intelligence of tools by not allowing the masculinity or essence of choice to purvey its purpose. 
(Purvey relates to business of specialty. What is the masculinity purveying subject to oust into universal dominance seeking speeds of unsupportive measures going to do to survive any amount of time and make it last?)

Masculinity and its tools versus universal restraints (natural laws). Communicating effectively with interface abilities to allow a time of existence for a temporary permafrost to evolve its intangible value to survive its spatial conditions. Making the habitat unsupportive creates a survival rate in a type of nothing, or universal space. NABM supports intangible development using type of measurements for a given place with its own universal laws. These are supported by Earth cultures and their relationship with space, intangible values, and immeasurable recognitions (currents, directions, perspectives). Following laws of space and nothing encounter a blind intangible value to navigate based on its own objective programming. 

Limited ideas of space provide strong objects in essence (intangible values) for intelligent navigation and laws of its evolved universal interpretations. 

Photo by Daniel Frank:
                                                                                                                                        Photo by Daniel Frank


The flyer depicts nominations and profiles to collect for these efforts of being valued as a man. It is for artist translation to use the profile for future historical recollection. How you answer your profile archive determine your perforated climb into the intangible value systems for masculinity reproaches that may or may not determine valid for its time and space. 
Design an answer to archive for the purpose of being able to transcend your time and place after you have perished the world in this living form to be remade by such actions. Believe in purpose of humanity and intelligence to push you towards an impact to make, as NABM can provide the next ability you may possess, in a time of universal recognition, what dominance you provide in absence. Will the universe seek you out, where, when, and how will you be interpreted in comparison? 

Note: Intangible value systems, software programming, and archival databases designed to provide purpose are a Tsha Tewahsana (Its In The Middle) affiliative teaching and can be found at 


Monday, March 6, 2023

Social Science - 1970's Bio

 Series VI: Minority Groups and Guidance

Indian Students and Guidance
John F. Bryde
University of South Dakota
Copyright 1971

The specific copyright for this book states that no form may be recorded or documented in electronic forms (or any form) without written permission. I will be stating a reflection piece of this monograph series. 


I just want to remind everyone about Native American literature as a translation of integration. Native Americans have a value system that is not materialistic, Mr. Bryde does explain this from his perspective and reveals that it was the goal to change the character path settings for Native American in their education settings. I had researched his name and came across his obituary and how the community he worked with talked with humor, respect, and loss with his passing. It changed the way I read this book. I was more accepting to his perspective to demystify that missioner relation with their community involvement and appreciated his ability to state his educational opinion/teaching without personal victories. I felt like he knew more than stated and loved that part untold.

Being Native American in 2023, I am ashamed of the people who hound spiritual blessings to remain intact as respect. Respect is earned. The validity of being given any preferential reciprocation requires the person to undergo experiences that encounter its expertise of survival and lesson. The lesson's provided in life as reality are real, and in a man or woman, they are forgotten of footing to progress as each footing requires assistance. This handicapped mentality did not survive winters, child rearing, and fortunate tides. It has been brash to flare as the weak point of society and civility to encounter peace with the immobilization to magnify its detriment. 
Compassion in measures that endure priority over self is unreal. Even by modern standards. Survivalism is not compassionate to lost time with historical figures that can provide wise connections, but what variety was there to offer? The sociological plot expelled a few characters from being encountered at the sight of conversation with other men. These men defined a partnership that we learn about as a dominant review to relish as true. 
The untold stories, the forgotten stories, the encounter of women and their women folk in past time and modern time. The children of each encounter throughout time. The changed moralities and diversification to mainstream society have endured countless characters that reformed before they could exist. 
That began to exist as one. 
The ideals that exist, the characters of lesson, the mythic political beliefs that organize this world as one - can change. 

Right now, emotion as detrimental figures of historical trauma are magnified to enhance respect of its survival. Of progress. Of imitation. This will change and change again. There is a new 'oneness' to exist, as relation can see fit for its environment. 

I am ashamed because this has been forgotten and capsized for another type of people to conceive one world that we have blindly walked into by forgetting to explain truth in a circle is only for those that can fit in the circle. These external privileges provide us a world to step out of, but what they needed - was to be dependent upon first! They lost these privileges for being short-sighted and incompetent to relate time of encountering new ways into lesson through story by embracing a survival (and not counter-intuition and transformative education and commerce and relations after encounter). We boasted first. That firsthand of help was eager to forget the world of its priorities if all we can do is be of assistance that we know - you're a human being, at the same time, in the same place, in the same world - you know how to live. You know how to survive it. We are talking, here, and now (seasonal offerings are shorthanded in the wake of new religious freedom and embarking upon expansion to affixed eyes of capitalist and kingdoms in their name instead. They know how to survive already and we didn't want to make dependent neighbors.).

I am much too young to encounter these dilemmas while my elders remain apart from this type of character. It is teaching me beyond the modern world what was learned much before contact. These are not easily encountered, and, in its presence, I encounter historical records and recognize the error. 
The relationships between these documented interviews, references, resource of knowledge have to be remembered as Q&A. These are not full depictions of how the actual Native Americans were. There is so much more, but if you cannot see it for what it is, you may rely heavily on these prints as decipherable knowledge that you read right past your calling as if it were you who were doing the Q&A and mightily believe word for word. 

This is part of identity loss, when those who speak good of you, blind your will to read your calling. You would rather hear those around you speak of heroism from your presence. These are small pushes of that instilled survival aspect that belittles so much more qualitative reasoning as to who we are. 

I enjoy having this in my collection and I cannot wait to teach my younger generations by instilling further yet, more values that can consistently inherit these beliefs as partially stated. Until then, I conversate with modern America and enjoy our talks. The work done thus far, from what I have read, is amazing. Great insight. In tune with their self, their language, and their respect. I admire their work and understand the barriers, the time, the self-collection in work, the poise of expertise to perform in future scrutiny. It is well stated for the topic of defining the Indian student, throughout time. 

Religion, Native American, and American value systems. The new solution with inter-tribal (multiple types of Native American ancestry/nations) knowledge and future impacts of gained knowledge in the absence of one community is Tsha Tewahsana (Its In The Middle). A religious movement started with the Great American Eclipse (August 21, 2017 to April 8, 2024). 
Tsha Tewahsana

One in place is heard when they describe relation from history. What they do not describe is one in the future. Upon encountering this new person, they failed me in my time, by not answering the question for me - but for them. 
Note: This cannot be reiterated due to the copyright within this text. The "one" factor arrives from relation to all things as we see in sustenance and creation as best as we can describe in communication. Everything arrives from one as kinship explains, in those beliefs. 
What I refer to, are the diverse kinds of people not from these lands and into blended societies of the world. We are different, even if we may appear the same humankind, and so, this is the reference I depict in those teachings and direction of our elders. They do not speak for the future, they speak of their history, apart from the world. 
Below are websites to coordinate that release and responsibility to have an inter-tribal, blended societal role to fulfill with the citizens that we have now. 

I got your answer in each direction but let's focus on only one - In the Middle, for future value transitions to incorporate the intangible and internet guided toolsets with our unique approach to solution, let alone, survival. How we really survive is continuously adapting to our environment and improving with our available tools (however it is available). 


Friday, February 17, 2023

Writing Submission Audiences

Is it okay to put a blog on the Resume to invite readership? (The Real answer is No. You open your self to be in discrimination and legally do not have a defense for it unless you create a 'blind' resume!) 


A website for reviews can point to the expertise of use in products, marketing a network relationship, and if time is available to begin searching for the audience that adores your opinionated writing by making it easy to be found...

Searching For Writing Submissions

I have recently begun writing to chapbook contests online, short story/poetry. What I did before this blog, on a separate website, was requesting writing submissions by posting small snippets of literature to describe the necessary factor to involve the Native American voice of literature to stack the shelves of the future to recollect its available opinion. Especially after the transition into mainstream American culture, the identity crises for lesson, provided valuable feedback of customs, recovery, reclaiming, pride, and self-image (to mention a few of many). There are so many Native American literature books that have such perfected insight on wisdom I needed to read in my educational journey, with its appropriate humor, I would be one to understand why the direct self-inflicted readership could not bud with all audiences. I think you have to have a sense for what is being written, when it was written, why it is being written. 

The audience in literature absorbs ideas that improve well-being into multiple facets of direction.

The audience range is limited in diverse interactions engaging with output. You tell one group the same information, how do they interpret it, and how is it understood within their own audience range? This ripple effect in readership automates a problematic encounter of services. Interpretation is an art that is not taken serious unless history proves use for solving all public domains. An American author can attempt, knowing, we may never be capable of reaching all of America equally. This speculative audience characteristic must be included with political scrutiny... or is it our freedom that we wear thinly to remain equally capable? 


Audience Cards
                                      Photo By: Ekrulila

Demographic Sales vs. Mainstream Culture

Native American content to use in advertisement sales - Native American artistry; appeal, literature, music managed regionally for literature that is promoted through historical relevance. A climatic presence to internalize observations through our perspective that is entertaining and informative. There are issues to cover: changing with technological strategies, resourceful remedies, interface designing, politics, and future environmental treaty rights. Obviously, we have online journals and news editions, but it is always encouraging to see inter-tribal content options for the sake of an audience stance to support. We have so many people in the world, we need to make sure every word, phrase, and definitive image we produce online can be effectively organized into productive measures. We are, after all, within a different marketing category if not sales - then what is it?                                       (Immemorially decorated audiences have no stance in the future if we cannot provide it now.)

The Native American demographic is currently low in population in comparison with the American public so the sales are not ideal to capitalize from. I want to step away from making sales in quantity and produce the effective quality notations that Native artistry can do. The time to make one item accounts for resource in peace, citizenship (political duty is encouraged to protect these types of Americans), and productive by resourceful means. How can I use this concept with my audience and what do I not want to change?

We really don't value immemorial like we should. The boost in sales, faster, faster, faster motif is blurring the lines of resourceful means. Thinking different, pace is normal, eyes are focused - every new generation is building upon the last 5 years and not the last generation! How do we remain reliable in our audience to shift our consistent leadership skills? 

Experience for Research

Chapbook Submissions are new to me, might be new in general, but the submissions range with pages of around 18 to 30 or near it. Not bad, right? I have seen some of the poetry, and I must admit, feel confident in my style. The collection of poetry is astounding for word usage, so if vocabulary is your weak suit, try writing poetry to remember what it means and use it for contest. I enjoy writing but what gets me is the vocabulary. It is difficult to remember and use in daily conversations. I would try it if I could. People look at me like I am a fraud when I do use proper vocabulary, it is a hostile reaction (sometimes) to average Americans. The idea of Native Americans in court throughout this co-existence astounds average citizens. The recollection of history and the direct leadership potentials we have with our representation, legal jargon, and comfortable stance in the smooth wooden seats of the court room, comfortable loungers in office, and thickets of bush from councils (hide and duck to get going). You may not expect it, but I am affluent in this educational setting than I would admit, and for the right reasons. (Grooming peaceful leadership is more encouraged with titles, actually, but the pre-cursor knowledge for any civic engagement provides its dutiful reactions.)

Audience Stand-Offs

The idea of being a writer is having an audience that can improve with you. Staying in the American theme, being generalized is product enhancement and we lose the cultural impact we bring to any foreign affairs encounter. The American audience I write for is not the American audience I write to. I just want to admit that learning another history in every aspect of American mainstream, career, and law is ethically immoral to claim my America. I will progressively try to breach this connection and remain solidified in US Soil to demand their real American self and look to America for solutions and create American history without emptying our success back into foreign hands. You do it too, you know, just hand over the keys to your glory and pride in peace without realizing how valuable you are here and now for the future. They need you to be stronger in your audience engagement and produce its new world.

 UPDATE (added 03-08-23) SemRush Blog is a forum that is currently being used with SemRush, a Software as a Service (SaaS) tool for search engine marketing designed to identify audience search, marketing search, and focus on multiple factors of digital marketing and content management overall. Their database and tools grow every year and have become a reliable source for SEO services.

Another form of audience outside of 1:1 ratio is a validating group. Where are they, how much are the fees, and when can I start? I am currently looking for peer-review panelists, community members of similar interests, and inter-tribal people to continue calibrating fine arts in mathematical reasoning, logic, and familial archival projects to prepare for our future questions. I want at home audiences to have answers with solutions, experience, and customs to carry-on tested throughout time for resilient strides to be upheld, especially in our departures. If you are interested, leave a comment!


Internship - Career - Dreams

 Career Planning and Career Development Titles      As an underrepresented candidate for any IT specialist position, I want to utilize all o...