Thursday, February 23, 2023

SCIRP Journal Review - Signals In The Atlantic Ocean

SCIRP Journal Review - Positioning

Scientific Research Publishing, a place to publish peer-review scholarly articles in a scientific online community. 

Article: A Simulation of Reflected ADS-B Signals over the North Atlantic for a Spaceborne Receiver

Authors: Richard Van Der Pryt, Ron Vincent
Department of Physics, Royal Military College of Canada, Kingston, Canada

Published Date: February 2016


REVIEW conducted February 2023:

Searching for valid journals to form submission articles to validate an experience with online communities and service to improve educational subjects for another critique or opinion is the objective. 
What I find interestingly close are articles that pertain to the advancement of Programming and where it is being used. The software in these studies, improved (I believe) after the initial antenna, but for this article with Spaceborne receivers that use Python, I discuss the review and its ecological impact for direct contact with mammals and wildlife species altogether. 

I had previously read on the same website (different article) on the signal reactions for triangular methods used along with the type of signal (G3 Towers that have since been replaced with G5 Telecommunication Towers, FCC antenna registration.)

For the Programming of these signals, these items were unlisted for the study of its original tests: 

1. Reaction to surface in movement (tests were conducted over the Atlantic Ocean and considered the reflection of water but not the movement of it, as stated within this article).

2. Compensation Programming (this may have been an early model of Python since it did describe older technology in the article. I wanted to emphasize the techniques that did not wield the null space in its computations where the movement of water could not be recorded data). 

3. Delay/Change in return (The signal reached reflection, water surface and returned at this contact. It does not state specifically upon direct touch or an in-depth measurement. It appears to have unresolved calculations. This is very important for the ecological factor in evidential observations to act on). 

4. Measurement for signal value and its return value (They did not specify much detail about the Python Programming language, and what values were assigned in these tests to determine a change detected or how to correct the reflective rate of signals and its effects). 

5. Measure two components on linear so that it can answer these basic questions:
  • (Base (from the spaceborne receiver)) out to in (reflection or water surface).

  • in to out 

  • in to in (what was the reaction within this region that could have been studied within an enclosed space before outdoor contact to register any harms, detection, and ripple effects from the signal strength). 

  • is there an out - spectrum change? The article did determine the ionosphere that it was conducting these tests from, were listed as environmental features for the spatial coordination of signal strength being used. Was this signal an array of sorts that could be controlled?

  • Notes Under Review:

    Signal polluters identified were the Atlantic Ocean and the ionosphere, within this range. 
    Some interesting findings in the equations they used did not attest to the type of waves that they were measuring, other than the height of them. 
    I would have liked to see something that coordinated with their null and pivotal change in reading for direct and reflected signals. I calculated that to interpret two forms of media structures being measured:

    1. A receding wave that is pulling upwards into a pivotal crest. (Reverse Pivot)
    2. A Filling motion that swells within this agreeable cavity location. (Over-Under)

    The zero they reference within these equations represented a change (twist) of event that defined a divergence indicator - which did not mention it apart from each other, but together. 

    There is a scintillating reading from the Ocean recalls, this is referred to as a Scattering Theory - which arrives to the signal emitted in the time of observation to find these direct initiatives to make contact with the Ocean. 
    If the timing of these signals could be within the Direct range of a point of origin in the waves, readily available to range within the area of a surface (since it is determined to not be too dramatically specific in the exact location of when it hits the Ocean to be measured, so long as the distance from the point of origin was able to calculate an average or expected average). This could be changed to the time of signal emitted that is measured for an accurate reading during a time of a Reverse Pivotal moment in the wave of the Ocean. 
    Similar to that as a surfer can arrive to, timing the lapse in waves and pinpointing its desired location for those direct signals to read sharply and continuously. 

    The measurements they use to project are unrealistic. A direct signal is all that is necessary for this specific signal directing in a successful measurement. The projected rate is safe to say, in Oceanic measurements and height - it is determined by inclement weather as observed in the pilot seat to react and change measurements to something more dire and urgent in those scenarios. 

    The signal from the antenna that are used (two, specifically a low emitting radar and an encompassing signal) that determine the lateral, longitudinal, and azimuth calculations. These were as expected but what puzzled me, was the actual data itself - since they are using a media such as water, does this not refract? In signal? If not, then why is it being suggested in a weak state such as being recalled reading only that type of data such as light emitted. 
    A lot of the data that was presented, made it obvious that the emitted signal was outputting more than just a beacon of light to be dictated by reflection in water moving. 
    I would have liked to see the divergence in type of signal, sound beds, sound bed made, polluter or environmental factors in the equations, and the changed images on the longitudinal, horizontal, and azimuth maps. 

    Environmentally Responsible:

    beached whale

    This was specific to signal and Ocean for not being able to detect its recall. I actually do not believe its findings or report for data - unless they absent mindedly collected it without intention of forming a report for review. I feel like the data could be valid, but the test has to change. Objective was not clearly defined. This was a presentation of data for distributing an appeal to reveal that signals don't harm animals in the Ocean (which I very much disagree with). People have a lot to do with whale beaching's and in the mass over the years. If they are watching them from satellite and directing their beacons onto them (without sound bed insulation tactics to not directly disturb the animal's sensitivity), that could be a case to take to those that have insulated a lifestyle with their presence in the divine forms. 


    It is this lack of care and judgement towards aquatic mammals and life in general that we find plenty of living species extinction rates climb. Is it because we are watching them too closely without regard to sensitivity? Migration on land and sea has changed. Many things have changed since the invention of these signal towers and satellites. 

    NO DIRECT SIGNALS FOR OBSERVATIONS OF WILD SPECIES should permit the further investigations of these studies and data until a formidable case can provide its non-effects on aquatic species. 

    I am looking forward to more signal receiving and outputting articles from this website. So far, I have updated further on a robotic article, a form of I am familiar with, and found it about the same. This was another update; I have been loosely watching in regard to the FCC and tower shift into a G5 instead of G3. The types of polluters I notice and what upgrades are doing to the natural environment, I am keeping a close eye on you and intend to continue working towards an effective measure for future safety procedures that impact global recognition towards our ecological duties. I would very seriously like to further my investigation into direct signals and EPA for the Oceanic Review and Standard Operating Procedures upon a migrational effort to cease signal pollution. 

    Thank you!


    Wednesday, February 22, 2023

    What is the Title for a Futuristic Librarian?


    Punctual Privilege

    Not everything is science-fiction, in regard to future outlines of expectations, to greet upon establishing a futuristic agenda. I am searching for the futuristic librarian that emulates a role in punctually privileged citizens to grant access into a group of critics made solely on characterizing constitutional reiterations that catapult us, as a society, into the next world. Something that changes money. Commerce. Education systems. Time Management Systems and its priorities. Human Life comparisons and direct guidance programming. Language. Culture. The works. 

    Change happens in a place that most know would gain success in numbers. This next phase of shifting into a mature state of international recognition, to survey, is going to begin with a third person commentary on the life of an infamous author/poet/publisher/educator of your choice. Study their work. Write your recommendations on transitioning this titled position into a history while seeking flaws, dilemmas, and outrage its fundamentals to inspire your own work. Categorize this in a punctual privilege to contest notable works of art to succeed them in shades that we stay cool in. 

    Who survives? You or Them? And why?

    Futuristic Librarian
                                                                                                   Photo By:  Nicola Barts

    Privileged List to Follow

    This needs research by first locating your mentor. Mentorship programs allow the invitation. What you want, is to find the work in articles, journals, peer-review panels, interviews - things less scripted and prepared for, the better. The raw work is fundamental to exploitation and received in a way that is acceptable and ready to debate. This is a part of study that we do not allow ourselves, which is a shame. The debate, the review, the acceptable persona to assume in resourcing information to support or deny. 
    Students of any caliber would refer to this state of mentality wherever they go - to speed their interest into prospective addition and furthermore, their own works of art. The brief introduction into copyright and other disclaimer disciplines aid the student into a direct name to build at a young age - to be respected in their climb into mentorship themselves. 

    Central Positions On Introductions

    Preservation intact, you believe you can be inspirational and eagerly announce your findings without protection. Out of respect, any upcoming educator or panelist is going to have to learn how to be patient and understand that if they have something that changed their life for the better - they need to support surprise with an itinerary. Supportive facts and further research dictate time stamps, supportive evidence, changed beliefs (which does happen very often in these stages), and security of factors that shake your fundamentals into breaking down for the last time (again). It does happen and it is a scary thing that should make you feel big - when in fact - belittles your future into realizing it is the start that usually goes unannounced. 

    How do you remain centrally positioned?

    This is a strategy, you see. The audience, your work, and the advanced stages unforeseen beyond your reach once it hits the public scene - are all going to have an ill effect, at best, and provide some unruly gust of wealth claimed by somebody other than you. This is frowned upon, as mentioned in my blog post on "Cascading Copyright Designs". However, remaining centrally positioned is a skill that requires special attention in revelation - noting its reference - and remaining tid-bit-to-tat for acceptable review rates. I suggest posting older designs rather than new (I am still working out these kinks myself and hate pushing old work so I can put those years of adjustments into effect now - but to remain centrally positioned, you have to have claimed some of those grounds initially for fear of being outdated in your own designs). 

    Nobody Will Know, Go Ahead, Try It

    Believing in words and the interpretation of them can be misleading interpretatively. What you output to read may be misunderstood. Pictures are good, but do we want to outdo the easy climb with pick-up-and-go infrastructures? Not really. 
    The best thing I have found - is dictating your audience and want someone (especially if you are leading them there or requesting review or needing someone else to work with) who can understand what you wrote without having to spill the same old beans over and over again. Fundamental to design is accepted - but having to state its fundamental to shatter another's - priceless (groundbreaking work often leads us to believe reaction is proof, when our intention was not to receive proof but to receive a valid audience type). 

    Know what you are doing and pay attention to how you are doing it. 

    I have a hard time keeping my eyes focused on a subject in discussion, its rude. So, now that I notice other conversations find it rude for you to wander, ugh. I have to change! What can I try here? The advice is to stare back, I end up looking past them. The advice is to remain engaged in the conversation; I actually agree with this one. The less you care about eye movement and more on the actual intention and topic of conversation, the more you should realize what is important and go with it. 

    Using that - how do I communicate to my future librarian - what I do not know, what I want?

    This may sound off-subject - but trying to think ahead is usually not a preparation or talked about much. Thinking of vocabulary science fiction can name new, we are developing a point in subject that moves education sideways. We are going to be re-evaluating every educational subject and move sideways with it to improve that centrally positioned opinion. 

    That centrally positioned opinion is going to find a weakness from a "hackers" stance. Determine the measures that will enable your place within time, well spent in study, to introduce your findings upon enabling you the right to be educational material. The future librarian will announce your arrival from the privileged group they formed in history to save us all the grief of consistently being right one way (directionally accepted in education) to begin diversification perspective approaches to result in a wholly amended education system.

    Breakfast Bowls
                                  Photo By: Taryn Elliott

    Note: It is customary to enjoy something sweet to accompany good thoughts, natural delicacies that are picked from the middle ground of its bush. The top of the bush is reserved for the birds, the bottom is reserved for ground critters. The middle is designated for human and bear contact to harvest this beautiful fruit. Preparing a meal to share a conversation begins with adding the flare to establish an American custom. 


    Mathematical Designs & Copyright

    Copyright Designs

     "You don't have to publish it. Just protect it. Word by word. It used to protect the ideas that were formed with it (in my mind), but that is actually not true. It protects the text you write word for word to describe your idea. You want to make sure you can describe it accurately as to be needed to reference its idea. The greatest skill in this is writing. If you know how to execute this idea into words, the rest should be easy."

    There is so much design and improvement consistently happening. Request it, boom sounds weren't even made and it was done before you could realize it. I feel like I am the heaviest person in the world and my fingers cannot move on the screen, fast enough, for what I want - without it being done already. How is this even happening? I turn around, nothing I can see out of the ordinary. Can someone explain this phenomena?

    Copyright Designs
                                                       Photo By: 7H Curriculum/Tsha Tewahsana
    Those cave drawings, as I have learned, result in teachings that waste no time in nomadic lifestyles. A natural observation sustains your intellect, if you allow the ability to comprehend its Laws.

    Well, do I wait until I am in the career or how do I keep this a secret without wanting to lose incentive (if any)? 

    I suggest, literally, getting a copyright. I cannot explain to you how much of a relief it is. I began doing my own mathematical curriculum a couple of years before getting back into my educational journey because an AAS-Social Science degree is basically, customer service and an entry program anywhere. I wanted to do more. I just didn't know what, yet, at the time. I began creating designs of mathematical grids and found something that nobody else was doing. I wanted to pursue useful gains with my time management and found working with spatial values, intangible assets, and reckoning with what is zero theories with light research (no translations and undefined at the time - still is). After I received my copyright for a Binary Sequence Signature, I was accepted in the Software Developer Program in Northeast Wisconsin Technical College.

    What does copyright do then?

    It sets me apart from the rest. The investment in obtaining copyright has to be something that you can proclaim is going to epitomize your work and be referenced in the intellectual stewardship of anything you touch after. The copyright is intended to own your text (IT-programming code is actually at a minimum-maximum of 50 pages). I knew that there was no language for what I am designing, I tried explaining that - no response other than the blatantly stated copyright law and submission guidelines. You have to comply with what is already categorized. The Binary Sequence Signature is my way of branching from this design to catapult my future work and software language into something that I am learning how to integrate now. I want it to be used in security - if possible - and online currency. This type of fundamental design work has changed everything I ever learned about mathematics and I am excited to focus solely on working on the subject to instill into BIA school books, and if the general public is inclined to find interest in it, there as well. Hence, the Software Developer Program, to integrate this mathematical curriculum into a modern setting to be used in programming now. 

    Does it work?

     Yes. I have actually encountered, in my courses with Northeast Wisconsin Technical College (NWTC) in the Software Developer Program, literature that has stated "founders" of strategical designs and ideas that were noted in text but were unable to use because the "founder" was unable to determine how they developed or how they arrived to those results. If they could not prove it, they could not be fully accredited the design. This is specifically for database, which is something that I am most interested in, especially since I started with binary. This was another huge relief! Can you imagine it, they actually care about how you arrived to these breakthroughs! It does mean, that all that money and time invested in copyright, pays off!

    As for the Binary Sequence Signature - not yet. It is merely a concept to find my own venture with intangible value systems and signals of wiring technology. My studies so far are elusive to the hardware components and robotic systems developed in my generational transitions. I do not know what I am going to encounter but it would be somebody with a Geological Degree that I seek. What minerals, reactions, electrical attractions that bring our natural observations to use. It just needs to be awaken with people to study. 

    Main idea here is, because it is invented with another curriculum, does not mean to stop inventing it. The idea is arrived from a different place, and so, follow through to encounter what it may bring. 

     Why is this important?

     Because on paper, my grades reflect their mathematics. What I am trying to do, is develop my mathematics. Anybody trying to work with me, would ridicule my credentials and consider me unable to contest my valid work based on grades, performance in transitioning languages, and if you could ever believe in an unsupportive technological error that kept following me around to appear in the best of days - then I just ousted a position to label me a liar using a US Copyright with my work. I don't intend to excel in what already is, I intend to invent my solution to explain what mathematics is to me (us) as a Native American perspective today. 

    We may have a late start on explaining our fundamental learning curve and mainstreaming its economical template the world seemed to have fit into with their societal diversification systems, but we are just beginning to understand English in its traditional libraries as well as the history of their logical thinking. The reason of philosophies and culture have never changed with most people. Transitioning these cultural barriers and language translations have not changed the person. I am thankful for the reclamation of culture and language thus far, to provide a Tribal School, to have a traditional base to arrive from in my future works. Now, I just have to learn another mainstream ideology on mathematical concepts! Not just what the numbers mean in basic value systems. This can be contested. 

    Any Other Advice?

     Write for the unforeseen future in definitions for perspective. The scope that analyzes your fundamentals describe what can be built upon its design. This should always be cured with an interface, the language, the structure of code, formatting with actions to execute, and exits that return your features to result. These are the basic software developer tools used but it can be more than this. I have learned that if it was a good idea at one time, it will be hard to adjust from that. So, make sure you work out all of the kinks because once it hits the ground running, there is no stopping it. So many will emulate your work and will want to integrate other designs with it. Make sure you provide the space for this. It is hard to change people once they learn something and accept it - it could very well be the next "Paradigm Shift" (According to "The Nothing That Is" by Robert Kaplan on mathematical concepts being accepted for the worldview point of its time and the happenings within that time. He notes that the other side of the world accepted zero as an integral part of this Paradigm Shift - however, they fail to prove it with the Gregorian Calendar and B.C. era into the A.D. without incorporating zero. 1 B.C. to 1 A.D. which ultimately throws us off 1 to 0, 0 to 1 and so literature after have claimed the Central Mexican temples to be the most accurate and most recent in the world to accept Zero, mathematically. They usually do not go further than that, due to this one awry subject (meaning, they cannot prove it yet)

    There is still time. Mathematical concepts must be perfected if the world is going to colonize the solar system, the galactic potentials, the universe. 


    Social Media versus Website: The Year 2000 & Where Are They Now?

    Social Media Search

     Personal branding is a reformed version of social media presence for community involvement, activities of any kind, and grouping communication efforts into one channel. The websites for these are plentiful today and where it started in different purposes for different people - we realize now how daunting it can be to think of the past, where our children will be because of it, and what we cannot repair but only recover from. 

    Social Media versus Website
                                                                                  Photo By: Anete Lusina

    Social Media Sites Then and Now

    In my day with social media sites, I was amidst identifying myself at a cross-roads of age appropriate and dutiful beautiful - teenage mother with a lack of achievement to upstand a toddler's witnessing. The idea of being ready for the world is a crash site for a teen parent during the technical internet browsing chaos of how to improve life, self-taught. Not to mention the lack of understanding that somebody had to input this data on a computer to interact with. This was pubescent technologically aged people in their 20's who bought it and performed daily tasks like a regular phone conversation. >soft click<. (That's when we conspired of a tapped phone.) Parties, inconsistent rants, and proudly stated for amusement regardless the tattoo bullets dodged in reality - nobody I knew thought social media was going to be this serious. Literally. Or that we would need a clean record for personal online management.

    Teenagers today, understand the initial statistics of teen parenting, the success rates (very low), and child supportive costs that degraded our respect for generational introductions that changed lives. They have the advantage of understanding technology reputations, broadcasting personas, informational time invested, career searching and environmental (social and reality) health concerns that have tremendously improved. Thanks to the guinea generations who had to learn the hard way. Congratulations to those that made it! Not out of spite, out of real sincereness. Let's keep improving. 

    I keep hoping that these types of senior appreciation remarks get me farther encouragement for starting so late - but I am a generation when high school days were before the smart phone. The ones after me? Learning how to html and draft without Wix, the shell commanders, the integrative designers who persist to improve. It is being taught as early as possible now. We no longer improve from a generation ago but more like every 3-5 years now. The curriculum in my day was classic core education and history, our technology class was one of my credits and we were happier people.

    By the way, if you need help with revamping your online presence. You can start with this link to: Jeff Bulas Blog that lists 30 top things you should never post on social media platforms! If not, it is a good reminder that we sometimes divulge too much information and to check ourselves! I thought the bigger concern was not posting images and video of our children! 


    Website Search

     So, I lived. I hate using social media for contact. What do I do, professionally? Now that I have learned more about technology and what is taught about the computer processes, online reputation, and safer habits to possess with inputting online - Get a website! Even a small website design with your portfolio or using the blogger app with Gmail and posting blogs with AdSense can increase, not only your revenue, but also your reputation online. With all the reasons to snoop on you, the best career incentive would be to post relevant blog posts and opinions dedicated to improving your online presence with remarking on your digital marketing strategies to hopefully get you that next job, project, internship, networking opportunity!


                                                                                   Photo By: Skyler Ewing
    Growing up online is editing your posts annually to repair what you thought was righteous at the time and feel shocked, embarrassed, and realize its never too late to work on improving yourself. 

    One thing that the internet doesn't have yet, is a place to collect an audience. Yes, we have multiple advertisements and publishers and content writers out there for the audience to find them (by subject, usually). But, do we have something to collect as an audience waiting to love somebodies' style of writing and topics for usefulness? I suppose, if you subscribe to these articles, it could be considered. But that is still the bee and the honeypot processive goal in a harvested ready-made library. If there were somewhere available to be picked for audience - can you read this and comment? Literally gaining a reputation for being a responsive audience member who is known for critical feedback, awesome survey time investments to improve whatever the product, and precise dialogue to strengthen the location of articles? I want to be criticized for that! [Update: The Reviews we post online are accredited to our account with Google and that is where we are seeing a shift to the consumer and online purchase histories for ad categories, preference settings, and trusted website scores.]

     Versus: What is Social Media recovery for the Millennial Generation?

    Social Media recovery takes time in both away from it, the appeal and misleading scene you can be trapped in if not properly educated on the effects, and towards something that defines your online health in recovery. Internet can be an unhealthy subject in your life. The world opens up and you realize how small you are, how big the world is, and how fast it is consumed. The stress of protecting your ideals is raised. The awareness is time consuming by organizing events, resourcing for change to impact more than your local community. Focusing on technological purpose now - what are they doing to use it today? By they, I mean, those that graduated in 2000-something from high school and currently in a career. If any of this sounded familiar and you know its a problem - please remind them to stay off social media websites until they can identify themselves and their priorities in the future (or their children's Online Reputation Management (ORM) research on their parents). Delete their friend list and put in people that encourage living. Their future offspring may want to know where they come from and need you to be responsible, a hero, a person of valor reputation to feel connected in a historic purpose with technology and diversity. 

    Perhaps we encourage it now because it will depend on a future job opportunity that extends into descendance. This is a sci-fi thriller in occupational hazards unknown to us... just like the effects of social media then and now...


    Welcome to Gravacity!

    Welcome to Gravacity! I have been anticipating my C#-Part 2 NWTC course in the second term of the Fall Semester and within it, a game I must...