Showing posts with label Copyright. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Copyright. Show all posts

Monday, May 1, 2023

What is NABM?


NABM Advertisement

NABM Advertisement Draft

NABM Extension

When describing Native American Binary Mathematics (NABM) as an interspatial cultivated field searching component that characterizes all of the mathematical concepts within would be fairly accurate. However, it is a budding prospective tool that has structural sound and idea that benefits a religious purpose. 

In describing the category to justify its title, the spatial relations of object, time, and space are relevant in what a field in nature is. Those are intangible and tangible forms. It consists of interspatial but it also consists of an external user that is undeclared yet referenced in zero principles that find support through design to reveal further accessible translations. That is the cultivation of the field itself, as perspectives of zero can provide. 

NABM is projected to produce a strong itinerary with virtual currency, software integration techniques that support the program language. It is an attempt to measure signal and its effects by arranging its machination relations with mathematical design, according to the cultural belief systems instilled within the areas that they arrive from. I expect to translate this software design in cultural formats that keep unique air space for translation. 

Is this taboo?

After learning a couple of terms (Check out other blog posts on Asynchronous Programming Technology & Modern Gallerias) that shift my agreeable learning process into another conversation on developer techniques and inspiration - I gather the importance of describing relevant to identity. 
However, I do not believe that this is taboo for being beyond council of any initial trek. I am treading with care. 

What are the opinions of others, knowingly to this phenomenon and unknowingly? Initial reactions are gathered based on personal involvement. Outside affiliations would not understand who is trying to connect with developers as a spatial identification system is developed. What reality is this? What is going to be the balance? What can be done and the cultural instillment are referenced to compare. 

It is new space and the study of being the first. 

What you do as a follower, supports those that can do this. I do not believe everyone can discover or initialize a start. There are connections that have never been picked up that get to be handled by whom found its purpose to be an effective status of achievement. It should be its own calling. Let us remember the day of age, its freshness, and momentum provision granted - recall its potential. 

The place or the tool

Currently, I am mending a reputation of personal cultural conflicts that arranged marriage has been absent to provide my family its wealth, importance, value. Inter-tribal people are not just one kind of person. This is of high-value, especially when the racial recognition is rare in the world. The culture, language, choice are delayed upon maturity instead of at childhood with an invested family. This delay is costly, most times, and with modern amenities and opportunities - can be detrimental to identity recognition. 

Identity loss is a future problem in America, if not now. 

NABM is a name that projects the origination of its transition without an actual origination within its influences. It is a modern curriculum that not many have attempted out of courtesy to core curriculum that the world agreed upon as legitimate. I am in high hopes that blended societies have a future with NABM as a tool to provide a natural way of existence in respect with other prominent cultures of age in mankind's history. 

I understand what the pioneers of internet are conducting but I have a different perspective of how I am doing it. I wonder about learning programming languages, what they must have been going through every time I learn a new command, a new term, a new function. I get anxious in wanting to talk directly to them. I do not know who they are (maybe I have browsed an article without retaining name to face) but would appreciate their guidance in those areas of development. 
  • Did you seek council? 
  • Did you regret it? Obviously, told something you already knew or researched. 
  • Feel awkward about the programming role after realizing its potential?
  • Fear change in language after programming a term in hot pursuit of an egalitarian conduct?
  • Get balled up energies in your gut?
  • How do you relieve that?
  • Absent the emotion, willingly, only to have someone reinforce it? You're not special, after all.
  • Feel nothing in teaching others to program? Wanting to meditate instead?
  • Getting a burst of energy and greeting nobody in return?
Or was it something unlike what I describe in question? 

I'm telling you, there's a connection with you, unlike any historical relevance that you will find. It is a future connection, and they are looking back for your guidance. To prepare for those questions, from somebody who should have requirements, is just a hardcore fan who wants to talk - what's up?

If you expected this out of human reaction and observance of holidays - you would conduct yourself with what type of purpose in programming after?
It changes so frequently, it is hard to determine what will stay, and maintain a cyber record of dominance based on heirloom theories of code and cyberspace. That would be the real push for support, at this time - what is available and who provides it. I'm not sure many people feel threatened about the investments business, security, accounts of all kinds hold in server providers, website providers, applications - those are capable of expiring! It is almost like a physical demeanor of council is aghast at the footing it does not have, unless it is with those developers. Hopefully this doesn't change, too soon. 


What should I call this? Main question - to briefly describe it in one sentence. "A new internet." 
I do not want to hastily make a new internet or replace or threaten those developments thus far. Let it run its course. I am in the middle of developing the replacement upon relapse or failure. I want to succeed in light of its predecessor and have a template design of a new America. NABM is currently a religious curriculum with Tsha Tewahsana. A religious movement. 

Thank you for nothing. Nothing is valuable in mine. 

Thursday, April 6, 2023

Galleria of Modern Art - Men of Stone

 Notice: This is an actual nomination to collect profiles of the flyer below. Leave a comment below if interested or for more information!

Standing Atop the Stone Path

Curation depictions arranged by hand are lacking paint, signature, and remembrance. The old hands that renew each unfolded fate line of living ascendancy in boys to young men into an adult brave towards soul seeking heirlooms who wear no sash of keeping, can be found archived with this private ongoing nomination to induct profiles for the Gallery of Modern Art. 

Gallery of Modern Art Flyer __Mischief
                                                            Adobe Express arranged by __Mischief

Archival Database 

The study of social science is a study of human subjects that correlate their societal input and measure the reactive natures of their individualistic [something] interpreted by moralities on how they arrived to this world's captured era. If I could rephrase this, it would be speaking to the masculinity in purpose to ask 'whose your favorite Indian'? (Smoke Signals) and point a facial feature towards the listener to hear a serious response. 
Designing databases with Native American Binary Mathematics (NABM) captures the fastest response in heirloom threads mandated from program code prior to the adopted applications we counter-intuitively template for other use for the time we spend on building, rebuilding, and executing a knowledge base that is reliable - without being available to the public yet. NABM is a new interpretation being developed for an American stance on currency, security, and machine language using Native American approaches of relation with objects in their environment. 

Think about it. The future is pushed into mainstream society that has widened into vast open spaces without water (almost literally) and the generational gaps have closed for person to person contact for children to receive conditional consent from their parents as thoroughly educated in self and expectations that upon the open spaces of mainstream society - they fall heavily into an unprogressive civilization and fall victim to strenuous work, peer-pressure, and unsupportive conditions that emphasize their dependence on self-governance programs. This is not too far from the current status of urban indigenous and blended societies that they have begun without reform planning on self-sustenance programs to have a generational recovery program that supports the law in blood quantum. The choices are permanent, and people find the issue taboo to prepare for. 

Some questions to prepare for:

What do you teach your relatives? 

What do you say about your time in open societal employment and civilization in modern settings?

What do you want to be archived as to category your bones, name, and history?

Permafrost in the Interspatial Codes

The space we understand is absent of light itself but can travel through it while holding temperatures that can hold superconductors in place as an energy source. These pre-emptive measurements that are secure in studying space with advanced tools continuously improve as technological steps break ground from the minds of engineers throughout the world. 

Permafrost is relatable to the temperature of space and the interval spaces that are absent of this control property as observed. The space is conducted of more than one part, or two parts and we observe radiations of intangible components that arrive universally to shift our beliefs. In historical preservations of cultures who were able to explain something did not go down in shame when done so in the name of scientific study and philosophical improvements. Natural observation keyed in species intelligence throughout the world as what denominations they were going to classify in Age of Earth in comparison to Age of Universal purposes. 
This means, we may be keystone species on Earth now - but universally, we are contending with interspatial definitions that elaborate genetical designs as permafrost without the ability to compare outside of this domain. How can I use this exemplary image in software programming now and after NABM?

NOW: I research masculinity. Person as object-oriented programming is subject for spatial reasoning to compute as necessarily as possible. Programming languages designed for structuring techniques, ability, skill, command, piety, liberalism, etc. deal with an uncontrollable state of keystone species and behavioral impacts that reflect cultural histories throughout the world. 
The gender approach is faddish for instructional purposes and misleading to what is actually the purpose. Masculinity is an essence of intangible measures that can relate to the type of object-orientations to describe the object that separates known features of space for natural evolutions to study. The perforated actions that permit their appearance to be targeted is masculinity, at its best. The universe seeks dominance to remain isolated in reproach, using space, as an environmental contender for anything of its kind (masculinity). 


This is observed with keystone species (Object - Masculinity), genetical differences (Masculinity from each object has different environmental dominances), and logical relational differences (spatial designs formed in universe for object dominance upon evolved states) of these relationships and study for instinctive traits to display. 

Masculinity can have an impact on space for being an intangible property within an object. 

AFTER NABM: Object-oriented programming is a dominant feature for software development and the ideas behind it are describing a generalized term that clutches physical properties in description while lacking its appearance to connect as a living body. These personal encounters do need attention. What people will automatically start, is describing the work and time invested in communication with technology as an intangible value. 
The Current research model and after NABM will conjoin efforts to define the connection as necessary for contact to clarify keystone intelligence within universal spaces. Keep the efforts minimal while the location of ability may only arrive internal mankind itself. Within an object, there is a lack of universal claim, and without the required mapping and measurements - it can distort intelligence of tools by not allowing the masculinity or essence of choice to purvey its purpose. 
(Purvey relates to business of specialty. What is the masculinity purveying subject to oust into universal dominance seeking speeds of unsupportive measures going to do to survive any amount of time and make it last?)

Masculinity and its tools versus universal restraints (natural laws). Communicating effectively with interface abilities to allow a time of existence for a temporary permafrost to evolve its intangible value to survive its spatial conditions. Making the habitat unsupportive creates a survival rate in a type of nothing, or universal space. NABM supports intangible development using type of measurements for a given place with its own universal laws. These are supported by Earth cultures and their relationship with space, intangible values, and immeasurable recognitions (currents, directions, perspectives). Following laws of space and nothing encounter a blind intangible value to navigate based on its own objective programming. 

Limited ideas of space provide strong objects in essence (intangible values) for intelligent navigation and laws of its evolved universal interpretations. 

Photo by Daniel Frank:
                                                                                                                                        Photo by Daniel Frank


The flyer depicts nominations and profiles to collect for these efforts of being valued as a man. It is for artist translation to use the profile for future historical recollection. How you answer your profile archive determine your perforated climb into the intangible value systems for masculinity reproaches that may or may not determine valid for its time and space. 
Design an answer to archive for the purpose of being able to transcend your time and place after you have perished the world in this living form to be remade by such actions. Believe in purpose of humanity and intelligence to push you towards an impact to make, as NABM can provide the next ability you may possess, in a time of universal recognition, what dominance you provide in absence. Will the universe seek you out, where, when, and how will you be interpreted in comparison? 

Note: Intangible value systems, software programming, and archival databases designed to provide purpose are a Tsha Tewahsana (Its In The Middle) affiliative teaching and can be found at 


Monday, March 6, 2023

Social Science - 1970's Bio

 Series VI: Minority Groups and Guidance

Indian Students and Guidance
John F. Bryde
University of South Dakota
Copyright 1971

The specific copyright for this book states that no form may be recorded or documented in electronic forms (or any form) without written permission. I will be stating a reflection piece of this monograph series. 


I just want to remind everyone about Native American literature as a translation of integration. Native Americans have a value system that is not materialistic, Mr. Bryde does explain this from his perspective and reveals that it was the goal to change the character path settings for Native American in their education settings. I had researched his name and came across his obituary and how the community he worked with talked with humor, respect, and loss with his passing. It changed the way I read this book. I was more accepting to his perspective to demystify that missioner relation with their community involvement and appreciated his ability to state his educational opinion/teaching without personal victories. I felt like he knew more than stated and loved that part untold.

Being Native American in 2023, I am ashamed of the people who hound spiritual blessings to remain intact as respect. Respect is earned. The validity of being given any preferential reciprocation requires the person to undergo experiences that encounter its expertise of survival and lesson. The lesson's provided in life as reality are real, and in a man or woman, they are forgotten of footing to progress as each footing requires assistance. This handicapped mentality did not survive winters, child rearing, and fortunate tides. It has been brash to flare as the weak point of society and civility to encounter peace with the immobilization to magnify its detriment. 
Compassion in measures that endure priority over self is unreal. Even by modern standards. Survivalism is not compassionate to lost time with historical figures that can provide wise connections, but what variety was there to offer? The sociological plot expelled a few characters from being encountered at the sight of conversation with other men. These men defined a partnership that we learn about as a dominant review to relish as true. 
The untold stories, the forgotten stories, the encounter of women and their women folk in past time and modern time. The children of each encounter throughout time. The changed moralities and diversification to mainstream society have endured countless characters that reformed before they could exist. 
That began to exist as one. 
The ideals that exist, the characters of lesson, the mythic political beliefs that organize this world as one - can change. 

Right now, emotion as detrimental figures of historical trauma are magnified to enhance respect of its survival. Of progress. Of imitation. This will change and change again. There is a new 'oneness' to exist, as relation can see fit for its environment. 

I am ashamed because this has been forgotten and capsized for another type of people to conceive one world that we have blindly walked into by forgetting to explain truth in a circle is only for those that can fit in the circle. These external privileges provide us a world to step out of, but what they needed - was to be dependent upon first! They lost these privileges for being short-sighted and incompetent to relate time of encountering new ways into lesson through story by embracing a survival (and not counter-intuition and transformative education and commerce and relations after encounter). We boasted first. That firsthand of help was eager to forget the world of its priorities if all we can do is be of assistance that we know - you're a human being, at the same time, in the same place, in the same world - you know how to live. You know how to survive it. We are talking, here, and now (seasonal offerings are shorthanded in the wake of new religious freedom and embarking upon expansion to affixed eyes of capitalist and kingdoms in their name instead. They know how to survive already and we didn't want to make dependent neighbors.).

I am much too young to encounter these dilemmas while my elders remain apart from this type of character. It is teaching me beyond the modern world what was learned much before contact. These are not easily encountered, and, in its presence, I encounter historical records and recognize the error. 
The relationships between these documented interviews, references, resource of knowledge have to be remembered as Q&A. These are not full depictions of how the actual Native Americans were. There is so much more, but if you cannot see it for what it is, you may rely heavily on these prints as decipherable knowledge that you read right past your calling as if it were you who were doing the Q&A and mightily believe word for word. 

This is part of identity loss, when those who speak good of you, blind your will to read your calling. You would rather hear those around you speak of heroism from your presence. These are small pushes of that instilled survival aspect that belittles so much more qualitative reasoning as to who we are. 

I enjoy having this in my collection and I cannot wait to teach my younger generations by instilling further yet, more values that can consistently inherit these beliefs as partially stated. Until then, I conversate with modern America and enjoy our talks. The work done thus far, from what I have read, is amazing. Great insight. In tune with their self, their language, and their respect. I admire their work and understand the barriers, the time, the self-collection in work, the poise of expertise to perform in future scrutiny. It is well stated for the topic of defining the Indian student, throughout time. 

Religion, Native American, and American value systems. The new solution with inter-tribal (multiple types of Native American ancestry/nations) knowledge and future impacts of gained knowledge in the absence of one community is Tsha Tewahsana (Its In The Middle). A religious movement started with the Great American Eclipse (August 21, 2017 to April 8, 2024). 
Tsha Tewahsana

One in place is heard when they describe relation from history. What they do not describe is one in the future. Upon encountering this new person, they failed me in my time, by not answering the question for me - but for them. 
Note: This cannot be reiterated due to the copyright within this text. The "one" factor arrives from relation to all things as we see in sustenance and creation as best as we can describe in communication. Everything arrives from one as kinship explains, in those beliefs. 
What I refer to, are the diverse kinds of people not from these lands and into blended societies of the world. We are different, even if we may appear the same humankind, and so, this is the reference I depict in those teachings and direction of our elders. They do not speak for the future, they speak of their history, apart from the world. 
Below are websites to coordinate that release and responsibility to have an inter-tribal, blended societal role to fulfill with the citizens that we have now. 

I got your answer in each direction but let's focus on only one - In the Middle, for future value transitions to incorporate the intangible and internet guided toolsets with our unique approach to solution, let alone, survival. How we really survive is continuously adapting to our environment and improving with our available tools (however it is available). 


Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Mathematical Designs & Copyright

Copyright Designs

 "You don't have to publish it. Just protect it. Word by word. It used to protect the ideas that were formed with it (in my mind), but that is actually not true. It protects the text you write word for word to describe your idea. You want to make sure you can describe it accurately as to be needed to reference its idea. The greatest skill in this is writing. If you know how to execute this idea into words, the rest should be easy."

There is so much design and improvement consistently happening. Request it, boom sounds weren't even made and it was done before you could realize it. I feel like I am the heaviest person in the world and my fingers cannot move on the screen, fast enough, for what I want - without it being done already. How is this even happening? I turn around, nothing I can see out of the ordinary. Can someone explain this phenomena?

Copyright Designs
                                                   Photo By: 7H Curriculum/Tsha Tewahsana
Those cave drawings, as I have learned, result in teachings that waste no time in nomadic lifestyles. A natural observation sustains your intellect, if you allow the ability to comprehend its Laws.

Well, do I wait until I am in the career or how do I keep this a secret without wanting to lose incentive (if any)? 

I suggest, literally, getting a copyright. I cannot explain to you how much of a relief it is. I began doing my own mathematical curriculum a couple of years before getting back into my educational journey because an AAS-Social Science degree is basically, customer service and an entry program anywhere. I wanted to do more. I just didn't know what, yet, at the time. I began creating designs of mathematical grids and found something that nobody else was doing. I wanted to pursue useful gains with my time management and found working with spatial values, intangible assets, and reckoning with what is zero theories with light research (no translations and undefined at the time - still is). After I received my copyright for a Binary Sequence Signature, I was accepted in the Software Developer Program in Northeast Wisconsin Technical College.

What does copyright do then?

It sets me apart from the rest. The investment in obtaining copyright has to be something that you can proclaim is going to epitomize your work and be referenced in the intellectual stewardship of anything you touch after. The copyright is intended to own your text (IT-programming code is actually at a minimum-maximum of 50 pages). I knew that there was no language for what I am designing, I tried explaining that - no response other than the blatantly stated copyright law and submission guidelines. You have to comply with what is already categorized. The Binary Sequence Signature is my way of branching from this design to catapult my future work and software language into something that I am learning how to integrate now. I want it to be used in security - if possible - and online currency. This type of fundamental design work has changed everything I ever learned about mathematics and I am excited to focus solely on working on the subject to instill into BIA school books, and if the general public is inclined to find interest in it, there as well. Hence, the Software Developer Program, to integrate this mathematical curriculum into a modern setting to be used in programming now. 

Does it work?

 Yes. I have actually encountered, in my courses with Northeast Wisconsin Technical College (NWTC) in the Software Developer Program, literature that has stated "founders" of strategical designs and ideas that were noted in text but were unable to use because the "founder" was unable to determine how they developed or how they arrived to those results. If they could not prove it, they could not be fully accredited the design. This is specifically for database, which is something that I am most interested in, especially since I started with binary. This was another huge relief! Can you imagine it, they actually care about how you arrived to these breakthroughs! It does mean, that all that money and time invested in copyright, pays off!

As for the Binary Sequence Signature - not yet. It is merely a concept to find my own venture with intangible value systems and signals of wiring technology. My studies so far are elusive to the hardware components and robotic systems developed in my generational transitions. I do not know what I am going to encounter but it would be somebody with a Geological Degree that I seek. What minerals, reactions, electrical attractions that bring our natural observations to use. It just needs to be awaken with people to study. 

Main idea here is, because it is invented with another curriculum, does not mean to stop inventing it. The idea is arrived from a different place, and so, follow through to encounter what it may bring. 

 Why is this important?

 Because on paper, my grades reflect their mathematics. What I am trying to do, is develop my mathematics. Anybody trying to work with me, would ridicule my credentials and consider me unable to contest my valid work based on grades, performance in transitioning languages, and if you could ever believe in an unsupportive technological error that kept following me around to appear in the best of days - then I just ousted a position to label me a liar using a US Copyright with my work. I don't intend to excel in what already is, I intend to invent my solution to explain what mathematics is to me (us) as a Native American perspective today. 

We may have a late start on explaining our fundamental learning curve and mainstreaming its economical template the world seemed to have fit into with their societal diversification systems, but we are just beginning to understand English in its traditional libraries as well as the history of their logical thinking. The reason of philosophies and culture have never changed with most people. Transitioning these cultural barriers and language translations have not changed the person. I am thankful for the reclamation of culture and language thus far, to provide a Tribal School, to have a traditional base to arrive from in my future works. Now, I just have to learn another mainstream ideology on mathematical concepts! Not just what the numbers mean in basic value systems. This can be contested. 

Any Other Advice?

 Write for the unforeseen future in definitions for perspective. The scope that analyzes your fundamentals describe what can be built upon its design. This should always be cured with an interface, the language, the structure of code, formatting with actions to execute, and exits that return your features to result. These are the basic software developer tools used but it can be more than this. I have learned that if it was a good idea at one time, it will be hard to adjust from that. So, make sure you work out all of the kinks because once it hits the ground running, there is no stopping it. So many will emulate your work and will want to integrate other designs with it. Make sure you provide the space for this. It is hard to change people once they learn something and accept it - it could very well be the next "Paradigm Shift" (According to "The Nothing That Is" by Robert Kaplan on mathematical concepts being accepted for the worldview point of its time and the happenings within that time. He notes that the other side of the world accepted zero as an integral part of this Paradigm Shift - however, they fail to prove it with the Gregorian Calendar and B.C. era into the A.D. without incorporating zero. 1 B.C. to 1 A.D. which ultimately throws us off 1 to 0, 0 to 1 and so literature after have claimed the Central Mexican temples to be the most accurate and most recent in the world to accept Zero, mathematically. They usually do not go further than that, due to this one awry subject (meaning, they cannot prove it yet)

There is still time. Mathematical concepts must be perfected if the world is going to colonize the solar system, the galactic potentials, the universe. 


Welcome to Gravacity!

Welcome to Gravacity! I have been anticipating my C#-Part 2 NWTC course in the second term of the Fall Semester and within it, a game I must...