Showing posts with label EPA. Show all posts
Showing posts with label EPA. Show all posts

Thursday, February 23, 2023

SCIRP Journal Review - Signals In The Atlantic Ocean

SCIRP Journal Review - Positioning

Scientific Research Publishing, a place to publish peer-review scholarly articles in a scientific online community. 

Article: A Simulation of Reflected ADS-B Signals over the North Atlantic for a Spaceborne Receiver

Authors: Richard Van Der Pryt, Ron Vincent
Department of Physics, Royal Military College of Canada, Kingston, Canada

Published Date: February 2016


REVIEW conducted February 2023:

Searching for valid journals to form submission articles to validate an experience with online communities and service to improve educational subjects for another critique or opinion is the objective. 
What I find interestingly close are articles that pertain to the advancement of Programming and where it is being used. The software in these studies, improved (I believe) after the initial antenna, but for this article with Spaceborne receivers that use Python, I discuss the review and its ecological impact for direct contact with mammals and wildlife species altogether. 

I had previously read on the same website (different article) on the signal reactions for triangular methods used along with the type of signal (G3 Towers that have since been replaced with G5 Telecommunication Towers, FCC antenna registration.)

For the Programming of these signals, these items were unlisted for the study of its original tests: 

1. Reaction to surface in movement (tests were conducted over the Atlantic Ocean and considered the reflection of water but not the movement of it, as stated within this article).

2. Compensation Programming (this may have been an early model of Python since it did describe older technology in the article. I wanted to emphasize the techniques that did not wield the null space in its computations where the movement of water could not be recorded data). 

3. Delay/Change in return (The signal reached reflection, water surface and returned at this contact. It does not state specifically upon direct touch or an in-depth measurement. It appears to have unresolved calculations. This is very important for the ecological factor in evidential observations to act on). 

4. Measurement for signal value and its return value (They did not specify much detail about the Python Programming language, and what values were assigned in these tests to determine a change detected or how to correct the reflective rate of signals and its effects). 

5. Measure two components on linear so that it can answer these basic questions:
  • (Base (from the spaceborne receiver)) out to in (reflection or water surface).

  • in to out 

  • in to in (what was the reaction within this region that could have been studied within an enclosed space before outdoor contact to register any harms, detection, and ripple effects from the signal strength). 

  • is there an out - spectrum change? The article did determine the ionosphere that it was conducting these tests from, were listed as environmental features for the spatial coordination of signal strength being used. Was this signal an array of sorts that could be controlled?

  • Notes Under Review:

    Signal polluters identified were the Atlantic Ocean and the ionosphere, within this range. 
    Some interesting findings in the equations they used did not attest to the type of waves that they were measuring, other than the height of them. 
    I would have liked to see something that coordinated with their null and pivotal change in reading for direct and reflected signals. I calculated that to interpret two forms of media structures being measured:

    1. A receding wave that is pulling upwards into a pivotal crest. (Reverse Pivot)
    2. A Filling motion that swells within this agreeable cavity location. (Over-Under)

    The zero they reference within these equations represented a change (twist) of event that defined a divergence indicator - which did not mention it apart from each other, but together. 

    There is a scintillating reading from the Ocean recalls, this is referred to as a Scattering Theory - which arrives to the signal emitted in the time of observation to find these direct initiatives to make contact with the Ocean. 
    If the timing of these signals could be within the Direct range of a point of origin in the waves, readily available to range within the area of a surface (since it is determined to not be too dramatically specific in the exact location of when it hits the Ocean to be measured, so long as the distance from the point of origin was able to calculate an average or expected average). This could be changed to the time of signal emitted that is measured for an accurate reading during a time of a Reverse Pivotal moment in the wave of the Ocean. 
    Similar to that as a surfer can arrive to, timing the lapse in waves and pinpointing its desired location for those direct signals to read sharply and continuously. 

    The measurements they use to project are unrealistic. A direct signal is all that is necessary for this specific signal directing in a successful measurement. The projected rate is safe to say, in Oceanic measurements and height - it is determined by inclement weather as observed in the pilot seat to react and change measurements to something more dire and urgent in those scenarios. 

    The signal from the antenna that are used (two, specifically a low emitting radar and an encompassing signal) that determine the lateral, longitudinal, and azimuth calculations. These were as expected but what puzzled me, was the actual data itself - since they are using a media such as water, does this not refract? In signal? If not, then why is it being suggested in a weak state such as being recalled reading only that type of data such as light emitted. 
    A lot of the data that was presented, made it obvious that the emitted signal was outputting more than just a beacon of light to be dictated by reflection in water moving. 
    I would have liked to see the divergence in type of signal, sound beds, sound bed made, polluter or environmental factors in the equations, and the changed images on the longitudinal, horizontal, and azimuth maps. 

    Environmentally Responsible:

    beached whale

    This was specific to signal and Ocean for not being able to detect its recall. I actually do not believe its findings or report for data - unless they absent mindedly collected it without intention of forming a report for review. I feel like the data could be valid, but the test has to change. Objective was not clearly defined. This was a presentation of data for distributing an appeal to reveal that signals don't harm animals in the Ocean (which I very much disagree with). People have a lot to do with whale beaching's and in the mass over the years. If they are watching them from satellite and directing their beacons onto them (without sound bed insulation tactics to not directly disturb the animal's sensitivity), that could be a case to take to those that have insulated a lifestyle with their presence in the divine forms. 


    It is this lack of care and judgement towards aquatic mammals and life in general that we find plenty of living species extinction rates climb. Is it because we are watching them too closely without regard to sensitivity? Migration on land and sea has changed. Many things have changed since the invention of these signal towers and satellites. 

    NO DIRECT SIGNALS FOR OBSERVATIONS OF WILD SPECIES should permit the further investigations of these studies and data until a formidable case can provide its non-effects on aquatic species. 

    I am looking forward to more signal receiving and outputting articles from this website. So far, I have updated further on a robotic article, a form of I am familiar with, and found it about the same. This was another update; I have been loosely watching in regard to the FCC and tower shift into a G5 instead of G3. The types of polluters I notice and what upgrades are doing to the natural environment, I am keeping a close eye on you and intend to continue working towards an effective measure for future safety procedures that impact global recognition towards our ecological duties. I would very seriously like to further my investigation into direct signals and EPA for the Oceanic Review and Standard Operating Procedures upon a migrational effort to cease signal pollution. 

    Thank you!


    Saturday, February 11, 2023

    Digital Marketing Challenge: Business Surveys In-Store Purchase

    Environmental Citizenships Create Local Cuisine for Sale to Save Our Soil Quality!


    We are reduced to climate zone and soil quality to render our global impact to constitute an American effort for social and corporate responsibility to the natural environment. 

    Needed: The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is conducting purchase surveys for products to evaluate cost and purpose for health in human and environmental ratios designed to inform our sales by limiting competitive products and producing purchase surveys for American demand based on overall health that includes environmental organic certification standards to remain vital in agricultural practices. 

    Why: Social Services defund efforts in lieu of Medicaid revamping to promote the Independence in the American Constitution and conserve resources by establishing a recyclable program that is effective in time, cost per product, and local sustianability practices to enforce a low cost plan. 


    What's For Sale? Too many OPTIONS! 

    The market for products is vast and America is over producing! The (small) business owners are fragile, abundant in grants, failing before they can reach the audience they want for the demand they need. There is too many choice for the newly developed products due to monopolizing laws! Yes, legally they are referring to the revenue and ceiling for those products to levy out into brands of corporations but they still need to follow a corporal policy with environmental resourcing as to why those revenues are made in abundance. To afford the environmental clean-ups that can be costly in more ways than one (pollution impact scores and regulation of operation time) and by keeping those products limited to resource and time (replenishment), the manufacturing business changes its longevity by creating, refurbishing machine/hardware, while keeping cost low. 

    This would change the career of entrepreneurship to be in demand based on the jack-or-jill hats they can perform while developing gloves to hand out what their product can do in the anticipation of a product schedule operation. Sales will be isolated, people will have a strong palette and the market space will be able to focus on locations designated for their regions to provide 'local' a designated diet for their tourism and well promoted, planned, and often sport affiliated adventurists. It is also objective to state for continual consistency to truly anticipate, support, and demand the product to reappear to remain in high demand and enforce changing consumerism habits by amounts. People will adjust and with it, a digestive system for the environment can be regulated during waste management dilemmas and PFA's (for example) - a natural contaminant in the surface drinking waters of Lake Eerie that are over produced by unnatural contaminants with chemical introductions and reactions of algae blooms.  

    Challenge Surveys for Purchased Products

    Organic certification requires natural openness, wildlife, quality to water and natural flora pollinator experiences that are being encroached on as commercial properties become listed with empty meadow spaces of the past. By maintaining a priority of preserving the wildlife and habitat, require a survey of purchased products on how their environmental impact in the community is going to be minimal or unchanged and abide by it. Shifting money once an established company has been considered a household product is finding the cheap price for that customer. This is no strategy worth commending an American mantra with. Company profiles existing on a filtered process of demand in season (local produce, resources, skill) and require structuring location of these companies to zoning. Basically, there should only be agricultural services in those meadows and all other product making companies can remain in the city. 

    *Water monitoring is a huge issue with maintaining those fresh water source whereabouts and the hidden avenues subsurface of what needs to maintain in zoning from these companies now - while they are just beginning and structure their offset in the environment together for consumption regulation. Their dollar is high and the environment is protected. In the off-season, recalibrate, update technology, study improvement indicators, gather consumer evidence and create a product that is zero-waste. 

    Solution To Focus Resources and Consumer Spending:

    We blank products (for example: candy bars) and leave the QR code with them. Survey the product and support the random vote for product. The lack of participation is example to save money habits on impulse purchases. 

    The next indicator is do you really care about the product for your money? The other factors to consider are participation, critique, and research. Did they further research the product from the QR scan? Do you care what the product names mean and how it is made? Is there a health report - which basically means it is over preserved itemized food that is shipped too far for the contents to remain cost efficient from a health perspective in American diets?

     A couple of these products are going to be cropped and a new batch of local options are going to fill their slot. What the area provides, the area supports itself. Do you want to be known as an area that vetted for candy bars or something healthy, elegant, and particular to only your neck of the woods? Another employment opportunity to regenerate environmental impacts by using products that can sustain healthy choices. This really does affect the person in society (diets available by limiting the options into healthy choices per area). 

    We are spending with each product on the shelves with our resources, time on the road in shipment, away from home, task of occupation - we need everyone in the books improving our education system and technological improvements. 


    Solution to Replace with Cuisine, Chef, Trained Food Handler Contacts:

    Provided agriculture as the underrated revenue and discipline in the country with the most annual demand (they have to remain affordable to poverty standards)! The profession of chef and its kind must be able to convince the world that their contact to public be enjoyable, hand-selected, provisionally seated with EPA and Agriculturalists to employ a higher degree of nutritious meals for our sake! We must admit that if we do not make healthy decisions, we must be forced to improve! We want the very best this Country has to offer, and it must begin now!

    Trained professionals customize local cuisine and begin instilling customs that Americans can vet for in history-making. This is the opportunity to change American consumerism and customary traditions that integrate class of society into the future. Considering we have to pay for what we get - the goal here is a diversified garden system to harvest from by hand and enjoy the salary doing it. 

     What is the Solution to Promote the Choice in Our Freedom?

    Arrangement Purchase
                                    Photo by Amina Filkins

    If you find this idea appealing, I suggest contacting your local representative and demonstrating your Right by being a proactive citizen and wanting an American image of health, local pride, and support for our soil by catapulting this conversation into productive outcomes!

    Remember not every American understands the Freedom in consumerism, we must limit these encounters to a scheduled event to heighten our excitement again as consumers and to promote a thriving environmental impact by not degrading it into an all-season palette. Very important if you compare our population to the harvest demand and the affordable services provided to millions of Americans, it may be time to invest in the Agriculture and Culinary skills for no to zero waste program and dietary needs for recruiting healthy participants in the services to demand its healthy participation(s) in space travel groomed digestive systems. We need an agreeable local diet, plating customs, and remodel the Thanksgiving mantra into its seasonal recreations for the American identity to resonate with its local climate zone. Proper diverse consumerism can begin with America!


    Campaign Marketing - Digital & In-Store

    Campaign with In-Store Availabilities

    The idea of how to change the Digital In-Store experience, expectations, and environmental impact. What are we looking for in technology to assist new recyclable methods with solutions that change small parts of our day to improve another. 

    Think of the landing page of every advertisement and clickable image to demonstrate invitation to purchase, satisfying enticement - CONVERT! Taking this emphasis and theme to the in-store experience to motivate character of employee to website attraction by remaining in selling action. The lemon law can be refutable damage to quality, and we do not want to endorse top quality for our purchase for time's sake and type of product at times, but it would develop trust to experience and validate advertisement - depending on the business and product.


    Save The Earth
                                                                        Photo by Artem Podrez

    We don't want to endorse top quality for our money?

    If you didn't catch that in the last - we are promoting the save a dollar for more dollar programs by investing in products that may not be full potential in longevity for environmental impact. Is there a system to purchase one thing and remain with that one thing to afford another big spending item that will remain with the grant programs and conservative watch solutions/incentives? That ideal has not been brought forth as we now purchase marketing, advertisement, trend, celebrity endorsements, and the product quality is diminished to withstand the seasons of re-use. What are we purchasing?  Why be confused?

     This system can be restructured. The value system of America is not goal oriented, it projects business prompts as necessary. One of the main headlines I push in daily conversation revolve around space travel and preparing for generational occupations with space travel. This is a recent discovery with literature, news, and personal goal achievements during the post-parenting restrictions of child supporting. The self reflections after revolve around what could have been better or done differently - revolve into reality and making realistic impacts with consumer habits and career priorities. 

    Too often, I encounter the contest of career and sabotage effects of witholding information or services. That is fair, considering tribal resources have improved over the decades. Now, its about educating ourselves to sustain a mutual goal that is going to benefit the country by staying in the exemplary human being category. So, in all of this modern world, what do Native Americans suggest to improve and how do we persist regardless of who is here and how many?

    So, what do we want as a customer now?

    I want to trust the business to provide me what I paid for and hide how they do it. Let's take fast food for example. The work they perform is open, people watch them make the food, and monitor the work and effort they put into it. Employee based, this is a show, a production to perform work in the American eye and they are asking themselves - is this difficult, can I do it? The reaction dilutes their occupation and performance can lower, even be short-term. I trust adults in these establishments for quality and maturity but at best - for the care and comfort that goes into making food. There is real energy to provide in positive atmospheres and I want the pure enjoyment of it to be respected. I don't want them to need to prove it, they are adults, and adults are preferred!

     Another is to provide products that are purchased for longevity and remodeling potential that can sustain weathering, provide repair, and would be consistent as a school uniform policy required to wear in public. Something that I know is going to establish proper consumerism and be a visual start for change in America. Less advertisement until we can arrange our measurements of appeal to reveal quality, research of product guarantees, and environmental impacts. Consider a valid critique of product to be expected from these types as the advertisement to validate purchase. This saves money that could ultimately be rewarded to that customer. 

                                                                                                        Photo by Artem Podrez

    Timeframe For Campaign

  • Seasonal
  • Sale
  • Theme
  • Environmentally Friendly
  • Local
  • Internal (budget, supply, cleaning schedule, recipe, etc.)
  • These factors to create schedules for running a top priority in reducing our carbon emissions, corporate responsibility, community involvement, and factoring in actual sales per area. The devotion to continual societal support is having the products affordable. If they become affordable based on environmental impact and demand is high for appetite - sales increase for storage and marketing becomes effective to its packaging, storage, supply, etc.

    Sounds redundant - this pertains to purchase agents and product research, trials, and consistent bulk purchases. If your product is going through faster than its container can be recycled, is there something wrong with this schedule of re-stocking that can be modified for environmental impact? We rely heavily on that label as meaning - yes, it is possible - but the time of it might be misleading. Not to mention the conditions upon which it is recycled in order to be labeled properly (dirty, other dirty products, length of time before it actually is recycled and ready for new products). 

    *This is a career that can be managed with Digital In-Store product campaigning by creating bulk schedules to have products delivered or picked up while creating the recycle program for its employee base to handle properly and faster. That is reducing the time and creating a "matching" product recycle concept by keeping the digital quality of inventory and SKU prepared products together. Compost can be more effective if recycle material can now consist of "Compost Material" instead of "Recyclable" alongside Trash (which is determined to be zero waste goal oriented).  

    Advertisement Standout

    That advertisement color coordination should be illegal. The logos we adorn with recyclable products at home need the fashionista approval before mass producing its products. Make the logos small, consistent with website or barcode to minimalize its annoyance and increase appeal for reuse. Would customers appreciate this? What about creating paths for the product to be reused on their website. Create discount drop-offs using the serial number on the product to receive a customer base profile. It does take effort in establishing these systems - but prepare not for the natural environment revitalization, prepare for space travel, prepare for an enclosed space and limited resources, a small community of diets that require generational impacts for long-term effects (because we do change with each new diverse dish we consume) and then see the effects on the natural environment because of our goals.


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