Showing posts with label Professional Portfolio. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Professional Portfolio. Show all posts

Saturday, March 11, 2023

Internship Potential - Digitization Database Drafting

 Digitization Database Designing

The original position requirements are a bachelor's degree in history, science, arts, with experience in project management and a particular knowledge of database designs to categorize artworks with a local museum and thousands of miles of film, archival artifacts, and for access that can be recognizable to staff. 

Gallery Teal Display; three frames of artwork                                                                                                                               Photo by ¶Project Atlas

Check out local listings, stay in newsletters that post regularly, and begin designing your portfolio on their requirements. This particular listing, I am personally unprepared for, but have experience in certain subjects. The main criteria I want to focus on, is the digitization archive with database design. 

Note: I recommend scanning job descriptions of any kind with your children in their becoming age (teenagers) and prepare learning skills for a career. Get excited about wanting to learn a skill, find a way as soon as possible to earn it, and maintain those skills in daily activities. You may not qualify but never turn away from the listing until you know what the job does. You can do it - change your time now and choose wisely. Keep picking out things you want to do and like to refine what you want your career to be upon graduation without losing time, energy, or gratification in work and money spent on a direction away from what you have been wanting for a very long time!

VHS, CD, and MP3 files may be known, but are you familiar with dubbing these files in a digitization format that can render quality, audio, and supply your archive a rich history virtually? The access to the equipment is desirable for any technical historian working on securing incoming artifacts, artwork, and mixed mediums of any kind. How do you restore it and how do you preserve it?

A museum can contain a set number of items that typically can be secured under claims of insurance, historical preservation protections, and local agreements between artist and museum. The space for each item may only provide a certain amount of time, in which, how would you want to keep a part of this history within the walls of the museum - if it were a seasonal gallery? 

Scanning, Photography - using angles, lighting, and delicate contact (in some cases), VHS to DVD or Mp4 file dubbing (creating duplicates) and using the departmental staff in history to archive any footnotes of the quality when in contact during and after display. I have witnessed those footnotes useful during the Antiques Roadshow, during auction pricing, they would have a package with the artifact and research the footnotes to validate any concerns or notes from their professional perspective. These are the skills you want to perform this project with to assure your staff can research and be researched using the database you design. 

Software - Digitization

At best, you will be using a Macintosh hardware system to coordinate the efforts of preserving the quality of the image. They are best known for graphic design artists, website designers, and adobe has become one of the leading software designers for these specific tasks that you can familiarize yourself now with. The quality of the image, the editing and restoration effects provide a high-quality image that most would use to preserve any piece of artwork. It is also very useful to alter, for future galleries, invitations, and permission to adjust as needed (depending on the copyright). 

To be fair, Windows database with SQL is a leading contender for general museum staff to easily navigate its portals and store what they need to find. This is typically a hierarchical system, but it doesn't always have to be. Storing that many artifacts, images, and artworks takes effort and classifying each piece may require attention to the database memory and server you choose to store these precious historical remnants. 

Note: I state these because I am familiar with it. If you would recommend a different style, I assume it would take effort to coordinate use by other staff if unfamiliar. Technical software use can be difficult to navigate if not properly maintained with time to adjust. 

The photography software is also another episode to invest in. I normally would not, because adobe is requested in online displays for quality and rendering capabilities, but for actual tangible artwork - I would want to validate its authenticity using some form of software that isn't able to duplicate or distort. Also, to protect the image as well. 

Database Design

Upon uploading, securing information, and organizing the categories of this project - how would you classify these objects and input description for search queries? 

The Business Proposal describing any rules for gallery (seasonal display, schedule, shipment), museum (location, exchange, archival rotation), distribution (sale, terms, and insurance), copyright (year, expiration, maintenance), licensing (details, origination, use), etc. would first be stated within the Project Management. This is the main criteria that anybody involved in the archival and database design will be referencing throughout the project. 

The style you use to database, offers insight in future additions that are uncategorized at the time of the original. This is very important since this will be a running catalogue from present to future. The consistency of addition and mapping will be an effective resource that should maintain memory space for hardware maintenance and operating systems. This normally isn't an issue but considering that the quality of the image and the type of artifact it is - could be an issue of the future. Plus, the security keys instilled for certain access, if necessary, can also be implemented. 

Engineering Image - Code
                           Photo by ThisIsEngineering

Database Potential Project

As an artist, I want to invest in my community and the appreciation of art itself by categorizing without the ability to modify the image beyond the uploaded original by qualitative purpose of a professional photographer. This image would be categorized by a database and only applicable to the uploaded software that cannot alter this image - further increasing the virtual image itself to be secured and held in trust. I could then invest in a gallery of database security designed for the museum that would hold these archives intact for its digitization articles and be conceivable upon terms, agreements, license, and local benefits. These would gain status in a professional holding that would benefit the value of museum, artist, community, archival staff, and future investors after. 

The art of photography, the museum historian, the software communicative purposes with unified languages and machine learning all have a contribution to decreasing the value of artwork by making it readily available. Mainstream culture is uploading, posting, and distributing free images of sacred temples, sacred objects, one-of-a-kind artworks, and having it viewed from home or with the lack of emotional intelligence that arrives upon its presence. These are not content graphical images that prepare you or request your permission to excuse its fundamental aspirations of society, religion, renaissance, and appreciation of these sorts. 

This project is exactly why I am in the Software Developer Program with NWTC, my local education for Information Technology - is all I need. I just need something to gap the integration of what I want and what is already available. How do I make this happen? 
The actual software I am looking for would coincide with online currency. However, with so many firmware, hardware, and software integration to be used for unifying any operating system and its financial obligations - it is the world pot of honey at this point. But what a great start at a bank note - using artwork like this. 

Database Design Draft - BMS
                                                                            Drafting Database Design

My actual idea stems from artwork in database for display. A company is surrounded by it, creates innovation, invention, or otherwise a surplus to coordinate an effective gain monetarily and affirms the artistic inspiration to create an investment towards this bank note. These are archived and considered valid by display time within a financial company that does such a thing. This was part of contributing towards what made money valuable by people and not resourceful products that we want to consider in human value that did not degrade or enslave the idea of money as evil. The critique is contributed towards the sale or monetary gain by public to change awareness from habits. (Read that last sentence again - what does this mean? The critique is value to create people who contribute their world perspective on artwork to promote a lifestyle that caters to new goals in people, their intellect, and the sale itself.)

Art is an emotional expression that is measured by personal involvement to act. This is the first harness of intangible value that people intelligently are capable of defining. 


Online currency also needs a mathematical design, one that is reliable, explains everything without being encrypted and secure. Factors to consider when online currency of the future contends with personal input. The bank note of museum gallery software and the private sectors of availability provide value in keeping. Being selective with our artwork for the sole purpose of being exposed to only "these" pieces during renovation for innovation can provide an intellectualism unlike before. We need to go hungry in America every so often. It is okay to starve of art. Starve of music. Starve of our families. We do not need to go to war to understand these values in people. Consider it when you look at the next gallery available to you - the time these artists invest, usually and most times underpaid! Can you contribute your starving periods and become inspired for change? And make an impact? 

How big? 


Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Social Media versus Website: The Year 2000 & Where Are They Now?

Social Media Search

 Personal branding is a reformed version of social media presence for community involvement, activities of any kind, and grouping communication efforts into one channel. The websites for these are plentiful today and where it started in different purposes for different people - we realize now how daunting it can be to think of the past, where our children will be because of it, and what we cannot repair but only recover from. 

Social Media versus Website
                                                                              Photo By: Anete Lusina

Social Media Sites Then and Now

In my day with social media sites, I was amidst identifying myself at a cross-roads of age appropriate and dutiful beautiful - teenage mother with a lack of achievement to upstand a toddler's witnessing. The idea of being ready for the world is a crash site for a teen parent during the technical internet browsing chaos of how to improve life, self-taught. Not to mention the lack of understanding that somebody had to input this data on a computer to interact with. This was pubescent technologically aged people in their 20's who bought it and performed daily tasks like a regular phone conversation. >soft click<. (That's when we conspired of a tapped phone.) Parties, inconsistent rants, and proudly stated for amusement regardless the tattoo bullets dodged in reality - nobody I knew thought social media was going to be this serious. Literally. Or that we would need a clean record for personal online management.

Teenagers today, understand the initial statistics of teen parenting, the success rates (very low), and child supportive costs that degraded our respect for generational introductions that changed lives. They have the advantage of understanding technology reputations, broadcasting personas, informational time invested, career searching and environmental (social and reality) health concerns that have tremendously improved. Thanks to the guinea generations who had to learn the hard way. Congratulations to those that made it! Not out of spite, out of real sincereness. Let's keep improving. 

I keep hoping that these types of senior appreciation remarks get me farther encouragement for starting so late - but I am a generation when high school days were before the smart phone. The ones after me? Learning how to html and draft without Wix, the shell commanders, the integrative designers who persist to improve. It is being taught as early as possible now. We no longer improve from a generation ago but more like every 3-5 years now. The curriculum in my day was classic core education and history, our technology class was one of my credits and we were happier people.

By the way, if you need help with revamping your online presence. You can start with this link to: Jeff Bulas Blog that lists 30 top things you should never post on social media platforms! If not, it is a good reminder that we sometimes divulge too much information and to check ourselves! I thought the bigger concern was not posting images and video of our children! 


Website Search

 So, I lived. I hate using social media for contact. What do I do, professionally? Now that I have learned more about technology and what is taught about the computer processes, online reputation, and safer habits to possess with inputting online - Get a website! Even a small website design with your portfolio or using the blogger app with Gmail and posting blogs with AdSense can increase, not only your revenue, but also your reputation online. With all the reasons to snoop on you, the best career incentive would be to post relevant blog posts and opinions dedicated to improving your online presence with remarking on your digital marketing strategies to hopefully get you that next job, project, internship, networking opportunity!


                                                                               Photo By: Skyler Ewing
Growing up online is editing your posts annually to repair what you thought was righteous at the time and feel shocked, embarrassed, and realize its never too late to work on improving yourself. 

One thing that the internet doesn't have yet, is a place to collect an audience. Yes, we have multiple advertisements and publishers and content writers out there for the audience to find them (by subject, usually). But, do we have something to collect as an audience waiting to love somebodies' style of writing and topics for usefulness? I suppose, if you subscribe to these articles, it could be considered. But that is still the bee and the honeypot processive goal in a harvested ready-made library. If there were somewhere available to be picked for audience - can you read this and comment? Literally gaining a reputation for being a responsive audience member who is known for critical feedback, awesome survey time investments to improve whatever the product, and precise dialogue to strengthen the location of articles? I want to be criticized for that! [Update: The Reviews we post online are accredited to our account with Google and that is where we are seeing a shift to the consumer and online purchase histories for ad categories, preference settings, and trusted website scores.]

 Versus: What is Social Media recovery for the Millennial Generation?

Social Media recovery takes time in both away from it, the appeal and misleading scene you can be trapped in if not properly educated on the effects, and towards something that defines your online health in recovery. Internet can be an unhealthy subject in your life. The world opens up and you realize how small you are, how big the world is, and how fast it is consumed. The stress of protecting your ideals is raised. The awareness is time consuming by organizing events, resourcing for change to impact more than your local community. Focusing on technological purpose now - what are they doing to use it today? By they, I mean, those that graduated in 2000-something from high school and currently in a career. If any of this sounded familiar and you know its a problem - please remind them to stay off social media websites until they can identify themselves and their priorities in the future (or their children's Online Reputation Management (ORM) research on their parents). Delete their friend list and put in people that encourage living. Their future offspring may want to know where they come from and need you to be responsible, a hero, a person of valor reputation to feel connected in a historic purpose with technology and diversity. 

Perhaps we encourage it now because it will depend on a future job opportunity that extends into descendance. This is a sci-fi thriller in occupational hazards unknown to us... just like the effects of social media then and now...


Welcome to Gravacity!

Welcome to Gravacity! I have been anticipating my C#-Part 2 NWTC course in the second term of the Fall Semester and within it, a game I must...