Showing posts with label Community Involvement. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Community Involvement. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Time Management & Schedule of Events

 Single? Cooking, Cleaning, & Coding...

Time Management - _Mischief
Peel-Mask while cleaning. _Mischief. Adobe Express. 2024

24 hours in a day - that's all you have to sleep, eat, stretch/exercise, clean home, decide outfit, maintain hygiene issues, shop, cook, pay bills, privy time, and traveling time (plus fueling up). 
Out of these main essentials in life you also have to work. 
After all of that, you can do what you need, like study a programming language or read the newspaper. 

Effective Time Management is planning ahead and double-tasking to clear up time restraints so you can lazily proceed with the same amount of tasks you plan on achieving in that one day. 

  • I like to soak my feet while reading.
  • Wear a peel mask while sweeping and mopping.
  • Doing the dishes while cooking and adding meal prep and budgeting easy meals for future consideration. I have an erasable marker I jot notes on my fridge with for reminders like this!
  • Sign up for events/find spare time at work and do more important reading.
  • I asked on my personal social media for a sponsor family for dinners to include me while I budget $100 for a 3X a week eat-in to help save time with cooking/cleaning/shopping for home-cooked meals.
  • I save my drinking water that I don't consume and give to my one house plant (tap water isn't the best option sometimes). Also, I encourage others to turn off the shower water - I have a bad habit of not doing it because I don't have 10 kids plus their children to consume our water supply - so I splurge most times (not all the time - your welcome.)
  • Scrolling is the devil. Stay away!!
Aside from coursework, work, and more work - I will be attending these events! Some are weather pending. Hopefully you engage yourself in community events and support causes that you find appropriate to your America!

Schedule of Events for _Mischief

August 17, 2024 (Saturday)
7th Annual Chad Miller Memorial Ride

7th Memorial Ride - CM
I will be at this event to help support the family of Chad Miller who was lost too soon to a motorcycle accident. Funds raised go to his children from his friends and support network from the community during their tragic loss. 

**Good turn-out even with the weather having sporadic rainshowers!

August 17, 2024
8p - 9p
Hot Air igNight Market Downtown Green Bay

Huge hot air balloons will be docked downtown Green Bay to highlight the igNight Market they host as a special event. There will be opportunity to take pictures of hot air balloons docked along the Fox River!

**Did not attend but it was still open to the public - I was already rained out from the first event this day!

August 29, 2024
Kunhi:yo Event (Overdose Awareness) 
Oneida Hotel - Green Bay, Wisconsin
9am to ~2pm

This event I will be serving as a community group advocate for Northeast Wisconsin - Technical Resource Group (NEW-TRG) as an alternative option for time and money. The community social service scenery will be full and plenty while NEW-TRG is hoping to recruit interested people in the IT Field, IT Topics, and personal projects they want to learn. These are approachable goals and in occupations we need a community in. Definately hope to see a good turn out to find interested people wanting to change their lives for the better!

**Itinerary for this event is catapulting Overdose Awareness resources for the National recognition. Oneida Nation Resources are available and open for public awareness for groups, treatment facilities, therapies of all kinds and other interests in the community to grasp attention to live healthy. Having the resource available and researching into topics to progress in tribal gaming is one of the main stressors I tried to create. The more knowledge and input we can have at a knowledgeable pace will benefit us all (employee base, networking, and customer along with memberships altogether). 

Running Strong for American Indian Youth 30 Day Challenge
September 2024

This event is a monthlong fundraising opportunity I have linked with my Facebook profile. Sorry to those who try to add, I maintain this as a personal account for personal community contact. I will be fundraising for this event while doing 30 miles within the month of September dedicated to supporting Native American Youth!

I failed this challenge! My body couldn't finish my miles, I believe I had 12.5 miles to go with 4 days to complete. My time management during this month was a huge factor (grades are perfect so far along with bills paid) and priorities came into the forefront. As for the cause, it helped me to stop spiritually - I felt a release and my feet, legs, mind instantly felt better. Congraulations to those who made it and were able to raise funds for the cause! You are greatly deserved and appreciated! Thank you for such a wonderful challenge!

Community First Fox Cities Marathon presented by Miron Construction
1478 Midway Drive   Menasha, WI 54952
September 21, 2024

I will be at this event doing the small 5K RUN/WALK Event for Cancer. I would have liked to sign up for the 10K event but I have lost my mother to Cancer and wanted to support the cause and check out the community for the marathon in this category. I know there are awesome support networks and I will be keeping my eye out for other events like this one! 

I did this event alone! It was well put together, and I was running late but got to the start line with literally 3 minutes before we began crossing into the race itself. I finished at about an hour and 4 minutes doing this 5K. Not my typical conditioning leading into this event but I did manage to enjoy it. I encourage anyone to try for this marathon (the full and half marathons were cancelled due to weather, I guess its the second year in a row!) and know that you can use service dogs, push strollers, and for local driving to watch out for the participants because they are priority in road crossings/intersections! They hooked us up with goodie bags with coupons, gifts, and a finisher medallion with a wisconsin emblem (very nice!) upon finishing. Very good time!


Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Traffic Safety Council - August 2024

Outagamie County TSC

Traffic Safety Council Meeting
August 11, 2024
Outagamie County Highway Commissioner's Office
1313 Holland Rd. Little Chute, WI 54140 USA

Photo by Davis Sánchez:
                                                                                                                                    Photo by Davis Sánchez

Main Content

  • Finishing projects in Seymour and WIS-76/School Road were opened on Saturday (August 21, 2024). 
  • The Highway State Patrol is pulling in extra shifts for I-41 to reduce crash numbers. 
  • Year-to-date fatality reports is at 310 with 267 crashes for Outagamie County (this is an improvement).
  • Data collected focusing on "crash aggressive" icons of speed, impact, cause, etc. to safeguard future public safety precautions. 
  • 305 Roundabout Intersections constructed in 2024 where there is a projection of 68% less crashes to occur at these intersections thus far. 
  • Teen Driver Impact Workshops are available for those that are teaching new motorist skills - check the pdf link for information here
  • Swing Gate installations on long-stretches of highways. Small gates that swing open in planned locations in the central positions of highways for emergency purposes/responder time reduction.

New Business

  • A question was raised if motorcyclists have any issues with the rumble strips on highway roads (they are found in central roadways for attention upon lane deviation). 
  • The cut grass alongside the roadways has a one-pass policy for cutting grass and this does not include checking for animals prior to cutting it to clear them out in their safety. 
  • There is no database current for any new upturned soils with old seeds or revived plants afterwards being documented. There was a volunteer group called "Wild Ones" but it fell through and there is no other data to be used from their expeditions in the ditches. 
  • Suggestive to curb the appetite and sleeping flora/fauna in the ditches to begin a preventative maintenance plan with biodiversity suggestions to protect animal and other budgetary expenses - cutting grass, saving any culverts being shredded in cutting grass, other equipment damages, fuel intake, risk to employee alongside highway, etc. I did mention the 100-year old plant found near a site after construction in personal searches for a wild dandelion and if there were any seeds that were found/maintained. How often this occured and documented was new information. 
Next Meeting is November 12 at 10:30AM, same venue. 

Monday, August 5, 2024

Kunhi-Yo Event at Oneida Hotel in Green Bay, Wisconsin

 Kunhi:yo (I'm Healthy) Overdose Awareness Event 2024

On August 29, 2024, Oneida Social Services and Resources will be hosting an event to bring awareness and resources to the community for those struggling with substance abuse and the relatives affected by loss in substance abuse. Different resources will be made available and will enlighten how much the tribe cares for the health of their people. 

NEW-TRG will be there to provide recruitment, interest, and to be present as an option of making different paths in their lives. We often do not know what can be made available to us, sometimes we do not know how to ask for help, and we may need someone to provide us a way first. That is the idea behind community involvement and participating in the betterment of each of our memberships, respectively, within each Nation. This does include descendents and ascendants of all kinds. 

Kunhiyo Event 2024 Banner

If you are interested in going its August 29, 2024 and starting at 9AM at the Oneida Hotel in Green Bay, Wisconsin at 2040 Airport Drive. 
Hope to see you there!


Welcome to Gravacity!

Welcome to Gravacity! I have been anticipating my C#-Part 2 NWTC course in the second term of the Fall Semester and within it, a game I must...