Showing posts with label Website Review. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Website Review. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Freelance Review: AI Template to Customized Website

 Freelance Hours: 10

Project: First Nations Construction, LLC. Website Review
Project Protocol: Scrum Guidebook

When I first started this review, the company had used an AI Template, free stock photos, and AI Generated text, something that uses in their pre-built website templates for start-up businesses. It was a good start but not what the company wanted in the long-run. A personalized touch and beginner strides on SEO Optimization with etiquette working with a web dev by providing a log and notes to pass with the next developer in a business rules template made the experience note-worthy.

This was not a customized website at first (and the company invested in a platform to use - which made it convenient for me as a developer to use more digital marketing skills and not raw website coding) since they wanted to be able to manage on a smaller budget, knowing website maintenance and design can be costly, I volunteered 10 hours to this project with NEW-TRG for free. We were able to find cost-reduction interactions for both them and myself. Time management is crucial and to go through this process I learned a couple of standards to abide by:

1. Discuss Business Rules first. Set the company requirements, desired outcome, and follow the scrum guidebook with professionalism in the corner of the developer. Maintaining that direct assertion of being in control of skills used in the project while being organized is highly recommended - no matter the size of the project. 
2. Limit image editing and request same lighting, quality shots you have already approved of and dire to the image of the company and what they want to showcase as a priority - limit this to as minimal as possible to consider the user load time. 
3. Build a file structure that the company approves of and can follow. 
4. Write an incident log/journal to leave with the company on developing good habits and regiments on work produced to maintain professionalism and what the company is used to seeing in the developer role. Maintain the seat just as any other developer would in that role of expectations by leaving contact information.
5. Set a schedule and stick to it. Maintain communication and be effective with every conversation. We were both so busy that our words and time spent were clearly stated made everything operate smoothly and fast.
6. Use Professional headers from the dev to signify a start and end. Have a personal process you customize as a dev to know that the job is done, the customer is satisfied, and the next dev will be able to continue that experience. This was the fun part and projected towards a personal file system to maintain. 

I used Business Rule criteria from SQL courses, the only database type of material we had were about 100 images, a logo redesign for URL purposes, and a couple of AI Generated commercialized appeal to use that GoDaddy frameworks wouldn't have. The scrum guidebook was used for communication and dev guidance on role in the company as a freelancer. The log was created due to freelance position. 

I look forward to more opportunities like this in the freelancer position as a student so I can continue to build more experience to list. It does create more opportunity to hone in on and advance with, thinking of user-friendly platforms for new users and the SEO rankings for companies. I want to embark on a project that could change pow-wow dancing, pow-wow drum competitions by using QR Codes for the crowd and judges to scan for use in pow-wow committee planning to consider in their own personalized websites. I think getting their reputation with community and showcasing their personalities will help their unique portfolios to be upheld in a professional sense. In their roles as a positive influence, they can develop their leadership positions and be a constant guide on their schedules and develop a fan-base. It is in the works but it might be useful in the modern days of technology and communication efforts for Indigenous people to remain connected. 
MCCutcheon - Pexels


Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Social Media versus Website: The Year 2000 & Where Are They Now?

Social Media Search

 Personal branding is a reformed version of social media presence for community involvement, activities of any kind, and grouping communication efforts into one channel. The websites for these are plentiful today and where it started in different purposes for different people - we realize now how daunting it can be to think of the past, where our children will be because of it, and what we cannot repair but only recover from. 

Social Media versus Website
                                                                              Photo By: Anete Lusina

Social Media Sites Then and Now

In my day with social media sites, I was amidst identifying myself at a cross-roads of age appropriate and dutiful beautiful - teenage mother with a lack of achievement to upstand a toddler's witnessing. The idea of being ready for the world is a crash site for a teen parent during the technical internet browsing chaos of how to improve life, self-taught. Not to mention the lack of understanding that somebody had to input this data on a computer to interact with. This was pubescent technologically aged people in their 20's who bought it and performed daily tasks like a regular phone conversation. >soft click<. (That's when we conspired of a tapped phone.) Parties, inconsistent rants, and proudly stated for amusement regardless the tattoo bullets dodged in reality - nobody I knew thought social media was going to be this serious. Literally. Or that we would need a clean record for personal online management.

Teenagers today, understand the initial statistics of teen parenting, the success rates (very low), and child supportive costs that degraded our respect for generational introductions that changed lives. They have the advantage of understanding technology reputations, broadcasting personas, informational time invested, career searching and environmental (social and reality) health concerns that have tremendously improved. Thanks to the guinea generations who had to learn the hard way. Congratulations to those that made it! Not out of spite, out of real sincereness. Let's keep improving. 

I keep hoping that these types of senior appreciation remarks get me farther encouragement for starting so late - but I am a generation when high school days were before the smart phone. The ones after me? Learning how to html and draft without Wix, the shell commanders, the integrative designers who persist to improve. It is being taught as early as possible now. We no longer improve from a generation ago but more like every 3-5 years now. The curriculum in my day was classic core education and history, our technology class was one of my credits and we were happier people.

By the way, if you need help with revamping your online presence. You can start with this link to: Jeff Bulas Blog that lists 30 top things you should never post on social media platforms! If not, it is a good reminder that we sometimes divulge too much information and to check ourselves! I thought the bigger concern was not posting images and video of our children! 


Website Search

 So, I lived. I hate using social media for contact. What do I do, professionally? Now that I have learned more about technology and what is taught about the computer processes, online reputation, and safer habits to possess with inputting online - Get a website! Even a small website design with your portfolio or using the blogger app with Gmail and posting blogs with AdSense can increase, not only your revenue, but also your reputation online. With all the reasons to snoop on you, the best career incentive would be to post relevant blog posts and opinions dedicated to improving your online presence with remarking on your digital marketing strategies to hopefully get you that next job, project, internship, networking opportunity!


                                                                               Photo By: Skyler Ewing
Growing up online is editing your posts annually to repair what you thought was righteous at the time and feel shocked, embarrassed, and realize its never too late to work on improving yourself. 

One thing that the internet doesn't have yet, is a place to collect an audience. Yes, we have multiple advertisements and publishers and content writers out there for the audience to find them (by subject, usually). But, do we have something to collect as an audience waiting to love somebodies' style of writing and topics for usefulness? I suppose, if you subscribe to these articles, it could be considered. But that is still the bee and the honeypot processive goal in a harvested ready-made library. If there were somewhere available to be picked for audience - can you read this and comment? Literally gaining a reputation for being a responsive audience member who is known for critical feedback, awesome survey time investments to improve whatever the product, and precise dialogue to strengthen the location of articles? I want to be criticized for that! [Update: The Reviews we post online are accredited to our account with Google and that is where we are seeing a shift to the consumer and online purchase histories for ad categories, preference settings, and trusted website scores.]

 Versus: What is Social Media recovery for the Millennial Generation?

Social Media recovery takes time in both away from it, the appeal and misleading scene you can be trapped in if not properly educated on the effects, and towards something that defines your online health in recovery. Internet can be an unhealthy subject in your life. The world opens up and you realize how small you are, how big the world is, and how fast it is consumed. The stress of protecting your ideals is raised. The awareness is time consuming by organizing events, resourcing for change to impact more than your local community. Focusing on technological purpose now - what are they doing to use it today? By they, I mean, those that graduated in 2000-something from high school and currently in a career. If any of this sounded familiar and you know its a problem - please remind them to stay off social media websites until they can identify themselves and their priorities in the future (or their children's Online Reputation Management (ORM) research on their parents). Delete their friend list and put in people that encourage living. Their future offspring may want to know where they come from and need you to be responsible, a hero, a person of valor reputation to feel connected in a historic purpose with technology and diversity. 

Perhaps we encourage it now because it will depend on a future job opportunity that extends into descendance. This is a sci-fi thriller in occupational hazards unknown to us... just like the effects of social media then and now...


Welcome to Gravacity!

Welcome to Gravacity! I have been anticipating my C#-Part 2 NWTC course in the second term of the Fall Semester and within it, a game I must...