Saturday, September 14, 2024

Little to No Experience - Personal Statement

 Little to No Experience..


What qualifies you in 2024 going into 2025 as a mentorship advocate is a role that you take on for reasons only you know. I am preparing to take the next step with the community group I started last year (2023) during my peer-to-peer ratio calculations and realized I have been outside of my Indigenous community and out of touch with many factors that create belonging, duty, and dependability traits that reflect onto generational reputations that we rely on for multiple stronghold character notations. I began the group right away, setting up a location, showing up, starting the blog, writing another one alongside this one. I didn't want to seem over-indulged by promoting myself and this gem of a keepsake during this journey so I began an entirely new group to help others shine in their own personal interests and self-taught technological bearings. 

It's been difficult getting feedback, participants, and response overall. There isn't interest in IT Field topics and I'm not sure if its responded well if it involves reading. I have attended and hosted different events relevant to new subjects that involve outside world catastrophe's in job security, costs, and availability as a limited feature of free platforms to use without any response from the community. I wrote about it... but did they read it?

Underrepresented Population - Native America

1. Native Americans are at the highest poverty level rate of any demographic in the U.S. (AI Response - Native America in IT Field)
2.Roughly 1% of Native American/Alaskan Native students receive associate's degrees in computer science. Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander students are at 0.4%. ( 
3. In 2021, the opioid related overdose mortality rate for Native Americans was 38.7 deaths out of 100,000 in the population nationwide. Higher than the national average. (

Unavailable Data

1. How many people attend pow-wows. This is not found online because it is not taken seriously to keep data reports or intake at healthy functions to curb reputational statistics. 

2. The American Indian Religious Freedom Act of 1978 (AIRFA) protects the rights of Native Americans to exercise their traditional religions by ensuring access to sites, use and possession of sacred objects, and the freedom to worship through ceremonials and traditional rites. (42 U.S.C. 1996) - They have been working on preserving their culture, language, and customs in a modern setting with regenerational impacts of mainstream luxuries that include lifestyle changes, services, political agendas, and continue to strive for health in the community. This history is unavailable in written texts with the Native American scope due to oral translation and living memory customs that are no longer active or deceased. 

3. The 2020 Census revealed that approximately 9.7 million people registered as Native American or Alaskan Native alone or in combination with another race - which raised the indicator to 2.9% in total population. With 3.7 million identifying as AI/AN alone, making up 1.1% of the population; most (87%) of those identifying as AI/AN live outside of tribal statistical areas, with only 13% residing on reservations or trust lands. 
Based on federal regulations in blood quantum, the extra blended inclusions that raised population numbers may not be effective pro-activity but a barrier that is beginning to build an encasement around the people of who belongs. Further identity crises and trauma of acceptance and rights in services, ceremonies, and policies of concern. 
There is no legal verbiage or traditional resolution on blended people and its data.

Solutions is an inter-tribal religious entity to solve the traditional preservation in peace. Allowing inter-tribal and blended ascendants to begin religious curriculum in lieu of the Great American Eclipse (2017 - 2024). It is an acceptance of a full identity that aims for all of America amongst the multi-blended people without religion, direction, purpose. Purpose is believed to be a type of happiness that mankind aspires to and when without can depress production within that citizen. is an IT Group based in Northeast Wisconsin that is expanding into Wisconsin Technology Resource Group (WTRG) to include all tribal affairs in IT as a resource, mentorship, and membership knowledge hub overall with IT Topics.


There are other local solutions within each respective area and it is always a transition, not just for us, but for all people in the world. Technology is vastly improving and at a very fast speed. Those agendas are beginning to separate another learned lifestyle of work, paycheck, spend into a technical sense of type of work, salary, save with AI assisted tools, applications, and modern luxuries that we need to survive. Culture has to survive Luxury now and it is creating high-risk in youth with drug, alcohol, and other dependency drug issues with Murdered & Missing Indigenous campaigns. 
This is the world I represent in my Software Developer journey as a teen mother (he is now an adult, doing just fine by the way - I am very proud of him in so many subjects). I am preparing for grandchildren at some point and concerned about the demographics, statistics, and learning environments they will be stepping into. Can we keep doing this or do we run and hide in America for fear of being dragged down to our wits end?

I gotta keep trying. 


Welcome to Gravacity!

Welcome to Gravacity! I have been anticipating my C#-Part 2 NWTC course in the second term of the Fall Semester and within it, a game I must...