_Mischief About Me

Mischief Personal Brand

 Created using Adobe Express. 2024. 

I create images to promote readership on social media to my "In My America..." blog and to showcase skill for interest in a local community IT Interest Group called Northeast Wisconsin Technical Resource Grouop (NEW-TRG).

I have experience as a slot technician working in the Gaming Industry that began my career path. I have a Robotics Certificate from NWTC (2023) and currently working on my second AAS degree with NWTC in the Software Developer Program. My first AAS is with College of Menominee Nation in Social Science (2013). Since graduating in 2013, most of the material in technology has improved! The IT Field is constantly changing and improving security, data services, and platform consumption with memory and network configurations that I plan on being a life learner in IT. 

I understand that the Gaming Industry in Wisconsin is looking like rental depots for slot machines to operate and legitimately doing so - created their own box to sit and wait in for their payout. We need a new plan since our in-house technicians are now becoming less trained on what we are seeing high in demand in slot machine maintenance, technology, and repair directly on the machine. It is safe to say, the casino obligation is networking. There is little presence of licensed software programming and testing facilities to train them to improve this marker of input and revenue to be a self-sustaining government. 

What we need are training facilities for our technicians to read software programming designs and utilize the Software Developer Kit (SDK) provided by game manufacturers like IGT. Re-manufacturing the slot machine itself in parts and creating a standard base of code for random equations to isolate statistics for entertaining data. The Gaming Class itself can also be improved with more knowledge in online data governance, online jurisdiction, interface designs, online security protocols, and what Sovereignty is capable of online. These are new developments that are occuring without report since it is not of legal standing - online markets are just now being developed and legalized (not everywhere). It is still an undefined space we have already put money in that has not been fully developed or completed! Believe the potential and the astounding respect for those that are developing jurisdiction and time kept data records of what it takes to maintain an online library of tools, services, and staff for our use. 


I wrote Leonard Peltier, a tribal incarcerated man from defending his right to vote, and one of the main lines he said was "What are you going to do about it?" About him incarcerated, about others like him, and for those that will never know his story. Native America is constantly in oppressive thinking states that require healing over old wounds, over wounds that can't heal anymore than they are but still hurt. It's time to change the way you receive historical text and interpret the proper way. Don't empathize your chapter or want to be known in a scope - you are wild and free. One of the main value-systems in America is Indigenous for creating community value and peaceful commodity with what can be done. It has not been in our past to be of materialistic gains but now it is a conversation to be had about relational science, relational counting, relational space and what the teachings can provide in an AI setting. We are to be different to seek diverse solutions in our space exploration programs globally and what we have to offer is in development. 

_Mischief is a name I use for marketing, personal branding that inspires a persona to be fulfilled. I freestyle about environmental planes, design curriculum based on research of zero principles, and began an inter-tribal religion called Tsha Tewahsana (Its In The Middle) that focuses on occupational titles for societal improvements, belief structure balance, and individualism. 

You can check that out at: www.tshatewahsana.org !

Tsha Tewahsana Inc. will be launching a business address (virtual office provided by Regus) and website update in January! By-Laws and a Business Proposal for a Northern & Southern Travelers Marathon will be planned as revenue and community awareness. It will address alternative options for blood quantum dilemmas - a religious entity that will support treaty longevity and heirloom plans to adopt upon tribal membership dissolution or revival. It will serve all Americans in the projected future, without racial identifiers and support systems, as an American Identity to serve with its by-laws and religious organization architecture, engineered by its worshippers to prioritize caretaking for the land and improving academically with technology. This is intended to sustain full-blood tribal ceremonies and to relieve the tribal eldership from ascendant issues that do not pertain to their knowledge, yet be able to support mainstream topics together. 


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