Showing posts with label Audience Selecting. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Audience Selecting. Show all posts

Monday, September 11, 2023

Modified SEO Equations & The AI Chatter

 SEO (Search Engine Optimization) Techniques and Modifying their Equations

On SemRush, something they did not have at the time was inputting keywords while deleting other keywords to get what you wanted. Something of making word sentences describing what we are searching for just wasn't a priority, it may never be. Concatenated strings that have value within each vocabularized entity and new language assortments really are not reliable communication techniques with computer validation sources or the integrity of its infrastructure. However, with front-end user communication it is a priority to not adjust so crudely the real meaning and limited vocabulary we use as human customers on search engine queries. 

So, how do you get the front-end user (customer) to use precise vocabulary without over searching or under searching the value in its SERP (Search Engine Results Page)? It is also a prompt on how to introduce types of vocabulary in media platforms to improve these results (also another avenue of branding a market on those keywords for continued use with their company, blogs, etc.) when searching for a miscellaneous object. 
First, let's assume they have no programming skills and have not kept up with what concatenation is. The ideal user is going to want to use strong vocabulary but cannot find the words for it without encountering descriptive uses that are not used in media suggestions. The customer wants to find an antiquated technique of building fire pits without leaving a trace behind and comes across "fire pit building for wooded campsites" as the best result. Is it the less words used to describe your search effective or using as many descriptive communication strings the most effective? Since the AI search is boosting its understandable conversationalist within the search, this should be easier today than it was a decade ago. The sentence structure is handled like a regular sentence and the equation is no longer needed to be effective of what you want to result and rephrase in multiple forms while searching the drop down suggestions (which is very helpful already). So how is this scored with SEO and SERP then (the artificial intelligent chatter knows how to find what you are looking for)? 

AI Chatter Image

Is the value in how to integrate AI chatter SERP indicators that the Modified SEO Equations will need to be re-adjusted for AI to configure what the front-end user is searching for after its conversation? The database technique has been used to archive based on keyword, alphabetized, and dated for its multiple input within whatever the keyword is. "Fire" brings up multiple images, descriptions, and adjective actions with what it is foremost and then revealing what is connected from that keyword - carries on the conversation. The speed the AI uses for those conversations is in place. What is the issue? 
Can the AI configure the natural environment, with proof of video, description, and request it to be manipulated with its imaging to reveal a virtual realistic reflection of what they are describing? This is real, the evidence that has been uploaded since, but now that you are asking an AI chatter something of realistic measures, it should be able to answer without referencing. Obviously, unless you request the reference. Is this what people expect or will be expecting in the future of AI Chat Searching?

Will programming conclude with allowing the self-teaching AI programmer to categorize based on its identification system so long as it uses a specified library categorization to their pulling requirements for use as well? It sounds silly to consider information as valued but that is a human intelligence that we are referring to that has been available for the most recent generational input. The input before this was obsolete and left to be interpreted afterwards. Do we understand how important that information is? What is the AI Chatter going to value it as? What part of us are we going to forget that it was us that input this basic data in for the AI Chatter to pull from its own virtual reality the solution it can resolve (if it were them in the same environmental problem). Do we want to get rid of our uploading time for this convenient, easy, clean search conversation? Are we going to be resolved if it is the AI Chatter who teaches us how to do something with our conditional problem? What would the solution be - do we execute it, have this AI Chatter follow us with its diagnosis and uphold it until the problem is solved? Does this answer our life problems and how to prove we truly needed the assistance if this profile AI Chatter is following us and documenting if the tasks are being accomplished? 
What does this value bring to the AI Chatter and the user within society? Is this what people are needing, wanting, or cringing? This will ultimately change the teacher-student relationship and the generational dependence we have on our teaching system to gain appropriate reactions, inquisitive observations, life experience, human relation intelligence scores may have to be invented upon daily interaction and age of use. I suspect this being illegal for minor children to use until they reach a healthy collegiate level. You literally cannot "go back" on those foundational years to say that it was wrong, to set them back, correct, and gain those identifiable connections after bypassing it. We can begin gaining these studies first with the introduction to cell phone usage, GPS driving, home security systems, and begin questioning those beforehand of any changes in people with those uses. Are they more likely to protec themselves, what did they do upon an error in action, did they take other steps beforehand? We really need our domestic counselors to begin taking the initiative to analyze our technological use and compare with reality shifts on our ideal reaction and authority figures within our society. 

How do we begin monitoring our behavior to integrate with AI? Let's start now with commenting if you would be available for a Q&A with a proper degree on a dissertation for licensing to begin a career title for these records? This is for the future of mankind and AI chatting technologies with other improvements with our technology within daily use. To recognize differences, impediments that would not survive today, and how to transition those skills to perform upon a global error or recknoning. 


Monday, May 1, 2023

What is NABM?


NABM Advertisement

NABM Advertisement Draft

NABM Extension

When describing Native American Binary Mathematics (NABM) as an interspatial cultivated field searching component that characterizes all of the mathematical concepts within would be fairly accurate. However, it is a budding prospective tool that has structural sound and idea that benefits a religious purpose. 

In describing the category to justify its title, the spatial relations of object, time, and space are relevant in what a field in nature is. Those are intangible and tangible forms. It consists of interspatial but it also consists of an external user that is undeclared yet referenced in zero principles that find support through design to reveal further accessible translations. That is the cultivation of the field itself, as perspectives of zero can provide. 

NABM is projected to produce a strong itinerary with virtual currency, software integration techniques that support the program language. It is an attempt to measure signal and its effects by arranging its machination relations with mathematical design, according to the cultural belief systems instilled within the areas that they arrive from. I expect to translate this software design in cultural formats that keep unique air space for translation. 

Is this taboo?

After learning a couple of terms (Check out other blog posts on Asynchronous Programming Technology & Modern Gallerias) that shift my agreeable learning process into another conversation on developer techniques and inspiration - I gather the importance of describing relevant to identity. 
However, I do not believe that this is taboo for being beyond council of any initial trek. I am treading with care. 

What are the opinions of others, knowingly to this phenomenon and unknowingly? Initial reactions are gathered based on personal involvement. Outside affiliations would not understand who is trying to connect with developers as a spatial identification system is developed. What reality is this? What is going to be the balance? What can be done and the cultural instillment are referenced to compare. 

It is new space and the study of being the first. 

What you do as a follower, supports those that can do this. I do not believe everyone can discover or initialize a start. There are connections that have never been picked up that get to be handled by whom found its purpose to be an effective status of achievement. It should be its own calling. Let us remember the day of age, its freshness, and momentum provision granted - recall its potential. 

The place or the tool

Currently, I am mending a reputation of personal cultural conflicts that arranged marriage has been absent to provide my family its wealth, importance, value. Inter-tribal people are not just one kind of person. This is of high-value, especially when the racial recognition is rare in the world. The culture, language, choice are delayed upon maturity instead of at childhood with an invested family. This delay is costly, most times, and with modern amenities and opportunities - can be detrimental to identity recognition. 

Identity loss is a future problem in America, if not now. 

NABM is a name that projects the origination of its transition without an actual origination within its influences. It is a modern curriculum that not many have attempted out of courtesy to core curriculum that the world agreed upon as legitimate. I am in high hopes that blended societies have a future with NABM as a tool to provide a natural way of existence in respect with other prominent cultures of age in mankind's history. 

I understand what the pioneers of internet are conducting but I have a different perspective of how I am doing it. I wonder about learning programming languages, what they must have been going through every time I learn a new command, a new term, a new function. I get anxious in wanting to talk directly to them. I do not know who they are (maybe I have browsed an article without retaining name to face) but would appreciate their guidance in those areas of development. 
  • Did you seek council? 
  • Did you regret it? Obviously, told something you already knew or researched. 
  • Feel awkward about the programming role after realizing its potential?
  • Fear change in language after programming a term in hot pursuit of an egalitarian conduct?
  • Get balled up energies in your gut?
  • How do you relieve that?
  • Absent the emotion, willingly, only to have someone reinforce it? You're not special, after all.
  • Feel nothing in teaching others to program? Wanting to meditate instead?
  • Getting a burst of energy and greeting nobody in return?
Or was it something unlike what I describe in question? 

I'm telling you, there's a connection with you, unlike any historical relevance that you will find. It is a future connection, and they are looking back for your guidance. To prepare for those questions, from somebody who should have requirements, is just a hardcore fan who wants to talk - what's up?

If you expected this out of human reaction and observance of holidays - you would conduct yourself with what type of purpose in programming after?
It changes so frequently, it is hard to determine what will stay, and maintain a cyber record of dominance based on heirloom theories of code and cyberspace. That would be the real push for support, at this time - what is available and who provides it. I'm not sure many people feel threatened about the investments business, security, accounts of all kinds hold in server providers, website providers, applications - those are capable of expiring! It is almost like a physical demeanor of council is aghast at the footing it does not have, unless it is with those developers. Hopefully this doesn't change, too soon. 


What should I call this? Main question - to briefly describe it in one sentence. "A new internet." 
I do not want to hastily make a new internet or replace or threaten those developments thus far. Let it run its course. I am in the middle of developing the replacement upon relapse or failure. I want to succeed in light of its predecessor and have a template design of a new America. NABM is currently a religious curriculum with Tsha Tewahsana. A religious movement. 

Thank you for nothing. Nothing is valuable in mine. 

Thursday, April 20, 2023

Technical Resource Group

Question: If I was a robot what do I eat on the menu (not this one... a menu for robots)? 
Technical Resource Group Flyer

Technical Resource Group

Get out and smell the roses with your robot and start networking with TRG to supplement our daily habits of a bi-weekly (every two weeks) meeting to discuss topics in the IT field. Updates, software, devices, virtual currency, PC repair hacks, and take project in a website portfolio design project to reference teamwork, communication, invested time towards the IT career path. Civic duties may include presentations to group, community engagement in a professional setting (field trips to events, webinars, etc.), an audience to engage in an online forum together to start topics of interest in the betterment of solution. 
Think of it like a lobbyist group for the IT field. Data governance is being groomed and we want to be heard! New literature on the subject online does offer opinions, comments, and allow us regular people to put our part in. 

Join for one, two, or more groups and begin a (possibly first in the area) network of dedicated IT field specialist recommendations, valid feedback on projects, and committed improvement motto. 

It's about having something to do or somewhere to go to look forward to as a budding techy. 

It's cool you're interested, but to remain serious, we do need to see some credentials in the IT field. A job, school, or the latest tech buzz hardware, software, gamer installation and research are welcome. 

Contact for more information on dates, times, and location!

Answer: Soup or Conductors ----------------- ?
(Superconductors or What is a superconductor? | Live Science @ for more information!)

Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Seasonal Collections By Consumer (Part II)

Consumerism Blog

 Habits To Develop

The urge to buy, you say? Seasonal style to document, you wink? Reward systems to use, we both relax on. Well, the time for this isn't guaranteed and does take extra effort to produce. In wanting to produce results I have not been able to feel excited about wanting to save for an item. 

I did find an application for android called "Temu" that is extraordinarily affordable. However, it is imported goods and I would advise to buy wisely, according to environmental protection beliefs. It is cool to have a gadget that can hold your phone different, or a lawn ornament that you can refurbish, or is usually a big price item, but you have to think of the long-term life of the product and if the price is worth it. 

Recognizing what I am doing wrong is the first key indicator of what to change. 

1. Audible cues in a stored mentality refer to the pleasure of eating out, at an affordable price. This is a bad habit because it spends money when not hungry and leaves me unsatisfied nutritiously to feel I did wrong for not being hungry. 

2. Sleep deprivation and breathing studies being done to evaluate the quality of sleep to answer what is being done for mental exhaustion. There are clinical studies you can go through that will determine if you should be on a medical diagnosis. 

3. Organization. Schedule. Priorities. It feels like such a waste of time to not follow through, but, end up needing more flexibility with fast options to pick for results. Planning in this? How can this be handled? The cell phone calendar seems to be the best friend in these conditions. I need a plan and way to invest in type of calendar and reminder system. Switch to the tablet for these encounters to check daily? 

4. Plate portion control. I usually go by calorie intake and it has been consistent for guilt and recoverable during strenuous exercise. However, in injury, it is not the best result to maintain while exerting the appetite of burning at least 500 calories to assist in that digestion process. While building the pantry for a cookbook, slowly, I want to change the portion size I consume. 

5. Saving money. I am able to do a month-by-month with a small savings to help with emergencies. Its not enough! What else can I do to stop spending and save? With this project, and time, I have enough to save for my first internship closet with services with my school that help with those endeavors when that time arrives if I invest in it. How much per paycheck and how to not see it to spend less of it.

Solution Steps

It is not affordable, its seasonal. It's not cheap, its my choice. It is not an opinionated critique unless I design it that way. 

I am currently in the process of minimalizing. Tools of the kitchen, until I can purchase a permanent adobe, gadgets, and small accessories are on hold. I already have enough that can be repaired and maintained. I have developed a new technological responsibility mantra of knowing how to break it and put it back together. As a consumer, I should know how to repair within my means and what I can do to know the parts of it. How it works. What am I buying and where does it come from? I would even go as far as to want the patent country it belongs to and knowing that people develop these new products within the USA. 

When I go out, I am consciously aware of it and weigh the options. I have been particular to listening for when I sub-consciously can weigh based on flavor or urge for flavor, if the outfit can support it. I do not like walking into a new place comfortably. I have been picking based on history feeling, it made me feel good or the public scene was acceptable. I have to keep it moving for the pattern of shopping is a learned skill. 

Have an application that you can peruse while you wait. Reading material, you can absorb. At best, it would be a conversation to steer towards. Have this internally or read aloud. That verbal confirmation allows the companionship to develop without the dependence of people. If you are a people dependent person, be shocked at how imbalanced you are alone and adjust. It takes time, most people in those intense degrees will talk to strangers, even if it puts them in danger. They will discuss personal matters with dangerous people (because they are new) and are bad examples to follow. 
When you read aloud, it is content that is in print. Anyone can pick that up and read aloud. It is approved (mostly, there is explicit content) in any social engagement to hear somebody else read like the news in the background would expel headlines. 

Find something by being less wasteful. I made a dish that I overcooked. I almost threw it out, but have been eating it in a rendition of a breakfast dish because of its texture. The taste of it is amazing and new that I enjoy very much. By not wasting it, I saved a couple of morning fillers and consume the dish in a brand new recipe. Out of all the cookbooks, I have never seen one dedicated to overcooked meals to recover with. Hot buy!


More update and results with the "Seasonal Collections By Consumer (Part III)" where I continuously try to change my consumption habits and behaviors to interpret my waste consumption, purchases, and saving dilemmas. 


Wednesday, March 15, 2023

Uncanny Ad

 Uncanny Magazine 

Advertisement Enticement to redirect traffic to an online magazine after glimpsing their homepage and one article. Referencing one article, mentioned within. I attempt to do a review from a glimpse of literature found on this website, directed by poetry contests, chapbook contests and where I found an awesome chapbook Native Author (not this review but with more perusing) who I did purchase from and enjoyed reading).
Tinged pages of an old book

                                                                                                                            Photo by Stanislav Kondratiev

Bodies of the last kind - is this the one we seek?

In the acceptance of a weathered man and woman, the image of the last kind, may be one. Where it starts and ends. Mathematically, I am inclined to believe that we are within a strait of zeroes that riddle us to consider its concepts as within a universal law of type. 
This type is able to encounter its time and space as a tool to expand into the universe for its purpose. Body of universal laws gather, and we accept a weathered man and woman as capable to explain our extent into unknowing obstacles and create bodily harm to heal from. Not necessarily to its repaired state. The universe would rather begin at these repaired states, to find the conclusive kind of body it needs for the last time.

In the article written by Meg Elison "The Last Body Problem" with Uncanny Magazine she references how authors have arrived at the last human theories and emotional phases relating content providers in their loneliness. The absence of contact, death, depression, age of relation to self from machine, and our place in the universe as a body itself, provided her inclusive cloak its light-hearted days a peek at what the tortured frail over. 

Open the Body like a Book

This task is delightfully haunting and remains secret within our development as a type of being. The phrase 'being' refers to an active state in existence that is defined per person. The book for body content, however, determines thematically descriptive scenery to embody universal connections to captivate our essence as significant and momentous. 
Problematic for a body book created solely for an intended audience of one can lead a demystifying effect on the authors legacy as an invited custom to lead with conversation central to boldly stated. This is no body that would escape task in any talented author. 

A collection of work is a library and, in each piece, there is a body. The image of them unfolds onto the floor of the library, growing vast with space to know each other thoroughly before the reader can greet them. Customarily, we grow tired and make it faster, less appealing, and speed through. It is not the bodies that appeal to us, but the expansion of space in the library. Themed hallways, rooms, decor, paintings, quiet conversations, staff, directory, tools, and our awkwardly lone discovering that find its only warmth in the cold echoes we perk towards like wilted plants with a horizonal beam that feeds us again for a moments time. 

The gathered evidence reveals that Earth is a mystery to explore and in each of our bodies is a customary essence we roam freely with. It is the entire phrase we know as our title and we lay flat like a stone and sink into the library for another reader to pick us up, brand new again. Throw me this time! Splashes in the garden are made so the dank windows can be cleaned for sunlight to grow fresh air in the genres of creative for then, but not now. They wait for the mystery child, young adult, fixed groom, and runaway bride to find them and whisper to their windows 'it is okay to break them' with what was old, may not be renewed without that breaking window - an epiphany! That is the name of the libraries essence and it is up to the reader to break it, within themselves, before they leave its beautiful collections. 

Uncanny Magazine Ad

Uncanny Magazine Library Ad
                                                                                                Photo by Dominika Roseclay
Refinement of art collections prefer the story to be told like it was the first time explaining the remembrance of a dream. Those were the days when imagination and belief blurred reality upon the first encounter of coincidence, Deja vous, or luck. The test of real evidence connected belief of intangible values that gravitated in creativity. 
We are surrounded, encouraged, and promoted to sell artwork for the modern appetite that keeps us plenty and full of colors, shapes, abstract interpretations, skill, and most recently, technique. Digital arts also make it difficult for the skill of art to remain in high value for competitive markets that want to be reclaimed - scout artists in avenues with galleries that hold personal artists in high regard and demand their retail to stay atop digital editing. This is a personal investment. 
High society, friends, partners, and donations seek eyes that can note their intangible values to attract attention that speaks volumes of notes not all can attune to. Marble cased colors that crack paint score marks reveal lead scents that shrill poison up close. The odd urge to lick the painting upon inspection is reminded, yet again, the brilliant child in your artistic essence is critically examining one thing: is it real. 
This momentous occasion for revealing a body of artistic work gathered for your amusement and critique are applauded on behalf of the designing swathe of indirect strategists that collate in presence of their new environment. We will hear your body language, the instructions of their inner artist for the company of 
silhouette shiners to limelight your style, as they are boldened in theirs. Approval or not, it creates the work of our time to be changed by its story. 

Creativity Inspires What?

Verbs of adjectives do what to creativity when it is bought for cleanliness? The hand-painted and skillful allure are dirtied in opinion as we fight objections to rally protests against embedded marketing strategies. These wars are occurring within our environment, and we do not pose, bolden in company, or talk about their story upon us. I can guarantee you, if you do not recognize this in yourself, and if this shattered you to believe me while in my small collection of work - I can guarantee you it will be superimposed in Uncanny Magazine. Check it out. 


Monday, March 6, 2023

Social Science - 1970's Bio

 Series VI: Minority Groups and Guidance

Indian Students and Guidance
John F. Bryde
University of South Dakota
Copyright 1971

The specific copyright for this book states that no form may be recorded or documented in electronic forms (or any form) without written permission. I will be stating a reflection piece of this monograph series. 


I just want to remind everyone about Native American literature as a translation of integration. Native Americans have a value system that is not materialistic, Mr. Bryde does explain this from his perspective and reveals that it was the goal to change the character path settings for Native American in their education settings. I had researched his name and came across his obituary and how the community he worked with talked with humor, respect, and loss with his passing. It changed the way I read this book. I was more accepting to his perspective to demystify that missioner relation with their community involvement and appreciated his ability to state his educational opinion/teaching without personal victories. I felt like he knew more than stated and loved that part untold.

Being Native American in 2023, I am ashamed of the people who hound spiritual blessings to remain intact as respect. Respect is earned. The validity of being given any preferential reciprocation requires the person to undergo experiences that encounter its expertise of survival and lesson. The lesson's provided in life as reality are real, and in a man or woman, they are forgotten of footing to progress as each footing requires assistance. This handicapped mentality did not survive winters, child rearing, and fortunate tides. It has been brash to flare as the weak point of society and civility to encounter peace with the immobilization to magnify its detriment. 
Compassion in measures that endure priority over self is unreal. Even by modern standards. Survivalism is not compassionate to lost time with historical figures that can provide wise connections, but what variety was there to offer? The sociological plot expelled a few characters from being encountered at the sight of conversation with other men. These men defined a partnership that we learn about as a dominant review to relish as true. 
The untold stories, the forgotten stories, the encounter of women and their women folk in past time and modern time. The children of each encounter throughout time. The changed moralities and diversification to mainstream society have endured countless characters that reformed before they could exist. 
That began to exist as one. 
The ideals that exist, the characters of lesson, the mythic political beliefs that organize this world as one - can change. 

Right now, emotion as detrimental figures of historical trauma are magnified to enhance respect of its survival. Of progress. Of imitation. This will change and change again. There is a new 'oneness' to exist, as relation can see fit for its environment. 

I am ashamed because this has been forgotten and capsized for another type of people to conceive one world that we have blindly walked into by forgetting to explain truth in a circle is only for those that can fit in the circle. These external privileges provide us a world to step out of, but what they needed - was to be dependent upon first! They lost these privileges for being short-sighted and incompetent to relate time of encountering new ways into lesson through story by embracing a survival (and not counter-intuition and transformative education and commerce and relations after encounter). We boasted first. That firsthand of help was eager to forget the world of its priorities if all we can do is be of assistance that we know - you're a human being, at the same time, in the same place, in the same world - you know how to live. You know how to survive it. We are talking, here, and now (seasonal offerings are shorthanded in the wake of new religious freedom and embarking upon expansion to affixed eyes of capitalist and kingdoms in their name instead. They know how to survive already and we didn't want to make dependent neighbors.).

I am much too young to encounter these dilemmas while my elders remain apart from this type of character. It is teaching me beyond the modern world what was learned much before contact. These are not easily encountered, and, in its presence, I encounter historical records and recognize the error. 
The relationships between these documented interviews, references, resource of knowledge have to be remembered as Q&A. These are not full depictions of how the actual Native Americans were. There is so much more, but if you cannot see it for what it is, you may rely heavily on these prints as decipherable knowledge that you read right past your calling as if it were you who were doing the Q&A and mightily believe word for word. 

This is part of identity loss, when those who speak good of you, blind your will to read your calling. You would rather hear those around you speak of heroism from your presence. These are small pushes of that instilled survival aspect that belittles so much more qualitative reasoning as to who we are. 

I enjoy having this in my collection and I cannot wait to teach my younger generations by instilling further yet, more values that can consistently inherit these beliefs as partially stated. Until then, I conversate with modern America and enjoy our talks. The work done thus far, from what I have read, is amazing. Great insight. In tune with their self, their language, and their respect. I admire their work and understand the barriers, the time, the self-collection in work, the poise of expertise to perform in future scrutiny. It is well stated for the topic of defining the Indian student, throughout time. 

Religion, Native American, and American value systems. The new solution with inter-tribal (multiple types of Native American ancestry/nations) knowledge and future impacts of gained knowledge in the absence of one community is Tsha Tewahsana (Its In The Middle). A religious movement started with the Great American Eclipse (August 21, 2017 to April 8, 2024). 
Tsha Tewahsana

One in place is heard when they describe relation from history. What they do not describe is one in the future. Upon encountering this new person, they failed me in my time, by not answering the question for me - but for them. 
Note: This cannot be reiterated due to the copyright within this text. The "one" factor arrives from relation to all things as we see in sustenance and creation as best as we can describe in communication. Everything arrives from one as kinship explains, in those beliefs. 
What I refer to, are the diverse kinds of people not from these lands and into blended societies of the world. We are different, even if we may appear the same humankind, and so, this is the reference I depict in those teachings and direction of our elders. They do not speak for the future, they speak of their history, apart from the world. 
Below are websites to coordinate that release and responsibility to have an inter-tribal, blended societal role to fulfill with the citizens that we have now. 

I got your answer in each direction but let's focus on only one - In the Middle, for future value transitions to incorporate the intangible and internet guided toolsets with our unique approach to solution, let alone, survival. How we really survive is continuously adapting to our environment and improving with our available tools (however it is available). 


Friday, March 3, 2023

Online Reputation Management (ORM)

                                                          Photo By: Mart Production

The idea of this article is to provoke the Employee ORM at an entry level position or in local business positions that feel stuck in their careers called jobs. You have to treat your career like a celebrity builds their portfolio in every appearance, recommendation, and project. Listing everything to endure your personal branding the opportunity to improve the establishment you work for in ORM provides the opportunity we all can achieve. 

 Social Media Profiles

Customer Support Site

Cause Microsites

Corporate ORM websites, social media sites, and their Causes to donate and raise awareness to affiliate their corporate responsibility to the community, are the real meat of ORM. Something that has not made the list is the Employee-based ORM for reviews and supporting the employee ORM while employed with a corporation or local business. 

Employee Reference Networking

There are many examples of what Americans feel like while eating at restaurants and not wanting to feel judged based on their relations with customer and business interactions on a personal level. At times, we feel lucky to be alive while others struggle with the will to live and serve in their hostess positions, cooking duties, and education level. The world may be equal opportunity and we feel like everyone should be happy in their career to tend on what they feel is priority (children, hobbies, family, etc.) however, we often times are forced into places we have no idea how we got there and wind up resentful for not being able to achieve higher potential. 

A couple of solutions ORM can do for an employee reference network to establish within any business or corporate setting: Having the ability to remodel the interior customer waiting lobby with digital marketing campaigns, pinpointing in-house challenges, and taking down reviews from customers to customize their location experience. Going beyond measures to ensure that they understand how important it is for the customers to feel validated in their diet, their products, their service and goods so the company will remain in high quality for the atmosphere that is created in ORM solutions.

Scheduling Diets & Budgets

In the history of mankind, diet choices maintain health and physical features enhanced by what we eat. This was a determining factor for our ancestral bone's regional climate zones, customs, and interpretations of the world and universal observations to regulate history as a pastime of accrued knowledge from provisions in those eras. Now that we are in the future, how do we proceed to interpret, explain, and define history with our import - export agricultural products? It is something that regulated digestion heuristics may not be enough to secure global pandemic outbreaks and irritable bowel syndromes.   

In My America we follow who we want to model based on approved selections to improve daily. We check social media and want to improve but have no idea how to do it. The construction of motivation on a custom level is pinpointing multiple social behavior and personal dilemmas to exercise what we feel America is capable of. We often times fail by comparison to those that have different interactions and flexible limitations to what can be supported for further advancement for being born in a wealthy start. 

A challenger app that models regular behavior and then searches for tastes, interests, habit changes and circulates your progress with other Americans to show improvement scores. It will arrange your daily budget and calculate everything you need to be shown directly what to choose and what you have the ability to afford so its time management with budget give you the options you need without overdoing it or abusing that potential to achieve more. This aims to provide that facade in wealthy starts for being in America, where these are not critical to improvement indicators, that truly matter. 

(What does matter to you and your citizenship then?)

(Do you understand what to work on now?)

(Being American is the privilege and start you want. Now do something to improve the quality of life in America. What is it?)


Once the employee can feel supported in their daily habits to want to improve, and able to prove it, the next thing is to input hobby interests that can exemplify their talent, skills, and expertise by keeping them actively involved with customer relations. This is an entry Public Relations position. 
Another skill that can enhance is internal and external reviews. A lot of restaurants and local businesses offer reviews and are connected with printed materials that help coordinate their business-to-business relations. What anyone can do is input a review sheet with receipt transactions that will prompt feedback or just ask specific questions for the customer attention on experience. They will be more attentive next time, if not this time. Believe it or not, local businesses still need these reviews even if you don't get a freebie for putting in that awesome effort for your purchase. Think of the tourism dollars. 
A waitress is recognized, a chef's neat card placed on the dish served to leave a review, a hostess is invited to conversation, a clerk is commented on knowledgeable recommendations, a janitorial duty is commended by internal staff, and the consistency remains alive. The accountability is at a higher rate. The output is evident and appreciated for the interaction of consumerism. 
We all love working in a place that looks clean, organized, and communicative of teamwork capabilities. What more can we do that isn't already being done?

Having Employees Love Working

What is the more difficult if not enjoy working so much it is the reason you wake up in the morning? We encounter negative impacts in our lives, apart from customer relations, and the next employee we encounter has the ability to change the attitude on great service alone. These are the perfect occasions to strive for. But we want it to continue - so how do we support these interactions? 

Organizational Skills. 

Interior Decorating Skills. 

Customer Relations/ Public Relations.

Review Panelist.

Sanitation Guidelines Enforced. 


The company you work for, in your interview, raise request, update for company performance - is this possible to input on your resume and to provide opportunity to achieve these titles? What do you need to do, that can be supported, to enhance these skills? How have you shown them thus far? What can be approved and noted for future positions to otherwise be referenced or shared throughout all locations (if more than one) and how you are a valued employee with future potential. 

Create A Campaign

  • ORM Reviews conducted by: EMPLOYEE NAME on the company. Information on products, manufacturing, efficiency ratings (if any), environment, and at the reprimand of good conduct in performance to allow that trust to continue of their actual experience, what they endure, and how to remain professional in their review format. This provides experience in effective communication skills.

  • Off The Menu
  •    A location is selected to produce an "Off The Menu" Item with ingredients that are already within store with the assumption of an approved product (to promote purchase by demand) created by kitchen staff. 
       Your task is to have your item demanded onto menu for sale. 
       It is advised to copyright your recipe, including particular ingredients and how to prepare and cook this item. 

  • Specialty In-House Treatments. The open environment to see how your food is prepared should be over. We want to see more adults in positions with food handling, especially the mother roles. The interaction in-house should be revamped for a soothing and calm environment to enjoy their in-house experience (if any). This gives more improvement opportunity to the decor, interior design, and digital marketing campaigns that can be conducted with personal interactions. 

  • Remodeling with Natural Disaster Themes. The interior design is changing, window being replaced, or is under construction? Use a natural disaster theme to raise funds for the cause, provide information with QR codes, recruit for services in actual disaster zones (portfolio, resume, community service), or you just need more time to coordinate the repair and know that it is going to take some time to repair the noisy furnace, broken feature, etc. Being creative to keen eyes with embedded marketing habitual recollection to be remembered for picking what we last enjoyed - may work in your credited efforts. 

                                                                                Photo By: Cup of Couple


    Employee based ORM is not a subject yet. The equal opportunity clause has yet to reach these avenues and we assume that it is fulfilled upon entry position. The availability of opportunity requires a standard level of interaction that allows the main job to be done as task. What improvements are made can occur within but at the cost of time and the rejection of other opportunities. Perhaps we are not deft to climb the corporate ladder, but we can build skill for the portfolio and resume, while wearing these ORM hats, as useful research and attempts to improve the customer relations both in-house and in service while claiming its work during our time with the company. 


    Friday, February 17, 2023

    Writing Submission Audiences

    Is it okay to put a blog on the Resume to invite readership? (The Real answer is No. You open your self to be in discrimination and legally do not have a defense for it unless you create a 'blind' resume!) 


    A website for reviews can point to the expertise of use in products, marketing a network relationship, and if time is available to begin searching for the audience that adores your opinionated writing by making it easy to be found...

    Searching For Writing Submissions

    I have recently begun writing to chapbook contests online, short story/poetry. What I did before this blog, on a separate website, was requesting writing submissions by posting small snippets of literature to describe the necessary factor to involve the Native American voice of literature to stack the shelves of the future to recollect its available opinion. Especially after the transition into mainstream American culture, the identity crises for lesson, provided valuable feedback of customs, recovery, reclaiming, pride, and self-image (to mention a few of many). There are so many Native American literature books that have such perfected insight on wisdom I needed to read in my educational journey, with its appropriate humor, I would be one to understand why the direct self-inflicted readership could not bud with all audiences. I think you have to have a sense for what is being written, when it was written, why it is being written. 

    The audience in literature absorbs ideas that improve well-being into multiple facets of direction.

    The audience range is limited in diverse interactions engaging with output. You tell one group the same information, how do they interpret it, and how is it understood within their own audience range? This ripple effect in readership automates a problematic encounter of services. Interpretation is an art that is not taken serious unless history proves use for solving all public domains. An American author can attempt, knowing, we may never be capable of reaching all of America equally. This speculative audience characteristic must be included with political scrutiny... or is it our freedom that we wear thinly to remain equally capable? 


    Audience Cards
                                          Photo By: Ekrulila

    Demographic Sales vs. Mainstream Culture

    Native American content to use in advertisement sales - Native American artistry; appeal, literature, music managed regionally for literature that is promoted through historical relevance. A climatic presence to internalize observations through our perspective that is entertaining and informative. There are issues to cover: changing with technological strategies, resourceful remedies, interface designing, politics, and future environmental treaty rights. Obviously, we have online journals and news editions, but it is always encouraging to see inter-tribal content options for the sake of an audience stance to support. We have so many people in the world, we need to make sure every word, phrase, and definitive image we produce online can be effectively organized into productive measures. We are, after all, within a different marketing category if not sales - then what is it?                                       (Immemorially decorated audiences have no stance in the future if we cannot provide it now.)

    The Native American demographic is currently low in population in comparison with the American public so the sales are not ideal to capitalize from. I want to step away from making sales in quantity and produce the effective quality notations that Native artistry can do. The time to make one item accounts for resource in peace, citizenship (political duty is encouraged to protect these types of Americans), and productive by resourceful means. How can I use this concept with my audience and what do I not want to change?

    We really don't value immemorial like we should. The boost in sales, faster, faster, faster motif is blurring the lines of resourceful means. Thinking different, pace is normal, eyes are focused - every new generation is building upon the last 5 years and not the last generation! How do we remain reliable in our audience to shift our consistent leadership skills? 

    Experience for Research

    Chapbook Submissions are new to me, might be new in general, but the submissions range with pages of around 18 to 30 or near it. Not bad, right? I have seen some of the poetry, and I must admit, feel confident in my style. The collection of poetry is astounding for word usage, so if vocabulary is your weak suit, try writing poetry to remember what it means and use it for contest. I enjoy writing but what gets me is the vocabulary. It is difficult to remember and use in daily conversations. I would try it if I could. People look at me like I am a fraud when I do use proper vocabulary, it is a hostile reaction (sometimes) to average Americans. The idea of Native Americans in court throughout this co-existence astounds average citizens. The recollection of history and the direct leadership potentials we have with our representation, legal jargon, and comfortable stance in the smooth wooden seats of the court room, comfortable loungers in office, and thickets of bush from councils (hide and duck to get going). You may not expect it, but I am affluent in this educational setting than I would admit, and for the right reasons. (Grooming peaceful leadership is more encouraged with titles, actually, but the pre-cursor knowledge for any civic engagement provides its dutiful reactions.)

    Audience Stand-Offs

    The idea of being a writer is having an audience that can improve with you. Staying in the American theme, being generalized is product enhancement and we lose the cultural impact we bring to any foreign affairs encounter. The American audience I write for is not the American audience I write to. I just want to admit that learning another history in every aspect of American mainstream, career, and law is ethically immoral to claim my America. I will progressively try to breach this connection and remain solidified in US Soil to demand their real American self and look to America for solutions and create American history without emptying our success back into foreign hands. You do it too, you know, just hand over the keys to your glory and pride in peace without realizing how valuable you are here and now for the future. They need you to be stronger in your audience engagement and produce its new world.

     UPDATE (added 03-08-23) SemRush Blog is a forum that is currently being used with SemRush, a Software as a Service (SaaS) tool for search engine marketing designed to identify audience search, marketing search, and focus on multiple factors of digital marketing and content management overall. Their database and tools grow every year and have become a reliable source for SEO services.

    Another form of audience outside of 1:1 ratio is a validating group. Where are they, how much are the fees, and when can I start? I am currently looking for peer-review panelists, community members of similar interests, and inter-tribal people to continue calibrating fine arts in mathematical reasoning, logic, and familial archival projects to prepare for our future questions. I want at home audiences to have answers with solutions, experience, and customs to carry-on tested throughout time for resilient strides to be upheld, especially in our departures. If you are interested, leave a comment!


    SEO Marketing Strategy

    Try This Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Marketing Strategy Recipe!

    SEO responsible (out of respect for reading time) - Remember when you could be good at one thing and everybody did their part and it worked out best by not knowing what each other did as life was good? Everyone had something to offer the table to share and it was a successful season. 

    Gray Cloth

    Search for what you know and not what you want.
    Search for the unknown by making a habit to stumble upon new things 
    browsing through what you know, to find what you want.
    (Content Write for These Audiences) 

    Search Engine Results Page (SERP) Ingredients:

  • Advertisements
  • Brochure Info Slots (Accordian)
  • Website SEO Analytical Reports
  • Eye Browsing Movement
  • Carousel
  • White Space
  • (Imagine being asked how to improve SERP experiences): The column dividers can be doubled with banner carousels under the initial scrolling interface. The load time can run on first page performance with high volume in SERP count. But that would be more dings and whistles for what is already doing great improvement already. 

    The experience that occurs with Google today is much more effective in its tracking, encouraged for that customized experience. I didn't mind that, but admittedly felt skeptical, nonetheless. Privacy issues with encrypted code, as it is able to secure data by improving the browser saved passwords and credit card information is ideally the goal everywhere. Keeping it with Google services with my account, I can just go to any website through their networking and be recognized - signups are easy, inbox will denote recent activity and optional conversion hits in those details for analytical reporting. Email marketing will improve with convenience and the deliberate intent qualifies for the retargeting approach with direct intent from customer without over expending in database management space (in separate places and unregularly visited websites). It's the next email address perk for sure.

    What are you hungry for? The AI model in search queries to identify you personally by your online activity? Is this going to be how we feed our informational correction and hopefully use it before it expires? Is there a pace we can go at while this streams and have our slow tempo reading community benefit with robust additions in links, literature, and natural example? This is typically more important to database management and future research that I am referring to. 

     Review on Ad Network Models

    Ad Networks including Content Manager with Publishers to solve my dilemma with effective reading time. I know that keyword extraction is a highly sought niche for SEO analytics. Being known for a catch phrase or an adjective (action word) that sells, makes more money if your #1 on the list. Check SEO software and free services to serve your website in SEO Rankings with strategies in these Ad Network models to improve your consumer score as well. Virtual documentation, receipts -- I want it to be easy to be a smart shopper, not convenient, but that's all I have time for! Let's solve this with a content manager to assist with my reading time facts, approved networking channels with my secure credentials, and impressive writing skills!

    • Embed Content Strategies for effective reading material with the convenience of opting in for reading pace and pleasure. 
    • Picking preferences for website content to embed the advertisement within it. Describe how the product was used, model it effectively as it is being described, or use with links to direct content, advertisement from its website mentioned by name, and change the appeal to insight its customer by proactively engaging and shifting reading preferences.

    Most updates in code enhance quality with performance that is mostly interface design and database integration with tool tip research methods that backlinks and anchor links to cite multiple sources to validate content. What we need now is content writers that can integrate literature into our lives effectively and by promoting whatever product can be within literature to keep that ad space clear with consistent reading. Perhaps another color text to standout as an ad and link, but mostly, short and sweet. 


    Data governance in search engines would definitely be working to enhance the experience and produce effective citizens in the process. Google (and other search engines) are lead in the world of internet and data communication. We need content managers to optimize web browsing scholarly appeal.

    Statue of Liberty

    Define Freedom with supportive behaviors that emphasize a healthy Country. I want a contending base of hearty individuals who can survive climatic conditions, utilize their human life-time wisely, and improve from this point consistently. "We are building a better America" means our future is not guaranteed, we have to promote its healthy status with our ancestral impressions that our offspring can be beneficial to Community in return. 


    Welcome to Gravacity!

    Welcome to Gravacity! I have been anticipating my C#-Part 2 NWTC course in the second term of the Fall Semester and within it, a game I must...