Schedule of Events

 January Schedule of Events!

Do What You Love - Mischief

January 2025

The main feature of the month will be working on the resume to apply for an internship, volunteering research and background clearance, passport application, and continue with WTRG as the NEW-TRG replacement to include all of Wisconsin. I am going to plan this year for a calendar of events as I head into 2026 to begin actively changing the atmosphere for technology and the IT Field in my community. I will continue to recruit and will begin preparing lesson plans, promo funding, marketing material, and other business proposals to include grant access to a non-profit awardee to gain some project coordination and mentorship introductions. 
The Tsha Tewahsana website is down currently and will remain down, along with the virtual address I had prepared to begin January 1, 2025. The By-Laws and Articles of Incorporation are drafted and in the revisioning process using and Regus Virtual Office services and Webador websites. I am going to continue to maintain this entity in holding of its preparedness. I believe the best time to produce awareness of it is after publication of its curriculum. I will continue to work on this effort throughout that time!

New Years Resolutions include: Staying under 1900 calories daily, exercising in a conditioning state, and spending less money overall. I also quit Facebook again, social media time management addressed it was too much and distracting mentally, staying quit. 😵

Other tasks I want to stay committed to: 
  • A friendship gift from Batir month - A French phrase: Batir des chateau en espagne - which translates to '...they don't build castles in Spain', loosely recollected - I could be off in this, honestly - and I use the traditional story telling time to recount dreams during this time to honor throughout the year to aid, assist, provide them with something that strengthens that connection. 
  • Making a ribbon shirt for a grass dancer
  • Wearing ribbon skirts in the Spring
  • Making a ribbon shirt for a woodsman
  • Finish my most recent pair of moccasins
  • Apply for a bachelor's Program to start Spring 2026
  • Build a healthy relationship of support and love


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