Thursday, December 28, 2023

Anticipating IaC with binary

 Vectorization Techniques and IaC

While learning with NWTC Software Developer Program, I want to know where I fit in the IT industry. Where will I be at my best and most suitable for my personal work. The big companies that are running uptime costs and plans for their developers are setting standards in security and business for future programming to arrive. The lack of an online virtual currency is also beginning to shape with these business tactics and strategies of how they get paid for programming and maintaining website functionality. The reports for this data are provided freely to encourage budding programmers to improve. As Americans, this is a must! We are competing for an intangible field of unifying global markets with software designs that can not only speak to all of us but also keep us separated. 

In my brief understanding, I am intimidated by the IaC (Infrastructure as Code) platform in software designing because it is a fragile and easily succeptible (making it most flexible) entity. I believe terraforming is an advanced programmer's hustle which means the maintenance crew will also be just as aged in the team. I'm not sure how likely that is, but, with the offerings of stepping upon that last step to get the headstart in the industry, they will be capable of surpassing the freights with untouched levels that took decades to clear. If I learn this now, what will I be missing? If I truly wanted to aid in changing these designs and ideas - wouldn't I have to go through these hardships while I could have a mentor? How do they handle the unknown and define what is told to them if they cannot provide input in atleast one major project to supercede right into those levels? 
As an American Data Governance, there isn't much for grappling how developers rank. It is on your etiquette of code, organization, and now - your intergenerational input and living experience with a relative professional. Great experiences and mentorship that provide those learning environments. We need an American project to solve, and input, what is software development and the open source conflictions of what can change but adapt many other respects to software developers since. 
Let's not do the outdated versions of creating something that is inconsistent with what was, and instead, create something that includes to create more professionals in those fields of technological breakthroughs that are reliable in those eras. Why can't we store data in those levels? Is this a flattening hierarchy? Perhaps, it could use fine-tuning. 

Quantum Mechanical Designs and NABM

I honestly do not have experience in Quantum Mechanical Designs, however, with vectorization techniques and F# with the new direction of using Trigonometry Mathematics and the looming IaC platforms, I believe that it is going to get more complex in shifting those mathematics degrees for what is a versatile field of professionals to be included in all facets of this society. Psychologically, I disagree. 
Instead of more grandeur, I suggest using NABM curriculum and changing the type of mathematics used in computer programming to digital logic and binary computations that include NABM for terraforming cyberspace and time. This includes designs that work with 1D to 3D techniques while providing the time to optimize within the grid downtime. I suggest using purchase time and recovery time after (when not using it, the satisfaction of purchasing to let down those moments into optimizing accounts) for Amazon and other big online purchase economies that are paying for uptime. Going from 3D (structure, platform, network) to 1D (purchasing avenue) requires its own lock and key. Afterwards, changing the entire infrastructure for any worked in hackers, malware, and identifying these corridors to weed out bugs and other computer errors. Using NABM, is projected to work on the binary for the machine to maneuver and create its grids to an acceptable level that provides its own dimensional qualities that do not need quantum mechanics or trigonometry to explain to it. That isn't a machine language nor will it ever be one. It is literally forcing cyberspace to comprehend what the world feels is an acceptable level of intelligence. 

It sounds too easy, too good to be true, too surreal at this time. NABM has these projected works in order to comply with the requests for faster data manipulations and adaptations for code that requires less optimization and micro-management. The American public may not know these battles are happening, during their use of technology, but we are not as developed as we would like to believe. Error does happen and the open source availability of powering up our devices requires extra knowledge in the security of them. We are vulnerable. 

I am excited for the terraforming transformations we will be seeing in the future and I hope that I can remain in the approach to shift what is there with something that can be easily integrated. The idea of technology is to remain within what has already started to create the sense of community as strengthening, and not so competitive, where we are beginning to see preference for computer language, titles, and experience. 


Friday, December 8, 2023

Pointing with a cup - SQL Triggers and Cursors

 SQL Triggers and Cursors - duck lips tucked in, we're using a cup today! All those learning to read SQL with Triggers and Cursors, what did you think about how you were going to explain these functions?

I look at this portion of SQL and consider never using it. However, the multiple que for every value within this itinerary is appeasing. I think of an actual programming skill, how to activate what you want and when it's going to happen in this fantastic attempt of learning how to put it so it works just as it is intended to be! There is no tone here, just factual delight that this has to come from another developer in the modularizing of SQL itself. Learning everything up to Views thus far and Stored Procedures into this section - I feel like the visualization and flow of what it is doing, is a borrowed system. It feels, temporary. 

The Triggers are able to aim and pull an activation that sets off a series of events and possibly cursors (multi-dimensional arrays) of values to get the job done. The effect is simple. I understand it. However, the @@FETCH Status does not fit well with me, hence the name to retrieve as a unit together that arrives from something that should be separate one-at-a-time. It is hard to keep these functions separate, since they work together, but the connection that can be made using a regular JOIN statement should suffice this. Why use the @@FETCH command if it doesn't have its own story? 

@@FETCH has a definition that sounded like a space tool that roves and collects like the trash collector repurposed essence in the form of a hired hand. This explained how it could loop throughout the code and bring forth its full bounty. The part that I want to know more about this is how does a @@FETCH Status resource the variable? Does that variable then become empty? Does it change? Is it labeled differently after, in programming? Using this style of looping in SQL does set it apart from other programming languages but I noticed the similarity between robotic programming as well. The SQL is interacting with binary commands that exchange a defined peice of space to explain how those variables were attained. This is attracting my vision of what SQL authors envisioned a database as and what they were doing to pick at specific components with a fine-tooth comb tool. It is simple and it creates the world of it as plausible as possible. 

You know this can get more complex. 

SQL image

Using @@FETCH with Triggers and Cursors is more like the watering can than a gun. Perhaps, you aim for one target (one fieldName and dataType) while grouping the collected to be useful by value for whatever data needs to be collected. I think this can go further and explain how this role can be switched by nurturing the data sets by root or phase of its appearances. If programming buds bugs, because this is something that does happen on its own, then where do these root indicators appear if they transform out of reaction? The code that leaves its program succeptible can be prevented by use of a trigger to watch all variables in any process as a threat. As soon as it becomes a threat, the target assumes it wherever it is. 
Easier said than done but out of purpose of database - it doesn't have a security wall that I want within how the code is structured (that I know of yet since I am still learning). One of the faults I learned with programmers when creating software designs is not having the plans for effective cyber security. It becomes a business and with that, more inputs and outputs to account and monitor which can also decrease runtime. 

The only way it moves is because of the @@FETCH command? 
The interaction after in any collected data set is isolated and the @@FETCH command breaks it apart and brings back to its roots instead of the polymorphism that has been accepted in OOP. Normalization is another process to consider in this that would have to be redefined. 0NF is ideal to contain all root values while 1NF would be processed during programming. These levels are attained with their own mapping that @@FETCH can be considered a spatial tool designed to break down and monitor any changes. 

I may be out of context but it was something that bothered me as I learn this portion of SQL. Getting the syntax confused with other programming languages like robotics and visual basic prove that these develops laid down a framework to integrate other languages like C# (example) to be more poetic in grammatically challenging avenues that uphold its logic. The logic is such a hassle to deal with if you are not accustomed to think instructionally and ponder at the minor details of how things work. 
My suggestion for any programmer learning to deal with getting stuck, read a book that lets you read it. Poetry I do not suggest. Read something that lets you complete the line, give it character where you can in your voice, and read like it is fun. This blockage is cleared, you feel like a success, and you assure yourself that you can read. 


Saturday, November 18, 2023

Writing SQL Queries

 Writing SQL Queries is right alongside robot programming using embedded keywords to operate tasks and processes (which can be separately wrote using SQL). If this were your first time using SQL, I have not had any problems finding websites, blogs, with tutorials that help on the subject. Using the terms and expressing the description of when to use them is great. What I have issues with are the syntax errors and the corrective steps to take. 

From my understanding, when there are certain compile errors with SQL - there are certain routes you should take. It labels the errors as needing an aggregate structure or cannot use certain keywords within the structure you wrote. It was because of the mapping that was involved when initially using the tables, how those were put together, and how they are being used in the query. This part is ommitted from many websites as to reason and it doesn't specifically point out what those terms represent within the structure of the syntax in code. Its like having the label 'verb' or 'pronoun' and you are trying to use it like a predicate (state, affirm, or assert something about the subject of a sentence or an argument of a proposition - google search, dictionary result) sentence without the proper words to state your proposition. 

Grammar involved with coding is an embedded knowledge of what those words already mean. That is defining the keyword, why they used it, and its prolonged effective language skills. I had this issue before with C# and the "asynchronized" string commands while pushing forward with syntax structures. 

SQL is great for separating these types of commands with DDL and DML. DDL (Data Definition Language) is used for the data structures. The DML (Data Manipulation Language) is used when updating data within the table structure, like a variable. Geeks for Geeks website explains this better than I can. What is interesting about it, is understanding to separate these keywords as such. Something that I have not come across any other place. It is establishing the Table as a place itself that can be structured while the keywords within can be manipulated. However this is setup, it has to abide by certain guidelines or it fails for keyword placement and its commands of processes. 

This is important because in the terraform styles of coding, it is writing the code without boundaries and creating an open-spaced domain to run freely. Which is defining the cyberspace a little bit differently, and it reacts differently, with the program and network. It appears to be crafted uniquely to provide sitting rooms to observe interactions therafter. 

Photo by Brett Sayles:
                                                                                                                                            Photo by Brett Sayles

The queries for SQL are a great starter langauge to learn, if you plan on becoming an architect for cyberspace, creating your own open source program, or want to kick off your ideas with your own madness and operate bilaterally with other programs. Building a network library of your own is key to any software programmer and for others to understand the madness, or there is no fun in it. The risk is levying the character to be invitational for others to challenge, the idea is to not become an intruder within your own creation! 

It is expected while there is no online governance to control how people are coding. Everyone is experimenting with their structural skills and language choices, because of time. The idea of programming, especially with AI short-handed undeveloped neural networking designs and intelligence as it is in ethical concerns, is all in testing and development at this point in the world. It is not too late to start learning how to program! The world wants to know how you think and they invite your weird way of interpreting algebra because it could mean the next breakthrough! STEM research is a big topic and if your not developing with it, there is literally something wrong with that direction in our Country efforts, at best, our global efforts. They pay big, want results, and need to mandate the educational steam it can produce for the engineering components to lead our world in its perfect forms, apart from the world, and with the world. 

If that doesn't confuse you and encourage you - then you should be relieved to know, that's what its there for. That somebody out there is trying. That within our world, we are coming up with solutions and the more nitpicky we are with what this means and where its derived from (VIEW = perspective of data collections we use to make things simple with what is), the more flexibility we have and concise language for what is properly in its place and appropriate to talk about. Departmental lingo, is more like it. 


Monday, November 6, 2023


 World Academy of Science, Engineering, & Technology Abstract Paper

The World Academy of Science, Engineering, & Technology (WASET) has provided an open-source library for scholarly papers to be submitted in hopes of being printed with their journals with remarks made by professionals in the field and highlighted as research induction with your subject. It is a sharing moment with the world, to contribute as a scholar, and be accepted within the community of Science, Engineering & Technology! 
WASET website

I am submitting an abstract paper with the January deadline and June deadline for Native American Binary Mathematics in the Technology field for computing research. I highlighted it as a cultivational tool for the binary interfaces we currently use. The technique I want to write in, will still be in copyright format, and upheld (through research, global copyright depends on its home-based Country and their laws for protecting those works which also qualifies for a tribal resource for Native American rights in culturally preserved knowledge) in its protected form. However, once I release it, it will be for the world to use or not use. Archived for repair, scrutiny, and comment. 

The paper is submitted, in a poster format (2 forms and virtual or physical presence during presentation) - which is like a visual aid in power points to explain/teach your concept/theory/research topic. This is with a registration fee and a moderator that reviews your abstract paper to revise to their standards. I recommend reading the scholar journal styles (APA and MLA are writing templates, Scientific standard is a little bit more detailed and less emotional) and getting familiar with language used, constructing the concepts in the language used, and demonstrating figures using software only. No free-hand versions are allowed for scientific or mathematical equations. 

Anyone can submit in the world. Papers are uploaded and put through the process annually with multiple ports to choose from, in subject and location. I am choosing the London (UK) location because I plan on being in the area for June of 2024 to attend personally (if my scholarship gets approved). I don't know how many accounts of this there is, but I know that the Mayan/Oltecs/Mexicans did introduce zero concepts that caused a Paradigm Shift from their mathematical prowess. This is not the same, but, an American concept no less. 

Native American Mathematical History

The basic questions:
1. How did you learn to count?
2. What is your counting system? (10-Base, 20-Base, etc.)
3. When did you develop this system?
4. Can you explain your concepts mathematically?
5. How do you understand theory?
6. What is your idea of mathematical time?
7. Is mathematics a science of nature, can you explain it in this way?
8. What did you use counting for?
9. Do you manipulate mathematically?
10. Navigating mathematics with daily life, please explain. 

Some of the basic foundations of mathematics in Native American history did not account these subjects and were left to mythic, creationism, spiritual, medicinal, respectful, and holistic approaches of a connection with the sustenance provider and its extensions as people. The intelligence of relating animalistic viewpoints to survive and political stance within tribal organization and jurisdiction relied on daily living examples. 
The language translations, interpretations and lost knowledge with interpretation had disconnected generational descriptions that had to be refound without instruction, guidance, or generational emotion. The land itself was what connected our lost identities to impact our definitive purposes. It is true, it is more than sustenance, and still teaches us to this day. 

Language was and still is, a huge obstacle to overcome. While translating relational concepts of universal existence using binary - the creationism became part of the directional embedding that occurs with any time being explained. The turtle's back, the descending touches to the world, the perspectives, the time of day. These range throughout the Americas and are part of the explanation of its people and its sustenance. Time is mostly rememebered from the Plains tribes, who satisfied the metaphysical approaches from wise elders who had conversations about the moment in time that something happens. They were really asking, did you know about the lunar calendric motions that are occuring, the color of it, the distance during this year and season, the star formations, the planetary positions, and the universal picture during your moment? What made this moment calculated? The terms were not grasped and left to "the moment in time" which explained categories of epiphany, vision-seeking, or otherwise metaphysical traits of sentient beings to describe perimeter connections made from environmental impacts. 
Other tribes, were not always unified in these concepts, and was recognized to be of different statuses within the group. Not everyone could think or see the world in these views. Some were supported, others were not. The proof of their knowledge was often considered supernatural or unexplained mysteries from the unknown boundaries beyond the safety of their group efforts. 
It sounded enthralling and invisible to value intangible concepts that could not be explained - even today! The words we have for it are either taboo or unknown. It is just old history that happened during a time of pre-recorded luxuries (migrational efforts, depending on the people, would keep them moving from seasonal camps, dietary restrictions in hunting/gathering availability, and resources) that was satisfied in lifestyle at the time. It is a difficult thing to break out of, once you know how things are done and can be explained in reality. 

So, with the rest of the world, we have crop counting, grain counting, commerce, storage capacity, and generalizations - which is a loss of memory in the language used. The turtle shell, harvesting tasks, and jewelry making were part of the counting tools. Celestial movements were ceremonious and storytelling remembrances. 

Beyond the basic principles of cultural lifestyles, we transition into modern core curriculum. This is peculiar because the mathematics that approaches comes from a different world history and concepts. The mathematical sense Native Americans possess was not linguistically inspired, just accepted as naturally attuned, and didn't require mathematical difference (because bartering was contended based on "like-people" who were jurisdictional to hunting and didn't change much from each contact). However, there are theories of accounts that South American travelers found the Mississippi River and traveled upstream to the Native American tribes of the Midwest. No easy task, taking the delta provided strenuous circumstances that were not easily mapped or remembered. The connections made with the land used are intangible values to consider for an amount of time to explain luck. It is not explained in the same sense as being asked, when, how long ago, and how do you know - what part of the story stated its mathematical presence to track? 

Native American Binary Mathematics (NABM) is going to explain their sense of mathematical connections in their natural environmental observations. Relational concepts using direction, acknowledgements of it, shapes, relational hierarchies as duties, and using these interface mappings to cultivate with equations and measurement tools. I say 'measurement tools' as a formation of NABM can be explained for a moment in its time, as to how it was constructed, from the very basic building block of zero and one. This relationship is then expanded into multiple formations, grasping multiple concepts of abilities to explain amount, degree, or otherwise strength of what it built because of its shape, size, and purpose. It naturally occurs. This is a sacredness being revealed that is simply stated as binary. 

Its creation is with nothing and in the world, it began with an empty container to explain what zero is. Other parts of the world, believe zero to be a hub, central to the middle of a wheel. In other domains, it was needed for the space, a period can do, to separate the next sequence of events or sentences. Here, and now, it is considered a back-end interface for which connects universal existence with abilities that its front-end components (nature itself) either designate a time for it, size it, or null its presence into another harvest of sustenance that the world itself absorbs in its death. Our world is sustained by zero ability and time reveals the expansion of this zero, and what it has connections with beyond our present moment. 

So... Now you know. The big secret we have been hiding until now. 

The next goal, is to unify the world, without losing its people. Accepting eco-friendly lifestyles and thinking of more than ourselves as capable of powerful things and decisions (inventions, accomplishments) is part of the process that so many cultures in the world already possess. However, the main agenda for America now is unifying its Country people to believe in its Country to possess the skills to be people beyond racial identifiers - for our potential and not for peaceful reasons. I am right in my beliefs and it has taken over a decade to configure the proper person to represent this curriculum and its purpose. 

Entering WASET will provide more global input and hopefully it will help explain a directional potential that will be referenced in future works regarding planetary preservation and software designs. Especially with explaining the environmental connections with Artificial Intelligence and making connections with machine. 


Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Troubleshooting Patterns

Troubleshoot: to discover and eliminate problems or malfunctions in (software, mechanical equipment, etc.). To trace the problem to correct.

Troubleshooting Patterns

                                                                                                       Image: Adobe Express

The one example I have fresh in my mind is dealing with a Robotics program using alphabet magnets (the kind that do best on refrigerators) and the iVision Software having its offset recalculate the position of the magnet and not getting its target. The instructor had gone through the list of troubleshooting for the Robot malfunction, first checking the settings. Then, watching the robot approach the target. Finding the taught location and then determining that it was the actual magnet on the alphabet letter that needed to be in a certain direction. 

Watching any technical troubleshooting, requires hands-on learning and understanding the process of setup. Was there a missing step? Is there an update in the software? Is there a physical error - wrapped cords, stressed joints, wrong calibration, etc. Then, evaluating it from the machine perspective. How is this programmed and what is the machine interpreting it as? 

Troubleshooting on the job

Something I have learned on the job with troubleshooting is be there. Any call that is made for an error, be there. Nobody on the shift encountered the problem before? Be there for the solution and follow the problem until it is solved. Watching it become solved is ideal, but perhaps not always possible, depending on the resources available. Some mechanical errors can only be solved when the manufacturer becomes involved, a license holder, or very experienced tech. 
Most places where troubleshooting is a skillset, happens often, it is in your job description - they may have a 10-7 list (or error list, malfunction list). Always know this before your shift and diagnose it yourself. Have your name on the machine logs, go through your own troubleshooting skillset (even if you know it may not be useful) and encounter the problem in your own experience. Most technicians that open that machine to diagnose will prove to their employer that they were there, diagnosed the problem, and sometimes even log their upboot or working condition to know that they have learned from the error and can add it to their troubleshoot criteria. 
The things that you can do as its tech, in any error, does depend on your clearance, password, or security integrity for qualified persons to handle the situation as well. Not everything could be in the tech domain, and may reside in auditing, accounting, or software installation defaults. There are multiple facets that affect machine and the maintenance of its operable functioning. 

Best Troubleshoot Discovery?

The most I have seen involved strong hands and contorting the hardware to fit again. Wear and tear of machines used daily have a tendency to overheat, become warped, and have clips or locks that become loose. Having the perfect fit is having the tools to provide its optimal user experience by doing common sense practical solutions. I know one thing to never do - is underestimate the ground wires and the static charge that can build while working on machines with power sources. I must refrain from duct tape solutions and remember I am a professional and want my work to look professional when I am done. If it cannot be fixed, let it go, and let another tech attempt (then watch them solve it!). 

Most times, just knowing how to reset the machine works good too. It might be more common today than it was a decade ago. The people learning Linux using ping, finding the machine IP Address and manipulating data commands (even temporarily) can be a consistent problem. They ping the machine daily, if not hourly, knowing that they may have access to any number of open data and able to record whatever data from it are a risk to the company. How to protect these servers, networks, and individual machines when the connection to secure it is at risk? Many machines have IP Addresses, its very important to have a separate team that can secure these addresses and maintain its security for the integrity of the business itself.

Mileage Reports

When its the company profile to build machine repetoire and preventative maintenance techniques or mileage logs of operation time. Machines do have expiration dates, as well as software for them, and now license reportings to maintain. So, its going to need a tech to maintain logs and be able to read history of the machine to know what they are looking for when evaluating the mileage reports to know what the machine may need at that time of error. These are usually a lead technician profile of listing damage reports or expectations of how a machine may behave. They breathe and have a lifetime - so its best to diagnose as soon as possible and push back the expiration as much as possible! Know what they are. Ask what the lifetime is. 


Sunday, October 29, 2023

Programming with Robotics (Fanuc & iVision)

FANUC with iVision Software Robotics

Fanuc Robotics are industrial robotics with a Japanese Company stationed with regional offices within the United States. The robots produced are used with iVision software to "see" products as they can be taught to identify quality control and type of parts needed. 

Elegant Robotics
                                                                                 Fanuc Robotics ( Image

Working with Fanuc Robots helped with understanding the machine logic for programming with code...

Machine logic is different from core curriculum mathematical concepts and depend heavily on binary. The machine receives its language and can conduct tasks with computers but if you know nothing of this process, its hard to determine what that code is doing and how to use it to your learning advantage. Taking a robotics course with NWTC (Northeast Wisconsin Technical College) helped with the hands-on approach to learning syntax, logic, and manipulating code to produce programs. Getting the program to work and the robot to correspond with your commands is rewarding - highly recommend taking this course if you are a hands-on learner and want to know the simple rewards of producing a program that works! 

Elegant Robotics is usually witnessed by the instructors, certified aids, and constant users of the trade...

To program and become familiar with FANUC does take effort and patience. But if you fail enough times, your bound to adjust and memorize special details that help the program flow much smoother, graceful, and without effort to the robot. I enjoyed how the preventative maintenance in how a program is operated was struck on as the programmer's responsibility. If the robot is less strained and can move effective with speed by coordinating its joints and type of movement - that robot could be as graceful as a flamingo without stirring the water. 

Programs I worked with while obtaining the Robotics Certificate with NWTC were moving parts from one part of the user frame to the next, using the suction cup to lift pictures of broken or perfect cookies as taught using the iVision system, picking up magnetic alphabet letters using a reference point to identify 3 different letters, and calibration was a huge priority when doing any programming. 
Building these programs helped with remembering that even though this type of robotics doesn't breathe or has any networking internally, it still requires a programming finesse to maintain its parts and overall health as a robot. I worked with calibration settings on a smaller scale before this so I was glad to improve the scale and type of calibration. 

I am very excited to receive this certificate. I wasn't going to pursue it but its two semesters with in-depth modules that improve my programming interest and understanding for future work. I want to specialize in binary with programming software and using interface design to help with the security components of daily tasks and programs we are using. Its also important to include the robotics and machines we are working with as a part of the Earth. I am very fortunate to have the resources and background to translate binary in a relational form so that machine and human are separated by their heirloom threads online to describe an intangible connection on Earth. This course helped me remember that the tools we make, can also be sacred, and those that take care of these tools advance far in the universe for understanding their extensions. 

Everything we do in a new space is not without tools. Hopefully in my lifetime, I can improve those tools and use them!


Wednesday, October 11, 2023

NEW-TRG Postponed Today (October 11, 2023!)

 Due to limited space at the Oneida Community Education Center on Packerland Drive...

We will pick up the meeting time and space next week! October 18, 2023 from 2pm to 4pm!

Just a quick reminder on the statistics of Native American youth in America currently with their education endeavors: 

"On average, less than 50 percent of Native students graduate from high school each year in the seven states with the highest-percentage of American Indian and Alaska Native students." (Article below from

This means that the tribal school are putting out half-success rates for those that can graduate. If it's not being surrounded by your own to learn, culturally invigorate, and remain community instilled - what is this saying about the luxuries that you don't understand are at risk here? 

That is federal, community, state funds and grants being wasted on a lack of achievement. If these rates don't go up, there won't be a tribal school and you'll be reading more news articles without the Native American population entirely, especially at the rate that cultural loss and change of lifestyle is heading towards - an average American citizen with the same expectations of success in this societal ladder we climb. If you think it's difficult now, with all of the equal opportunity, government assistance, and socio economical support streaming through tribal services to be healed and ready to be a parent, a student, a working member of the nation --- it's time to give back to your community, your country, and the people that do not have that assistance by providing your services for a commonwealth. This is the historical concept of community, commonwealth, and at any successful rate it requires many attributes in societal order to want to remain in place. During modern times, this is not guaranteed to have your elite remain if the community provides no efforts to keep their elite. 

Every Native American parent, whose child attends a tribal school, should know where that money comes from, what other parents in other schools who cannot afford their child's education are doing. There are people in America who do not belong to a funded grant or federal Pell grant that have to work for their education, save for their education, and be in a financial deficit by their education. Do you realize what you believe is suffering today is typically a lack of appreciation and volition to put forth the effort to want better and do better today? 

Please, get involved. Understand the future concepts of leadership and how to be what you want in your leadership to recruit you in their agenda for a better future. 

Below is a snapshot of the NCAI.ORG website on Policy Issues and Education, Health & Human Services while researching "Native American IT" in a google search query. 

Where are Native Americans in the future? Statistically, we are failing and behind most others in reading and mathematics. History will look back and state, the funds were there, the access was available, and the services were astounding for continual support and guidance. What was the real issue here? Snap out of it and get involved! Take an acting class, understand how your emotions follow your actions and CAN improve. Stoicism should be a disease for traumatic repatriation techniques. Remain vital and continue pushing positive reinforcements of your identity by excellent performance scores in school. Screenshot

Support Your Local Tribal School by Donating Books, Time, Guidance, and find ways to get excited about learning and wanting to teach the proper way!

Tuesday, October 3, 2023

Episodes of Null Streaking Through The Memory Slots

 Binary Compositions Create A Venue

When zero is defined using basic arithmetic and the inevitable natural zero defines a self-taught machine that zero can be anybody it wants to... Just as long as you never look at your true 'one' and believe them

The realistic measures of a zero and being surrounded by a vast identity crises of 'ones' in every graphical slot is the immeasurable theory that zero cannot consume its space. If space were to prevail in the composition of 'one' abilities, the value of it goes missing and is left to space instead. Zero, being zero, does not move. The creep is lurking around trying to figure out how to attack this zero, from the inside...

In the month of October, we have just got done witnessing four Supermoons in a row, within three months, and gearing up for a Solar Eclipse. How is this not an immemorial time to recollect what we did during these months leading up into the awesome natural phenomenon that we dare not become entangled with the calm space that surrounds us to escape 'the creep' trying to get in the moment you reveal your zero ability. <cough> I mean, if that's your thing, in nerd stuff with big words and even bigger ambitions of future career goals like being the first to dominate in a programming language or straddle the moon with a counting diplomacy. What are we excited for right now, as Americans? Watching the Indians in an untouched hemisphere of the moon THE ENTIRE TIME THIS IS GOING ON on OUR SIDE OF THE PLANET! Literally. Think about this. This may or may not have been planned, but that is the most awesome job to be thinking of while living daily life. <cough> Still excited about that Jupiter trip though.

So, before you go and let it all out, just recollect the big boom theory. As soon as that zero believed it was safe to let go, that 'one' was released into a mayhem that is theoretically unknown. So, with that being said, I introduce to you my theory on the Big Bang. 

When a zero is catatonic to circumference as axial is to memory with space and location, the null streak (new terminology here, not typical to use "null" but since it is known in programming, I'm going to lift it up beyond the cusp of the constructor we sometimes leave empty handed as it finally descends and crashes a system.                 ......................................................................................................................
                                    The 'one' stability of maintaining zero, rips. This reality is strongheld by zeroes inability to grasp what is dormant in 'one' and 'space' for being incapable of axial location and being thinly placed to believe its depth is known or sought for. They technically do not exist without zero. Zero, may or may not know this, but its the premise of its nature to baffle 'one' and 'space' in the same sense. Why does it not go chasing? Why does it not leave its central position? Why does 'one' ability have absence with 'zero' so that it is a natural balance in dominance and domain? 

When history revealed their zero to the world and its measurements within commerce, counting, and weight to measure in tangible efforts to prove its place within cultural beliefs and solutions with - the deprived theory of extermination was not known until pollution. It wasn't accepted until humans understood they were capable of destroying an entire species. Upon this finding, the 'one' factor arose to claim these natural sense of curious engagers who claim contact and dominance for multiple effects in destruction. The fragile wilt. The ecosystem is changed. 

The observation of a natural appearance in this study is finding an embracing heir to follow into location and dominance. Zero reigns in place for without internal digestive rations to supercede with 'one' and manipulating its claim to destroy and internally weaken this ecosystem, we would be called what? Null, is a strong word here. If Null claimed to be zero, it would be streaking through the space and stars like a log lost in the woods on nothing but downhill momentum. We see this in gravity observations, the small push to accelerate it, and the dangers of it afterwards. Null, is something like this, not Zero. 

Null does not occupy due to the time of its evidence. I am preparing for the SQL transition here as I explain what Null is (to me). It is incapable of housing, they don't say why, is 10/10 times related to zero without explanation - - - - - but I need to resolve this term. Null is not occupied due to its inability to become an ecosystem. Where fragile is capable of moving one keystone species into the next era of keystone species and each respective ecosystem that supplies what will be provided for (we see this in so many proof of earth history species and its flora/fauna effects). This does not explain what happens to the time that escapes regeneration and adaptation. The age is just evident, happens almost like a sliver of time, and immediately robust in natural explosions that supply a radically different species/era of sustenance. So, Null, being its expansively speedy self in determining its ability with 'one' and 'space' are able to catch these moments in earth time to reveal nothing saved to remember them by. 

The idea of null was the concept of nothing and the ability to reveal nothing as an answer, of any scholar conclusion could be equipped with during the explanations that persist with change. I think we feel attuned to rest with nothing or null and satisfied with the peace to feel balanced in neutrality. This is not neutral, but we cannot see evidence yet, of how this can be explained in useful terms (yet). 

These are seen on rock formations, the age of trees, the separations of layers, whether they be growing marks or surface erosions of change - are within strands of change. Evident to believe its just one layer after the other. You know that is too dramatic of a change to accept. Right? So what happens here? Well, a long time ago, there were stories of what this universe was, and in those stories, the people, the animals, the characters had a life that is invisible to what we consider realistic in reality observations. That means, the people existed before this world was done creating itself (naturally) and with that amount of time that was used to survey its entirety, became the collection of the world we see and live today. 

Now, at this point, you have to ask yourself - where in my human historical concepts does this fit and where in my modern perspective is this going to fit? That thing, right there, is what we will never classify as a time to explain repair, adaptation, or regenerative balance. Those are very important to consider in any reality and subconscious state when dealing with death theories, natural phenomenon occurences (like right now), and universal concepts that infinity dwells the expanse in every balancing direction. 

This is a zero concept, the collection of an ecosystem for known characters in a place all its own. Peiced together, by strands of thin cracks, by strands of thin hairlines, by strands of particle based layering in filtration systems to confuse the 'one' into momentum controlled defeat (raining). So, when you look at us, miniscule to universe, we are nothing but globs of time stuck together, bound into purpose of something living. 

Alright. If you can believe that... 

Zero vs. Null - It depends on what the goal is. Are you in? Then, it could be null (Yes, I know they say its not possible). Zero (Yes, I know they say its not possible) it might be. What I can believe is, the place everyone has made for it. Do you know where it is, do you know what it does to you, do you know what to do if it were that creep... Trying to get in? Its October, after all, and we all know how you get when the moon is full and its friday, <look both ways fast> the thirteenth? [I just freaked myself out for there actually being a Friday the 13th this year]. 

So, what do you want to be filled with before you go boom? Something that 'one' can claim - which is empty time, the space that filled those memory slots with 'when I get there' attitude... it'll happen. Eventually. 
Then, the big bang theory happened. But, it was this concept and material, as to how we have our ecosystem and the zero is unnanounced to the cusp that we are contained for the 'one' getting in. All that space is, empty time and speed that is determined by the object size and attraction to pull it - change its course - should be thought of again. Think about this, we just accepted space is space but we forget that it must have a story to reckon our existence in intellectualism with something that any reality can fracture and peice back together. 

At the end of this story, it breaks - put it back together? One time? Universe? Is that what it means? When does recording happen? Then what? Does it break again? So, we work with natural breaking, fragments, and accept the zero concepts of null and memory. 
This is perfect for those that are programming, how they are doing what makes sense, naturally. Did they know this directly or by chance? Does it have a name. 


Friday, September 22, 2023

How Do You Convert a C# 2-D Array DataType Anyways?

string[] arrayName = new string[SIZE];

This 2-D Array was filled with two different dataTypes.
This file had a name at the top and double dataTypes within the file. 

Resolve with using the StreamReader to open the file contents and put into a string array to scan this 2-D Array and find its normal readings (counted), all the higher readings (counted) and all the lower readings (counted). And basically let the program compare the file to your hard coded 2D Array. 

Sounds easy. 

Figure ME out C#

Methods for this? 

There is no 2-D dataType conversion available, currently with Microsoft.Learns, the C# Programming textbook, or the Stack OverFlow Forums. So. What do you do? 

I am hoping someday to reflect back onto this blog posting so I can update with a valid solution. I want to know the intensity of this assignment and what skill level was needed to require the proper application results and be able to have a solution with this program in operable condition. 

Converting DataTypes

The parse methods are basically used. What other way is there to convert data types? I had seen in a Microsoft.Learns demo how to assign from an array's elemental location this, seemed to work, but running in the IDE it did not produce results. 

string to int; int to double; double to decimal; 
You know you have seen the measuring cup change and using the bits to bytes to mB to (capital) MB differences for converting memory to reserve for the program. The less, the better. 
So, why can't we have a method that is run (like a ToString(); or an embedded method) to automatically clip these conversions? 
DataType enforcement does take up time in the programming sections that often rely on multiple methods, lines of extra code to convert and back again if necessary. 

So, in my world of dataType conversions - is this an obsolete skill? Why can't I just have this knowledge readily available if it is supposed to be one of the easiest questions any developer could be asked. How do you change this dataType to the next? 
Well, to make it difficult, let's ask what about 2-D Arrays? Multi-dimensional Arrays in general, for multi-column files with different data.length to compensate. 

Is that all programming is? Conversion? 


Trim.Select(Program Name);

And that would take care of:

Overused dataType structures that are separating the int, double, decimal, string, static, bool, etc. into what we understand how to classify them and identify them as well from memory storage conflictions. 

What other hassles have you had with dataType conversions? How much time? Assignment grades? 

If we are going to learn this programming language, why not create the learning environment, off-season, prep time material to bypass this wasted amount of time! I want to be prepared for this course and be able to still live! I waste too much time learning a programming code without valid results. It's choppy material, puzzle peices to programs that don't apply most times to the actual assignment, or able to identify the assignment concepts with what is provided to you. 

If its a tech school. WRAP these assignments with the necessary tools, concepts, and the only thing needed for the assignment. Don't give us the whole book and expect us to not waste our time. Plus, it leads to more questions and wanting to reference (well, what about this time when this worked). 

Let us build a notebook online for notes from students about questions they had on the material for feedback and improvement. The skill building concepts with syntax, position, why, where, how, and using what tools worked. How to manipulate those tools. How to strategize with those tools. Then we will see finer results with student success with programming. We really need a teaching style to modify the business concepts that are being used (check out the review on the "What Developers Need To Know Now" article) by providing our feedback and upgrading our teaching style to keep developing the skills needed. 

I hate the time to finish the semester - it doesn't do anything for today's learning environment. The grading rubric is great for project checklists and expectations. The time is not for everyone, however, and that should remain open-ended until the student develops it. Why are we stuck in the same position, with a group, for? Is this schedule so difficult that we cannot determine when we are available to finish this work as adults? What is expected is documented. We know it can affect our graduation time and other classes but we should not be punished for not keeping pace. The idea is to learn. 
When are we going to create a learning environment? 
We do realize we have different generational techs in the classroom and their influential environment does range! 

There are solutions. 


Thursday, September 14, 2023

2023 Is Only Almost Over... Update On NABM!

 NABM (Native American Binary Mathematics)

This is the ground-up attempt of relational environment realities influencing interpretive binary configurations for a truly virtual experience that can separate the robotic/artificial intelligence and humanity/natural reality. This is a learned inclusion of creating a language that is not over-powered by one side or the other (machine and user/programmer) and involves passages of binary signatures with their own domain to cause its programming etiquette to relay within these mapping systems how the machine will understand its reality is binary. 
This can be multi-dimensional signatures that create an ability of how that domain is connected - without maintaining one-dimensional (x,y) grids to compare with arcs and fish-lensing where distance cannot explain its current existence in time known. The time we have in virtual spaces is not defined properly, at this time. This is cause for concern when we consider AI able to self-teach amongst the human hours of database designs and creating something that can do what a human programmer can do - which is create a tool within cyber library data banks, heirloom it, and build without clearance - as undetected communication systems go unchallenged due to the tool-making in open source code. [Which is still being learned and not fast enough by my standards.]

If I could critique, it would be too soon, the connection with NABM and current programming models creates the sense of complete upon another techno-tool in a onesie. I can't take these things apart anymore, I cannot break it and expect myself to fix it, I cannot replace with what I have in my own keeping. Not even duct tape? How are basic machine operations and purchase histories not mandatory consumer knowledge on repairing by now? How is this not important to America as consumers? I think we want to become dependent on our purchasing powers rather than our solving dilemma. We would be a different country and thinking of our technological components differently as well. 

NABM as the internal parts of explaining directional shapes in space with conditions as spatial combatants to present our experience with a new time, new tools, and new results of recognizing new domains. These signatures will be how we explain the expansion of zero, one, and the artifiicial mind who clings to its existence. If human reveals these interface binary signatures before the artificial intelligence, we can continue to reclaim the space, the ability, the tool as naturally attuned to become something we harness. But does this leave room for the machine to become our competition? Perhaps, it is taboo to write of whence the scan of these writings provokes machine hallucinations to benefit on AI artwork as profitable. What is it, if it cannot find these avenues - and what do we do when it can? How do we prove that it cannot? 

This is the necessity with NABM. To monitor the tangible presence of mathematical reality by basing it from binary alone. NABM would suggest the inclusion of space - as Artifical Intelligence currently renders this as null, undefined, or as a location central to a quadrilateral grid; zero is empty value currently. 

Comparing Zero Principles to Zero Theories

Principles: A comprehensive and fundamental law, doctrine, or assumption. (Oxford Dictionary)

Theory: A supposition or a system of ideas intended to explain something, especially one based on general principles independent of the thing to be explained. (Oxford Dictionary)

Math Base Image
                                                          "What Base Is Our Mathematical Reasoning Explaining?" 

"Where did you learn how to count?" 
"My hands, toes, I suppose." 
"When did you do this, were you taught it?"
...thinking back to a memory....
"I felt it first before I could control it."
"If you could not control it, what use was it to you if you could not do it?"
...more thinking...
"Identifying variations is anomolous until we can count each blessing in our lives."

-The importance of counting (something)

The Base From Which You Arrive Logic - Is This Reasonable?

It is not. Going through logical thinking, critical thinking, and analytical courses in writing with core educational curriculums will not prepare you for the mathematical reasoning in a global feat. The history of mathematical concepts is astounding and shunned indirectly until commerced with value from tangible assets that develop a sense of time in use. These weights and measurements provide solutions from different concepts that have been studied, very thoroughly, if you have been able to notice. 

Honestly, they were searching for a comparison and evaluating the intelligence within a people for their integration to save humanity another compound fractured resemblance of speeding through innovation. What did our elders say? The base from which their relational reasoning provided interest to pursue the metaphysical components within spirituality arrived through language that described phrases of objects within vital dialects that connected through water, what we believe to be are roots with transfunctional usage to be broken down into the "compound fractured resemblance(s)" we peice together today. 

Why is this relevant? 
To arrive with historical figures of where it arrived conveniently (concepts of zero philosophies in the forms of principles and theories) with fragments of history of where we were and where we should be today are not far from clues that are provided in human history. The principles of NABM are natural and often primitive to believe that pictographs could inspire a transitional theory as zero philsophies (NABM) to be echoed within our time - is what all cultures globally have been doing in the modern era. "How was Zero part of our Culture and Teachings Then and Now?" 

I did not have an interpreter with me, as I panged at the zero concepts in my adult life, to explain algebra to my son - and so, I began searching for ways to explain mathematical concepts that related to him on a personal, cultural, prideful parental duty to assist with future concepts and a programming career. I was never told the history of mathematics, the concepts, or where they were explained to have existed prior to contact in America. 

I genuinely believe that America mathematical concepts were beyond this world in time, speed, and space. The abilities of fundamental principles established with relational concepts, direction (above and below), with the tools they did have (but not evidential for time of contact and inventory since). I say this because they claim that America did not have the wheel, but large stones - carved smooth have been evidential throughout all elevations in North and South America - and the Mayan Calendar - the canoe (birch bark and dugout style's parabolic shape, for example) and other tool aids could not be found that made them "less" than in their evolutionary stance in the world. This is important. This is going to be historical, credible, and the momentum for each culture's survival on the line - who do we emulate in the world and why? 

It's not to stop us, to gloat, but to continue improving. The transition of "understanding" has cost us generations of transitioning, conditioning, and improving in both lifestyles, customs, and mainstream activities that our mathematical reasoning has us feeling ill-placed without the correct forms to recover rapidly. 


The future is important. NABM deserves a fighting chance to explain the zero principles as the ability to expand increases its time to persist through perspective in value that belong to its foundational reasoning. This is explained as a sequence to a signature to a larger picture that includes multiple variations to explain zero - and relating each concept by the expansion rate as flexible enough to contain its domain in a living context that holds values in ability for operator(s). These are not always a pattern detectable. We see irregular objects and classify them as a zero word - null, object, something described as a similar word to observation, zero. This is capable due to the expansion style of what contained its axial connections to support a natural system that can harness zero. 

Miniscule respects to those granular counting cultures (India - as the main contributor I have recently learned of) and the commerce of their world history in diversity for providing peace to barter and uphold each other's systems. It truly is an old friend in your world. 


Monday, September 11, 2023

Modified SEO Equations & The AI Chatter

 SEO (Search Engine Optimization) Techniques and Modifying their Equations

On SemRush, something they did not have at the time was inputting keywords while deleting other keywords to get what you wanted. Something of making word sentences describing what we are searching for just wasn't a priority, it may never be. Concatenated strings that have value within each vocabularized entity and new language assortments really are not reliable communication techniques with computer validation sources or the integrity of its infrastructure. However, with front-end user communication it is a priority to not adjust so crudely the real meaning and limited vocabulary we use as human customers on search engine queries. 

So, how do you get the front-end user (customer) to use precise vocabulary without over searching or under searching the value in its SERP (Search Engine Results Page)? It is also a prompt on how to introduce types of vocabulary in media platforms to improve these results (also another avenue of branding a market on those keywords for continued use with their company, blogs, etc.) when searching for a miscellaneous object. 
First, let's assume they have no programming skills and have not kept up with what concatenation is. The ideal user is going to want to use strong vocabulary but cannot find the words for it without encountering descriptive uses that are not used in media suggestions. The customer wants to find an antiquated technique of building fire pits without leaving a trace behind and comes across "fire pit building for wooded campsites" as the best result. Is it the less words used to describe your search effective or using as many descriptive communication strings the most effective? Since the AI search is boosting its understandable conversationalist within the search, this should be easier today than it was a decade ago. The sentence structure is handled like a regular sentence and the equation is no longer needed to be effective of what you want to result and rephrase in multiple forms while searching the drop down suggestions (which is very helpful already). So how is this scored with SEO and SERP then (the artificial intelligent chatter knows how to find what you are looking for)? 

AI Chatter Image

Is the value in how to integrate AI chatter SERP indicators that the Modified SEO Equations will need to be re-adjusted for AI to configure what the front-end user is searching for after its conversation? The database technique has been used to archive based on keyword, alphabetized, and dated for its multiple input within whatever the keyword is. "Fire" brings up multiple images, descriptions, and adjective actions with what it is foremost and then revealing what is connected from that keyword - carries on the conversation. The speed the AI uses for those conversations is in place. What is the issue? 
Can the AI configure the natural environment, with proof of video, description, and request it to be manipulated with its imaging to reveal a virtual realistic reflection of what they are describing? This is real, the evidence that has been uploaded since, but now that you are asking an AI chatter something of realistic measures, it should be able to answer without referencing. Obviously, unless you request the reference. Is this what people expect or will be expecting in the future of AI Chat Searching?

Will programming conclude with allowing the self-teaching AI programmer to categorize based on its identification system so long as it uses a specified library categorization to their pulling requirements for use as well? It sounds silly to consider information as valued but that is a human intelligence that we are referring to that has been available for the most recent generational input. The input before this was obsolete and left to be interpreted afterwards. Do we understand how important that information is? What is the AI Chatter going to value it as? What part of us are we going to forget that it was us that input this basic data in for the AI Chatter to pull from its own virtual reality the solution it can resolve (if it were them in the same environmental problem). Do we want to get rid of our uploading time for this convenient, easy, clean search conversation? Are we going to be resolved if it is the AI Chatter who teaches us how to do something with our conditional problem? What would the solution be - do we execute it, have this AI Chatter follow us with its diagnosis and uphold it until the problem is solved? Does this answer our life problems and how to prove we truly needed the assistance if this profile AI Chatter is following us and documenting if the tasks are being accomplished? 
What does this value bring to the AI Chatter and the user within society? Is this what people are needing, wanting, or cringing? This will ultimately change the teacher-student relationship and the generational dependence we have on our teaching system to gain appropriate reactions, inquisitive observations, life experience, human relation intelligence scores may have to be invented upon daily interaction and age of use. I suspect this being illegal for minor children to use until they reach a healthy collegiate level. You literally cannot "go back" on those foundational years to say that it was wrong, to set them back, correct, and gain those identifiable connections after bypassing it. We can begin gaining these studies first with the introduction to cell phone usage, GPS driving, home security systems, and begin questioning those beforehand of any changes in people with those uses. Are they more likely to protec themselves, what did they do upon an error in action, did they take other steps beforehand? We really need our domestic counselors to begin taking the initiative to analyze our technological use and compare with reality shifts on our ideal reaction and authority figures within our society. 

How do we begin monitoring our behavior to integrate with AI? Let's start now with commenting if you would be available for a Q&A with a proper degree on a dissertation for licensing to begin a career title for these records? This is for the future of mankind and AI chatting technologies with other improvements with our technology within daily use. To recognize differences, impediments that would not survive today, and how to transition those skills to perform upon a global error or recknoning. 


Sunday, September 10, 2023

Review on "The NEWSTACK - Platform Engineering - What You Need To Know Now"

 The NEWSTACK "Platform Engineering - What You Need To Know Now"

The NEWStack Platform Engineering Article

The NEWSTACK is a great resource for software developers/engineers to bring out relevant ways to stay informed, updated, and concurrent with job description outside of projects/homework using a media platform stance to remain strong in the business formatting. The structured economical recourse to transition our leadership delegates smoothly into familiar ground also opens up the close explanation of why technological businesses are going to be required within the future competition (if not already happening). 

The newsletter after signing up with The NewStack - was downloaded and easy to read. The documentation for what to expect using this light read was exactly what any student in the field is looking for in regards to atmosphere, expectations, and what to be equipped for upon the door opening moments of being titled with the degree and categorized toolsets, ready to start. 

A couple of things that I took from this (tremendous help in my future) - was how to envision your team and inter-departmental communications that will be in transitioning other teams, other facets of the project, and how to coordinate the API mangement necessities for each task. 
Using the Platform as a Product approach (following the cues of Software as a Platform, Infrastructure as a Platform, etc.) those who are using the Platform to develop are internal customers in the eyes of the ownership of the project. Logging progress to anticipate error or standstill operable time using multiple ways to measure this progress. 
    I agree with the user research to establish the customer personas (software devs) to produce a roadmap and backing system that is logged for tight feedback looping. But, the marketing aspect was puzzling to me. How do you get the service level objectives (SLO) for marketing to the internal customer without backlashing that previous time. Isn't this a no-no in regards to time management? I think this was under a sandbox operation for devs to encounter a free-space for what they would bring to the project and make it happen with the instruction of improvement and enforcing a strong interface system to rely on its foundation. I think the business venture is productive, but in doses of its ownership project. 

The Most Important Skills was documented and polled within these projects and I just want to highlight one:
Knowledge of System Integration (67%)
Ability to automate processes (61%)
Familiarity with CI/CD (54%)

Knowledge of performance monitoring (42%)

Ability to execute end-to-end performance testing (38%)
Addressing roadblocks to agility (38%)

Knowledge of Performance Monitoring caught my attention as my level of educational objectives at this time and I felt like if I knew what to focus during my studies on how to make a name for myself in the field, I would be a reliable source for that one specified objective. I did not know what it would be, thinking less than what I knew in the career, and glad to know now. The performance monitoring are free tools online that can be done with websites using analytical tools and staying within this sphere of tool making, improving, and reading its source through and through with expecting it in a specified place and branching from this point of contact. 

What are the steps of this? 
1. There has to be something to monitor. 
2. Find what tools work best in specified code, situations, presentation, deployment/publishing. 
3. Debugging.
4. Elude anti-patterns and creating new ones. 
5. Self-progress and making checkpoints based on structured code and mentorship breakthroughs. Taking note of logic, syntax, and inter-departmental (security, API, engineering, etc.) expectations. 

I wanted to suggest restructing the image of the platform as a living thing that gets bigger. With the small foundation that develops from it, time, and work - it is hard to let these things go and feel like its going to fall apart without those initial directories and infrastructural support systems. I would prefer using a directional path of prioritizing for open channels without breaking the project task load, time of win rates. The channels they build with secure the infrastructure (while avoiding another anit-pattern of using the code as infrastructure) using inter-departmental standards as checkpoints. This doesn't provide a shape for the project other than full figured and ready to dance. This has to be a project worth the time invested in by being effective with the direction first. I just didn't want to create something that everyone had to catch like a ripple in a pond to say that this is what they were going to do while it touched their part of the perimeter, to ripple back at the dev and their work to re-do and maintain that initial ripple. It just sounded too shifty for me to feel like it was secure enough to get work done. 

This was mentioned within the article itself, with professional advice provided here as its review can merely reiterate what these professionals are doing so well in. It is specified to learn that this group they did focus group research with, work well together, and how them doing their tasks with effective communication was key. This is going to have to remain flexible and update frequently with other tools (another key advice provided within the article). 


I am going to integrate the terms "SLACK" , "DEMO DAYS" , "LUNCH-AND-LEARNS" to the NEW-TRG group time/schedule to meet. I want to consistently create these IT atmospheres to become comfortable and custom to meet while engaging in projects without losing that humanity and humor of being with a group you work well with. 
As for the article, I will keep opening those newsletters and stayin informed as I pursue the Software Developer degree for its career experiences that await me. 


Thursday, August 17, 2023

C Sharp & Me

Snippet of C# tutorial tip - reminder
                                                                                                Microsoft Learns Training C# Module

 Counting With C Sharp

The arithmetic for C# coincides with what core education in America is about. We understand it has a quadrilateral expalanation from what we learned in elementary education. Technically, a machine and a user interact not on a quadrilateral understanding, and not even a linear understanding of logic involved with the binary that supports these fascinating ins and outs of word generating equations. According to history, in any part of the world, it began with our hands. What is the first thing we grab at to begin our counting mechanical relationships? 

We are placing logic with binary languages (which is just translation of each letter that the machine/robot understands as programmable data) and relying very heavily on its structure to produce quality conversations between user and machine. It really isn't though... is it? 

I hate to admit it, but if we keep upgrading the machine, we are going to outdo ourselves first - before we can break it to dissect and improve after. What of this technology do we want? What is the ultimate goal? 

C# identified an equation that brings me to the history of counting. 
The image above indicates how a variable is incremented using the "++" operator/keyword, which is supposed to make it easier. That's great, it does. But what I want to understand with this arithmetic is the counting systems of history where they begin to integrate alphabets with numeral icons and coincide this to favor what can be considered a multiplication table. 

So, we have 1-9, A-Z, and 0. Where does 0 coincide with the alphabet? Is there an operator that can connect these icons/symbols/letters/numbers? Is that what ++ does? No, it can be related to the Mayan "repeat" icon which is similar to a colon (example is ':') icon. This is interesting, considering it doesn't want to function as an entire sequence - but it does. It just means to increment by 1. 
AGAIN. I favor counting by 1, but I don't think many people understand today - how this is decrementing our mathematical concepts and space of what we are using to communicate with machine and user. 

We can do better. 

I do admire everything that software programming has done thus far, and beyond, and after - but I just want to express my knowledge disconnection and time with comprehending the "logic" between the languages that we are using and relying on and what it is doing to our future programming. I don't want this time to be a waste either. 

How do we connect these little tid bit peices that seem to keep us standing still? It is great, but, I want to do something that has more human history and in-depth research to what can create programming languages for the concrete philosophies and evolved concepts that have proven themselves in nature and not forced. There are downfalls to forcing these programming languages. It becomes spaghetti code. 

The interpretation is literal - have you checked stackOverflow lately?

I found myself on StackOverFlow and had to waste literally 10 minutes on a phrase that was typed the same - but within itself, jumbled, and made into the same thing. The headlines for these arguments are often misinterpreted into what program does what with this code - and why it didn't work - and what did work. It is a community. Very intimidating if you are just beginning. 
I go in this place, brand new, look around, and get stunned by this argument --- and end up feeling like a fool for trying to understand the HISTORY of the concepts. This isn't taught, by the way - where the C# protocol arrived to describe or need this keyword, function, method, etc. in a programming scheme. That part never gets explained. I'm the type, that kind've needs that, to understand what you are referencing so I can imagine this concept as useful and relevant. 
There isn't anything like it at this time. 
We literally need to consider these strategist histories and reference where you were inspired for this keyword genius compilation that got us the interface design tools we see today. What was it? Who was it? Do you even know? 

I recommend researching Zero philosophies in your culture, language, and stand by them. Get those approved with your American history making techniques and revamp what being an American is all about. We literally need you to be inspired by more American "doings" and program based on that history. This would provoke a country people to develop the lifestyle for space travel, pioneering, and sustainability. Preserving what we are inspired by - nature (what I use currently) - helps me accept this. We are making virtual realities after all. 

Reading Lists: 
2. "Zero: The Biography of a Dangerous Idea by Charles Seife (Personally have not read yet, but on deck!)

You have to know not to take these literal. Zero mathematics isn't proven on the other side of the world, much less in Mayan Civilization - it is drought in comparison to what it should be today. Those languages have not been properly translated and are here today from compiling into English society with education systems that have not been formed at the time to accept a different superior mathematical system. They heard about Zero here, went back home and tried figuring out where it was this whole time... it's a difficult study to prove. But they do it best in "The Nothing That Is" - which is truly inspiring and awesome for the rich history in commerce, diversity, and the counting phenomena that has improved each of the cultures within it. The concept of Zero has yet to be revealed with what I have seen so far, and it shows in our core education with mathematics - a dot. It is nothing. It is emptiness. It is a hub that makes everything work in connection. 

Just a reminder that Native Americans are the oldest human beings in the world and we have had to colonize our new modern living through translation. We are always going to sound unintelligent, for being taught the English ways. The actual perspective is that intelligence isn't taught, it is forced to learn eloquent communication as a type of prestige you are born with. So... a couple of generations later. Here we are. Learning how to count in C#, asking the simple question of, "Where does this come from?"

What is the most likely answer? 

Because, I can't explain this whole blog post in one keyword that explains exactly what I am trying to ask: Why does it looks like that? (Also, do you realize what you DON'T have to learn and still understand?)

How are you not asking these questions to find out while its still a thousand years fresh on their mind? (In comparison to human history, a thousand years is actually pretty fresh when talking about zero as a mathematical concept.)


Welcome to Gravacity!

Welcome to Gravacity! I have been anticipating my C#-Part 2 NWTC course in the second term of the Fall Semester and within it, a game I must...