Monday, November 6, 2023


 World Academy of Science, Engineering, & Technology Abstract Paper

The World Academy of Science, Engineering, & Technology (WASET) has provided an open-source library for scholarly papers to be submitted in hopes of being printed with their journals with remarks made by professionals in the field and highlighted as research induction with your subject. It is a sharing moment with the world, to contribute as a scholar, and be accepted within the community of Science, Engineering & Technology! 
WASET website

I am submitting an abstract paper with the January deadline and June deadline for Native American Binary Mathematics in the Technology field for computing research. I highlighted it as a cultivational tool for the binary interfaces we currently use. The technique I want to write in, will still be in copyright format, and upheld (through research, global copyright depends on its home-based Country and their laws for protecting those works which also qualifies for a tribal resource for Native American rights in culturally preserved knowledge) in its protected form. However, once I release it, it will be for the world to use or not use. Archived for repair, scrutiny, and comment. 

The paper is submitted, in a poster format (2 forms and virtual or physical presence during presentation) - which is like a visual aid in power points to explain/teach your concept/theory/research topic. This is with a registration fee and a moderator that reviews your abstract paper to revise to their standards. I recommend reading the scholar journal styles (APA and MLA are writing templates, Scientific standard is a little bit more detailed and less emotional) and getting familiar with language used, constructing the concepts in the language used, and demonstrating figures using software only. No free-hand versions are allowed for scientific or mathematical equations. 

Anyone can submit in the world. Papers are uploaded and put through the process annually with multiple ports to choose from, in subject and location. I am choosing the London (UK) location because I plan on being in the area for June of 2024 to attend personally (if my scholarship gets approved). I don't know how many accounts of this there is, but I know that the Mayan/Oltecs/Mexicans did introduce zero concepts that caused a Paradigm Shift from their mathematical prowess. This is not the same, but, an American concept no less. 

Native American Mathematical History

The basic questions:
1. How did you learn to count?
2. What is your counting system? (10-Base, 20-Base, etc.)
3. When did you develop this system?
4. Can you explain your concepts mathematically?
5. How do you understand theory?
6. What is your idea of mathematical time?
7. Is mathematics a science of nature, can you explain it in this way?
8. What did you use counting for?
9. Do you manipulate mathematically?
10. Navigating mathematics with daily life, please explain. 

Some of the basic foundations of mathematics in Native American history did not account these subjects and were left to mythic, creationism, spiritual, medicinal, respectful, and holistic approaches of a connection with the sustenance provider and its extensions as people. The intelligence of relating animalistic viewpoints to survive and political stance within tribal organization and jurisdiction relied on daily living examples. 
The language translations, interpretations and lost knowledge with interpretation had disconnected generational descriptions that had to be refound without instruction, guidance, or generational emotion. The land itself was what connected our lost identities to impact our definitive purposes. It is true, it is more than sustenance, and still teaches us to this day. 

Language was and still is, a huge obstacle to overcome. While translating relational concepts of universal existence using binary - the creationism became part of the directional embedding that occurs with any time being explained. The turtle's back, the descending touches to the world, the perspectives, the time of day. These range throughout the Americas and are part of the explanation of its people and its sustenance. Time is mostly rememebered from the Plains tribes, who satisfied the metaphysical approaches from wise elders who had conversations about the moment in time that something happens. They were really asking, did you know about the lunar calendric motions that are occuring, the color of it, the distance during this year and season, the star formations, the planetary positions, and the universal picture during your moment? What made this moment calculated? The terms were not grasped and left to "the moment in time" which explained categories of epiphany, vision-seeking, or otherwise metaphysical traits of sentient beings to describe perimeter connections made from environmental impacts. 
Other tribes, were not always unified in these concepts, and was recognized to be of different statuses within the group. Not everyone could think or see the world in these views. Some were supported, others were not. The proof of their knowledge was often considered supernatural or unexplained mysteries from the unknown boundaries beyond the safety of their group efforts. 
It sounded enthralling and invisible to value intangible concepts that could not be explained - even today! The words we have for it are either taboo or unknown. It is just old history that happened during a time of pre-recorded luxuries (migrational efforts, depending on the people, would keep them moving from seasonal camps, dietary restrictions in hunting/gathering availability, and resources) that was satisfied in lifestyle at the time. It is a difficult thing to break out of, once you know how things are done and can be explained in reality. 

So, with the rest of the world, we have crop counting, grain counting, commerce, storage capacity, and generalizations - which is a loss of memory in the language used. The turtle shell, harvesting tasks, and jewelry making were part of the counting tools. Celestial movements were ceremonious and storytelling remembrances. 

Beyond the basic principles of cultural lifestyles, we transition into modern core curriculum. This is peculiar because the mathematics that approaches comes from a different world history and concepts. The mathematical sense Native Americans possess was not linguistically inspired, just accepted as naturally attuned, and didn't require mathematical difference (because bartering was contended based on "like-people" who were jurisdictional to hunting and didn't change much from each contact). However, there are theories of accounts that South American travelers found the Mississippi River and traveled upstream to the Native American tribes of the Midwest. No easy task, taking the delta provided strenuous circumstances that were not easily mapped or remembered. The connections made with the land used are intangible values to consider for an amount of time to explain luck. It is not explained in the same sense as being asked, when, how long ago, and how do you know - what part of the story stated its mathematical presence to track? 

Native American Binary Mathematics (NABM) is going to explain their sense of mathematical connections in their natural environmental observations. Relational concepts using direction, acknowledgements of it, shapes, relational hierarchies as duties, and using these interface mappings to cultivate with equations and measurement tools. I say 'measurement tools' as a formation of NABM can be explained for a moment in its time, as to how it was constructed, from the very basic building block of zero and one. This relationship is then expanded into multiple formations, grasping multiple concepts of abilities to explain amount, degree, or otherwise strength of what it built because of its shape, size, and purpose. It naturally occurs. This is a sacredness being revealed that is simply stated as binary. 

Its creation is with nothing and in the world, it began with an empty container to explain what zero is. Other parts of the world, believe zero to be a hub, central to the middle of a wheel. In other domains, it was needed for the space, a period can do, to separate the next sequence of events or sentences. Here, and now, it is considered a back-end interface for which connects universal existence with abilities that its front-end components (nature itself) either designate a time for it, size it, or null its presence into another harvest of sustenance that the world itself absorbs in its death. Our world is sustained by zero ability and time reveals the expansion of this zero, and what it has connections with beyond our present moment. 

So... Now you know. The big secret we have been hiding until now. 

The next goal, is to unify the world, without losing its people. Accepting eco-friendly lifestyles and thinking of more than ourselves as capable of powerful things and decisions (inventions, accomplishments) is part of the process that so many cultures in the world already possess. However, the main agenda for America now is unifying its Country people to believe in its Country to possess the skills to be people beyond racial identifiers - for our potential and not for peaceful reasons. I am right in my beliefs and it has taken over a decade to configure the proper person to represent this curriculum and its purpose. 

Entering WASET will provide more global input and hopefully it will help explain a directional potential that will be referenced in future works regarding planetary preservation and software designs. Especially with explaining the environmental connections with Artificial Intelligence and making connections with machine. 


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