Friday, February 17, 2023

Writing Submission Audiences

Is it okay to put a blog on the Resume to invite readership? (The Real answer is No. You open your self to be in discrimination and legally do not have a defense for it unless you create a 'blind' resume!) 


A website for reviews can point to the expertise of use in products, marketing a network relationship, and if time is available to begin searching for the audience that adores your opinionated writing by making it easy to be found...

Searching For Writing Submissions

I have recently begun writing to chapbook contests online, short story/poetry. What I did before this blog, on a separate website, was requesting writing submissions by posting small snippets of literature to describe the necessary factor to involve the Native American voice of literature to stack the shelves of the future to recollect its available opinion. Especially after the transition into mainstream American culture, the identity crises for lesson, provided valuable feedback of customs, recovery, reclaiming, pride, and self-image (to mention a few of many). There are so many Native American literature books that have such perfected insight on wisdom I needed to read in my educational journey, with its appropriate humor, I would be one to understand why the direct self-inflicted readership could not bud with all audiences. I think you have to have a sense for what is being written, when it was written, why it is being written. 

The audience in literature absorbs ideas that improve well-being into multiple facets of direction.

The audience range is limited in diverse interactions engaging with output. You tell one group the same information, how do they interpret it, and how is it understood within their own audience range? This ripple effect in readership automates a problematic encounter of services. Interpretation is an art that is not taken serious unless history proves use for solving all public domains. An American author can attempt, knowing, we may never be capable of reaching all of America equally. This speculative audience characteristic must be included with political scrutiny... or is it our freedom that we wear thinly to remain equally capable? 


Audience Cards
                                      Photo By: Ekrulila

Demographic Sales vs. Mainstream Culture

Native American content to use in advertisement sales - Native American artistry; appeal, literature, music managed regionally for literature that is promoted through historical relevance. A climatic presence to internalize observations through our perspective that is entertaining and informative. There are issues to cover: changing with technological strategies, resourceful remedies, interface designing, politics, and future environmental treaty rights. Obviously, we have online journals and news editions, but it is always encouraging to see inter-tribal content options for the sake of an audience stance to support. We have so many people in the world, we need to make sure every word, phrase, and definitive image we produce online can be effectively organized into productive measures. We are, after all, within a different marketing category if not sales - then what is it?                                       (Immemorially decorated audiences have no stance in the future if we cannot provide it now.)

The Native American demographic is currently low in population in comparison with the American public so the sales are not ideal to capitalize from. I want to step away from making sales in quantity and produce the effective quality notations that Native artistry can do. The time to make one item accounts for resource in peace, citizenship (political duty is encouraged to protect these types of Americans), and productive by resourceful means. How can I use this concept with my audience and what do I not want to change?

We really don't value immemorial like we should. The boost in sales, faster, faster, faster motif is blurring the lines of resourceful means. Thinking different, pace is normal, eyes are focused - every new generation is building upon the last 5 years and not the last generation! How do we remain reliable in our audience to shift our consistent leadership skills? 

Experience for Research

Chapbook Submissions are new to me, might be new in general, but the submissions range with pages of around 18 to 30 or near it. Not bad, right? I have seen some of the poetry, and I must admit, feel confident in my style. The collection of poetry is astounding for word usage, so if vocabulary is your weak suit, try writing poetry to remember what it means and use it for contest. I enjoy writing but what gets me is the vocabulary. It is difficult to remember and use in daily conversations. I would try it if I could. People look at me like I am a fraud when I do use proper vocabulary, it is a hostile reaction (sometimes) to average Americans. The idea of Native Americans in court throughout this co-existence astounds average citizens. The recollection of history and the direct leadership potentials we have with our representation, legal jargon, and comfortable stance in the smooth wooden seats of the court room, comfortable loungers in office, and thickets of bush from councils (hide and duck to get going). You may not expect it, but I am affluent in this educational setting than I would admit, and for the right reasons. (Grooming peaceful leadership is more encouraged with titles, actually, but the pre-cursor knowledge for any civic engagement provides its dutiful reactions.)

Audience Stand-Offs

The idea of being a writer is having an audience that can improve with you. Staying in the American theme, being generalized is product enhancement and we lose the cultural impact we bring to any foreign affairs encounter. The American audience I write for is not the American audience I write to. I just want to admit that learning another history in every aspect of American mainstream, career, and law is ethically immoral to claim my America. I will progressively try to breach this connection and remain solidified in US Soil to demand their real American self and look to America for solutions and create American history without emptying our success back into foreign hands. You do it too, you know, just hand over the keys to your glory and pride in peace without realizing how valuable you are here and now for the future. They need you to be stronger in your audience engagement and produce its new world.

 UPDATE (added 03-08-23) SemRush Blog is a forum that is currently being used with SemRush, a Software as a Service (SaaS) tool for search engine marketing designed to identify audience search, marketing search, and focus on multiple factors of digital marketing and content management overall. Their database and tools grow every year and have become a reliable source for SEO services.

Another form of audience outside of 1:1 ratio is a validating group. Where are they, how much are the fees, and when can I start? I am currently looking for peer-review panelists, community members of similar interests, and inter-tribal people to continue calibrating fine arts in mathematical reasoning, logic, and familial archival projects to prepare for our future questions. I want at home audiences to have answers with solutions, experience, and customs to carry-on tested throughout time for resilient strides to be upheld, especially in our departures. If you are interested, leave a comment!


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