Tuesday, June 27, 2023

Digital Logic (Wiring Binary)

 Digital Logic: How machines interpret binary as an instruction!

Digital Logic Image
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Creating Paths Using Truth Tables

Depending on the equation you are working with - this algebraic style of interpretation can be formatted for binary to construct the wiring diagram within a logic circuit demonstration to appease the original equation visually. 

The truth tables purpose rely on WHAT will work in the diagram by indicating its "HIGH" or "1" position and what that binary is. 


AB + C(inversed)

A          B          C          C(inversed)          AB          AB + C(inversed)

0           0          0           1                            0                    1
0           0          1           0                            0                    0
0           1          0           1                            0                    1
0           1          1           0                            0                    0
1           0          0           1                            0                    1
1           0          1           0                            0                    0
1           1          0           1                            1                    1
1           1          1           0                            1                    1

The binary truth table reveals the wiring diagram (which is a whole other task of finding the AND and NOT to inverse its C value) in an output which is found in the AB + C(inversed) section above. Every "1" that is categorized, indicates that it will work if you reference your inputs to be activated reading left to right. 

If you are in a software programming environment and cannot picture the logic behind some of the theorems, rules that isn't fully compatible with what has been drilled into you in your education journey of what is correct in algebra and basic mathematics - it pays off once you finally reach this point of understanding. The feeling is like living a lie. 

The madness behind logic with binary mathematical designs such as this require the basic components to reach a certain point and then prove itself afterwards by following these schemas to the very end. It is highly encouraged to participate in a Digital Logic course (multiple types if you can) and let the task of completion excite you at your own pace (finally - if you struggled thus far with living a lie)

This is a basic binary example of the engineering that coordinates with the software programming that enables the machine to function wonderfully with what we need. The diagram does come with its own software, almost similar to Visual Studio would perform - but definitely necessary to have a background in electronics. 

It does prove usefulness if you are wanting to work with networking, needing to install hardware, and working with the basic functions of binary and programming languages to clean every bone within the system possible (depending your paygrade and title). I have some experience working with something like this, installing slot machines and running into technical difficulties with the rewards program with clients that want to use points and get free money to play with. This could prove useful in that field but now that the hardware has improved so much since then - I have to keep learning. 

Machine Compiler Languages

One thing I noticed doing this - is ASCII being used to connect machine wiring with decision making and the ASCII interpretation of its glossary components (to speak English as well). I believe that machines need compilers to read the language but I do not understand how we need to read its language yet. 
What I mean is, the compiler is being worked double into what is being done - it also limits its alphabet system. The hexadecimal, decimal, binary plus ASCII are working to coordinate the same alphabet, the same numbers, and not changing or reserving binary to machine language only. There could be another language, but it cuts down on the compiler time to translate instruction. That would be another portal to include, which can cause errors. 

As I work with NABM and earning the Software Developer degree with NWTC - I am enthralled about so many things I did not know before in my occupation and feel delighted to know more about the why. What I want binary to be used for, in a machine compiler, is to place its own location, as a self, and be able to translate compiled languages based on the operation of its inputs. 

This reserves the right to human intelligence and artificial intelligence by maintaining its own language and being able to reference its binary components as a dimensional shape it maintains by operator in logic that can be written for it based on type of function. 
This means, the machine could hold memory of operator as a source by placing a binary ability to a specified location - this is particularly because NABM is a spatial/temporal recognizer using only binary. The binary language used, operators need their own domain, to formulate results that provide the capability of how an object is moving through the binary process. How the object is growing (or collecting ability to do something logically and reasonably). 

It is truly putting value to objects and requiring them to gain their ability to have that keyword strength/key factor to do what it is asking. 

Most programming I have seen, create the keyword in a library but do not mention where it is coming from. It is developed and stored and wired with binary, as we know now, and classified to be used. That is fine for input but when Artificial Intelligence grasps onto some unknown future where it creates its own tools, language, etc. PLUS the hackers that maintain key passwords to create these keywords -- this is predicted to be controlled using binary as a security measure with NABM in the future. Goal setting as a I learn to be a Software Developer!

Obviously, NABM is still in development, I do not know when that will be complete - but I am recruiting for it, there is an online peer-review open with basic principles - and after 2024 is planned on publishing a curriculum book to elaborate work thus far. It is my life's work. I am excited, regardless of personal struggles and loneliness waves of missing out on certain parts of life - this is why it will be worth it!

A little bit goes a long way. Keep trying. 


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