Friday, January 5, 2024

Colonialism Effects and Computer Programming

 I read blogs, articles, and watch youtube channels on programmers as they reconfigure their learning environment as the topic of "What I would change or learn first" arrives. How they would learn the programming language first doesn't usually help my style of learning. If you are completely new, learn digital logic or just logical theories in general before delving into any programming language. This is algebra, problem solving skills with truth tables, and understanding syntax structure is a big key to success. 

Learning what first? 

I did a blog on zero concepts and the history of zero books. The reading is light and interesting. It conflicts with modern day zero and how it is envisioned for global usage. Every culture interpreted a zero concept - basically nothing or a hub of placed connection - from lack of proof or discontinued knowledge. They had to reveal it again in rediscovery, what zero was. The infitesimal had peaked origination of tangible weights and measures which took microscopic phenomena into calculus, trigonometry, and quantum mechanical engineering. The biological factors reconvened and disgruntled the zero concepts of how things came to be. This is generalized, of course, but for the main societal impact of core education, we observe our mathematical genius through the tangible one, the addition of one, and the truth of object as one entity which range in size. Things exist.  

The philosophy in programming is entirely made of who designed the language and branched from an available program that was modified with the Software Development working atmosphere. I understand software development to mean a study of domain with all inputs and outputs to reconfigure the next tool sets. If data governance is in the midst of being organized, I would like to organize the domain space to prepare for machine learning using binary domains that machine use as tools to interpret with their algorithms from an interface interaction with software language/development models to create the hierarchy and platform models we will be building upon. This means a space for this type of (NABM) binary to study and create within a closed domain to continuously build and develop with machine. I figure we will be separate in the future and will want to know the difference of who did what and why while being monitored for further progress. We may think we are progressing in an open-source community with multiple avenues of freedom, but without monitoring progress, how are we to progress as a profession?

From what I read, developers before me were inspired by their speaking and writing languages of the world. We are restricted in what is already there for us. The knowledge that we possess is being referenced, hence, the importance of digging up old knowledge and concepts to re-use and revive with technological languages. It gives a sense of boost within the lineage of those cultures and beliefs to be of usefulness now. The world has been introduced to many different environmental teachers and spiritual beliefs that connected a generational survivalism and since most of it has perished the world - studying these ancient engineering breakthroughs provides us a touch of ground to spread a base of missing links that we use to bridge cyberspace architectural laws. 

I see the pace that we believe people are learning how to program and want to keep up. Don't rush yourself. Research terminology, know where it comes from, ask questions and consider the influential history guiding the language you are learning. What cultural ground are you stepping into and understand that these languages do have origins. In cultural barriers, it forces you to learn and respect how much work and effort is put into these concepts to move and shape our future. They stay alive because they never let it die. They are constantly using it and enforcing its use to deal with their resources, their intellect, their history as a people of intelligence. Redefining what was and using it with technology is an innovative revitalization. Indigenous people have yet more to climb through to stay afloat in the future!

We don't have time to waste on the colonization period or the transition of documented opinions. It has always been embedded within, you just have to use it. Your perspective is beginning to change because of the modern world. The more distance that grows between you and what was lived and survived as the connection grows weak. BUT! Look at the revitalization of global dead cultures and how they are being used today to retranslate what was always there in any breakthrough. Check your zero references because those weren't there before colonization. It was after! Now that they know it was amongst our land base, they search for it in theirs. Is this true? It could or couldn't be, any small voyage or explorer would not state the truth for being forgotten in those documented histories. It was always there. Why push it into the sea turned ocean to discover away from home? Stay here with your discoveries!

If we die, what will be revived? What will be connected to some of the American descendants? What will they do with it? How will it help the future of the world? 

That's when we ask - where do we start? 

That's when we see others say where they would start... 

Our minds never develop actual cyberspace or contend with zero concepts in binary languages which deal with machine learning and development. We lack the interface to communicate with a new meta-science of virtual reality and begin to create an egotistical cultural remake without fully integrating new concepts (for never having new concepts and blindly building on top of the last save point and expecting everyone to be at that level). 

Co-Pilot Generated Image. 2024. Robot discovering America.

                                                                                                                  Co-Pilot Generated Image. 2024. 


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