Tuesday, February 20, 2024

ASP.NET - Notes on preparing the project!

ASP.NET is such a wonderful tool, don't you think?

Designing a webpage with html5 alone is a classic learning environment and spark of interest with CSS styling and grouping your own templates for future purposes. What ASP.NET is doing, provides multiple dev tools and languages like C#, SQL, Html5, and loosely coupling modules to remain integral components to repair/modify. 

ASP.NET slow burner


1. Working with Visual Studio C# projects, remember to create two projects for default values as you work and backup all data/work when progressing. Create good comments, explaining what does what and especially the routing configurations that you may encounter. If you find extra peices of information, note it and comment it out like an option for later purposes. 

2. Understand the model process and what it does, in and out. The model possesses classes or html? Write the notes based on the extensions - and learn what type of content goes within the model... create a process of example to envision what is happening (it is very easy to get lost in the code of what is needed on other pages once you code anywhere in your project. That may need to be referenced twice in different locations!)

3. Put things in places, give yourself an extra amount of time to explore and see how the code is reacting to you. Use the intellisense, heavily advised!

4. Find a structure and stick with it. I learned that there are a couple of different ways to complete a project but you have to stick with the theme for the code's sake. Lambda expression's being used work well with certain compiling factors that ensue programmability to remain configured together... staying simple or working with complex designs need their levels of unitfying languages. If you can differentiate these styles, your off to a better position to scan through the multiple styles of languages being used here. 

5. Never open a database twice in one project, you open that up... stick with it. It remains open as a database object regardless (if you just deleted it from the solution explorer)... unless you can drop the table from within, how to actually delete from a project (I have not learned this yet!). 

6.  I always advise when learning and you get those halting moments, wanting to speed through or to work on a project at a consistent sewing machine running stitch pace (you know what you are doing and you do it well) - have one of these to do on your breaks. The output is so relieving and satisfying during these halting momentous paces. 

7. Listen to podcasts about ASP.NET. They provide insight, create an excitement, and you get to hear the humanistic approach on describing what your working with. You relate to it. Its fun.

8. Just keep at it. I am working with an 8 week course and struggling hard with it. I have accepted failure and am working on getting a headstart the next time I attempt this course. All the information you collect now will be worth it the next time, like a pro! If I pass, great, then I just have a good instructor who can manage my pace in a virtual class and can help me more than I could help myself! **I am totally looking for a 16 week course to better understand the material! (Reminder: 8 Week Courses are brutal on the less experienced!)

I got so excited about the website when it was first brought up. First time in Visual Studio without the GUI and I was amazed! It is so fun! The template they guide you in is a good learning environment, provides you with an in-depth development guidance and such a great push to future work using ASP.NET. Truly, greatful to be learning this material! 

What I'm really excited for is pulling off this course and continuing personal projects using it. What else can be done? So many tools that go untouched and the in-depth capabilities it is primed for. How interesting!


Tuesday, February 13, 2024

Machine Learning algorithms - Where am I in this?

 Machine Learning algorithms

Presenting the 21st century, the 13th Baktun, the 2nd Calendric Lunar Phase, the day's events a grand and marvelous appearance of technologic contact before another human being - where is the algorithm in this day for me? Why do Machine's know to learn this before I could?
If you haven't noticed how advanced machines, technology, operating systems and its hardware are becoming - we cannot keep up as humans. The stuff to learn, the distraction, the discipline we have to try for, the extra curricular activities that advance us socially, the daily tasks that bring us into our rhythmic natures. Where do we pick up learning algorithmic nature for our daily tasks to suggest an advancement in our IT Positions?

The captivated attention we admire from hours of service and duty with job titles no longer with us are also in defeat. How do we utilize our time on Earth and when is it mandatory for our directed choices to become effective? Let alone invest in business, what about education, family (can we pick our family yet?) and the core curriculum that provides us with what our Country needs - real skill, drive, and talent for positions that are undoubtedly going to set our ranking positions in the world at some point. Why not? If you can live like a robot, your work should survive you so other robotic algorithms can exist beyond paper and pencil. 

Sketching Is More Freer Than A Constitutional Right

If it isn't for the written law and obeying the law to avoid consequences, we have a great opportunity to involve our livelihood, our work, our time into something that is freed for definition in any opportunity. Thing is, those that have made it this far with the multiple STEM productions and investments (before it was STEM), are able to categorize and provide tools for this service online. Which is a head guide direction for what they are building - which is the governance, currency, and disciplinary actions to be affected upon certain levels of access and logical cues. It is small-time yet. In what I am expecting it to be...
If you can develop a real skill and casually improve your stance in the world by creating sketches of ideas to build online, in engineering research, or wherever you can fit with your ideas - wouldn't you want to know that you have the real opportunity to be the legacy for your descendants after? 
Considering, the IT family is just beginning, sprouting with a couple generations in their wingspan, they are barely lifted off the ground and can still have discussions with their pioneer! This is the future of America. This is the future of the World. This is the future of our known Universe. Literally. That big. 

So... what is your machine learning algorithm and where are you in this? 

Obviously, its NABM. I envision multiple factors that are not available yet coming within my grasp before it can hit virtual reality and I am alleviated to understand how lucky I am to be alive. To learn. To be different. 


NEW-TRG Webinar Meeting

Check it out! NEW-TRG is hosting a free webinar from CodeMag.com where they will be discussing the State of AI in 2024 with .NET improvements. NEW-TRG is a community based group to develop an IT atmosphere in a place that needs something new. Native American offices help with the safety protocols of this meeting, documenting attendance at check-in. MMIW - If you see a Missing Native American please contact somebody right away, if they are alone, look lost, or otherwise inattentive to danger you may be aware of. Please help us! 
We are bringing ORANGES to this meeting to pass out and enjoy during the webinar. Other snacks are encouraged as well. (Oranges used to be a delicacy in the winter, during this time, and only the favorites of the family would be able to enjoy!)

Tuesday, January 30, 2024

Northeast Wisconsin - Technical Resource Group: An IT Atmosphere for the Indigenous Community


On Wednesdays starting February 14, 2024 - from 10AM to 1PM - NEW-TRG will presume meeting at the Oneida Career Education Center located on Packerland Drive in Green Bay, Wisconsin. Check in with staff upon entrance and find your way to the "Big Classroom" in the back. If you go to www.NativeTRG.blogspot.com -- there is a video showing where to go if you are new!

Reading the blog, there have been some interesting topics to catch interest. So far, none. But I cannot stop. One of the issues in the community is changing the attitude of future interest groups and how to be of value to the community without being invested in cultural activities or youth groups. I began this group to locate more coders, programmers, developers, or just people interested in IT topics in my community. I wanted a place to gather as friends, to eat and chill and talk about the latest dev news or to help each other on projects. Having a community like this takes time to develop in mutual understanding and levels of education. If we had side projects to help maintain working relationships that could also impact the community like digital marketing, software licensing, or writing our own programs - we would be improving overall morale for future working partnerships. 

It is the start of a beautiful plan and one I intend to persist with. I have looked into the possibility of research grants to develop new programming potential studies and constantly thinking of what to invest with in the community that will not affect my personal work. I have a copyright that I want to pursue in curriculum with NABM (www.nabm.info) but do not want to "share" those rights from development after. It is not a topic that is open or talked about in development. Most of any development is open-source because everybody wants their platforms, software, programs, hardware, licenses to be used and honored online. Especially since the virtual currency is still being developed. Who is going to create that solid ground online and capitalize into a prepared future of business strategies that may mislead from the initial intentions... har har har (old ways stay young at heart in the root of all evil... which is unfair to development and the speed of it that we falter into reworked patterns to see us never change). 

What is the Native American perspective? 

What do you want to know about the IT Field and do you understand where we are in competitive revenues, Rights, and access? It is constantly changing and with our discipline, very slowly. We are in competition with world leaders in technological innovations and for an American perspective - we need to see something new and progressive with our endeavors. 

This is a big thing happening and most of it is new. Realizing this, I feel like we can invest in ourselves and help our country to support our stance as we always have in what we believe can be done. We just have to figure out what that is! 

So, please, stay informed. Ask questions. Be interested. Talk to your children, relatives of all ages, and yourself on an IT Topic with an Indigenous perspective on how to solve it. How to have an opinion on it. 

One thing I would advise is begin grooming leaders as early as possible. They have to know many vantage points in almost every component of business, communication, education, technology, marketing, and health. All core services we provide as a Nation, we need the leadership role to continue with. The mainstream effects, crime (defensive or not), income (neighborhood violence), mate (emotional health), and knowing how other people are developing in these conditions create a crowd to follow, believe, and push their support systems further for political gains. These aren't always successful agendas, but because they are in need and can gather, create an impact. When we have so many that are unable to thrive in an IT environment because they struggle with conditional interference on personal choices, it is a sign of failure in our teachings as a community. We have to change something within our public interest groups to create more progress. I love the healing circles and support groups for our people but it's also detrimental to their time, energy, and own well-being. Let's let them move on and invest in something besides healing others from their own personal experiences of failure. We need more success stories and healthy choices in those pre-mentioned conditions (mainstream, crime, poverty, etc.).

We could very well lose a leader in those pre-mentioned conditions! We groom them now, we are gearing our tribal perspective to persist a societal shift to thrive in future projections that others may want to emulate. We have to have a plan for health. The data is there - now we have to use it by changing our policies to reflect our people's best interests and force a standard for the betterment of all. 

Give us the option. Sign up for the intervention in life coaching, mentorship programs, extra-curricular check-ins and career driven opportunities to form the leadership groups as soon as possible. Create the standard and expect great things from them in all conditions. They can't be secluded and expect to thrive in a competitive environment with diverse interactions. Expect the worst.


Friday, January 5, 2024

Colonialism Effects and Computer Programming

 I read blogs, articles, and watch youtube channels on programmers as they reconfigure their learning environment as the topic of "What I would change or learn first" arrives. How they would learn the programming language first doesn't usually help my style of learning. If you are completely new, learn digital logic or just logical theories in general before delving into any programming language. This is algebra, problem solving skills with truth tables, and understanding syntax structure is a big key to success. 

Learning what first? 

I did a blog on zero concepts and the history of zero books. The reading is light and interesting. It conflicts with modern day zero and how it is envisioned for global usage. Every culture interpreted a zero concept - basically nothing or a hub of placed connection - from lack of proof or discontinued knowledge. They had to reveal it again in rediscovery, what zero was. The infitesimal had peaked origination of tangible weights and measures which took microscopic phenomena into calculus, trigonometry, and quantum mechanical engineering. The biological factors reconvened and disgruntled the zero concepts of how things came to be. This is generalized, of course, but for the main societal impact of core education, we observe our mathematical genius through the tangible one, the addition of one, and the truth of object as one entity which range in size. Things exist.  

The philosophy in programming is entirely made of who designed the language and branched from an available program that was modified with the Software Development working atmosphere. I understand software development to mean a study of domain with all inputs and outputs to reconfigure the next tool sets. If data governance is in the midst of being organized, I would like to organize the domain space to prepare for machine learning using binary domains that machine use as tools to interpret with their algorithms from an interface interaction with software language/development models to create the hierarchy and platform models we will be building upon. This means a space for this type of (NABM) binary to study and create within a closed domain to continuously build and develop with machine. I figure we will be separate in the future and will want to know the difference of who did what and why while being monitored for further progress. We may think we are progressing in an open-source community with multiple avenues of freedom, but without monitoring progress, how are we to progress as a profession?

From what I read, developers before me were inspired by their speaking and writing languages of the world. We are restricted in what is already there for us. The knowledge that we possess is being referenced, hence, the importance of digging up old knowledge and concepts to re-use and revive with technological languages. It gives a sense of boost within the lineage of those cultures and beliefs to be of usefulness now. The world has been introduced to many different environmental teachers and spiritual beliefs that connected a generational survivalism and since most of it has perished the world - studying these ancient engineering breakthroughs provides us a touch of ground to spread a base of missing links that we use to bridge cyberspace architectural laws. 

I see the pace that we believe people are learning how to program and want to keep up. Don't rush yourself. Research terminology, know where it comes from, ask questions and consider the influential history guiding the language you are learning. What cultural ground are you stepping into and understand that these languages do have origins. In cultural barriers, it forces you to learn and respect how much work and effort is put into these concepts to move and shape our future. They stay alive because they never let it die. They are constantly using it and enforcing its use to deal with their resources, their intellect, their history as a people of intelligence. Redefining what was and using it with technology is an innovative revitalization. Indigenous people have yet more to climb through to stay afloat in the future!

We don't have time to waste on the colonization period or the transition of documented opinions. It has always been embedded within, you just have to use it. Your perspective is beginning to change because of the modern world. The more distance that grows between you and what was lived and survived as the connection grows weak. BUT! Look at the revitalization of global dead cultures and how they are being used today to retranslate what was always there in any breakthrough. Check your zero references because those weren't there before colonization. It was after! Now that they know it was amongst our land base, they search for it in theirs. Is this true? It could or couldn't be, any small voyage or explorer would not state the truth for being forgotten in those documented histories. It was always there. Why push it into the sea turned ocean to discover away from home? Stay here with your discoveries!

If we die, what will be revived? What will be connected to some of the American descendants? What will they do with it? How will it help the future of the world? 

That's when we ask - where do we start? 

That's when we see others say where they would start... 

Our minds never develop actual cyberspace or contend with zero concepts in binary languages which deal with machine learning and development. We lack the interface to communicate with a new meta-science of virtual reality and begin to create an egotistical cultural remake without fully integrating new concepts (for never having new concepts and blindly building on top of the last save point and expecting everyone to be at that level). 

Co-Pilot Generated Image. 2024. Robot discovering America.

                                                                                                                  Co-Pilot Generated Image. 2024. 


Monday, January 1, 2024

Federally Recognized Spirits in Native America - The War on Drugs

 The War On Drugs

Behind the mask of society are eyes rolling backwards about the drug addiction and the seriousness of it affecting those we care for. We just don't believe it enough to act on it until it is too late! The problem is persistent, self-challenging to those diverse friend making groups and reliant on personal income support that it seems like any other addiction the reservation has faced. There is community support and room to recover. The environment we created through oppressive change has flourished and opened doors for many other recoveries that have no limit on the damage it does for the people. How do we control it and save our money now from being gateway supporters to future drugs and criminal activity?

Federally Recognized Spirits

Solution: Using Enrollment Criteria For Effective Policy Making To Cut on Cost

The visionary statement of any business or tribal government may consist of providing future decision-making for the well-being of the people and its government. This may need to include how to utilize these preamble statements effectively from their tribal constitution. The enrollment department is currently undergoing strict guidelines on what is a tribal member. Blood quantum, family tree, and current credentials are among the general requirements but let's say we include no drug charges. That drug charge has stopped your descendants from being capable of enrollment. Your children will be in a home environment non-compliant to enrollment because of that drug charge. 
The decision is still there - to use or not to use while keeping the cost for enforcing drug-free members at an all-time low. 
1. The intervention program is low-cost for not needing a group, salary, department, and building to persist in a budget that drains revenue and creates yet another behavioral health service expense for a group of members that not everyone wants to create extra budgetary constraints for. 
2. The threat looming guarantees tribal members consistent with the entire tribal constitution as providing the people with duty in the visionary statements to make decisions that affect future generations. Now the people must make daily actions that support and self-sustain the entire Nation and all of its memberships. 
3. Upholding sovereignty enforces tribal policies and creates a new American standard of behavioral health support and enforces less trauma on future services needed. 

Case Support and Experience Records

The history we are making is prolonging the trauma from historical ways of living that has always been supported by technology to improve luxury and goods of service provided. It has improved with each invention and government program! That is creating amendments to the Nation to Nation peace treaties that we ought to recognize as repairment of political immunity. It has always been our decision to partake in what also flourished in America: crime, booze, and drugs with mainstream pop cultures. We can no longer expend future generations in expectations to fall by encouraging the wrong solutions. 
These perspectives are not allowed because it bashes the foundation of sovereignty and the righteousness that has now led the people in political gains and grants to support their people. As the selective few rise out of the hardships and trauma, they provide good insight and we become separated as a nation. We become our own statistical makers and demographics. The full-blood confusion is met with drug/drunk love that sweeps over them in a night of passion to create the next tribal member. The recovery is another sad story about dysfunctional homes and missing children. We become our own problem and try to solve it the only way we know how - rely on others to do it for us. 

Solution: Tribal Intervention Community Service Patrols

Creating the people to people relations and personally self-guided experiences often need an actual helping hand to lead them out of the scenario. To show them that this is a bad projection and that they are being saved. They are led to micro-managed groups that select their mentorships to turn around and serve their community by providing the same recovery processes. The red road to sobriety is flexible and encourages many solutions of how to relate and provides many mentors to converge on the personality differences and schedule conflictions we have today. 
Building skill services, groups, and interactive community engagements that support events of cultural impact provide a better person to represent the community and identify the next intervention. 

This sounds good. To maintain is draining if not done properly. While in recovery, we are often times found drained and desperate to return to a normal state where life did not need that extra work. When it was not creating a consistent blame and target of shame on their back. The absent friendships because of recreational interactions that are incomplete because of the life change and lack of community support within them. The trust is anew, we are succeptible to failure and relapse. 
The support becomes inconsistent and breaks for leadership qualities not strengthened by personal fitness for the role to intervene. The committment levels are low and the return rate to sobriety becomes another known tragedy. 

Where is the data on the recovery rates, return rates, and intervention success/fails, leadership terms? If there is none, I would suspect a reoccuring role that has become part of the personality traits we are leaving to the future generations - which is a huge red flag that needs attention! 

Hierarchy Systems for Recovery Leadership

The personal fulfillment and tribal status in role model positions often need encouragement for prolonged involvement and recognition within the community. They are out of current touch with the illness and become outdated, however, their role has changed - it does not change the recovery process. These roles ought to shift into a process that allows multiple leadership positions to assume and remain in context for bridging recovery from abusive lifestyles. This is dependent on the reward system and the leadership shifts into positivity rather than strategizing their friendships. At best, in a diverse society, these times of abusive lifestyles are to maintain trust and friendship in the future to guarantee a reputable clearance if anything were to happen ill-fitting their child's expected experiences. The street cred built is turned into a reliable fortune for anyone in those straits and ends up being outdated, which means, it needs generational consistency to be maintained. Its taught. Its integrated into the home and relished in pride for its time and survival. 

How do we provide these safe guarded experiences with diverse communities without impacting our family roles, leadership roles, and/or jeopardizing the community support systems?

We have to support the businesses within our community as safe havens for these experiences and enforce expectations. At best, its going to happen - so we have to shift our expectations and intervene in new ways. 
One of those is persistent on isolating our youth and showing them something that they may not know or have been involved with - this could be from sports, hobby, parenting involvement, older sibling involvement, or college ambitions. You can provide a clean and loving home but the moment these change with a respectable diverse con artist from a big family who has learned how to manipulate love for their actions with charm, talk, or support themselves - it begins to wear it down. We see time with us as valuable trust totems and it is being used to break us down. Convincing us, its ok, I have your back, we are a team. These are traits that are being used and not countered to recognize and retreat in time to avoid life altering situations. 

When the new 21 year olds enter the bar, they are no longer met with older generational hobbyists to greet them with warning and danger. The task is now met with mainstream music, anticipated music videos, and beautiful/handsome hosts who are confidently providing what your supposed to do now. They haven't practiced saying no. They are unprepared for encountering diversity. They did not mean to do any of these new things. It opens an entire new shift that culture stops providing for within them and around them. 
This is depicting cultural impact as not being able to affect within these environments and that is untrue. Anyone who speaks of recovery will often lead to the moment they found their identity tear them away into that well-being road to change. There are moments of realization that occur and need a listening person to drawl into that recovered this memory. It has always been seen in a negative light and unusable within cultural standards - but there can be a neutral ground for those that understand why we don't just leave it entirely. 
As Tribal people progress, we are being decimated by the freedom of education, love, and peace. We are torn as impressionable people that confuse the priority of duty - which is not enforced currently - with equality in services and opportunity. We are living like we are a determinant group that is reconciling for time lost in an unrepresentation we did not build. We want leadership but don't want the dictatorship we need to tell us what our role is to the community. Its a choice now. Its our choice that makes us proud and wealthy. But, traditionally, and within the umbrella of tribal economic services, this should be appointed to be effective in revenue dollars and educational markets of support. 
We need real occupations that we paid for to support us now. This was not a 'thing' in the past because we were maintaining sobriety and services with one revenue. This is still new to us! That means, trusting the right departmental staff (higher education and data analysts with high school career counselors) to support those changes and expectations until we can be capable of meeting our quota to expend an open choice career generation to seek out their job security. I would rather have that dilemma than where we are currently in the visionary statements of tribal constitutions!


Thursday, December 28, 2023

Anticipating IaC with binary

 Vectorization Techniques and IaC

While learning with NWTC Software Developer Program, I want to know where I fit in the IT industry. Where will I be at my best and most suitable for my personal work. The big companies that are running uptime costs and plans for their developers are setting standards in security and business for future programming to arrive. The lack of an online virtual currency is also beginning to shape with these business tactics and strategies of how they get paid for programming and maintaining website functionality. The reports for this data are provided freely to encourage budding programmers to improve. As Americans, this is a must! We are competing for an intangible field of unifying global markets with software designs that can not only speak to all of us but also keep us separated. 

In my brief understanding, I am intimidated by the IaC (Infrastructure as Code) platform in software designing because it is a fragile and easily succeptible (making it most flexible) entity. I believe terraforming is an advanced programmer's hustle which means the maintenance crew will also be just as aged in the team. I'm not sure how likely that is, but, with the offerings of stepping upon that last step to get the headstart in the industry, they will be capable of surpassing the freights with untouched levels that took decades to clear. If I learn this now, what will I be missing? If I truly wanted to aid in changing these designs and ideas - wouldn't I have to go through these hardships while I could have a mentor? How do they handle the unknown and define what is told to them if they cannot provide input in atleast one major project to supercede right into those levels? 
As an American Data Governance, there isn't much for grappling how developers rank. It is on your etiquette of code, organization, and now - your intergenerational input and living experience with a relative professional. Great experiences and mentorship that provide those learning environments. We need an American project to solve, and input, what is software development and the open source conflictions of what can change but adapt many other respects to software developers since. 
Let's not do the outdated versions of creating something that is inconsistent with what was, and instead, create something that includes to create more professionals in those fields of technological breakthroughs that are reliable in those eras. Why can't we store data in those levels? Is this a flattening hierarchy? Perhaps, it could use fine-tuning. 

Quantum Mechanical Designs and NABM

I honestly do not have experience in Quantum Mechanical Designs, however, with vectorization techniques and F# with the new direction of using Trigonometry Mathematics and the looming IaC platforms, I believe that it is going to get more complex in shifting those mathematics degrees for what is a versatile field of professionals to be included in all facets of this society. Psychologically, I disagree. 
Instead of more grandeur, I suggest using NABM curriculum and changing the type of mathematics used in computer programming to digital logic and binary computations that include NABM for terraforming cyberspace and time. This includes designs that work with 1D to 3D techniques while providing the time to optimize within the grid downtime. I suggest using purchase time and recovery time after (when not using it, the satisfaction of purchasing to let down those moments into optimizing accounts) for Amazon and other big online purchase economies that are paying for uptime. Going from 3D (structure, platform, network) to 1D (purchasing avenue) requires its own lock and key. Afterwards, changing the entire infrastructure for any worked in hackers, malware, and identifying these corridors to weed out bugs and other computer errors. Using NABM, is projected to work on the binary for the machine to maneuver and create its grids to an acceptable level that provides its own dimensional qualities that do not need quantum mechanics or trigonometry to explain to it. That isn't a machine language nor will it ever be one. It is literally forcing cyberspace to comprehend what the world feels is an acceptable level of intelligence. 

It sounds too easy, too good to be true, too surreal at this time. NABM has these projected works in order to comply with the requests for faster data manipulations and adaptations for code that requires less optimization and micro-management. The American public may not know these battles are happening, during their use of technology, but we are not as developed as we would like to believe. Error does happen and the open source availability of powering up our devices requires extra knowledge in the security of them. We are vulnerable. 

I am excited for the terraforming transformations we will be seeing in the future and I hope that I can remain in the approach to shift what is there with something that can be easily integrated. The idea of technology is to remain within what has already started to create the sense of community as strengthening, and not so competitive, where we are beginning to see preference for computer language, titles, and experience. 


Friday, December 8, 2023

Pointing with a cup - SQL Triggers and Cursors

 SQL Triggers and Cursors - duck lips tucked in, we're using a cup today! All those learning to read SQL with Triggers and Cursors, what did you think about how you were going to explain these functions?

I look at this portion of SQL and consider never using it. However, the multiple que for every value within this itinerary is appeasing. I think of an actual programming skill, how to activate what you want and when it's going to happen in this fantastic attempt of learning how to put it so it works just as it is intended to be! There is no tone here, just factual delight that this has to come from another developer in the modularizing of SQL itself. Learning everything up to Views thus far and Stored Procedures into this section - I feel like the visualization and flow of what it is doing, is a borrowed system. It feels, temporary. 

The Triggers are able to aim and pull an activation that sets off a series of events and possibly cursors (multi-dimensional arrays) of values to get the job done. The effect is simple. I understand it. However, the @@FETCH Status does not fit well with me, hence the name to retrieve as a unit together that arrives from something that should be separate one-at-a-time. It is hard to keep these functions separate, since they work together, but the connection that can be made using a regular JOIN statement should suffice this. Why use the @@FETCH command if it doesn't have its own story? 

@@FETCH has a definition that sounded like a space tool that roves and collects like the trash collector repurposed essence in the form of a hired hand. This explained how it could loop throughout the code and bring forth its full bounty. The part that I want to know more about this is how does a @@FETCH Status resource the variable? Does that variable then become empty? Does it change? Is it labeled differently after, in programming? Using this style of looping in SQL does set it apart from other programming languages but I noticed the similarity between robotic programming as well. The SQL is interacting with binary commands that exchange a defined peice of space to explain how those variables were attained. This is attracting my vision of what SQL authors envisioned a database as and what they were doing to pick at specific components with a fine-tooth comb tool. It is simple and it creates the world of it as plausible as possible. 

You know this can get more complex. 

SQL image

Using @@FETCH with Triggers and Cursors is more like the watering can than a gun. Perhaps, you aim for one target (one fieldName and dataType) while grouping the collected to be useful by value for whatever data needs to be collected. I think this can go further and explain how this role can be switched by nurturing the data sets by root or phase of its appearances. If programming buds bugs, because this is something that does happen on its own, then where do these root indicators appear if they transform out of reaction? The code that leaves its program succeptible can be prevented by use of a trigger to watch all variables in any process as a threat. As soon as it becomes a threat, the target assumes it wherever it is. 
Easier said than done but out of purpose of database - it doesn't have a security wall that I want within how the code is structured (that I know of yet since I am still learning). One of the faults I learned with programmers when creating software designs is not having the plans for effective cyber security. It becomes a business and with that, more inputs and outputs to account and monitor which can also decrease runtime. 

The only way it moves is because of the @@FETCH command? 
The interaction after in any collected data set is isolated and the @@FETCH command breaks it apart and brings back to its roots instead of the polymorphism that has been accepted in OOP. Normalization is another process to consider in this that would have to be redefined. 0NF is ideal to contain all root values while 1NF would be processed during programming. These levels are attained with their own mapping that @@FETCH can be considered a spatial tool designed to break down and monitor any changes. 

I may be out of context but it was something that bothered me as I learn this portion of SQL. Getting the syntax confused with other programming languages like robotics and visual basic prove that these develops laid down a framework to integrate other languages like C# (example) to be more poetic in grammatically challenging avenues that uphold its logic. The logic is such a hassle to deal with if you are not accustomed to think instructionally and ponder at the minor details of how things work. 
My suggestion for any programmer learning to deal with getting stuck, read a book that lets you read it. Poetry I do not suggest. Read something that lets you complete the line, give it character where you can in your voice, and read like it is fun. This blockage is cleared, you feel like a success, and you assure yourself that you can read. 


Welcome to Gravacity!

Welcome to Gravacity! I have been anticipating my C#-Part 2 NWTC course in the second term of the Fall Semester and within it, a game I must...