Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Freelance Review: AI Template to Customized Website

 Freelance Hours: 10

Project: First Nations Construction, LLC. Website Review
Project Protocol: Scrum Guidebook
Platform: GoDaddy.com

When I first started this review, the company had used an AI Template, free stock photos, and AI Generated text, something that GoDaddy.com uses in their pre-built website templates for start-up businesses. It was a good start but not what the company wanted in the long-run. A personalized touch and beginner strides on SEO Optimization with etiquette working with a web dev by providing a log and notes to pass with the next developer in a business rules template made the experience note-worthy.

This was not a customized website at first (and the company invested in a platform to use - which made it convenient for me as a developer to use more digital marketing skills and not raw website coding) since they wanted to be able to manage on a smaller budget, knowing website maintenance and design can be costly, I volunteered 10 hours to this project with NEW-TRG for free. We were able to find cost-reduction interactions for both them and myself. Time management is crucial and to go through this process I learned a couple of standards to abide by:

1. Discuss Business Rules first. Set the company requirements, desired outcome, and follow the scrum guidebook with professionalism in the corner of the developer. Maintaining that direct assertion of being in control of skills used in the project while being organized is highly recommended - no matter the size of the project. 
2. Limit image editing and request same lighting, quality shots you have already approved of and dire to the image of the company and what they want to showcase as a priority - limit this to as minimal as possible to consider the user load time. 
3. Build a file structure that the company approves of and can follow. 
4. Write an incident log/journal to leave with the company on developing good habits and regiments on work produced to maintain professionalism and what the company is used to seeing in the developer role. Maintain the seat just as any other developer would in that role of expectations by leaving contact information.
5. Set a schedule and stick to it. Maintain communication and be effective with every conversation. We were both so busy that our words and time spent were clearly stated made everything operate smoothly and fast.
6. Use Professional headers from the dev to signify a start and end. Have a personal process you customize as a dev to know that the job is done, the customer is satisfied, and the next dev will be able to continue that experience. This was the fun part and projected towards a personal file system to maintain. 

I used Business Rule criteria from SQL courses, the only database type of material we had were about 100 images, a logo redesign for URL purposes, and a couple of AI Generated commercialized appeal to use that GoDaddy frameworks wouldn't have. The scrum guidebook was used for communication and dev guidance on role in the company as a freelancer. The log was created due to freelance position. 

I look forward to more opportunities like this in the freelancer position as a student so I can continue to build more experience to list. It does create more opportunity to hone in on and advance with, thinking of user-friendly platforms for new users and the SEO rankings for companies. I want to embark on a project that could change pow-wow dancing, pow-wow drum competitions by using QR Codes for the crowd and judges to scan for use in pow-wow committee planning to consider in their own personalized websites. I think getting their reputation with community and showcasing their personalities will help their unique portfolios to be upheld in a professional sense. In their roles as a positive influence, they can develop their leadership positions and be a constant guide on their schedules and develop a fan-base. It is in the works but it might be useful in the modern days of technology and communication efforts for Indigenous people to remain connected. 
MCCutcheon - Pexels


Monday, August 5, 2024

Kunhi-Yo Event at Oneida Hotel in Green Bay, Wisconsin

 Kunhi:yo (I'm Healthy) Overdose Awareness Event 2024

On August 29, 2024, Oneida Social Services and Resources will be hosting an event to bring awareness and resources to the community for those struggling with substance abuse and the relatives affected by loss in substance abuse. Different resources will be made available and will enlighten how much the tribe cares for the health of their people. 

NEW-TRG will be there to provide recruitment, interest, and to be present as an option of making different paths in their lives. We often do not know what can be made available to us, sometimes we do not know how to ask for help, and we may need someone to provide us a way first. That is the idea behind community involvement and participating in the betterment of each of our memberships, respectively, within each Nation. This does include descendents and ascendants of all kinds. 

Kunhiyo Event 2024 Banner

If you are interested in going its August 29, 2024 and starting at 9AM at the Oneida Hotel in Green Bay, Wisconsin at 2040 Airport Drive. 
Hope to see you there!


Making an Impact with NEW-TRG

NEW-TRG Header

How did NEW-TRG start?

Northeast Wisconsin - Technical Resource Group (NEW-TRG) is a community involvement project I have been working on to help with the IT presence in the Indigenous community within the Northeast Wisconsin region. The main capital of casino revenue stems from Gaming operations where Software Developer titles do not directly employ Indigenous or sought for Indigenous recommendations. These are Las Vegas standards, machines, and programming at hand. The in-house banks for progressive jackpots align with designated network systems that can be in-house lead with their departmental staff. However, the main concept was to develop a community base of idealists who could recruit, mentor, and ask questions for the community to follow-up at GTC meetings to their leadership any solutions, projects, etc. towards revenue or occupational roles to fill (basically, what program to go into higher educational institutions for).

Professionally, this means, my tribe does not employ my career currently. It is out-sourced. We do have an IT Department and Help Desk with other networking credentials where Cisco and other advanced essentials in their portal, website, and voting occasions. However, the Software Developer role does not currently have an advanced title or departmental resource to compete for. 

NEW-TRG as a citizen support system for their leadership. 

NEW-TRG is definately going to be needed in our leadership artilery in today's political scene. We need research, lobbyists, and grants to fund IT development. This does include the Data Governance and the undefined laws online. Online Gaming, Online purchases with tax exempt, and sensitivity towards cultural places and items and information are main subjects to resolve. This begins with a tribal lobbyist group seeking technological advancement by requesting funds to propel the education, study, research, and effectively have a profitable plan to repay or refund the efforts towards that advancement to remain a self-sustaining governmental system. Something not many minority groups in the USA are privileged to accomodate their people with today. 

What is NEW-TRG doing currently?

The first thing that is in the works presently is setting a business plan and proposal with NEW-TRG to also align with by-laws enacted for the conduction of a lobbyist group. This can be done less dramatically to enhance participation and fulfill at its own leisure upon the event. Exercising sovereignty in this matter is being effective with conditioning the citizen. We can have the strongest leader in the bunch at the lead but they cannot move everyone if they do not understand what is happening. The education, the crowd they engage with, and their own personal interests may not be the same as the people and this creates a distance that the people end up contending with. More complaints. Less results. Yet everyone is happy. It will be a constant battle field unless we learn to resolve our own faults and create bigger solutions when we can lift others around us with our efforts. 

Main Point and Summary of inclusion within community.

Having a Lobbyist Agenda in tribal affairs will help separate us from the US political structures and create a direction that can be established within a smaller community. Did it resolve, where they able to become functioning followers, did they advance in education, did it help resolve drug issues on their reservation and people? There is much data to collect and convene with guiding our time as human beings and create positive learning environments for future children. 

NEW-TRG and the Coupling Scene

In America, where heritage and genetics of adapting to our learning environments, are creating our separations now. If we understand our surroundings and pride to remain strong in our ingenuitive and creative aspects within our cultural teachings that reflect on us as a person, then we understand the importance of evolving with our environments. Currently, the technological scene is one any Indigenous stepping into has to realize was made from other ancestors from other parts of the world. We have to recognize where we are within it and make a home. Right now, that is a very small corner and we have much work that needs to be done. It is difficult striving for more when the current culture is in need of preservation. This is why we need to organize our multi-lineage people and gather them into productive fields of technologists who want to qualify their time and influences from the strongly encouraged cultural types to gather within their own diversity settings to influence each other peacefully. This is a projected control to maintain unity within the United States. We will have full-blood citizens and descendency citizens who will never be on the same page unless it is cultivated as such. They are capable of remaining within the people and keeping each other genetically healthy - which should be considered since genetics needs time to adapt. These types of fundamental grooming and organizations reach as far back as the construction of the clan systems. This is not a new concept. It just needs to shift into what we have now and having a bigger plan on being capable of following-through with it. 

They're called occupational couples. Homes that provide a career setting with their children who will aspire for their occupational roles or ones that support them. The conversation settings, extra curricular projects, research, and dinner talk will revolve around technology. This is an opportunity to create generational profit by creating those standards and guides for success in our methods and customs. Most times they are shunned, especially from old ways, due to the materialistic grasp and possessive gains that occur which is not the traditional value system. This must be intact. By creating occupational couples, the value system is dutiful and remains valued for community and personal attainment. Our community does not compete with materialistic perspectives, we should remain together in our belongings. 


Transparency in politics wants to know what people it represents. The people respond with NEW-TRG and want to know how they can be of service. There is less need from its government system. 

That is the goal.


Wednesday, July 10, 2024

NEW-TRG as a Technological Agenda for Lobbyist Group

New Name, New Purpose, Same Goal

AI Generated - Co-Pilot. 2024. Blueprint and Planning.

Northeast Wisconsin - Technical Resource Group (NEW-TRG) began as a community involvement for mentorship and research to educate community members to be inspired about how their revenue was being made and operated within tribal entities that operated through gaming enterprises. The membership doesn't actively participate in the recruitment for software developers, programmers, IT Field entrepeneurs, or in any of the gaming classification purchasing roles they deal with to uphold their constitutional self-sufficient clause(s). The goal for NEW-TRG was to provide information for more recruitment in the field to compete and further advance their technological role for profit. 
I haven't had the best of luck or support in community reciprocation and now want to change the influential area to serve - expanding into Michigan and Minnesota office times using a virtual office with Regus, a variety of office space packages that help small business owners operating in office settings an affordable reality. I am getting ready to integrate into a virtual office space, creating an address acceptable to begin financial accounts, to plan accordingly ways to create revenue with my business ideas and groups to get it going in America as a real plan. 

Tsha Tewahsana Inc. 
My main career path is a religious director with Tsha Tewahsana Inc. as a form of American curriculum for identity services to specify in future technological agendas by preparing for them now. Conditioned lifestyles like nomadic, underground, and city (overpopulated/crowded habitats) are some of the main contributors we have now. To be realistic in what type of people we need to survive without any genetic alteration study or psychological repair or sensitive information to groom the type of adventurers we need when we are ready for their colonization periods beyond Earth, Tsha Tewahsana Inc. wants to be part of this process. Preparing American culture by integrating a person for purpose in their life decisions and for their generations after to follow is a huge step towards global recognition and dedication to a service of humanity. The perparedness is following closely behind - without any stirring happening currently - and America can be in the forefront of those travelers in a diverse and freed religious country to make it happen. 
Having isolated towns in roles of societal order, adapting to challenges of resources, isolating and supporting the ability to house certain technological advancements to get out of that mentorship to work with peers that consistently strive in the same environments. The reintroduction of new software, tools, and techniques with technology along with data governance are not set in stone currently and having a technical lobbyist group with a future agenda to support an American identity in survival, in pioneering, in adventurous states will help propel our country into a supportive recognition that keeps us living actively within society with different tasks. 
One thing about lobbyist groups is that they recruit to serve their agenda. What this lobbyist group wants to achieve is how to accept support for the political agendas and budgets for technological advancement, education, and occupational availabilities in environments created for sociological studies to learn from their habitat skills, beliefs, coordination in receptive healthy living skills, competitive essence, their reserved sense of environmental awareness and economical impacts on consumerism and change it based on creating healthy habits we need in the future to preserve our natural resources (water consumption is at the top of the list along with waste management). 

The main agenda to propel with this lobbyist group will be formed upon more interest and recruitment. I would like to invest in small communities, nomadic lifetyles, and work our way into larger cities to begin preparing for local distribution and consumption only to help with the shelf-life and duration of compost management to truly live organic. Natural services in food storage, preparation, and waste while upcycling material in waste collections is ideal. The membership attest to historical interpretations and alleviate their social rankings to form new ones (racial segregation, group segregations will cease and an individualism will begin). How will we identify ourselves and the continuance of our genetics? Why is this important and how to support it without bias or misconcepted beliefs in the paranoia? We are creative humans and will conceive our personal value over another until it is conditioned into a stronger purpose. This agenda is aiming to improve the citizen and how to support what we want from the government. 

Technology and those that are brilliant in the field should be supported, transparent, and deliver quality competitiveness with global markets. We want to have a working goal together and be prepared for space travel in a generational pursuit. The education of this citizen to maintain conversations with our most brilliant is ideal to remain within a working environment that supports these people and not our consumer habits, behavior, or appealing nature to sell as success. There are many things that technology can do to change our American identity and we should lobby together with this agenda. 

This is a projected American direction to support what the citizen can do and remain in control of. Even if BigTech Industries allowed us the ability to be in direct contact with telecommunications and allowed their data governance to delay while integrating within American commerce and trade seats to lift them easily into a power seat of decision-making not installed within legal responsibilities - but a lobbyist negotiator applicable to their agenda, currently. How do the citizens remain in control and able to govern themselves against these powerhouse decision-makers? 
One thing we can do is voluntarily attest to our dedication to our goals and dreams of allowing our purpose in citizenship to create and belong to small markets while increasing our conditional lifestyles to be documented for sociological references. We can restrict ourselves from online ecosystems designed and dedicated for local consumption, control, and budgets. There are ways to remain in control now and that is to create our own small ecosystems, supported by local governments, economics, and livelihood agreements to support those conditions to maintain healthy habits every citizen should practice. Let's be the enforcement we need at our level and create compliance on corporate responsibility with how we want technology to serve our communities. 


Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Project Terminology: Scrum GuideBook

 Project Guides for Developers using Scrum Guidebook by J. Sutherland & J. McKenna

A link to the actual documentation (brief reading time, approx. 25 minutes) is here

I stumbled upon this information going over Youtube videos with developer advice for project management and what makes a senior developer versus a junior developer in their work alone. As a software developer student, and 8-week courses, with other life hassles to pay on time - I am getting doubtful of a prosperous career in IT because I lack the confidence in my skills as a developer. The terminology without a community to converse daily becomes absent in my return to class structures and it is difficult to maintain interest when I feel over-stressed by it. I enjoyed the learning - so I focus on that part. And get back to it. 

So, in this video by subscribing to the "Thriving Technologist" - I am learning how experienced programmers are establishing programmer habits to enact for future project and career security. One thing I picked up - without direct intent - was the leadership role to be foundational and established within the developer role in any project and to remain in that seat at all times. Do not let anyone dictate the developer or its duties. This is a job role to secure the salary/wage for each project and the vital attitude we all must exhibit as a developer to create the unity in our work and the ability to follow each other and consistently work regardless of personal projects. Don't let the personal project style/patterns/work flow seep into the career projects!
I also found it interesting to use the scrum guide for projects that use inter-departmental feedback to maintain throughout its term in development. Which means, the developer does have an establish role to fulfill and to let the other departments handle theirs. The goal incrementing and completely done by standard finish lines create the micro-management for diverse work groups to collectively be assertive in deadlines by standard and to assist if needed much more available and readily than by reading from the top philosophy. 
I did not know Scrum Guidebook before this youtuber explained in his knowledge as a developer how project spaces that use it - should follow it to the tee. It does explain that in it as well. I enjoyed the documentation - which is also something that the youtube video explains. 
Here is a sample of who I am talking about: 

This is a separate video but he does a great job at explaining Developer Advice, Tips, and very straightforward on the subject he presents. I would definately enjoy working with him - even at my inexperienced stage - I would be more interested in how to improve and him being able to provide that to me (in the form of youtube is even better - saves me the embarrassment!)

Scrum Guidebook Review

The history of the Scrum Guidebook is a basic step for group projects of any kind, technically. This is pertaining to accountable dollar for time, resources, and micro-managing at its best. The idea of being provided a task and doing it - was an older programmer technique that was heavily reliant on integrating program code and modifying based on the time spent writing it. But nowadays, programmers don't want to waste time by redoing the entire architecture so it has been mutually agreed upon to write based on easy to read code, easily transferrable code, and code that operates with tools effectively. 
One of the habits he stresses was documentation in his videos. I am going to be taking a Documentation Writing course in the Fall of 2024 and as plainly as it sounds - excited about it. I think if I'm going to be good at anything, hopefully its writing! But also reading it. I want the user to imagine what they are reading and be effective throughout the documentation so we can post it without running into multiple variations of how they interpreted it, what their thoughts on it were, and what helped them use it in which part of code the best. These should be habits by the developer regardless - especially in new programs, projects, developments to pass to the company for the next programmer to easily read and adjust for other improvements or modifications to insert other tools or features. 

I'm glad to have encountered this. I guess its been in most active use since 2020 - so, I'm not too far behind. I've never been involved in a project and am happy to have found his advice most useful to an inexperienced programmer as myself. I have much to work on and create those good developer habits within my time of study!

NASA Coordinating Universal Time - How?

 Not UTI but actual Space Time to help astronauts navigate time in space?!

AI Generated - Native American Programmer racing space and time
                                                                                                            AI Generated Image. Co-Pilot. 2024.

Einstein's relativity theory is one of the main contributors for the NASA agenda for establishing a Space Time for our global space measurements to help coordinate some issues they have been having in outer space. The world is well aware that we now have another Country (India) in our outer atmosphere's, traveling to the moon, taking samples, and discovering their hemispherical observations to record in human space travel missions. The number of countries with space programs is 77 while three countries have made mankind flights (USA, Russia, China) and inviting other countries to ride with. There have been 44 countries that have sent astronauts into space with these crewed flights. 

So, its no wonder that the world is looking on solutions for space time and what they will be using to justify their space flight coordinates and air space time for navigating other voyage tasks. Relativity is in consideration, projecting other space traveling amongst other planets and moons in relation to their size and gravitational pulls. 

So, how would you figure this out with your current profession? What are the questions you are asking or brushing up on to contribute - an opinion - that would validate future agendas of the world? What are you considering within your own culture that would correlate with this task? NASA has been diligent with keeping record of discoveries and diversification of discoverers. The future missions with their experience would grant this opportunity but also announce its problem to the world for other contributors. 

Space Time 

Some literature I have been introduced to state that time is an illusion. In space, where there is a minute degree of zero gravity to weigh/measure tasks at the incredible temperature to support the SuperConducting energies of stars/solar objects within its vast material. Literature also states of the dark matter within space. The studies of space have small degrees of observation that qualify its measure in comparison to Natural Law that succumbs all objects within it - regardless of size. 
What I understand of Space, using Native American Binary Mathematics (NABM), is that objects contain qualities of zero size to control values within it. So, if I were to consider space as a container - because we understand that zero is explaining nothing as a shell to contain what values or numbers will qualify within that object to amount its capacities, ecosystems, and voids (Mayan Civilization - Zero Principles & C. Seife) then we understand that space can be measured. With objects in relation to their ecosystems of distances that are established in routes we can use projection of their placement as a map to navigate the same path to establish in those relations. It cannot change or alter and should be picked out of pure convenience to those encounters. The same speed will be needed. The same resources and weight of shuttle (perhaps not the participants within it). But, that is using relativity as it is known today. 
The flaws of this are proceeding the montonous ticking to calibrate to that establish time from that object (shuttle) in relation to planets (larger object). So, we have to bring it closer to home and study our idea of time a little bit more external to our usual perspective. 
I would suggest using 6Grid for Earth and extending its planes of axial dominance to separate sections of space, external. Once the sun hits the surface of the earth, it expands the sections allowance because of the zero point origin of Earth. These sections accrue an object within their space - 

Once a planet in range of those sections can establish a mutual zone of relation, we can find the destination of using the counting habits of South American/Brazilian tribes of string coordinations (one, two, one and two, two and two, etc)(C.Seife). That is a separate counting system to consider as process for solutions. 

Some things to consider in space time solutions:

First: Using zero as a placement marker. This is important because these large objects assume the ability to begin another counting value. 
Second: Space is not an environment of conditions. It is the distance between environments. This is defining zero properties as NABM uses binary compositions to define space as an appearance within the Binary Sequence Signature (BSS). 
Third: Using BSS - Going from one value to the next (destination and origination) - space value is the equivalence of these. Create an equal variation to meet each (step). 
Example: Lunar Path of Earth = 3 & Mars = 4 from a process of order from solar system. 
This total 7 is broken into steps between each object with the closest points to each object. Every space between objects will be guaranteed a different value due to its order in solar system. 
"In the seventh" I know refers to Earth's Lunar and Mars. I refer to Earth's Lunar because it is the outermost path of the planetary atmospherical conditions. 
Fourth: As for Earth's atmospherical conditions - I would just assume stationary time towers be installed to coordinate flight paths globally with axial placements of noon to midnight, three to nine, or such. 

Whatever they end up using, I'm sure it will be based on global standards. But the excitement in that happening now, while I am alive and youthful in the world, is prosperous to what I will be able to witness in space travel and exploration. 


Saturday, June 22, 2024

Career Path Planning

 Career Specialties, Mastering, and Certifications

How do you know what to pick without any experience? Shooting in the blind for a career path to invest in is not typically guaranteed for a successful adventure. Here is a list of some things I have learned along the way for a Software Developer Program associates degree with NWTC that you might find useful if you have no expectations or experience:

AI Created Image. Co-Pilot. 2024
                                                                                                                              Co-Pilot Image. 2024.

1. Make sure you decide to stick with a program within one institution/university setting. They have curriculum that is customized based on your instructors ability to teach the material. It is a difficult thing to do, this program keeps changing and they have to maintain job security principles with your education. 

2. Invest in a hobby related to building your IT interest and skills. This could be reading documents of types of software platforms (architecture/networking), software programming (software developer/front-end and back-end or fullstack), linux books for ethical hacking (cybersecurity), or the history of programming (engineering fundamentals). 

3. Before you start, prepare a space that you plan on filling with your personalized notes and programs made with each course by developing your own templates and guide to become a tutor. It's a great way to reiterate the course and learn how to talk tech with other peers. 

4. Coinciding with the tutor approach in organizing books, programs, and notes - also develop a discipline in your file system. Every instructor does do it differently, it does give you a variety of filing types and ways to think in organizing modularly. Start with a basic structure and delve in within each course in their requirements. Note it. 

5. Never take more course load than you can handle. Dropping your cumulative GPA can extinguish your dreams of graduating in the program if you fall below the median. It is possible to re-take your courses for higher grades, however, so not all is lost!

6. If you are an adult learner, prepare for a young crowd. They are very equipped and trendy. They are patient and feel out of place when they have to correct an older programmer, but are capable of awesome work and guidance. It is a maturing learning environment and not to unlist them as a source for potential help. 

7. If you have work experience with an outdated degree, that experience is very useful in the educational setting. Use it wisely and pick your moments to shine. Don't sink in when you realize your work experience is outdated, your work experience is still useful. It is a good idea to share with your instructor/professor to see their experience and compare. They will have a basic path to adjust easily with the new technology you're learning now. 

8. When learning about specialty fields within your program, adjust and research other successful candidates. What types of programming languages they prefer to work with and why. What really helps are looking at the job postings of a desired position and look at the requirements. 

9. I had a hard time envisioning what the internet was (lame and old, I know) but was it an empty vast space we sent numbers in? How was everything connected? (After some extra time in other courses learning digital logic...) The questions began over again about why serial and parallel wiring was necessary in digital logic (duh, because binary is a compiler for machines since they don't work with regular English, Spanish, etc.). I still don't have a clear image in my mind, which is good for what I need it for, but that's why - keeping the possibilities open as a developer creates the framework/architecture you need and may have an investment in. Constantly looking for new solutions is key. 

10. If you can create a website to portfolio throughout the process that would be the best option to transform with your digital marketing in freelance jobs and designs. This is a constant project but worth it. Learn about servers, FTP services (FileZilla), digital marketing, website design (html5/css/javascript) in the beginning stages of your learning experience to get that going and maintain throughout. 

One thing I understand (unknowingly learned) is that technology is still new and developing. Your thinking is valuable in the sense that it solves what it can based on your own calculations. Consider the keywords they use, what is being asked to consider in regards to space and time (asynchronous), and realize we are going to be able to create any environment we want to work in with programming. It has not been configured yet, so if you work on extra hobbies of explaining how the internet (at the very least) is in your main tool base - you might want to be able to explain in your own understanding how it fits in yours. The more you remain in control the higher your level of position can become (at an early stage this is crucial to the attitudes needed for developing managerial staff).  


Welcome to Gravacity!

Welcome to Gravacity! I have been anticipating my C#-Part 2 NWTC course in the second term of the Fall Semester and within it, a game I must...