Saturday, March 11, 2023

Internship Potential - Digitization Database Drafting

 Digitization Database Designing

The original position requirements are a bachelor's degree in history, science, arts, with experience in project management and a particular knowledge of database designs to categorize artworks with a local museum and thousands of miles of film, archival artifacts, and for access that can be recognizable to staff. 

Gallery Teal Display; three frames of artwork                                                                                                                               Photo by ¶Project Atlas

Check out local listings, stay in newsletters that post regularly, and begin designing your portfolio on their requirements. This particular listing, I am personally unprepared for, but have experience in certain subjects. The main criteria I want to focus on, is the digitization archive with database design. 

Note: I recommend scanning job descriptions of any kind with your children in their becoming age (teenagers) and prepare learning skills for a career. Get excited about wanting to learn a skill, find a way as soon as possible to earn it, and maintain those skills in daily activities. You may not qualify but never turn away from the listing until you know what the job does. You can do it - change your time now and choose wisely. Keep picking out things you want to do and like to refine what you want your career to be upon graduation without losing time, energy, or gratification in work and money spent on a direction away from what you have been wanting for a very long time!

VHS, CD, and MP3 files may be known, but are you familiar with dubbing these files in a digitization format that can render quality, audio, and supply your archive a rich history virtually? The access to the equipment is desirable for any technical historian working on securing incoming artifacts, artwork, and mixed mediums of any kind. How do you restore it and how do you preserve it?

A museum can contain a set number of items that typically can be secured under claims of insurance, historical preservation protections, and local agreements between artist and museum. The space for each item may only provide a certain amount of time, in which, how would you want to keep a part of this history within the walls of the museum - if it were a seasonal gallery? 

Scanning, Photography - using angles, lighting, and delicate contact (in some cases), VHS to DVD or Mp4 file dubbing (creating duplicates) and using the departmental staff in history to archive any footnotes of the quality when in contact during and after display. I have witnessed those footnotes useful during the Antiques Roadshow, during auction pricing, they would have a package with the artifact and research the footnotes to validate any concerns or notes from their professional perspective. These are the skills you want to perform this project with to assure your staff can research and be researched using the database you design. 

Software - Digitization

At best, you will be using a Macintosh hardware system to coordinate the efforts of preserving the quality of the image. They are best known for graphic design artists, website designers, and adobe has become one of the leading software designers for these specific tasks that you can familiarize yourself now with. The quality of the image, the editing and restoration effects provide a high-quality image that most would use to preserve any piece of artwork. It is also very useful to alter, for future galleries, invitations, and permission to adjust as needed (depending on the copyright). 

To be fair, Windows database with SQL is a leading contender for general museum staff to easily navigate its portals and store what they need to find. This is typically a hierarchical system, but it doesn't always have to be. Storing that many artifacts, images, and artworks takes effort and classifying each piece may require attention to the database memory and server you choose to store these precious historical remnants. 

Note: I state these because I am familiar with it. If you would recommend a different style, I assume it would take effort to coordinate use by other staff if unfamiliar. Technical software use can be difficult to navigate if not properly maintained with time to adjust. 

The photography software is also another episode to invest in. I normally would not, because adobe is requested in online displays for quality and rendering capabilities, but for actual tangible artwork - I would want to validate its authenticity using some form of software that isn't able to duplicate or distort. Also, to protect the image as well. 

Database Design

Upon uploading, securing information, and organizing the categories of this project - how would you classify these objects and input description for search queries? 

The Business Proposal describing any rules for gallery (seasonal display, schedule, shipment), museum (location, exchange, archival rotation), distribution (sale, terms, and insurance), copyright (year, expiration, maintenance), licensing (details, origination, use), etc. would first be stated within the Project Management. This is the main criteria that anybody involved in the archival and database design will be referencing throughout the project. 

The style you use to database, offers insight in future additions that are uncategorized at the time of the original. This is very important since this will be a running catalogue from present to future. The consistency of addition and mapping will be an effective resource that should maintain memory space for hardware maintenance and operating systems. This normally isn't an issue but considering that the quality of the image and the type of artifact it is - could be an issue of the future. Plus, the security keys instilled for certain access, if necessary, can also be implemented. 

Engineering Image - Code
                           Photo by ThisIsEngineering

Database Potential Project

As an artist, I want to invest in my community and the appreciation of art itself by categorizing without the ability to modify the image beyond the uploaded original by qualitative purpose of a professional photographer. This image would be categorized by a database and only applicable to the uploaded software that cannot alter this image - further increasing the virtual image itself to be secured and held in trust. I could then invest in a gallery of database security designed for the museum that would hold these archives intact for its digitization articles and be conceivable upon terms, agreements, license, and local benefits. These would gain status in a professional holding that would benefit the value of museum, artist, community, archival staff, and future investors after. 

The art of photography, the museum historian, the software communicative purposes with unified languages and machine learning all have a contribution to decreasing the value of artwork by making it readily available. Mainstream culture is uploading, posting, and distributing free images of sacred temples, sacred objects, one-of-a-kind artworks, and having it viewed from home or with the lack of emotional intelligence that arrives upon its presence. These are not content graphical images that prepare you or request your permission to excuse its fundamental aspirations of society, religion, renaissance, and appreciation of these sorts. 

This project is exactly why I am in the Software Developer Program with NWTC, my local education for Information Technology - is all I need. I just need something to gap the integration of what I want and what is already available. How do I make this happen? 
The actual software I am looking for would coincide with online currency. However, with so many firmware, hardware, and software integration to be used for unifying any operating system and its financial obligations - it is the world pot of honey at this point. But what a great start at a bank note - using artwork like this. 

Database Design Draft - BMS
                                                                            Drafting Database Design

My actual idea stems from artwork in database for display. A company is surrounded by it, creates innovation, invention, or otherwise a surplus to coordinate an effective gain monetarily and affirms the artistic inspiration to create an investment towards this bank note. These are archived and considered valid by display time within a financial company that does such a thing. This was part of contributing towards what made money valuable by people and not resourceful products that we want to consider in human value that did not degrade or enslave the idea of money as evil. The critique is contributed towards the sale or monetary gain by public to change awareness from habits. (Read that last sentence again - what does this mean? The critique is value to create people who contribute their world perspective on artwork to promote a lifestyle that caters to new goals in people, their intellect, and the sale itself.)

Art is an emotional expression that is measured by personal involvement to act. This is the first harness of intangible value that people intelligently are capable of defining. 


Online currency also needs a mathematical design, one that is reliable, explains everything without being encrypted and secure. Factors to consider when online currency of the future contends with personal input. The bank note of museum gallery software and the private sectors of availability provide value in keeping. Being selective with our artwork for the sole purpose of being exposed to only "these" pieces during renovation for innovation can provide an intellectualism unlike before. We need to go hungry in America every so often. It is okay to starve of art. Starve of music. Starve of our families. We do not need to go to war to understand these values in people. Consider it when you look at the next gallery available to you - the time these artists invest, usually and most times underpaid! Can you contribute your starving periods and become inspired for change? And make an impact? 

How big? 


Monday, March 6, 2023

Social Science - 1970's Bio

 Series VI: Minority Groups and Guidance

Indian Students and Guidance
John F. Bryde
University of South Dakota
Copyright 1971

The specific copyright for this book states that no form may be recorded or documented in electronic forms (or any form) without written permission. I will be stating a reflection piece of this monograph series. 


I just want to remind everyone about Native American literature as a translation of integration. Native Americans have a value system that is not materialistic, Mr. Bryde does explain this from his perspective and reveals that it was the goal to change the character path settings for Native American in their education settings. I had researched his name and came across his obituary and how the community he worked with talked with humor, respect, and loss with his passing. It changed the way I read this book. I was more accepting to his perspective to demystify that missioner relation with their community involvement and appreciated his ability to state his educational opinion/teaching without personal victories. I felt like he knew more than stated and loved that part untold.

Being Native American in 2023, I am ashamed of the people who hound spiritual blessings to remain intact as respect. Respect is earned. The validity of being given any preferential reciprocation requires the person to undergo experiences that encounter its expertise of survival and lesson. The lesson's provided in life as reality are real, and in a man or woman, they are forgotten of footing to progress as each footing requires assistance. This handicapped mentality did not survive winters, child rearing, and fortunate tides. It has been brash to flare as the weak point of society and civility to encounter peace with the immobilization to magnify its detriment. 
Compassion in measures that endure priority over self is unreal. Even by modern standards. Survivalism is not compassionate to lost time with historical figures that can provide wise connections, but what variety was there to offer? The sociological plot expelled a few characters from being encountered at the sight of conversation with other men. These men defined a partnership that we learn about as a dominant review to relish as true. 
The untold stories, the forgotten stories, the encounter of women and their women folk in past time and modern time. The children of each encounter throughout time. The changed moralities and diversification to mainstream society have endured countless characters that reformed before they could exist. 
That began to exist as one. 
The ideals that exist, the characters of lesson, the mythic political beliefs that organize this world as one - can change. 

Right now, emotion as detrimental figures of historical trauma are magnified to enhance respect of its survival. Of progress. Of imitation. This will change and change again. There is a new 'oneness' to exist, as relation can see fit for its environment. 

I am ashamed because this has been forgotten and capsized for another type of people to conceive one world that we have blindly walked into by forgetting to explain truth in a circle is only for those that can fit in the circle. These external privileges provide us a world to step out of, but what they needed - was to be dependent upon first! They lost these privileges for being short-sighted and incompetent to relate time of encountering new ways into lesson through story by embracing a survival (and not counter-intuition and transformative education and commerce and relations after encounter). We boasted first. That firsthand of help was eager to forget the world of its priorities if all we can do is be of assistance that we know - you're a human being, at the same time, in the same place, in the same world - you know how to live. You know how to survive it. We are talking, here, and now (seasonal offerings are shorthanded in the wake of new religious freedom and embarking upon expansion to affixed eyes of capitalist and kingdoms in their name instead. They know how to survive already and we didn't want to make dependent neighbors.).

I am much too young to encounter these dilemmas while my elders remain apart from this type of character. It is teaching me beyond the modern world what was learned much before contact. These are not easily encountered, and, in its presence, I encounter historical records and recognize the error. 
The relationships between these documented interviews, references, resource of knowledge have to be remembered as Q&A. These are not full depictions of how the actual Native Americans were. There is so much more, but if you cannot see it for what it is, you may rely heavily on these prints as decipherable knowledge that you read right past your calling as if it were you who were doing the Q&A and mightily believe word for word. 

This is part of identity loss, when those who speak good of you, blind your will to read your calling. You would rather hear those around you speak of heroism from your presence. These are small pushes of that instilled survival aspect that belittles so much more qualitative reasoning as to who we are. 

I enjoy having this in my collection and I cannot wait to teach my younger generations by instilling further yet, more values that can consistently inherit these beliefs as partially stated. Until then, I conversate with modern America and enjoy our talks. The work done thus far, from what I have read, is amazing. Great insight. In tune with their self, their language, and their respect. I admire their work and understand the barriers, the time, the self-collection in work, the poise of expertise to perform in future scrutiny. It is well stated for the topic of defining the Indian student, throughout time. 

Religion, Native American, and American value systems. The new solution with inter-tribal (multiple types of Native American ancestry/nations) knowledge and future impacts of gained knowledge in the absence of one community is Tsha Tewahsana (Its In The Middle). A religious movement started with the Great American Eclipse (August 21, 2017 to April 8, 2024). 
Tsha Tewahsana

One in place is heard when they describe relation from history. What they do not describe is one in the future. Upon encountering this new person, they failed me in my time, by not answering the question for me - but for them. 
Note: This cannot be reiterated due to the copyright within this text. The "one" factor arrives from relation to all things as we see in sustenance and creation as best as we can describe in communication. Everything arrives from one as kinship explains, in those beliefs. 
What I refer to, are the diverse kinds of people not from these lands and into blended societies of the world. We are different, even if we may appear the same humankind, and so, this is the reference I depict in those teachings and direction of our elders. They do not speak for the future, they speak of their history, apart from the world. 
Below are websites to coordinate that release and responsibility to have an inter-tribal, blended societal role to fulfill with the citizens that we have now. 

I got your answer in each direction but let's focus on only one - In the Middle, for future value transitions to incorporate the intangible and internet guided toolsets with our unique approach to solution, let alone, survival. How we really survive is continuously adapting to our environment and improving with our available tools (however it is available). 


Saturday, March 4, 2023

Index Paging and SiteMap with Google Sites - My Unicorn dilemma unsolved!

 SiteMap Requested? Index Issues? 

If you are new to google sites, website lingo, or need some assistance on other avenues to try to be reaffirmed - I know that some of the redirecting for help can be ill-conceived for solution. Below is my unicorn of SiteMap Indexing you may find interesting. This article is my personal rendition of suggestions before solving. For real results and real answers, go to: Sitemaps with Wikipedia or even better - on writing the code needed at robot.txt with Wikipedia. These sites are more direct on what to write and know than the actual Google Help Sheets and Community Responses if you are new to these requests with website management. 

My Unicorn
                                                       "That's no unicorn!"        
                                            Photo By: Ming Zimik

Domain ownership with Google Sites and the crawling inspections that interfere with the new update in Google Analytics can set you back if you account the wrong description and code. (Meaning, your new to Google Analytics and think you only have one code to return for metrics - this is wrong. You need to create separate accounts to use Analytics as the main dashboard, so that means multiple accounts will return if you have more than one website you want to monitor.)
If you have encountered a sitemap Index error try:

1. Setting a Meta Description in the Head code of your HTML in the Page Inspect (upon the right click on your website home page, the options will appear it should be at the very bottom). You want to input:
<meta name="description" content= "Whatever content that your website is about within 120 characters." This does help your SEO ranking on your website scores. *Gather your site navigation and improve your user-friendly scores by making clear paths through your website. 

2. If you tried pointing your DNS and combining your websites (perhaps you had two) and thought that you could possibly control both on one console (perhaps, Google dashboard) and you thought that it was the same type of website (perhaps, the colors matched)... and were wrong. Ended up deleting some of the DNS settings, got confused, Google Analytics got messed up. Yes. Erase everything new that you recall from inputting the code in your HEAD HTML first. CLEAR IT AS FAR AS POSSIBLE to the original state. 
Then you'll want to keep those website accounts separate. They do not work right now. You will have to wait. Perhaps it is the new Google Analytics. Perhaps it is a bug issue. 

Next you can reinstall Google Analytics (you have to keep these website separate, the only console you can control all of them is on the actual Google Analytics Dashboard and NOT THE WEBSITE DASHBOARDS WITH REPORTS).  You have to set up each website that you want Google Analytics to give reports on because they will each have their own tracking code that you have to input on the correct website that is registered. 

ALWAYS KEEP THIS IN THE HEAD OF HTML CODE in the Inspect (right click, last item listed) in a designated area every time you insert code. I recommend even writing an HTML note if you must, to separate if you install multiple external code snippets - remember that this is indicated with:
<!-- type whatever you need-->

*Also, if inputting robots.txt file, upload within the settings of the (right click) at the upper right corner and find "Workspace" in the left navigational panel, then upload your folder with the file in this window. Do this while on the website page.

3. SiteMap organizations help navigate your website. For Web Developers, or who know HTML, with their own savvy set of linguistic knowledge this is fairly easy. Check out an example I provide:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
      <!--this is going from landing page to home page, ending sitemap, redirecting purposes>
<sitemapIndex xmlns="">

This style is recommended for smaller websites. You might also want to list the navigation tabs from the top with this as well. Below, I used div inserts to separate what I was trying to do. This ended up being wrong - I did input this in my html and it rearranged everything from the head code - so, not recommended. But I just wanted to point out the effort involved and the suggestions at the end for future reference from this perspective. 

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!--from homepage to subsets of visible links on page and their subsets from homepage parent>
<sitemapIndex xmlns="">
         <!--subsets of the workshop page>          

This carried on for quite a while, first attempt at site indexing. Subsetting while indicating each link from the page. I realize that this helped me organize my website. Some of my font and buttons were different sizes - I was glad to clean it up a little bit. I also began remodeling my website for a mobile-friendly version. Central designs and uniform buttons. 

Here goes the Suggestion Box:

<!--Suggestion for future structuring to recognize mobile/tablet to desktop>
<!--Create Landing Page to MicroPage(s) to Contact for Mobile/Tablet>
This is explaining the course of action to assume with CTR (click-through-rate). A fully functioning CTR controls interactive goals, content, exposure, and for bookmarking to be made available for desktop access. These sitemaps deliver interest to continue perusing website.

<!--Create Home Page to MicroPage(s) to Contact for Desktop>
This creates an Ad Network schema to allow gallery, interaction, conversion to persist beyond location and mobile services. This navigational CTR allows branching on desktop to coincide advertisement with website to advance advertisement with re-introductive branding (as if stepping away from it, to be retargeted again) but with more follow-up information and coercion to surf. A Contact exit is just one of many (where advertisement exit would suggest conversion in ads).

The actual code for this would be:

user-agent: MediaPartners-Google      #name for advertisers
allow: /                                                 #allowing the googlebot for advertisers to crawl page

This does not create sitemap Index for exits, this idea is a different strategy for traffic flow and control in type of analytic reporting.
Informational, Navigational type sites indicated in metrics (SEO) are able to contend with content management using exit points with advertisement (effective conversion) and ultimate goal of contact page from website (desktop). This helps with further reading, reference, update, maintenance of website in general. 

Suggestion Box
"Suggestion Box"
                       Photo by Karolina Grabowska

<!--The URL does not have to change but the sitemap Index will sort Parent from Type of child when designing pages with audience per device>
This is describing Parent as website and Child as type of device. This parent takes on a full role on desktop while tablet and mobile would have sitemap Indexing for its audience. The screen space, user-friendly, and memory space (load time) for what it is typically used for. It could be the same information as a desktop, but it would have to be presented differently. 
The sitemap Index would be different because of the child - less advertisement on smaller devices permit content to be woven within for content writers. The Ad Network doesn't have this feature just yet - so it would be a plateau of strategies to consider when complaints of screen space suggest demand and interaction time per device. Exit strategies for conversion, customize ads further, by content navigation with CTR. 

<!--Creating the URL notification to enable in-depth content management/information for desktop and partial tablet>
<!--Creating the URL notification to enable mobile direction in address to impact speed of upload/download>

<!--Suggestion for future structuring of Informational/Navigational Sites, Desktop>
<!--Create structure to Carousel URLS for: Home Page/Landing Page, About - Exclaimer Notice, FAQ, Contact, all other MicroPages (list of sale products, articles, etc.) as Parent>
<!--Child Carousel URLS for: Last Modified, URL language, Conversion Directory (list of all clicks on website, incl. separate term for external links), Images/Video.>

I know that there are designated crawlers like Googlebots (user-Agents) that are designated for these types of video, advertisements, throughout the website for external links, etc. so this was a prior consideration. The content I was reading on sitemap Index did not have these as crawlers and I later learned that sitemap Index began in 1994. (check the wikipedia links at the top of this post.)

<!--Maintaining Record, Report, and Improvement with website maintenance.>
This would be the metrics reporting and sitemap strategy of mapping with exits as key. CTR and conversions are highly active. This also indicates issues with the "x" button or the easy exit button to close - perhaps design a marketing platform that indicates this task in a no-return rate for effective learning to promote. Increasing memory, insight on preference, and recommendations on controlling free choice to measure unhealthy activity. Promotional packages for use, monitoring, and the willing user that wants to know what type of person they are and what future to expect for them based on their preferences now can reveal a time management system that saves their dwindling future. 

For the suggestions, it was merely trying to use sitemap to separate the URL listings. They want us to put: to separate languages of website to be found. I thought it would be more useful in the Parent - Child relation with coordinating mobile/tablet and desktop style content. 

Material I read that tried explaining sitemap Index using language separation. This might coordinate with URL as well. I wanted to suggest URL for type of device instead. The layout for website design (jello-layout or dynamic layouts) to become affixed to the dimensions of each custom screen is nice, but it can be daunting for desktop performance and content. We have to continuously cut content by half, and it creates a skimming reader. Full-thought content and desktop experience (or laptop) create the website experience and CTR engagement for advertisement strategies to continue to evolve its user.


I recommend WebadorPRO for website hosting. They did an amazing job with organization and SEO that I cannot commend enough on how easy it is to use. Inputting Google Analytics is encouraged and easily input without even needing to hit the Inspect and HTML data screen with code. There is a setting with the Advanced tab to input everything you need to keep your website in order. 
If you are setting up a simple blog, simple website, less than 50 pages, preferably. I recommend WebadorPRO! You will not need to hassle with sitemap indexing!


Friday, March 3, 2023

Online Reputation Management (ORM)

                                                          Photo By: Mart Production

The idea of this article is to provoke the Employee ORM at an entry level position or in local business positions that feel stuck in their careers called jobs. You have to treat your career like a celebrity builds their portfolio in every appearance, recommendation, and project. Listing everything to endure your personal branding the opportunity to improve the establishment you work for in ORM provides the opportunity we all can achieve. 

 Social Media Profiles

Customer Support Site

Cause Microsites

Corporate ORM websites, social media sites, and their Causes to donate and raise awareness to affiliate their corporate responsibility to the community, are the real meat of ORM. Something that has not made the list is the Employee-based ORM for reviews and supporting the employee ORM while employed with a corporation or local business. 

Employee Reference Networking

There are many examples of what Americans feel like while eating at restaurants and not wanting to feel judged based on their relations with customer and business interactions on a personal level. At times, we feel lucky to be alive while others struggle with the will to live and serve in their hostess positions, cooking duties, and education level. The world may be equal opportunity and we feel like everyone should be happy in their career to tend on what they feel is priority (children, hobbies, family, etc.) however, we often times are forced into places we have no idea how we got there and wind up resentful for not being able to achieve higher potential. 

A couple of solutions ORM can do for an employee reference network to establish within any business or corporate setting: Having the ability to remodel the interior customer waiting lobby with digital marketing campaigns, pinpointing in-house challenges, and taking down reviews from customers to customize their location experience. Going beyond measures to ensure that they understand how important it is for the customers to feel validated in their diet, their products, their service and goods so the company will remain in high quality for the atmosphere that is created in ORM solutions.

Scheduling Diets & Budgets

In the history of mankind, diet choices maintain health and physical features enhanced by what we eat. This was a determining factor for our ancestral bone's regional climate zones, customs, and interpretations of the world and universal observations to regulate history as a pastime of accrued knowledge from provisions in those eras. Now that we are in the future, how do we proceed to interpret, explain, and define history with our import - export agricultural products? It is something that regulated digestion heuristics may not be enough to secure global pandemic outbreaks and irritable bowel syndromes.   

In My America we follow who we want to model based on approved selections to improve daily. We check social media and want to improve but have no idea how to do it. The construction of motivation on a custom level is pinpointing multiple social behavior and personal dilemmas to exercise what we feel America is capable of. We often times fail by comparison to those that have different interactions and flexible limitations to what can be supported for further advancement for being born in a wealthy start. 

A challenger app that models regular behavior and then searches for tastes, interests, habit changes and circulates your progress with other Americans to show improvement scores. It will arrange your daily budget and calculate everything you need to be shown directly what to choose and what you have the ability to afford so its time management with budget give you the options you need without overdoing it or abusing that potential to achieve more. This aims to provide that facade in wealthy starts for being in America, where these are not critical to improvement indicators, that truly matter. 

(What does matter to you and your citizenship then?)

(Do you understand what to work on now?)

(Being American is the privilege and start you want. Now do something to improve the quality of life in America. What is it?)


Once the employee can feel supported in their daily habits to want to improve, and able to prove it, the next thing is to input hobby interests that can exemplify their talent, skills, and expertise by keeping them actively involved with customer relations. This is an entry Public Relations position. 
Another skill that can enhance is internal and external reviews. A lot of restaurants and local businesses offer reviews and are connected with printed materials that help coordinate their business-to-business relations. What anyone can do is input a review sheet with receipt transactions that will prompt feedback or just ask specific questions for the customer attention on experience. They will be more attentive next time, if not this time. Believe it or not, local businesses still need these reviews even if you don't get a freebie for putting in that awesome effort for your purchase. Think of the tourism dollars. 
A waitress is recognized, a chef's neat card placed on the dish served to leave a review, a hostess is invited to conversation, a clerk is commented on knowledgeable recommendations, a janitorial duty is commended by internal staff, and the consistency remains alive. The accountability is at a higher rate. The output is evident and appreciated for the interaction of consumerism. 
We all love working in a place that looks clean, organized, and communicative of teamwork capabilities. What more can we do that isn't already being done?

Having Employees Love Working

What is the more difficult if not enjoy working so much it is the reason you wake up in the morning? We encounter negative impacts in our lives, apart from customer relations, and the next employee we encounter has the ability to change the attitude on great service alone. These are the perfect occasions to strive for. But we want it to continue - so how do we support these interactions? 

Organizational Skills. 

Interior Decorating Skills. 

Customer Relations/ Public Relations.

Review Panelist.

Sanitation Guidelines Enforced. 


The company you work for, in your interview, raise request, update for company performance - is this possible to input on your resume and to provide opportunity to achieve these titles? What do you need to do, that can be supported, to enhance these skills? How have you shown them thus far? What can be approved and noted for future positions to otherwise be referenced or shared throughout all locations (if more than one) and how you are a valued employee with future potential. 

Create A Campaign

  • ORM Reviews conducted by: EMPLOYEE NAME on the company. Information on products, manufacturing, efficiency ratings (if any), environment, and at the reprimand of good conduct in performance to allow that trust to continue of their actual experience, what they endure, and how to remain professional in their review format. This provides experience in effective communication skills.

  • Off The Menu
  •    A location is selected to produce an "Off The Menu" Item with ingredients that are already within store with the assumption of an approved product (to promote purchase by demand) created by kitchen staff. 
       Your task is to have your item demanded onto menu for sale. 
       It is advised to copyright your recipe, including particular ingredients and how to prepare and cook this item. 

  • Specialty In-House Treatments. The open environment to see how your food is prepared should be over. We want to see more adults in positions with food handling, especially the mother roles. The interaction in-house should be revamped for a soothing and calm environment to enjoy their in-house experience (if any). This gives more improvement opportunity to the decor, interior design, and digital marketing campaigns that can be conducted with personal interactions. 

  • Remodeling with Natural Disaster Themes. The interior design is changing, window being replaced, or is under construction? Use a natural disaster theme to raise funds for the cause, provide information with QR codes, recruit for services in actual disaster zones (portfolio, resume, community service), or you just need more time to coordinate the repair and know that it is going to take some time to repair the noisy furnace, broken feature, etc. Being creative to keen eyes with embedded marketing habitual recollection to be remembered for picking what we last enjoyed - may work in your credited efforts. 

                                                                                Photo By: Cup of Couple


    Employee based ORM is not a subject yet. The equal opportunity clause has yet to reach these avenues and we assume that it is fulfilled upon entry position. The availability of opportunity requires a standard level of interaction that allows the main job to be done as task. What improvements are made can occur within but at the cost of time and the rejection of other opportunities. Perhaps we are not deft to climb the corporate ladder, but we can build skill for the portfolio and resume, while wearing these ORM hats, as useful research and attempts to improve the customer relations both in-house and in service while claiming its work during our time with the company. 


    Monday, February 27, 2023

    Nomadic Real Estate

    Nomadic Lifestyle:

    During the relocation and seasonal homes that were necessary, a tradition has crept out of nomadic living into rental permanence. The idea of nomadic real estate specifies an answer for the over-populated cities, suburbia communities, and hardships of maintaining natural pristine forestland to live in natural settings that spark historical favors of survival. Nomadic Real Estate
                                                       Photo By: Eberhard Grossgasteiger

    The ability to regain circuit movement in a particular job, education, resource, and home space. The adventure of discovery is missing in America and the abandoned homes unable to sell, the unexpected crime rate, the love interest that beckons settling down into a home to raise a child. People who understand what is necessary in valuing a future of luxury, as we see natural resources needing replenishment, should become necessary to involve nomadic living in reforestation efforts.

    The idea of pushing settlement beyond a prepared life creates movement in life to invite introduction to people that welcome nomadic living. It should keep people separated from involving themselves into crime, support non-reproductive habits, isolate the environmental push towards ecological involvement, and they remain able to move freely as necessary, at a much more affordable and useful rate. 

    It is a hard thing to do, keep auspicious movement clear of harm or danger. The pressure on local churches and homeless shelters with business foreclosures mocked at available space are unable to provide the selling sphere it needs. Further degrading the economy and the appeal of being an American lapses freedom to undermine its Rights and Constitution by being unable to sustain living arrangements. What opportunistic equivalence should we categorize our abilities when homeless, self-righteous individuals cantankerous to Liberty of Peace, expel indifference? How do we approach with solution?

    The circuitry of nomadic lifestyles provides an isolated movement, a time and emotional connection to self-discovery and redefinitions for patience. This typically moves by season, annually at most.

    Ecological skills can be learned and certified into clear cutting, planting, construction, carpentry, sewing, online education courses, farm hands, and maintaining houses on the circuitry for nomadic living. Being able to provide these features enable the preparedness another type of education can accrue. 
    We need more options outside of collegiate institutions, incarcerated institutions, parental provisional sustenance, and begin employing for natural resource departments to uphold treaty rights that sustain our natural resources for future stakeholders in generational replenishment organizations to be upheld in their valor. We need to recognize these efforts and help. 

    In all seriousness, read the reports of global climate effects, population control, pollution studies, the melting polar ice caps, the degradation of species near extinction, and think about it - how are you going to solve this crisis? What are your actual crises as of right now? (e.g., Personal, Global, Transition, Urbanization, Relatable Indifferences?) One thing that affects all of them is the health state of the natural environment. 

    Nomadic Real Estate
                                                                                                     Photo By: Altered Snaps

    Living On Fumes:

    Attention to check-by-check (e.g., wage) lifestyles, the adjustments and emergency situations that arrive require maintenance to continue the check-by-check living arrangements. There is no room for error. However these types of Americans occur, is not the issue. The real issue is providing Americans equally by supporting lifestyles that support saving money to invest in a resting home. We want all Americans to invest in their retirement and choose the lifestyle that supports their freedom for options in their own categories that best supply their lifestyle by paying attention to citizen services of an environmental impact. 

    There is no camping, no sleeping in the car, no pit stops that can guarantee safety (although, they are still safe, it is a targeted area), no trespassing! You have to pay for every time you park your vehicle or want to put up a tent, as it should be, but, when the world begins to see drought, water is scarce - we realize that time is of the essence. We need to act now to save our wilderness and forestlands! This means putting citizens in action to recount their affinity to the country by reforestation efforts so they can earn their belonging and remain prideful in country as they should (by now). 

    While backpacking in other countries is a tourism hit for their economy, it can be devastating on their environment. To establish trails for them to follow would be an ideal set up to occur and break down into living arrangements that are encouraged. Options, yes, there are apps in South America that allow people to stay and do chores, small jobs and tasks to stay there free of charge or with free meal arrangements. Supporting the tourism with home space that is affordable. 
    Safety requirements are at best in any situation. If we truly believe in our humanity today and the access to these nomadic living arrangements to prove their validity on neighborly acquiescence to bid ourselves into fortunate tides - then it should be promoted. I would hate to see this get tarnished in the near future over self-embellishments in novelty that exclude the next good person that exercises peaceful encounters. 

    Why Choose Nomadic Lifestyle?

    This is not for everyone. We know this. Until it can be made for these occasions, how else are we going to clean the streets up and remind constantly on the freedom of America in comparison to the rest of the world if it isn't embedded somehow? Mainstream is providing a facade that is illicitly not complying with social responsibility. People need to be reported on abstaining from reproduction out of fear that their children are going to live during a time without water. How devastating! How can we not have this type of opinion to curb those consistent provisions to act now. You want to supply assistance for free - do it with advice to remain unreproductive to save the future of those child's lives!
    The loss of nomadism would be depressed upon required living knowledge if it were to cease existence as humans adapt and lose function in survival. The incompetent roles that provide room for development through creative strategy and the relation with environment (how many people actually felt less than a person if they had to live this and would seek out invention for remedy?) to identify original bliss.


    I see plenty of entitled families who are loving, protecting, and deserve all that there can be offered to establish its foundation into a valor future to continue its tradition of being an American. Are we America or a sub-country to role model after?

    I ask kindly to stop reproducing and begin caretaker duties for the environment by enlisting in reforestation programs and conservation efforts to keep the natural wildlife species alive. If there is not a program, we need to make one happen with nomadic living arrangements. 
    Majority populations have another homeland of the same type of people - enough is enough, I state this for the response of every human life is important campaigns. We need to keep the forests alive, and we need a nomadic lifestyle to resurface again to re-seed and re-establish its domain for thriving flora and fauna. At the production level currently, we will not be able to label organically, sustain consumption rates effectively, and it will begin to affect jobs to afford those homes for those loving Americans. 



    Thursday, February 23, 2023

    SCIRP Journal Review - Signals In The Atlantic Ocean

    SCIRP Journal Review - Positioning

    Scientific Research Publishing, a place to publish peer-review scholarly articles in a scientific online community. 

    Article: A Simulation of Reflected ADS-B Signals over the North Atlantic for a Spaceborne Receiver

    Authors: Richard Van Der Pryt, Ron Vincent
    Department of Physics, Royal Military College of Canada, Kingston, Canada

    Published Date: February 2016


    REVIEW conducted February 2023:

    Searching for valid journals to form submission articles to validate an experience with online communities and service to improve educational subjects for another critique or opinion is the objective. 
    What I find interestingly close are articles that pertain to the advancement of Programming and where it is being used. The software in these studies, improved (I believe) after the initial antenna, but for this article with Spaceborne receivers that use Python, I discuss the review and its ecological impact for direct contact with mammals and wildlife species altogether. 

    I had previously read on the same website (different article) on the signal reactions for triangular methods used along with the type of signal (G3 Towers that have since been replaced with G5 Telecommunication Towers, FCC antenna registration.)

    For the Programming of these signals, these items were unlisted for the study of its original tests: 

    1. Reaction to surface in movement (tests were conducted over the Atlantic Ocean and considered the reflection of water but not the movement of it, as stated within this article).

    2. Compensation Programming (this may have been an early model of Python since it did describe older technology in the article. I wanted to emphasize the techniques that did not wield the null space in its computations where the movement of water could not be recorded data). 

    3. Delay/Change in return (The signal reached reflection, water surface and returned at this contact. It does not state specifically upon direct touch or an in-depth measurement. It appears to have unresolved calculations. This is very important for the ecological factor in evidential observations to act on). 

    4. Measurement for signal value and its return value (They did not specify much detail about the Python Programming language, and what values were assigned in these tests to determine a change detected or how to correct the reflective rate of signals and its effects). 

    5. Measure two components on linear so that it can answer these basic questions:
  • (Base (from the spaceborne receiver)) out to in (reflection or water surface).

  • in to out 

  • in to in (what was the reaction within this region that could have been studied within an enclosed space before outdoor contact to register any harms, detection, and ripple effects from the signal strength). 

  • is there an out - spectrum change? The article did determine the ionosphere that it was conducting these tests from, were listed as environmental features for the spatial coordination of signal strength being used. Was this signal an array of sorts that could be controlled?

  • Notes Under Review:

    Signal polluters identified were the Atlantic Ocean and the ionosphere, within this range. 
    Some interesting findings in the equations they used did not attest to the type of waves that they were measuring, other than the height of them. 
    I would have liked to see something that coordinated with their null and pivotal change in reading for direct and reflected signals. I calculated that to interpret two forms of media structures being measured:

    1. A receding wave that is pulling upwards into a pivotal crest. (Reverse Pivot)
    2. A Filling motion that swells within this agreeable cavity location. (Over-Under)

    The zero they reference within these equations represented a change (twist) of event that defined a divergence indicator - which did not mention it apart from each other, but together. 

    There is a scintillating reading from the Ocean recalls, this is referred to as a Scattering Theory - which arrives to the signal emitted in the time of observation to find these direct initiatives to make contact with the Ocean. 
    If the timing of these signals could be within the Direct range of a point of origin in the waves, readily available to range within the area of a surface (since it is determined to not be too dramatically specific in the exact location of when it hits the Ocean to be measured, so long as the distance from the point of origin was able to calculate an average or expected average). This could be changed to the time of signal emitted that is measured for an accurate reading during a time of a Reverse Pivotal moment in the wave of the Ocean. 
    Similar to that as a surfer can arrive to, timing the lapse in waves and pinpointing its desired location for those direct signals to read sharply and continuously. 

    The measurements they use to project are unrealistic. A direct signal is all that is necessary for this specific signal directing in a successful measurement. The projected rate is safe to say, in Oceanic measurements and height - it is determined by inclement weather as observed in the pilot seat to react and change measurements to something more dire and urgent in those scenarios. 

    The signal from the antenna that are used (two, specifically a low emitting radar and an encompassing signal) that determine the lateral, longitudinal, and azimuth calculations. These were as expected but what puzzled me, was the actual data itself - since they are using a media such as water, does this not refract? In signal? If not, then why is it being suggested in a weak state such as being recalled reading only that type of data such as light emitted. 
    A lot of the data that was presented, made it obvious that the emitted signal was outputting more than just a beacon of light to be dictated by reflection in water moving. 
    I would have liked to see the divergence in type of signal, sound beds, sound bed made, polluter or environmental factors in the equations, and the changed images on the longitudinal, horizontal, and azimuth maps. 

    Environmentally Responsible:

    beached whale

    This was specific to signal and Ocean for not being able to detect its recall. I actually do not believe its findings or report for data - unless they absent mindedly collected it without intention of forming a report for review. I feel like the data could be valid, but the test has to change. Objective was not clearly defined. This was a presentation of data for distributing an appeal to reveal that signals don't harm animals in the Ocean (which I very much disagree with). People have a lot to do with whale beaching's and in the mass over the years. If they are watching them from satellite and directing their beacons onto them (without sound bed insulation tactics to not directly disturb the animal's sensitivity), that could be a case to take to those that have insulated a lifestyle with their presence in the divine forms. 


    It is this lack of care and judgement towards aquatic mammals and life in general that we find plenty of living species extinction rates climb. Is it because we are watching them too closely without regard to sensitivity? Migration on land and sea has changed. Many things have changed since the invention of these signal towers and satellites. 

    NO DIRECT SIGNALS FOR OBSERVATIONS OF WILD SPECIES should permit the further investigations of these studies and data until a formidable case can provide its non-effects on aquatic species. 

    I am looking forward to more signal receiving and outputting articles from this website. So far, I have updated further on a robotic article, a form of I am familiar with, and found it about the same. This was another update; I have been loosely watching in regard to the FCC and tower shift into a G5 instead of G3. The types of polluters I notice and what upgrades are doing to the natural environment, I am keeping a close eye on you and intend to continue working towards an effective measure for future safety procedures that impact global recognition towards our ecological duties. I would very seriously like to further my investigation into direct signals and EPA for the Oceanic Review and Standard Operating Procedures upon a migrational effort to cease signal pollution. 

    Thank you!


    Wednesday, February 22, 2023

    What is the Title for a Futuristic Librarian?


    Punctual Privilege

    Not everything is science-fiction, in regard to future outlines of expectations, to greet upon establishing a futuristic agenda. I am searching for the futuristic librarian that emulates a role in punctually privileged citizens to grant access into a group of critics made solely on characterizing constitutional reiterations that catapult us, as a society, into the next world. Something that changes money. Commerce. Education systems. Time Management Systems and its priorities. Human Life comparisons and direct guidance programming. Language. Culture. The works. 

    Change happens in a place that most know would gain success in numbers. This next phase of shifting into a mature state of international recognition, to survey, is going to begin with a third person commentary on the life of an infamous author/poet/publisher/educator of your choice. Study their work. Write your recommendations on transitioning this titled position into a history while seeking flaws, dilemmas, and outrage its fundamentals to inspire your own work. Categorize this in a punctual privilege to contest notable works of art to succeed them in shades that we stay cool in. 

    Who survives? You or Them? And why?

    Futuristic Librarian
                                                                                                   Photo By:  Nicola Barts

    Privileged List to Follow

    This needs research by first locating your mentor. Mentorship programs allow the invitation. What you want, is to find the work in articles, journals, peer-review panels, interviews - things less scripted and prepared for, the better. The raw work is fundamental to exploitation and received in a way that is acceptable and ready to debate. This is a part of study that we do not allow ourselves, which is a shame. The debate, the review, the acceptable persona to assume in resourcing information to support or deny. 
    Students of any caliber would refer to this state of mentality wherever they go - to speed their interest into prospective addition and furthermore, their own works of art. The brief introduction into copyright and other disclaimer disciplines aid the student into a direct name to build at a young age - to be respected in their climb into mentorship themselves. 

    Central Positions On Introductions

    Preservation intact, you believe you can be inspirational and eagerly announce your findings without protection. Out of respect, any upcoming educator or panelist is going to have to learn how to be patient and understand that if they have something that changed their life for the better - they need to support surprise with an itinerary. Supportive facts and further research dictate time stamps, supportive evidence, changed beliefs (which does happen very often in these stages), and security of factors that shake your fundamentals into breaking down for the last time (again). It does happen and it is a scary thing that should make you feel big - when in fact - belittles your future into realizing it is the start that usually goes unannounced. 

    How do you remain centrally positioned?

    This is a strategy, you see. The audience, your work, and the advanced stages unforeseen beyond your reach once it hits the public scene - are all going to have an ill effect, at best, and provide some unruly gust of wealth claimed by somebody other than you. This is frowned upon, as mentioned in my blog post on "Cascading Copyright Designs". However, remaining centrally positioned is a skill that requires special attention in revelation - noting its reference - and remaining tid-bit-to-tat for acceptable review rates. I suggest posting older designs rather than new (I am still working out these kinks myself and hate pushing old work so I can put those years of adjustments into effect now - but to remain centrally positioned, you have to have claimed some of those grounds initially for fear of being outdated in your own designs). 

    Nobody Will Know, Go Ahead, Try It

    Believing in words and the interpretation of them can be misleading interpretatively. What you output to read may be misunderstood. Pictures are good, but do we want to outdo the easy climb with pick-up-and-go infrastructures? Not really. 
    The best thing I have found - is dictating your audience and want someone (especially if you are leading them there or requesting review or needing someone else to work with) who can understand what you wrote without having to spill the same old beans over and over again. Fundamental to design is accepted - but having to state its fundamental to shatter another's - priceless (groundbreaking work often leads us to believe reaction is proof, when our intention was not to receive proof but to receive a valid audience type). 

    Know what you are doing and pay attention to how you are doing it. 

    I have a hard time keeping my eyes focused on a subject in discussion, its rude. So, now that I notice other conversations find it rude for you to wander, ugh. I have to change! What can I try here? The advice is to stare back, I end up looking past them. The advice is to remain engaged in the conversation; I actually agree with this one. The less you care about eye movement and more on the actual intention and topic of conversation, the more you should realize what is important and go with it. 

    Using that - how do I communicate to my future librarian - what I do not know, what I want?

    This may sound off-subject - but trying to think ahead is usually not a preparation or talked about much. Thinking of vocabulary science fiction can name new, we are developing a point in subject that moves education sideways. We are going to be re-evaluating every educational subject and move sideways with it to improve that centrally positioned opinion. 

    That centrally positioned opinion is going to find a weakness from a "hackers" stance. Determine the measures that will enable your place within time, well spent in study, to introduce your findings upon enabling you the right to be educational material. The future librarian will announce your arrival from the privileged group they formed in history to save us all the grief of consistently being right one way (directionally accepted in education) to begin diversification perspective approaches to result in a wholly amended education system.

    Breakfast Bowls
                                  Photo By: Taryn Elliott

    Note: It is customary to enjoy something sweet to accompany good thoughts, natural delicacies that are picked from the middle ground of its bush. The top of the bush is reserved for the birds, the bottom is reserved for ground critters. The middle is designated for human and bear contact to harvest this beautiful fruit. Preparing a meal to share a conversation begins with adding the flare to establish an American custom. 


    Welcome to Gravacity!

    Welcome to Gravacity! I have been anticipating my C#-Part 2 NWTC course in the second term of the Fall Semester and within it, a game I must...