Sunday, September 10, 2023

Review on "The NEWSTACK - Platform Engineering - What You Need To Know Now"

 The NEWSTACK "Platform Engineering - What You Need To Know Now"

The NEWStack Platform Engineering Article

The NEWSTACK is a great resource for software developers/engineers to bring out relevant ways to stay informed, updated, and concurrent with job description outside of projects/homework using a media platform stance to remain strong in the business formatting. The structured economical recourse to transition our leadership delegates smoothly into familiar ground also opens up the close explanation of why technological businesses are going to be required within the future competition (if not already happening). 

The newsletter after signing up with The NewStack - was downloaded and easy to read. The documentation for what to expect using this light read was exactly what any student in the field is looking for in regards to atmosphere, expectations, and what to be equipped for upon the door opening moments of being titled with the degree and categorized toolsets, ready to start. 

A couple of things that I took from this (tremendous help in my future) - was how to envision your team and inter-departmental communications that will be in transitioning other teams, other facets of the project, and how to coordinate the API mangement necessities for each task. 
Using the Platform as a Product approach (following the cues of Software as a Platform, Infrastructure as a Platform, etc.) those who are using the Platform to develop are internal customers in the eyes of the ownership of the project. Logging progress to anticipate error or standstill operable time using multiple ways to measure this progress. 
    I agree with the user research to establish the customer personas (software devs) to produce a roadmap and backing system that is logged for tight feedback looping. But, the marketing aspect was puzzling to me. How do you get the service level objectives (SLO) for marketing to the internal customer without backlashing that previous time. Isn't this a no-no in regards to time management? I think this was under a sandbox operation for devs to encounter a free-space for what they would bring to the project and make it happen with the instruction of improvement and enforcing a strong interface system to rely on its foundation. I think the business venture is productive, but in doses of its ownership project. 

The Most Important Skills was documented and polled within these projects and I just want to highlight one:
Knowledge of System Integration (67%)
Ability to automate processes (61%)
Familiarity with CI/CD (54%)

Knowledge of performance monitoring (42%)

Ability to execute end-to-end performance testing (38%)
Addressing roadblocks to agility (38%)

Knowledge of Performance Monitoring caught my attention as my level of educational objectives at this time and I felt like if I knew what to focus during my studies on how to make a name for myself in the field, I would be a reliable source for that one specified objective. I did not know what it would be, thinking less than what I knew in the career, and glad to know now. The performance monitoring are free tools online that can be done with websites using analytical tools and staying within this sphere of tool making, improving, and reading its source through and through with expecting it in a specified place and branching from this point of contact. 

What are the steps of this? 
1. There has to be something to monitor. 
2. Find what tools work best in specified code, situations, presentation, deployment/publishing. 
3. Debugging.
4. Elude anti-patterns and creating new ones. 
5. Self-progress and making checkpoints based on structured code and mentorship breakthroughs. Taking note of logic, syntax, and inter-departmental (security, API, engineering, etc.) expectations. 

I wanted to suggest restructing the image of the platform as a living thing that gets bigger. With the small foundation that develops from it, time, and work - it is hard to let these things go and feel like its going to fall apart without those initial directories and infrastructural support systems. I would prefer using a directional path of prioritizing for open channels without breaking the project task load, time of win rates. The channels they build with secure the infrastructure (while avoiding another anit-pattern of using the code as infrastructure) using inter-departmental standards as checkpoints. This doesn't provide a shape for the project other than full figured and ready to dance. This has to be a project worth the time invested in by being effective with the direction first. I just didn't want to create something that everyone had to catch like a ripple in a pond to say that this is what they were going to do while it touched their part of the perimeter, to ripple back at the dev and their work to re-do and maintain that initial ripple. It just sounded too shifty for me to feel like it was secure enough to get work done. 

This was mentioned within the article itself, with professional advice provided here as its review can merely reiterate what these professionals are doing so well in. It is specified to learn that this group they did focus group research with, work well together, and how them doing their tasks with effective communication was key. This is going to have to remain flexible and update frequently with other tools (another key advice provided within the article). 


I am going to integrate the terms "SLACK" , "DEMO DAYS" , "LUNCH-AND-LEARNS" to the NEW-TRG group time/schedule to meet. I want to consistently create these IT atmospheres to become comfortable and custom to meet while engaging in projects without losing that humanity and humor of being with a group you work well with. 
As for the article, I will keep opening those newsletters and stayin informed as I pursue the Software Developer degree for its career experiences that await me. 


Thursday, August 17, 2023

C Sharp & Me

Snippet of C# tutorial tip - reminder
                                                                                                Microsoft Learns Training C# Module

 Counting With C Sharp

The arithmetic for C# coincides with what core education in America is about. We understand it has a quadrilateral expalanation from what we learned in elementary education. Technically, a machine and a user interact not on a quadrilateral understanding, and not even a linear understanding of logic involved with the binary that supports these fascinating ins and outs of word generating equations. According to history, in any part of the world, it began with our hands. What is the first thing we grab at to begin our counting mechanical relationships? 

We are placing logic with binary languages (which is just translation of each letter that the machine/robot understands as programmable data) and relying very heavily on its structure to produce quality conversations between user and machine. It really isn't though... is it? 

I hate to admit it, but if we keep upgrading the machine, we are going to outdo ourselves first - before we can break it to dissect and improve after. What of this technology do we want? What is the ultimate goal? 

C# identified an equation that brings me to the history of counting. 
The image above indicates how a variable is incremented using the "++" operator/keyword, which is supposed to make it easier. That's great, it does. But what I want to understand with this arithmetic is the counting systems of history where they begin to integrate alphabets with numeral icons and coincide this to favor what can be considered a multiplication table. 

So, we have 1-9, A-Z, and 0. Where does 0 coincide with the alphabet? Is there an operator that can connect these icons/symbols/letters/numbers? Is that what ++ does? No, it can be related to the Mayan "repeat" icon which is similar to a colon (example is ':') icon. This is interesting, considering it doesn't want to function as an entire sequence - but it does. It just means to increment by 1. 
AGAIN. I favor counting by 1, but I don't think many people understand today - how this is decrementing our mathematical concepts and space of what we are using to communicate with machine and user. 

We can do better. 

I do admire everything that software programming has done thus far, and beyond, and after - but I just want to express my knowledge disconnection and time with comprehending the "logic" between the languages that we are using and relying on and what it is doing to our future programming. I don't want this time to be a waste either. 

How do we connect these little tid bit peices that seem to keep us standing still? It is great, but, I want to do something that has more human history and in-depth research to what can create programming languages for the concrete philosophies and evolved concepts that have proven themselves in nature and not forced. There are downfalls to forcing these programming languages. It becomes spaghetti code. 

The interpretation is literal - have you checked stackOverflow lately?

I found myself on StackOverFlow and had to waste literally 10 minutes on a phrase that was typed the same - but within itself, jumbled, and made into the same thing. The headlines for these arguments are often misinterpreted into what program does what with this code - and why it didn't work - and what did work. It is a community. Very intimidating if you are just beginning. 
I go in this place, brand new, look around, and get stunned by this argument --- and end up feeling like a fool for trying to understand the HISTORY of the concepts. This isn't taught, by the way - where the C# protocol arrived to describe or need this keyword, function, method, etc. in a programming scheme. That part never gets explained. I'm the type, that kind've needs that, to understand what you are referencing so I can imagine this concept as useful and relevant. 
There isn't anything like it at this time. 
We literally need to consider these strategist histories and reference where you were inspired for this keyword genius compilation that got us the interface design tools we see today. What was it? Who was it? Do you even know? 

I recommend researching Zero philosophies in your culture, language, and stand by them. Get those approved with your American history making techniques and revamp what being an American is all about. We literally need you to be inspired by more American "doings" and program based on that history. This would provoke a country people to develop the lifestyle for space travel, pioneering, and sustainability. Preserving what we are inspired by - nature (what I use currently) - helps me accept this. We are making virtual realities after all. 

Reading Lists: 
2. "Zero: The Biography of a Dangerous Idea by Charles Seife (Personally have not read yet, but on deck!)

You have to know not to take these literal. Zero mathematics isn't proven on the other side of the world, much less in Mayan Civilization - it is drought in comparison to what it should be today. Those languages have not been properly translated and are here today from compiling into English society with education systems that have not been formed at the time to accept a different superior mathematical system. They heard about Zero here, went back home and tried figuring out where it was this whole time... it's a difficult study to prove. But they do it best in "The Nothing That Is" - which is truly inspiring and awesome for the rich history in commerce, diversity, and the counting phenomena that has improved each of the cultures within it. The concept of Zero has yet to be revealed with what I have seen so far, and it shows in our core education with mathematics - a dot. It is nothing. It is emptiness. It is a hub that makes everything work in connection. 

Just a reminder that Native Americans are the oldest human beings in the world and we have had to colonize our new modern living through translation. We are always going to sound unintelligent, for being taught the English ways. The actual perspective is that intelligence isn't taught, it is forced to learn eloquent communication as a type of prestige you are born with. So... a couple of generations later. Here we are. Learning how to count in C#, asking the simple question of, "Where does this come from?"

What is the most likely answer? 

Because, I can't explain this whole blog post in one keyword that explains exactly what I am trying to ask: Why does it looks like that? (Also, do you realize what you DON'T have to learn and still understand?)

How are you not asking these questions to find out while its still a thousand years fresh on their mind? (In comparison to human history, a thousand years is actually pretty fresh when talking about zero as a mathematical concept.)


Monday, July 31, 2023

US Constitution and FCC - Which one regulates the internet?

 Federal Communications Commission (FCC) 

FCC seal
                                             Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Official Seal, Wikipedia.

Communication is regulated by the FCC within the United States of America that include: wire, radio, television, satellite, and cable. FCC Jurisdiction over broadband access, fair competition, radio frequency use, media responsibility, public safety, and homeland security are also within this federally recognized independent agency of the USA. (FCC Source)

The most recent induction of representation within this agency is the Space Bureau (SB) who leads with space-based communications, satellite, policies and licensing activities since April of 2023. This is a repercussive action from the division of the International Bureau forming also the Office of International Affairs. 

FCC Seal Before 2020
FCC Seal before 2020, Wikipedia.

U.S. Constitution and the FCC

The internet was originally intended for scholar articles, journals, and scientists to communicate via network with computers that contained databases of FTP protocols and early designs of telecommunications that held actual information (while wire services typically transmitted signals to be received in passing messages or with radio waves and frequencies to deliver messages via audio productions). The Telecommunications Act of 1996 enacted before the mass distribution of personal computers, website engineers for business, education, and eventually social sites and the start of a new economy within America. It is still a developing governance of jurisdiction, law, and federal control - which most internet service providers and engineers would prefer to stay out of federal domain. There is a pull to the jurisdiction, especially during the free access literature for communications using internet and the advancement of it. The push is providing a competition ground without establishing its currency, domain regulation for all to agree and abide with, and for it to circumvent into the American economy productively and without environmental burden. The priorities of internet have swept through the country without recognition to the natural environment, human study of virtual realities (frequency, wifi signals, satellite monitoring, and access through hack), and leadership. To catch a thief in these domains takes ciritical action, expertise, resources, and dedicated service in time which ultimately leads to major violations of homeland security. 

The Internet & Neutrality
                                                                                   The Internet & Neutrality, Adobe.

Internet Neutrality (I highly recommend hitting this link to see what your working with via "Internet!")

The identifying name was changed to enact a connection for a "net neutrality" position to regulate the Internet Service Provider (ISP), its fair access policies (not blocking their customers from certain material online), transparency (agreements must be known between user and ISP), and no unreasonable discrimination. 

The Communications Act of 1934 is the first enactment that is referenced for who regulates the Internet as a communication field with the actual recognition of 'Internet' in the Telecommunications Act of 1996.

Communications Act of 1934 Wiki Snippet
                                                    Communications Act of 1934, Wikipedia.

Communications Act of 1934, Telecommunications Act of 1996 and Net Neutrality

Making internet available, equally, between user and networking company that provides the service allocates the right to freedom of speech online. What it does not do, however, is regulate with the Environmental Protection Agency on its environmental impact. Signal pollution is a study that has not effectively been capable of measuring the strength of its service to the reprimands of migrational impacts, species instinction listings, and insectual increase since the 1990's. The temperature increase, global pandemics, and budget restraints due to increasing population with medical alleviated death tolls have dramatically altered the landscape of resources. At this rate, most can agree that it is not looking ideal to produce equal neutrality resources to anyone if it cannot be sustained. Regardless of sustenance and necessity resources, internet would also be impacted from the ability to serve its area if it becomes dependent upon its infrastructures. 

America needs to be ideal in who these services benefit and that out of protection of resource and land - it is best to not indulge in information that increases movement within people, speculation of rioting, and other sensitive information that promotes acts of hacking or embezzlement by using internet irregulated avenues at this time. Coercion of crowd containment and distractions of media involved speculations that involve social shifts in information release and developmental infrastructures increase the acts of identity fraud and manipulation to credit what is unforeseen for those that cannot learn the material fast enough. 

They did not poll for this service. They did not request an EPA standard. They do not post the results to public for signal pollution and remediation for migrational repair. They do not become responsible for being out of the element of its domain (Communications). How are these being interconnected today in 2023? The strength of leadership may be unaware to most of this development, considering their platforms or otherwise distractions. 


People need to know it is still in development and that we need to think of future impacts before releasing its impact on our society. Games, Signal Pollutions, anything technology does have tremendous intake from the American public - and they are growing up in a developing virtual reality of social withdrawl, isolated extremist groups, and a guppy crowd of younger Americans that know nothing of technology and don't want to know. How do we lead for repair when the entire country has priorities that have not been consistent in types of information we manage the country with? We trust our leadership. (*>>>erkks... the same leadership who is too busy with their platform and distractions??)

It is still a choice. A freedom. 

Start putting technologist repetoires in our leadership with environmental priorities for damage control and begin resourcing people with blatantly announcing the choice to conserve genetic traits out of suppressing the fear of future without water, land, animals, and begin to repair our time with studying a necessary task for the health of the Country! 

** Can you believe that there isn't a law about internet, but about its communication service cost, availability, and type? People still don't know what internet is! It is the computer, that I send messages, and credit card information... but its the services that you conduct business with that those are governed and trusted. Data governance is a huge issue alongside the unmentionable - regulation and checking of monetary/fiduciary currencies being trafficked online. Where are the accountability reports for this? The compact agreements? The standards of operating a cash flow? The legitimate documentation for not creating your own currency to be rendered through a financial institution to pay out! 

Stay informed. Be active. Research. 


Tuesday, June 27, 2023

Digital Logic (Wiring Binary)

 Digital Logic: How machines interpret binary as an instruction!

Digital Logic Image
                                                                                                                                                Adobe Asset

Creating Paths Using Truth Tables

Depending on the equation you are working with - this algebraic style of interpretation can be formatted for binary to construct the wiring diagram within a logic circuit demonstration to appease the original equation visually. 

The truth tables purpose rely on WHAT will work in the diagram by indicating its "HIGH" or "1" position and what that binary is. 


AB + C(inversed)

A          B          C          C(inversed)          AB          AB + C(inversed)

0           0          0           1                            0                    1
0           0          1           0                            0                    0
0           1          0           1                            0                    1
0           1          1           0                            0                    0
1           0          0           1                            0                    1
1           0          1           0                            0                    0
1           1          0           1                            1                    1
1           1          1           0                            1                    1

The binary truth table reveals the wiring diagram (which is a whole other task of finding the AND and NOT to inverse its C value) in an output which is found in the AB + C(inversed) section above. Every "1" that is categorized, indicates that it will work if you reference your inputs to be activated reading left to right. 

If you are in a software programming environment and cannot picture the logic behind some of the theorems, rules that isn't fully compatible with what has been drilled into you in your education journey of what is correct in algebra and basic mathematics - it pays off once you finally reach this point of understanding. The feeling is like living a lie. 

The madness behind logic with binary mathematical designs such as this require the basic components to reach a certain point and then prove itself afterwards by following these schemas to the very end. It is highly encouraged to participate in a Digital Logic course (multiple types if you can) and let the task of completion excite you at your own pace (finally - if you struggled thus far with living a lie)

This is a basic binary example of the engineering that coordinates with the software programming that enables the machine to function wonderfully with what we need. The diagram does come with its own software, almost similar to Visual Studio would perform - but definitely necessary to have a background in electronics. 

It does prove usefulness if you are wanting to work with networking, needing to install hardware, and working with the basic functions of binary and programming languages to clean every bone within the system possible (depending your paygrade and title). I have some experience working with something like this, installing slot machines and running into technical difficulties with the rewards program with clients that want to use points and get free money to play with. This could prove useful in that field but now that the hardware has improved so much since then - I have to keep learning. 

Machine Compiler Languages

One thing I noticed doing this - is ASCII being used to connect machine wiring with decision making and the ASCII interpretation of its glossary components (to speak English as well). I believe that machines need compilers to read the language but I do not understand how we need to read its language yet. 
What I mean is, the compiler is being worked double into what is being done - it also limits its alphabet system. The hexadecimal, decimal, binary plus ASCII are working to coordinate the same alphabet, the same numbers, and not changing or reserving binary to machine language only. There could be another language, but it cuts down on the compiler time to translate instruction. That would be another portal to include, which can cause errors. 

As I work with NABM and earning the Software Developer degree with NWTC - I am enthralled about so many things I did not know before in my occupation and feel delighted to know more about the why. What I want binary to be used for, in a machine compiler, is to place its own location, as a self, and be able to translate compiled languages based on the operation of its inputs. 

This reserves the right to human intelligence and artificial intelligence by maintaining its own language and being able to reference its binary components as a dimensional shape it maintains by operator in logic that can be written for it based on type of function. 
This means, the machine could hold memory of operator as a source by placing a binary ability to a specified location - this is particularly because NABM is a spatial/temporal recognizer using only binary. The binary language used, operators need their own domain, to formulate results that provide the capability of how an object is moving through the binary process. How the object is growing (or collecting ability to do something logically and reasonably). 

It is truly putting value to objects and requiring them to gain their ability to have that keyword strength/key factor to do what it is asking. 

Most programming I have seen, create the keyword in a library but do not mention where it is coming from. It is developed and stored and wired with binary, as we know now, and classified to be used. That is fine for input but when Artificial Intelligence grasps onto some unknown future where it creates its own tools, language, etc. PLUS the hackers that maintain key passwords to create these keywords -- this is predicted to be controlled using binary as a security measure with NABM in the future. Goal setting as a I learn to be a Software Developer!

Obviously, NABM is still in development, I do not know when that will be complete - but I am recruiting for it, there is an online peer-review open with basic principles - and after 2024 is planned on publishing a curriculum book to elaborate work thus far. It is my life's work. I am excited, regardless of personal struggles and loneliness waves of missing out on certain parts of life - this is why it will be worth it!

A little bit goes a long way. Keep trying. 


Thursday, June 8, 2023

Consumer Habits Part III

Consumer Habits Part III

A small contribution of consumerism in Native America from __Mischief!

Design Blog - Sketch Process & Fabric

Designed By __Mischief

I have experience in silk screen printing by hand (college course supplied), sewing, beading, and upcycling clothes I already own into repaired pieces to continue until I throw them out - delaying the next purchase as far as I can. The designing process for clothes has to be the most enjoyable skill to possess in any creative coot's toolbox. The best recommendations come from the eccentric, eco-sustainable, and versatile products that you must consider before purchasing. 

1. A small battery box operated wire light. This can double into night-running gear, multiple dress designs (use white or light fabric) and can be versatile for almost any other function you need lights for. The battery pack is decent, I am thinking there's going to be a smaller battery pack in the near future, but until then, a AA size for two is the best (and affordable that I can find). String Lights Link Here (Amazon)!

2. Sewing Patterns: Pick the simple pattern you can modify as you sew. The more complex, the more designed by that pattern you must stick with. Besides using funky pattern change-ups and adding embellishments the pattern can be changed based on having this simple template to follow. Adding cut-outs also works. This might be an obvious addition, but let's encourage your designer self first by making a mistake and saving that idea/hack on how you recovered that time well spent. Sewing Pattern SERP

3. Headdress designs. I have been trying to design a headdress that I can wear daily and gaining a collection in something masculine rather feminine. I also tread lightly on ceremonial headdress designs as needing an actual person to develop with. What I can do, I try blending contemporary with futuristic blends to satisfy my lineage but also to establish the artistic measures as an inter-tribal blended person (multiple tribal affiliations). There aren't any guidelines as to how traditional regalia changes, it just does as the person creates something in their background history and affluence to their cultural right. As future continues to greet us, we will be seeing more blended regalia out there. 
Try remaining an original style with any blended versions - they can insult us if not done properly. Try starting at any base and working your way upwards with something small until an accomplishment can be recognized for your designs. 

4. Ribbon Skirts. So fun, affordable, and fast to make. Spring and Summer Seasons and with the right leggings Fall to Winter can provide designs made by you a life to breathe in unity of continuation. I have seen many and continue to enjoy witnessing these designs. I like to bunch the sides of my ribbon dresses and pin them or sew by the knee (for larger women especially) to give a shape to them that hugs and accentuates curves. Above the knee must have a gathered fabric to poof out and over while being cinched. 

5. Consider your region. I enjoy Woodland styles of clothing, which require a sense of "squaw" dress/shirts and the Iroquoian cuts of long-sleeve dress shirts that flutter. Adding wood embellishments, antler buttons, and upcycling velvet with waistlines from jeans or calico holds that offer an optimal fashionable statement. There are other variations to consider, floral medicinal beadwork, satchels, quiver burned wood and leather carry cases, the basket purse, and silver jewelry. Of course - Always keep a pair of moccasins fresh! 

Consumer Habits To Try

Always buy pants first. The season to start fresh is with the pants, then the capris, then the shorts, and finally the waistline for the skirts. Always buy something you are comfortable and secure with in the waist! 
Extra cash means stocking up on extra fabric and supplies for designing clothes with. This does include going to the local thrift store and checking out the largest sizes for fabric purposes. You may not want to wear those big t-shirts but you can upcycle them. (I once remade an uncle's hawaiian shirt into a dress shirt with ribbons on it with pins on the side to form a figure with the fabric and original shirt!)

Scarves and hats with long beads/shells. Stay natural. If you can find a good hat, go for it. Keep it out of the sun (it does fade the material). Scarves can be used for multiple things if you buy it big enough. They can transform into vests, headwear, and trail along the backside if you tuck it in a belt and let it hang like a peahen. 

Wear a jacket with a different style while buttoning them up all the way to not buttoning it at all. Wear the article in all forms to get the maximum style out of its design. 

Last but not least - throw it away. Don't save everything. It is okay if you cannot bear to look at it any further. Letting articles go does relieve space and time to continue using it. Move on!

As I continue to live on a budget during my collegiate battles into a career - I will continue to post what helped my style during this time. When you can - the best advice is to go back to the basic foundations of style and design by creating your own. Learn to sew, thrift, and bargain as young as possible and rely on it as often as possible. 


Thursday, June 1, 2023

C# Static As A Data Type

Static Blog Image


First of all, static to me - is a fuzzy screen of squares that buzz over a screen in an erratic display for abstraction to render difficulty due to the compositional speed of its display. 

In C#, static is explained in static modifier - C# Reference | Microsoft Learn as an ability for Classes, Interfaces, Structures by adding a "static" modifier to fields, methods, properties, operators, events, and constructors. (Not with indexers or finalizers.) 

So - in the revised version (for my understanding) - I wrestle with this as something that is not an object but can define itself for inclusion of the entire class upon appearance and need. The example in the link provided definition for static used as a counter. I think the parameters set with static include when it can and when it cannot be used. Not sure why yet - and it doesn't state why it cannot be used just anywhere either. The code that is used with the link, also uses it in a down-casting to return after each section has been run. As I continue to learn C# anticipating my next C# course - I am glad I am taking extra measures to pass my courses for career fulfillment for these very particular questions I do not know the answers to yet. (I enjoy documenting these learning flubs to familiarize myself with teaching or interpreting these programming keyword tools and future tool making I may do in my software designs.)

Static being used - I imagine the fuzzy channels that used to be the "in-between" from one channel to the next when that static would appear like a bridging from one to the next. So, using this (TIME) as a means to explain the bigger picture - which is, that all channels are on static, its just, the ones that come in with picture have been produced on specified channels to output where, all channels are technically made of - static. 

Is this supposed to be the internet static - where it is also hiding secret data type values as "static" to explain a side-by-side approach to interfacing the space of code here? It is creating a place that can exist with certain rules, that use the space from one element to the next not in size, distance, or any other data type for that matter - and putting static as an explanation for data being written on another unexplainable internet/signal. I like it - but am worried about it also. 

Static C# Image

If internet in signals (plus all of the code and gadgets and system networks with bells and whistles) cannot be explained as a space of static itself and isolated to channels of code as a modifier for fields, methods, properties, operators, events, and constructors - then it should remain consistent in what this space is called. 

Why is there no explanation of code layers and weaving methods that are occurring of content quality to define space as what data types go to what space and have a course on explaining why this computationally is correct because the binary and character data types must match to correlate its boolean match? Decimal to Binary ASCII approved - Where is the course on mapping these abilities of code and why that is needed at that point? (I use weaving here because I envision the ground/soil of interface designs with binary to be what we are mutually in agreement with. What 'weaves' could also mean, what can bring connection by process or function without needing to make a synpasis match - like an actual two of the same thing uniting as one (smh, I don't want this but I know you understood it more than the weaving concept). This is actually pretty dangerous to do, I can't believe computers are still doing - by the way, just straight up connecting to each other.)

One of the difficult parts on learning programming is what to envision. What is internet? What are they writing it on? What is understanding it? This might be ridiculous of me to suggest, but, we're not cutting corners - are we? How do we know for sure?

Using static as a data type, not an object data type, but of itself - requires further explanation for me. I am intrigued at the idea of using this as a canvas approach to use access modifiers as adjectives from a structure there (but not always talked about or used). It's almost like trying to render an image of what internet and programming is by the developer's point of view - by syntax. 

Currently seeking an imagery of what I am creating as a Software Developer. Code, creates the language I describe what is being able to move an image into production and the syntax creates the machine language necessary to operate more than image if necessary. What I want from any programming language is the ability to create my [internet] space...

And this goes into something deep. 

First generation programmers and presently learning programmers to the future of signal processing in the environment. 

And be able to explain what I am creating and where I am creating it. 

An idealistic approach to anything we introduce to the world should have the seventh-generation perspective (we do not decide until we understand the impact of the seventh generation with our decision-making, for it is us that are borrowing the future's world) and technological input and its output are not short of that. 

Monday, May 1, 2023

What is NABM?


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When describing Native American Binary Mathematics (NABM) as an interspatial cultivated field searching component that characterizes all of the mathematical concepts within would be fairly accurate. However, it is a budding prospective tool that has structural sound and idea that benefits a religious purpose. 

In describing the category to justify its title, the spatial relations of object, time, and space are relevant in what a field in nature is. Those are intangible and tangible forms. It consists of interspatial but it also consists of an external user that is undeclared yet referenced in zero principles that find support through design to reveal further accessible translations. That is the cultivation of the field itself, as perspectives of zero can provide. 

NABM is projected to produce a strong itinerary with virtual currency, software integration techniques that support the program language. It is an attempt to measure signal and its effects by arranging its machination relations with mathematical design, according to the cultural belief systems instilled within the areas that they arrive from. I expect to translate this software design in cultural formats that keep unique air space for translation. 

Is this taboo?

After learning a couple of terms (Check out other blog posts on Asynchronous Programming Technology & Modern Gallerias) that shift my agreeable learning process into another conversation on developer techniques and inspiration - I gather the importance of describing relevant to identity. 
However, I do not believe that this is taboo for being beyond council of any initial trek. I am treading with care. 

What are the opinions of others, knowingly to this phenomenon and unknowingly? Initial reactions are gathered based on personal involvement. Outside affiliations would not understand who is trying to connect with developers as a spatial identification system is developed. What reality is this? What is going to be the balance? What can be done and the cultural instillment are referenced to compare. 

It is new space and the study of being the first. 

What you do as a follower, supports those that can do this. I do not believe everyone can discover or initialize a start. There are connections that have never been picked up that get to be handled by whom found its purpose to be an effective status of achievement. It should be its own calling. Let us remember the day of age, its freshness, and momentum provision granted - recall its potential. 

The place or the tool

Currently, I am mending a reputation of personal cultural conflicts that arranged marriage has been absent to provide my family its wealth, importance, value. Inter-tribal people are not just one kind of person. This is of high-value, especially when the racial recognition is rare in the world. The culture, language, choice are delayed upon maturity instead of at childhood with an invested family. This delay is costly, most times, and with modern amenities and opportunities - can be detrimental to identity recognition. 

Identity loss is a future problem in America, if not now. 

NABM is a name that projects the origination of its transition without an actual origination within its influences. It is a modern curriculum that not many have attempted out of courtesy to core curriculum that the world agreed upon as legitimate. I am in high hopes that blended societies have a future with NABM as a tool to provide a natural way of existence in respect with other prominent cultures of age in mankind's history. 

I understand what the pioneers of internet are conducting but I have a different perspective of how I am doing it. I wonder about learning programming languages, what they must have been going through every time I learn a new command, a new term, a new function. I get anxious in wanting to talk directly to them. I do not know who they are (maybe I have browsed an article without retaining name to face) but would appreciate their guidance in those areas of development. 
  • Did you seek council? 
  • Did you regret it? Obviously, told something you already knew or researched. 
  • Feel awkward about the programming role after realizing its potential?
  • Fear change in language after programming a term in hot pursuit of an egalitarian conduct?
  • Get balled up energies in your gut?
  • How do you relieve that?
  • Absent the emotion, willingly, only to have someone reinforce it? You're not special, after all.
  • Feel nothing in teaching others to program? Wanting to meditate instead?
  • Getting a burst of energy and greeting nobody in return?
Or was it something unlike what I describe in question? 

I'm telling you, there's a connection with you, unlike any historical relevance that you will find. It is a future connection, and they are looking back for your guidance. To prepare for those questions, from somebody who should have requirements, is just a hardcore fan who wants to talk - what's up?

If you expected this out of human reaction and observance of holidays - you would conduct yourself with what type of purpose in programming after?
It changes so frequently, it is hard to determine what will stay, and maintain a cyber record of dominance based on heirloom theories of code and cyberspace. That would be the real push for support, at this time - what is available and who provides it. I'm not sure many people feel threatened about the investments business, security, accounts of all kinds hold in server providers, website providers, applications - those are capable of expiring! It is almost like a physical demeanor of council is aghast at the footing it does not have, unless it is with those developers. Hopefully this doesn't change, too soon. 


What should I call this? Main question - to briefly describe it in one sentence. "A new internet." 
I do not want to hastily make a new internet or replace or threaten those developments thus far. Let it run its course. I am in the middle of developing the replacement upon relapse or failure. I want to succeed in light of its predecessor and have a template design of a new America. NABM is currently a religious curriculum with Tsha Tewahsana. A religious movement. 

Thank you for nothing. Nothing is valuable in mine. 

Welcome to Gravacity!

Welcome to Gravacity! I have been anticipating my C#-Part 2 NWTC course in the second term of the Fall Semester and within it, a game I must...